LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 624 622: Fatal anti-crouch! (9400 words long chapter)

"Welcome to the live broadcast of the 2018 League of Legends Global Finals. Hello everyone, my name is Quan Yongjun!"

The camera was shown to the LCK Korean commentary booth. Roaring Emperor was in the middle, while his partners were on both sides - they were also familiar faces, S2 runner-up CloudTemplar and Crown, who returned from North America during the offseason.

The Roaring Emperor first spoke eloquently about a lot of advertisers, and then changed the topic and got back to the main topic of today's game.

"The second round of the group stage is about to begin..." he spoke first. "In the first round of the previous four days, we can see that there are quite a lot of variables, and the unpopular games are one after another."

"That's right," CloudTemplar lamented, "GEN's state is extremely poor. In the previous three group matches, they only made a difficult comeback against MAD, and the two games they faced against TL and YM were disastrous defeats."

"They must adjust their form in the second round, otherwise the situation of qualifying for the group stage will become extremely serious!"

Crown Brother did not wear a big gold chain this time, but a pair of gold earrings. He was obviously very concerned about the current situation of his old club. Now he analyzed it with his fingers:

"Assuming that both GEN and TL can win MAD again and lose the duel with YM, then we must win a Liquid game in order to qualify for the playoffs..." He adjusted his glasses and said in a sincere tone, "No matter what , facing YM this time, regardless of winning or losing, please GEN show a good side, this will directly affect the mentality of the players in the next two games."

After all, the second round will be completed in one night, and there is not much time left for GEN to adjust.

The director now gave a comparison of the first round data of the two teams in the live broadcast.

"YM averaged 19.3 kills per game, 3.7 deaths per game, and an average economic lead of +4443 in 15 minutes per game..." Roaring Emperor shook his head helplessly, "This is simply a dominant performance."

GEN on the other side is a bit miserable.

The average economic lag in 15 minutes per game is as high as 4,000+.

This is a very outrageous statistic that no normal team can match, and it has a lot to do with GEN's poor starts in the first three games.

"If you want to defeat YM in BO5, you still have to rely on KT."

CloudTemplar's statement was unanimously agreed by the three commentators.

At this time, Roaring Emperor received the reminder from the backstage staff, and he immediately said seriously: "The scene is ready, let's switch the screen to the two teams on the stage!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the BP panel appeared in the center of the big screen at the scene!

The stands were already full.

Except for some international students who supported YM, most of the rest of the audience held black and gold flags with the GEN team logo to cheer for their home clubs.

Although there is a lot of dissatisfaction with GEN on the Internet, when it comes to life and death, the Korean audience still supports them from the bottom of their hearts and hopes that the team can rise again.

"In this game, GEN is on the blue side, and they banned Drizzt first." The Roaring Emperor frowned, "Did the blue side ban the card..."

GEN's choice surprised the Korean commentator.

CloudTemplar didn't understand, "I think it's completely possible to release it or take it yourself!"

"The main issue is the team's style," Crown said with a tone full of helplessness. "We were mainly focused on defensive counterattacks at that time, and it hasn't changed now. There is no way to use cards with this kind of tactical thinking."

"Twisted Fate is not a good character who protects the team. He was chosen to roam frequently and take the initiative to set the pace, and he plays offensively." Crown, as a professional player, has a much deeper understanding in this regard, "Simple Generally speaking, the cards are not compatible with the GEN team."

YM, who is on the red side, disables Yasuo first with one hand.

Seeing this scene, the Roaring Emperor felt regretful, "Ran's Yasuo still looks like he hasn't mastered it yet. It's actually a hidden danger, but YM's powerful combat power completely covers it up!"

"That's right, if you don't know how to use it, just block it. No matter whether YM is on the red or blue side, there will be no shortage of ban positions." CloudTemplar agreed.

When Crown saw them talking about YM's BP space, they expanded and said, "YM is currently a symbol of a perfect team. Except for Ran in the mid lane, the other four are all first-line players. Some of them will make mistakes, but other players You can always make up for it.”

"And the hero pool of Double C is too exaggerated. No matter how the version changes, these two people will always be the first to adapt and provide the team with the bottom line," Crown sighed, probably also thinking of the scene when he was swept by YM in the World Championship two years ago. "They just highlighted a looping leg hug, and someone was able to stand up and take charge of the game in every game."

While talking, GEN banned Xin Zhao, while YM took the initiative to ban Han Bing.

Hongmi doesn’t want Ruler to get Ashe. If Ruler chooses three heroes from among his best heroes, one will be given to Ezreal, one to Kalista, and the remaining one will be Ice.

In addition, the Ashe version itself has a high priority, so Redmi doesn’t have to release it.

He doesn't have the hobby of 'I know the opponent Ashe is very strong, but I just want to give it a try.' It would be bad if it turns out to be a fleeting moment.

"For the last ban spot in the first round, GEN gave Ran's Zoe, while YM chose to block the strong version of Syndra!"

GEN grabs the first shot and locks the troll in seconds!

"No problem. Now that Xin Zhao is gone, Trundle is the strongest jungle hero."

After the first round of the group stage, the echelon of jungle roles has changed again. The strength of Troll and Xin Zhao are quite close. The previous weakening of Trundle's Q [Fang Bite] damage has affected his status in the jungle. A small impact.

"YM got Enchantress and Jhin, and showed double C..." CloudTemplar's eyes lit up, "But is it really good to choose Jhin in front of a troll?"

"E [Ice Pillar] can remotely interrupt Jhin from casting his ultimate move!"

Compared to Jhin's regular counters Ashe and Nami, Troll's Pillar is a quick-cast skill, so it can terminate Jhin's R [Perfect Curtain Call] faster.

However, the disadvantage is that the casting distance of Pillar of Ice is only 1,000 yards, so you have to get close to interrupt the opponent.

But even if it can't be interrupted, the troll's tankiness is quite high in the mid-term. It's no problem if he can't use his body to block the shots of his teammates.

"Lucian + Braum, GEN's counterattack is very good," Roaring Emperor boasted, "Braum's security door can confiscate Jhin's ultimate move, and the combination with Lu Xian's bottom lane is also very powerful!"

Crown hesitated before saying, "But I remember that Zaihe didn't like to use Lu Xian very much."

After all, they are old teammates, and Crown still knows a lot about his hero pool.

The Roaring Emperor was startled at first, and then heard the ruler data given by the background director through his earphones.

"It's true. Ruler players only used Lucian 5 times in their previous careers..."

He said no more.

But the implication is clear.

I am just worried about the ruler's hero proficiency and whether GEN will use the Lucian system.

In fact, GEN head coach Edgar has nothing to do.

Group A finished its first round-robin match the day before yesterday, leaving them only one day to adjust.

Edgar and other members of the coaching staff carefully watched the video and data analysis and found that the current version emphasizes early confrontation more than the summer split, and the rhythm has accelerated again.

When it wasn't so extreme, individual shooters could barely manage to develop, and there would be room for them to develop in the later stages.

But Giggs, who YM showed in the first game of the group stage, accelerated the version.

There is a mage with short skill CD, safe output environment, fast troop clearing speed, high range damage, and strong tower pushing ability. Whoever chooses a regular shooter who is not a tool will give money.

They bulldozed your outer tower in 15 minutes, and Kai'Sa and Xayah were still there farming troops and holding back big items.

Only a sick coaching staff would let the bottom lane play a regular ADC.

As a result, the bottom lane is now dominated by AP mages with fast lane clearing speeds and tool man Edici.

The stage was entirely given to Ue Nakano.

A group of warriors and assassins fighting each other will naturally speed up the pace greatly.

GEN is very uncomfortable in this situation.

Still for that reason.

The team mainly relies on operations to delay the game until the later stages, and relies on defensive counterattacks to seize the opponent's loopholes and win the game.

The version that placed too much emphasis on confrontation in the early and mid-term made GEN a little acclimated.

In the LCK, except for individual teams such as KT, other teams were waiting for team battles in the late stage. Iron Turtle GEN had thicker armor, so they stood out and won the bubble game to enter the World Championship.

When it comes to the World Championship, several LPL teams are fierce. If you dare to look at me, I will reward you with my favorite big mouth.

The European Legion has also been led astray now, and they will do whatever they want to do if they don't accept their fate.

Even the LMS and the Vietnamese wild cards are getting angry. Anyway, it is difficult for them to defeat other teams with hard power. They might as well fight for their lives and maybe there is a glimmer of hope.

Among the sixteen teams, only the African team of LCK and GEN are still in late stage operations.

This is also the reason why their two teams combined for 1 win and 5 losses in the first round of the group stage.

Completely out of touch with the version.

Edgar realized that if this continued, GEN's road would be very difficult, and he had to speed up the pace of the entire team.

Since Ruler has never been a play-core bottom laner, claiming to protect the glory of the ADC, heroes like Bomberman Syndra should not be considered.

For this reason, Edgar provided Chichi with three characters to choose from.

The first is Ice, one of the heroes that the ruler is best at. It is extremely functional, but few teams will play it.

Then there is Jhin, which is currently Ashe's lower choice, but the proficiency of King Chi is average.

Finally there is Lucian.

Due to Lu Xian's heroic characteristics, Edgar believes that he is the only non-tool shooter who can appear in this early and mid-term version. He is strong enough in the early stage. After the new version of the blue-sucking knife is released, the output of team battles is not that bad.

But Emperor Chi's proficiency as a hero is also insufficient.

In this game, YM banned Ashe and grabbed Jhin first, leaving Lucian as the only hero left.

Must take.

"YM replaced Luo in the last round, which definitely kept Ueno until the second round!"

At the beginning of the second round of BP, Redmi came up and killed the two points of Gnar and Kennen, intending to restrict Cuvee.

Edgar, on the other hand, kept an eye on the jungler and sent both Qinggangying and Olaf to the ban position.

"Xiaoyao, what are you going to use?" Hongmi asked, "Nightmare or blind monk?"

At present, the jungler is almost banned, and since Jhin has been chosen in the bottom lane, and the middle lane is still a witch, relatively speaking, it lacks physical output, and there is definitely no way to choose the wine barrel.

The Garlic Bastard thought for a moment and said, "The blind monk is better."

"Li Qing!" Roaring Emperor glanced at YM's lineup and praised him, "Isn't this too flexible?"

The first four choices, Enchantress + Jhin + Luo + Blind Sin, stand out as Elegant.

"Since YM used a similar lineup to win against Team Liquid, they are now more and more fond of using this flexible system," CloudTemplar analyzed. "The main reason is that they can hit and run, and their pursuit and pulling abilities are very strong."

"However, the shortcomings are also obvious," Crown still spoke for its old club. "In the early stage, it is impossible for the blind monk to defeat the troll in the jungle, including the river crab that refreshes in two minutes. If GEN gets a strong lane hero in the middle, it can be done. Try the Double River Crab opening..."

Edgar revealed his top four and five choices.

Sword Demon and Ryze!

"This is a mid-to-top double swing. GEN plans to see what hero YM will choose for the top laner in the final choice, and then decide on the specific splitting situation of the single lane!"

Hongmi is still communicating with Jin Gong about which hero to choose to face GEN's swing split.

"Sister Dao, I'll help you more when the time comes. We won't lose in the early 2v2." Xiaoyao looked at Xibaren.

No matter whether the opponent's top laner is Ryze or Aatrox, Dao Mei is not afraid.

Irelia is still relatively restrained against these two heroes. After all, multi-stage displacement and face-breaking, and using the passive [Ionian Zeal] to stand still are also very strong.

Jin Gong thought for a moment and immediately agreed, "Then it will be Dao Sister."

Liu Qingsong confirmed it once and then locked in the role.

"Then Xu Xiu, you use Sword Demon to hit the target," Edgar immediately arranged after seeing YM's lineup selection. "In the early stage, you must push the lane quickly and save the troll to get the Double River Crab. As long as you have both River Crabs, Then we will be much more comfortable in the early stage.”

In fact, it would be more uncomfortable for Ryze to fight the Sword Girl. After all, her body is brittle and there is no room for error. If she is attacked, Irelia may be able to send the Rune Mage to heaven with a set of skills.

But Edgar still let the team members do it.

The main reason is that Ryze's level 1 push ability is too poor and he cannot protect the jungler.

Although the damage of Sword Demon's Q [Darkborn Blade] has been weakened a bit, it is still very easy to push the Enchantress's line in the early stage, and the initial combat effectiveness is much stronger than Ryze.

The lineups of both sides have now been revealed.

Blue side GEN: top laner Ryze, jungler Troll, mid laner Sword Demon, bottom lane Lucian + Braum.

Red side YM: top laner Dao Mei, jungler blind monk, mid laner Enchantress, bottom lane Jhin + Luo.

"Hiss..." CloudTemplar frowned, feeling that things were not simple, "Minhao, what do you think of GEN's lineup?"

Crown weighed it in his mind and replied, "I think it's a little bulky. It's not easy to start a team fight and it's easy to be pulled by YM."

Before the other two people could answer, he continued to add, "But the advantage is that the team-building ability is very strong in the mid-to-late stage, and Ryze's R [Warping Path Jump] gives the team a lot of room to operate, switching lanes or directly fighting for each other. Neutral resources are fine.”

Hongmi, who is on the stage of the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center, is still emphasizing the overall idea of ​​​​the game to the players.

"Be sure to pay attention to pulling," he patted the players on the shoulders one by one, "Don't fight them head-on, just harass them from the side!"

Lin Ran understood, "Guerrilla warfare, I understand, I understand."

Hongmi muttered a few more words about the handling of the two-minute river crab, then took off his headphones and went to the center of the stage to shake hands with Edgar.

The two looked at each other.

Four years ago, they worked on the same coaching staff, but now they are each their own.

"Brother Yufan, please work harder after the next set." Hongmi said harshly.

Edgar couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Are you so sure that you can win this game?"

Hongmi is full of confidence.

He was holding a full-level number and all the equipment. In this situation, YM could easily win the game as long as the BP was not at a disadvantage.

The director's camera moved away from the two coaches and showed the audience in the stands, sparking another burst of cheers and screams.

Finally, Summoner's Rift is here!

The ten players bought their equipment, left the springs on both sides, and headed straight for the river.

"GEN plans to use the strength of their lineup to invade the top half of YM!"

After all, with an unreasonable hero like Braum, and the presence of Lucian, GEN's level one strength is far ahead of YM. If they don't invade, they won't be in trouble.

"I'll go directly to the lower half of the area. Mr. Tie, help me make an eye on the red buff on the opposite side." Xiaoyao used the trick to find an escape route for himself.

As a blind monk, he cannot exchange eye positions casually. Now the initial cooldown of the accessory eye is 4 minutes. If the Garlic Bastard inserts his first eye, once a jungle battle occurs before four minutes, it will be gone. The method was to use W [Golden Bell]'s touching eyes to run away.

Liu Qingsong also happily agreed, sneaking into the GEN jungle through the triangular grass in the bottom lane, and inserted an eye in his red buff camp.

Lin Ran was still thinking about all the details that happened in the game.

From GEN's mid-to-high lane change, to the group invasion of the top half at the beginning... He tried hard to cut through the surface, see clearly GEN's true purpose, and then formulate a response strategy.

Change the lane in the upper and middle lanes, and let the Sword Demon with stronger lane pushing and combat capabilities come to the middle lane after two minutes. In this way, combined with Lucian + Braum, who must have lane rights in the bottom lane, the River Crab can be firmly won.

In the early stage, they invaded the upper half of the area and drove Xiaoyao down, in order to prevent the Garlic Bastards from competing for the river crabs in the upper half of the area.

GEN obviously wants the Double River Crab.

After Lin Ran figured it out, he didn't intend to let the other party succeed.

"Jack, before you go online, set your ward in the lower river channel," he quickly made arrangements, "Just don't get pushed quickly in the lower lane."

Although Bronn and Lu Xian are very strong, that is the conclusion when fighting for blood.

The YM duo of Jhin + Luo has the range advantage, so there is no problem eating ice at level 1. Q [Man Dance Grenade] is also very good at pushing the line.

Lin Ran's request was not difficult, and Jack agreed immediately.

"Xiaoyao, let's do this..." Lin Ran planned his next move.

As soon as Hongmi returned to the team lounge, she heard the instructions from her mid laner.

He put his hands on his hips and glanced at the Summoner's Rift from a God's perspective, his eyes lighting up.

What a plan!

Because GEN invested a lot of energy in the upper half of the game at the beginning, the map below was completely dark.

The GEN duo returned to the bottom lane. Among them, Chi Di's jewelry eye was also inserted near the red buff camp in the lower half of his home area. Beware of the YM jungler Lee Sin coming directly to replace the wild monsters.

They don't dare to physically explore the grass. If a bunch of YM people squat here, they will just go in and send them away.

And Corejj should keep his eyes open to do it online and poke into the grass in the middle of the bottom lane so that the duo can grab 2.

"I'll wait until the blind monk reveals his position." Xu Xiu and his teammates reported.

It is impossible for the team to invest in all the ward positions at once, otherwise, before 4 minutes, the team's vision will be vacuumed for a period of time.

After saying that, he followed the soldiers to the line.

In this set, Xu Xiu brought the Conqueror as usual, and the secondary system was the resurgence and pupation of [Resolute].

After all, the bone plating is basically useless when facing the flexible long hands of Enchantress. It is a small rune that breaks at a touch.

Bring pupation and resuscitation, so that you have both blood and recovery, and you are not afraid of being consumed by the enchantress.

He planned to push the line as soon as he came up, without giving his opponent a chance to breathe.

Lin Ran saw the movements of the sword demon and did not choose soldier A as well. Instead, he raised his wand and hit Aatrox with a basic attack.

After successfully attracting the hatred of the minions, the three ranged soldiers focused their fire on him, while the melee soldiers moved their positions to attack Lin Ran, which obviously would not succeed.

The three melee soldiers changed their positions, and GEN's soldier line position was pulled away by him.

Although this method of attracting the hatred of minions can also push the line in disguise, the effect is definitely not as good as Sword Demon's simple three-stage Q.

Lin Ran took advantage of the gap between Xu Xiu's dark descendant's blade to cool down, and stepped forward with W [Shadow's Trace] to make another basic attack, successfully triggering the electrocution.

The power of thunder and lightning took away a small amount of the sword demon's health. Since there was no bone coating, the sword demon lost more than 200 blood after eating this set of output.

But Xu Xiu felt a little relieved.

The cooldown of electrocution for level one characters in this version is as long as 50 seconds.

Now that Lin Ran has used it once, in the battle with the river crab half a minute later, the enchantress will no longer be able to trigger the electric shock to inflict damage.

You must know that in the early stage, when the level and equipment have not been improved to a certain level, LeBlanc relies heavily on electrocution to make up for the output, otherwise the combat effectiveness will be quite low.

Xu Xiu didn't believe that Lin Ran didn't know this common sense.

Then there is only one answer left.

"The other side should have given up on fighting for the river crabs." Xu Xiu informed the team of the situation in their voice.

As long as you can get the Twin River Crab, your jungler will be able to have a much more comfortable rhythm in the early stage, and may even be able to take off directly.

Haru was very happy when he heard this. He finished the red BUFF in the upper half of YM, and then controlled the troll to move to the lower half.

Chidi and Corejj encountered a stubborn blockage from the YM duo in the bottom lane, but in the end they used the effect of Braum's Holy Relic Shield to quickly push the first wave of troops over, and then immediately assembled towards the river position, preparing to cover their jungler. Get the river crab.

"Showmaker just stays in the middle and doesn't let the Enchantress wander around to support..." CloudTemplar also felt that Haru could control the Twin River Crabs in this game, but he immediately followed the director's camera to see the movements of the blind monk, and he immediately spoke in surprise, "What is Tian doing?"

In Summoner's Rift, after Xiaoyao finished eating his blue BUFF, he moved to the shadowed corner at the back separated from the grass below the middle road. He looked motionless as if he was planning something.

"He's going to try to hit level 2!" Crown reacted immediately, "This is a counter-tactic!"

Although the Enchantress and the Blind Monk are very flexible, under normal circumstances, they cannot link up until level 3.

Xu Xiu thought so too.

He didn't expect that Garlic Bastard would be crouching on the side at Level 2.

"Don't go any further!"

The Roaring Emperor shouted in the commentary box, and the Korean audience in the stands also raised their voices, wanting to remind the showmaker on the field to be careful.

But Xu Xiu couldn't hear clearly at all.

Since he had just pushed the army line over, his personal position was quite forward, not too far away from the blind monk.

YM team voice is on.

Lin Ran was quite calm. While looking for opportunities, he still maintained his walking habits to prevent the other party from noticing anything unusual.

Finally, when Jack saw the haru troll appear in the field of view from the eye position that Jack had previously inserted into the lower river, Lin Ran made up his mind.

"Prepare your hands to freeze! Prepare your hands to freeze!"

He stepped forward with W [Shadow's Trace], hitting the sword demon and eating a melee soldier at the same time. He raised his hand and used a basic attack to kill another long-range soldier with remaining health.

Surrounded by light!

LeBlanc successfully upgraded to level 2!

At first, Xu Xiu wanted to use Q [Darkborn Blade] to consume and exchange blood. After all, Enchantress has no electrocution or shadow shadow, which can be said to be her weakest period.

But he reacted quickly.

Then why did the enchantress step forward?

Isn’t it good to just use basic attack to hit the last point in a practical way?

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

Xu Xiu quickly retreated.

But it was too late.

LeBlanc upgraded E [Phantom Chain], and directly hit Aatrox's body without giving any reaction time while being close to the face!

The blind monk dressed in black also rushed out from the shadow corner below near the YM defense tower.

"Help me!" Xu Xiu raised his voice and wanted his teammates to help.

But now the bottom duo and the jungler are eating crabs in the lower river, and it will take 5 seconds to get over anyway.

On the top road, Cuvee Ryze didn't dare to teleport when facing Jin Gong, and it took several seconds to retreat to a safe position under the tower.

Xu Xiu is isolated and helpless in the middle!

"Sword Demon E [Shadow Rush] plus flash tried to break the chain...but Ran caught up with the flash!" Seeing this, Crown had already sentenced Xu Xiu to death.

The phantom chain has not been broken, and the 1.5 second confinement time has taken effect.

Although Showmaker's main system, Precision, has a small rune of resilience, it has not been superimposed yet, and the control reduction effect is equivalent to none.

"The Enchantress took the corruption potion and hit the sword demon with a basic attack. The blind monk also used W [Golden Bell] to come to LeBlanc!"

Xiaoyao is not in a hurry to hand over Q [Tian Yin Wave]. Sword Demon now has all the displacement skills. When E [Shadow Rush] loses its charging mechanism, the early cooldown is as long as 9 seconds.

Aatrox has now lost all ability to resist, and in the eyes of the Garlic Bastard, he is a lamb to be slaughtered.

"The blind monk used the passively increased attack speed to punch the sword demon first, then kicked out the Tianyin Wave and then punched him again!"

Xiaoyao's conquerors quickly stacked up to six levels, adding a certain amount of attack power to him.

Xu Xiu was finally freed from the confinement of the phantom chain, and she still wanted to go down the tower.

However, Xiao Yan followed up with the second echo attack and added another basic attack, which directly reduced his health to the limit.

Lin Ran's last flat A hit took away a blood kill.

"Ahhh..." Roaring Emperor couldn't accept this reality, "Why did YM find such an opportunity!"

"The blind monk crossed the middle road and headed to the upper river, preparing to collect another river crab. He still holds the first punishment in his hand, and the speed of killing river crabs is very fast..." CloudTemplar sighed inwardly, "In exchange for this, GEN What a big loss!”

There is one river crab for each person, and YM also earned 600 gold coins (400 first blood kills + 200 assists). At the same time, Xu Xiu must be handed over to make up for the line after being resurrected. Now YM itself should be at a disadvantage due to the gap in the first-level team lineup. On the contrary, the start was revitalized.

Moreover, Lin Ran also noticed that during the period when Xu Xiu was killed and teleported to the middle, two YM bins were killed, and the sword demon did not gain any experience.

"The troll who has eaten the river crab knows that the opponent's blind monk has moved to the upper half, and wants to take the opportunity to plan a wave of bottom lane to jump over the tower!"

Haru saw that his opponent Xiaoyao helped Enchantress get first blood, and wanted to quickly find some rhythm to make up for it.

However, because Lin Ran had previously instructed the YM duo to ask Jack to use two more minion attacks to prevent the troops from being hoarded, this resulted in Haru not having enough minion support at all.

If the troop line does not enter the tower, then there is no way to kill by force, otherwise once two of them are replaced, you will still lose money.

Haru gave up in frustration and could only brush the lower half of Xiaoyao.

"In this way, the two sides are equivalent to swapping jungle areas, and Tian will not lose anything in the number of jungle monsters," CloudTemplar briefly analyzed, "and he is still putting pressure on the top lane!"

Cuvee also wants to imitate Jack and clean up the minions to prevent a large number of Binxuan from entering the tower.

But Ryze is too weak in the early stage.

He didn't dare to get close to his remaining soldiers, for fear that Jin Gong's sword girl would use Q [Blade Impact] to come forward and exchange blood for his face.

This resulted in him not having much impact on the health of the troops.

When the third wave of artillery soldiers arrived, a large number of YM soldiers poured into the upper defense tower.

Cuvee, on the other hand, still only has two levels due to not eating much ice.

At this moment, Ryze still has no combat effectiveness.

"Tian forced Cuvee away, and now he can only stay in the closed grass in front of the second tower, without even gaining experience in the military line!"

Cuvee watched helplessly as one YM soldier after another fell under the bombardment of the defense tower, and felt his heart bleed.

Jin Gong and Xiao Tian did not block the line and allowed the fourth wave of soldiers to rush into the defense tower.

In this way, with the help of the bombardment of the defense tower, the GEN soldiers can take advantage of the blood volume and quantity.

Then it evolved into Jin Gong's pushback line.

"Ryze will be very uncomfortable with this army situation!" Although Crown is not a top laner, if you think about it carefully, you can tell that Cuvee will be very disgusted later.

The line of troops was pushed out, and he couldn't beat the Sword Girl, let alone the blind monk who was eyeing him in the upper half.

Cuvee finally chose to use his life to deal with the army line.

Otherwise he will lose more.

Xiaotian knew that he could withdraw money here, so he ran over after clearing the three groups of wild monsters in the upper half of GEN.

I put a film on Jin Gong and mixed in an assist of 150 gold coins.

Coupled with the first-blood assist, it can be considered as a gain of one head of economy.

Cuvee doesn't even have to flash anymore. He is on the side close to the upper tower of YM. He is far away from his own defense tower. He can't escape even if he flashes.

"Sword Girl accepted a head, but the line of soldiers was forcibly processed by Cuvee. In this case, he could save one to teleport out."

Crown talked about the pros and cons of both parties and felt that Cuvee was not unacceptable.

After all, no one was going to help him, so this was the best choice he could make.

"Let's start from the bottom lane!" Haru watched Xiaotian receive two assists one after another, and he couldn't sit still.

Just now, Liu Qingsong used the holy shield on his body in order to deal with the artillery soldiers.

This means that when the next wave of troops advances, the YM duo will have no countermeasures.

Moreover, although the two single laners in YM both hold teleports, the opposing Sword Demon and Ryze have the ability to interrupt TP, so Lin Ran and Jin Gong cannot protect their bottom lane teammates.

Corejj knew that it was not too late, so he accompanied Chi Di and took action directly after pushing the army line.

But Luo and Jin put up tenacious resistance under the tower.

In the end, Braun paid with his life, and Troll and Lucian used all their summoner skills to kill the YM duo.

"It's okay, it's not a loss." Jack got a human head, and he felt he could accept it.

Lin Ran continued to face off in the middle. Although he got the first blood gold coin, he did not have a clear lead in combat effectiveness because he did not return to the city for supplies.

He used the minion deplastizer to eat the sixth wave of artillery carts, and then knocked down the corruption potion, using up all his mana, pushing the soldier line out, and making time to return to the city to replenish equipment.

With the help of 400 gold coins for the first blood, Lin Ran directly took out the [Lost Chapter] and added a real eye.

Instead of returning to the lane, he headed straight to the bottom lane.

After Jack and Liu Qingsong were killed just now, Emperor Chi pushed the line in.

Without human intervention, the army line will naturally push back out later.

At that time, the YM duo was forced to move forward following the handover position of the army line.

When being forcibly killed by climbing over the tower, the YM duo also handed over their four summoner skills. Now that neither of them has flashed, it is very easy to be caught and killed.

And Corejj's Braum was killed in the battle against the tower. Now that the flash is still in his hand, he is very likely to seize the opportunity to flash to start a team.

Besides, Haru has nowhere to go right now.

When crossing the tower, Lin Ran could guess how many groups of wild monsters his opponent had spawned by seeing his last-hit count.

The trolls should be able to clear out the lower half of their camp soon.

Xiaotian went to the top lane to gank and exposed his jungle route, so Haru also knew the approximate refresh time of the Demon Swamp Frog and Three Wolves above him.

Now when he returns to the city and supplies come out, he has no wild monsters to farm.

Lin Ran felt that the opponent's jungler was likely to come back to the bottom lane to see if there was any chance.

If you can catch it, you will make money in vain. If you can't catch it, your development rhythm will not be delayed.

Lin Ran realized this, so he rushed over to help with the anti-crouching, intending to watch his duo push their troops into the tower before leaving.

Just now, he quickly pushed the artillery line back to the city. Even if he returned in vain in the bottom lane, he would not waste many soldiers if he rushed back to the middle lane.

"If it takes time, Xiaotian, please help me mend the line." Lin Ran warned the Garlic Bastard not to stray too far from the middle.

As a result, Corejj took action as soon as he reached the bottom lane.

A troll king carrying a big stick emerged from the grass connected to the river on the lower route!

"Don't go any further!" Roaring Emperor explained in an immersive manner, immersed in the situation and trying to stop Haru's footsteps.

But the Troll King was completely unaware and still approached the YM duo with cheerful steps!

"Bron Q Flash still wants to keep people... Oh no!" Crown shouted.

Corejj successfully used the passive on Luo, and Haru used E [Pillar of Ice] to block the opponent's retreat position.

Chi Di slid forward, wanting to make up for his output.

But at the moment when his basic attack and skills connected, a phantom chain suddenly appeared from the grass!

The ghostly figure of the enchantress appeared in front of him!

It’s over!

LeBlanc's appearance caught GEN off guard.

Because the GEN duo set up their first ward at the beginning, it took 4 minutes to change the ward position for the next round.

Not long after the jewelry eye was refreshed, and before he had time to arrange it, Lin Ran wasted no time in hiding in the grass and squatting down!

"The Enchantress stepped forward with her W Shadow Shadow, and then added the output of her Q Malice Seal, combined with Jhin's basic attack and dancing grenade, she melted Lucian in an instant!"

The Enchantress who had just replenished her equipment was so frightening in combat power that Lucian couldn't resist her at all.

The remaining trolls were unable to escape.

After using E, Ice Pillar, he had no means of escape. Liu Qingsong used W to lift him up, and the three of them easily killed him!

Xu Xiu, who had not teleported, became an earthbound spirit at this moment. He was of no use and could only let his teammates die in the bottom lane.

"0 for 2, Ran's anti-crouching is too deadly, YM has initially established its advantage, the situation is not good against GEN, they started to lose the rhythm again!"

The Roaring Emperor is worried about his team.

The big chapter will continue tomorrow, go ahead!

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