LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 632 Chapter 630: Calculation and Response

"Congratulations to YM, you successfully won your first victory in the eight-to-four BO5!"

Miller sounded delighted.

After the Rift Pioneer team battle, YM completely took control of the situation on the court. Lin Ran's solo kill in the middle accelerated FNC's decline. The team members played steadily step by step. Before Yasuo's equipment was even formed, widen the economic gap.

"How did the last wave of team battles in front of the FNC Highlands take place?" Wawa was still puzzled. The battle broke out so quickly that he didn't see it clearly. He only knew that Lin Ran activated R [Zigzag Leap] and led a group of The YM player came to the middle of the opponent's formation and started a team battle.

As soon as he spoke, the director had already given the replay.

The FNC high ground was broken, and the five players were sticking to the front tooth tower, dealing with the super soldiers one by one.

The entire YM team huddled at the highland pass.

The doll leaned forward, wanting to look more carefully and not miss any detail.

The next moment, the rune mage opened the book in his hand, and a winding field appeared beneath him.

All five people stepped into the teleportation circle, and their destination was directly towards the FNC Incisor Tower.

At the moment when the winding path jump was about to take effect, Ryze's body suddenly lit up with a pale golden light.

This golden color was extremely light, and it only lit up for a moment before being covered up by the azure blue that surged from the teleportation array.

"FNC reacted very quickly. They quickly gathered together. Hailisang hit the spot of Ryze's ultimate move and used R [Solar Flare]!"

The press-up was perfect. At the end of the winding path jump teleportation guide, the flare just erupted, making it impossible to avoid.

Ryze's teleportation circle is not very big to begin with, and Hailisang's ultimate move almost completely covers it.

However, only the center of the flare would cause people to fall into dizziness. Except for Olaf and Han Bing, no one had hard control. Lin Ran, Jin Gong and Liu Qingsong only fell into a brief state of slowdown.

"Caps's sword girl gave R [Vanguard Blade], and broxah also threw out the explosive barrel..."

At this moment, another golden light bloomed from Ryze after Leona's solar flare!

The sword girl, Leona and the beer man who rushed into the faces of everyone in YM were all enveloped in golden light!

"Justice and glory!"

Wawa raised the volume, "The functional equipment that Brother Ran purchased before came in handy at this time!"

Lin Ran took the tool-man attribute to the extreme. Apart from a Seraph's Embrace, the only items left in his backpack were Glory of Justice, Cloth Armor Shoes, Zhonya's Hourglass and Magic Penetration Staff.

"He used Glory of Justice before teleporting with his ultimate move. After landing, everyone in FNC pounced on him, and he just fell into the trap!"

Glory of Justice hits three enemies and applies a 75% slowing effect that lasts for two seconds.

It’s hard for everyone in FNC to act!

The shortcoming of Olaf and the Sword Demon is that they are not very agile and cannot catch up with others, and sometimes they look like idiots in head-on battles.

But Glory of Justice slows down the opponent, which according to the canyon theory of relativity is equivalent to speeding them up!

I have watched all the subsequent plots.

The Berserker and Aatrox, both of whom activated their ultimate moves, blocked the Killing Buddha. As if they were in an uninhabited land, combined with Liu Qingsong and Braum's passive [Concussive Blow], they easily kept all the FNC team members behind. In front of the spring!

Lin Ran started his familiar output-stealing play from behind again. Without being noticed, he used Surge of Spells and Overload to deal super-high spread damage, clearing obstacles for his teammates.

The director gave the post-match data panel of both sides after the replay.

Even though Lin Ran chose a large number of defensive and functional equipment, he still dealt 21,557 damage, with an average output of nearly 700 points.

The one with the highest damage in the game was Jin Gong. He had a smooth game. Although he was attacked by Broxah in the early stage and was forced to use his ultimate move and flash, he did not bring any fatal damage to the Xiba people.

The Sword Demon's equipment took shape, and his teammates used various slowing, stun, and confinement skills to create room for him to perform. Jin Gong lived up to his expectations, dealing nearly 2.8W of damage.

“Brother Ran’s Aftershock Ryze is really something,” Wawa repeatedly praised, “It’s just a fleshy and hurtful one!”

Miller laughed, "It's better to take the economic lead in the early stage. If the balance of power or even disadvantage develops into a team battle, Ryze will be brittle and have no output."

YM fans in the stands were waving flags and shouting. Although there were only 1,800 spectators at the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center, the momentum created was quite huge.

Xiaomao scratched his head, reluctantly picked up the paper cup and drank the drink, got up and left the table and walked to the backstage lounge.

The European commentators who saw this scene also shared their opinions.

"If FNC wants to show a stronger level in today's game, they have to make good adjustments. In the first game, they felt a bit overwhelmed by YM." Vedius spoke from the perspective of his own division.

Deficio next to him nodded in agreement, "Caps was completely suppressed this game, and bwipo's Yasuo didn't play his due role..."

"YM demolished towers and switched lanes too quickly," he spread his hands. "In 7 minutes, the first tower in the bottom lane was demolished by them using four packs of two. What do you think we should do?"

After knocking down a tower and then getting the Rift Herald, the mid-term has officially arrived.

Yasuo was forced to go to the bottom lane to lead the lane with Sword Demon, but Xiaoyao stayed in the upper half at the time, so Broxah's wine barrel did not dare to go down casually, for fear that the garlic bastard would go to the top lane and directly release the vanguard, and he would be pushed. Not only the first tower, but also the second tower may be threatened.

Broxah stayed on the top lane to help deal with the vanguard, but before long, it was time to fight for the second purple garlic. He gave up the vanguard and chose to go to the bottom lane to catch people.

However, YM realized that FNC had no intention of coming to the vanguard to fight, and could probably guess what the other party was thinking. Jin Gong immediately retreated to his jungle area to eat stone beetles to replenish his development. Xiaoyao directly released the vanguard and hit him after taking the vanguard. tower.

In order to protect the middle tower, Broxah had no choice but to leave the bottom lane.

After finally getting rid of the vanguard, it's time for the dragon to be born.

You know, the key to FNC's lineup is Barrel and Yasuo. The two of them can form a system to form a linkage, posing a considerable threat to YM's back row.

If Broxah doesn't go to the top half, Yasuo will be left alone, and no one will use his knock-up skills to pick him up.

Besides, he is still a jungler. After the Baron is born in a disadvantageous game, he still dares to show up in the lower half, which is a clear opportunity for YM to open the Baron.

Over and over again, in the ten minutes of the mid-term, Wine Barrel and Yasuo did not form an effective linkage!

"There are too many things that need to be done in this version of the jungle," Maomao with short hair said for broxah. She is an English-language commentator for the LPL. Today's match happened to involve teams from the LPL division. She is familiar with YM. Invited to the commentary box, "I don't know if you have noticed Tian's rhythm control. He is the current textbook for the jungle."

The other two partners cooperated very much and acted like they were all ears, and Maomao continued to talk, "In the early stage, you can set the rhythm as you like, and the teammates on the three lanes will help him, including but not limited to river crabs and wild monsters. Scramble and all that.”

"Relying on Tian's ganks and jungle invasions to establish an early advantage for the team, and then a steady stream of team pick-ups and resource control, using the eye of the vanguard to seize the initiative, constantly pulling the opponent's jungle position, and opening up the formation to other positions in the team Provide opportunities to create and find breakthroughs.”

She kept talking, "Once the opponent is pushed down a few towers, it means they lose the protection of the turret's vision. Tian can blatantly live in the jungle with his support and mid laner, constantly providing lanes." Apply pressure, eat away at the snowball bit by bit, and finally win the Baron to end the game."

"To be honest, it's a bit formulaic." His partner expressed his opinion.

"The current jungle situation is indeed like this," Maomao agreed with his partner. "There are too many resources to compete for, from river crabs to canyon pioneers and dragonets. It is best not to let go of them. This is tantamount to squeezing the jungler. With his line of action, most of the time left for him to do things is in the first 8 minutes. He is the core in the early stage, but he has to feed back his teammates in the middle and late stages."

Backstage, YM lounge.

The Shiba Inu leaned back in a careless manner, and was still pointing out the situation on the chair, "Do you know that in the 8-minute wave of the vanguard, I deliberately did not dodge to avoid the wine barrel, meat, egg, onion and chicken. In fact, I could react..."

After Lin Ran went to the toilet, he filled his paper cup with drink and echoed Jack's words in a perfunctory manner.

"You can pull him down," Liu Qingsong taunted him mercilessly, "In the last wave of team battles, you didn't do any damage at all. We won 4 on 5!"

Jack immediately blushed.

He jumped into Lin Ran's black car and ate Leona's Sun Flare when he landed.

After purifying to remove the stun, he was hit by Sunshine Girl EQ again. Xiaomao's knife girl easily killed the Shiba Inu with a sharp blade impact.

After Jack landed from the teleportation guide, all his skills other than purification were completely black and he couldn't use them at all.

Liu Qingsong tore open his wound fiercely, "An ADC follows his teammates to the center of the opposite formation. He really belongs to you, Jack, what do you think?"

The Shiba Inu's lips twitched, and then he argued, "What do you know? Brother Ran's ultimate move is the order to charge. How can I not do it?"

"You asked me to walk to the front to join the group alone. You might as well just let me go there and die. I can't help Sister Li, with such a personality... Besides, I helped take over all the control of Leona, and also attracted the knife girl. The firepower, you said I have zero effect, I didn’t expect it.”

"If I hadn't been here, Sunshine Girl would definitely have given control to Xiba Ren. If Sword Girl slashed with two swords at will, this sword demon without resurrection armor would have died suddenly on the spot. Once the sword demon died, we would have lost the team battle. If we lose this group, then there will be variables in this game..."

He became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke, and finally said with a shy face, "Didn't I make a great contribution to this game?"

When Hongmi emphasized to them the lineup ideas for the next set, these two people just stopped playing.

"Our idea in the first game was generally very successful," Hongmi adjusted his glasses, "The main purpose was to target rekkles and prevent him from exerting his strength."

The atmosphere in the lounge was relaxed and lively, and Ou Cheng's performance in the last game was like an invisible man.

Except for losing the first-blood tower after being hit by four packs and two in the bottom lane, he basically had no impact on the battle situation.

BP has indeed made great contributions.

The 3-ban Edisi in the first round successfully restricted rekkles, which not only forced FNC to release the T0 shooter Han Bing, but also forced Ou Cheng to choose Jhin.

Compared with other ADCs, Jhin is more prominent in functionality, and the damage he can cause in team battles in the later stages is not as good as his proficient small cannon and Sivir.

And he was very restrained by Bronn.

This is also the reason why Hongmi raised Liu Qingsong's BP priority to the first round.

Normally, Braum is used to counter the opponent. After all, this hero itself does not have a strong rhythm driving ability, and its initiative is far inferior to characters such as Luo and Niutou.

Hongmi gave Liu Qingsong the first chance to get Braum, and the main goal was to target Ou Cheng.

FNC is sweeping the world unscrupulously in Europe, relying on the personal strength and linkage of the midfielder and midfielder in the early stage, coupled with the roaming support of Hailisang in the mid-term, and Ou Cheng's ability to hold back in the late stage.

Hongmi knew that the opponent's style was a bit like that of peak SKT. He was familiar with his old enemy SKT when he came out of Samsung, and his response was to get rid of the person who took advantage of the opponent's late game.

As long as Ou Cheng is unable to deal damage in the later stage, there will be a gap in FNC's system.

If there is no ADC to take care of everything, then why do we have to postpone the operation to the later stage?

It's simply not necessary!

Hongmi’s idea was directly confused by FNC.

After Ou Cheng was unable to use traditional shooters to provide the team with stable late-stage output, the point that most distinguished FNC from YM was no longer there.

Today they are no different from YM in terms of system.

The bottom lane is all tool men, and the stage is given to the other four teammates.

But YM is very proficient in using this system, and his personal ability is far ahead of FNC.

The variables are perfectly controlled, so FNC naturally has little chance of winning.

Hongmi now needs to put himself in the opponent's shoes and think about solutions to the problem. If he were the FNC coach, where would he break the game?

Then based on this method of breaking the situation, YM can find countermeasures.

"Let's do this in the next game..."

The rest time passed quickly. After listening to Hongmi’s thoughts, everyone in YM picked up their paper cups and stepped onto the stage.

The audience at the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center gave timely applause and cheers, and several YM fans held the flags of their home teams in the stands, waving desperately to create momentum for YM.

The FNC players on the other side looked a little dull.

Head coach Youngbuck was still emphasizing something to the players, Xiaomao responded with a straight face, and Ou Cheng kept rubbing the warm baby in his hand.

They all looked nervous.

Lin Ran was immediately relieved.

Putting on the headphones, he and his teammates habitually tried the microphone and made sure there was no problem before signaling to the referee that they were ready.

The referee informed FNC of the preparations, and after communicating with the backstage director, received feedback on starting the game.

The signal from the LPL live broadcast room was also given to Wawa and Miller.

"FNC used the right to choose sides in this game to get the blue side for themselves. They came up and banned Braum first!"

Miller was stunned, "This really gives Liu Qingsong enough respect."

The comments in the live broadcast room were also hilarious, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

However, Hongmi is still cautious.

From this first ban position, he learned that FNC had reacted.

The opponent responded very quickly.

Braum is a nightmare for most functional ADCs.

The shield's defensive effect is too exaggerated, and the character's attributes are too weak. It would take a lot of energy for a functional shooter to kill him.

Youngbuck doesn't want to see this shirtless man showing off his chest muscles anymore, so blocking him is the best option - even though Hailisan is also a Braum with unique skills, he won't waste the blue side's right to pick first, just for Grab a broon.

After being banned, if FNC uses any melee characters later, they don’t have to worry about Braum passively playing on them.

"YM backhand disabled the small cannon... This is still the BP idea in the previous game!" The corner of the doll's mouth rose.

Ou Cheng's face turned stiff at the contestants' table.

He knew that YM would definitely not ban just one Tristana.

Sivir probably won't be able to get it either.

In this case, there will be very few ADCs left!

If we say that BP Ou Cheng felt that he was making a contribution to the team by occupying YM's ban position, so he felt the joy of a good harvest all over his body.

Now he was as disgusted as if he had been fed a mouthful of little fool.

YM, are you cheap?

There are five people in the team, and you just come after me?

"FNC gave Qinggang Shadow the second ban position, intending to destroy the system of doing whatever he wants...YM banned Sivir."

When Hongmi was doing this ban position, it was also constantly thinking about countermeasures.

For now, Youngbuck's BP is still within his preparation range.

But it gets more dangerous towards the end, and the variables in the BP process basically come from the last move.

Hongmi is afraid that the European team will suddenly let themselves go and start to make some mistakes, and then YM may encounter some difficulties.

Sure enough, FNC's third move struck decisively and banned Syndra first.

In the current version, there are only two real T0 options.

Syndra and Ashe.

Now that FNC has banned Ball Girl first, there is still Han Bing, a functional ADC with exaggerated strength. If YM on the red side chooses to release it, Youngbuck will definitely be locked up by Ou Cheng.

If you don't let go, you will have to occupy the last ban spot in YM's first round.

FNC changed hands and took Luo first, and then YM would be faced with the awkward situation of whether to take Xia away.

Although the Xialuo combination is not particularly strong at the moment, it is very suitable for FNC.

Oucheng's Xayah performs very well, and has a certain carry ability in the later stage; Hailisang's control of Rakan is also quite strong, not to mention the linkage effect between the two.

The crux of the problem is that in this version, Rakan can be picked alone, but Xia cannot be picked alone. She is not suitable for the current professional arena.

Even if YM snatches Xayah after the opponent gets Rakan, it won't be able to play much of a role, and it is even possible for this character to tie him up, which will have a bad impact on the integrity of the lineup.

No matter how you look at it, FNC made a good move and put YM into a dead end.

But Hongmi had already expected it.

"Press down the ice." He said to Lin Ran in simple Chinese.

"After YM blocked Ai Xi, FNC locked Luo in seconds!"

Redmi’s next choices are Bomberman and Xin Zhao.

Miller understood his thoughts, "This is to choose the bottom lane combination of Giggs + Leona. Sunshine Girl still restrains Luo very well. Bomberman only cleans up minions in the bottom lane and does not conflict with FNC. Try to ensure that the laning period is as smooth as possible.”

The character Bomberman had combat capabilities much earlier than Kasumi.

The main win is hand length.

Although professional players can move quite well when they are focused, they will almost never be hit by Q [Bounce Bomb].

But after Ziggs' magic power attributes are superimposed, E [Hex Explosive Minefield] also has a pretty good restriction function on the terrain. Coupled with the ultimate move [Scientific Hell Cannon], it can threaten Xayah's non-displacement ability. Characters, to a certain extent, Ziggs + Leona are an excellent duo to deal with Xia Luo's combination.

"Troll and Xia, FNC has also confirmed its second and third choices!"

There was no suspense in YM's final selection in the first round, and they locked in the auxiliary Leona.

"In the second round of bans, YM targeted the swing position and blocked Yasuo and Dao Mei!"

Caps clicked his tongue.

YM blocked his two unique skills. Due to the priority of BP, he was forced to second-hand to determine the hero. Now he could not get the role he was best at.

Originally, he wanted to use Feng Nan. This hero also works wonders when paired with Troll's E [Ice Pillar]. He can easily receive the big move, and it can be regarded as a strong mid-field combination.

"FNC banned Enchantress and Sword Demon, also targeting the swing position and the characters that Ran Ge is good at."

YM's fourth pick was revealed very quickly.

"Card Master!" Wawa's eyebrows were beaming, "Brother Ran, are you going to try to take the initiative to lead the rhythm again?"

The reason why the cards can be selected in this set is that YM does not fall behind in the jungle matchup.

After the Trolls were weakened, Xin Zhao's fight against Trundle was infinitely close to a 50-50 matchup. Xin Zhao could easily escape even an encounter with a phase dash.

Youngbuck is also very confused about this.

The main reason is that the team's ban slots are really not enough, so this card has to be released.

Now he was faced with the choice of Jace.

If you don't take it, YM will probably choose it in the fifth move. This can form a double poke system of Jace + Bomberman. The consumption ability is very powerful. It is estimated that one's own health will be reduced by half before the opponent is touched.

If you choose Jace, how will you deal with the gank that may appear at any time after Lin Ran reaches level 6 in the middle?

Youngbuck had an idea and came up with a brilliant idea.

"Caps, can you use mid laner Jayce?"

"Ah?" Xiaomao was stunned when he heard the head coach's words, "Are you serious?"

"Of course," Youngbuck replied calmly, "Jess doesn't play single cards casually?"

"As long as you keep Drizzt firmly under the tower, half of this card will be useless. At the same time, we can also get Jace and destroy the opponent's Poke system."

Caps feels that what his coach said makes sense.

"Hey, Martin, please help me choose." He said to Ou Cheng.

Rekkles typed the initials and successfully found Councilor Tallis in the hero list.

"Jace and...Akali!" Baby thought for a moment, "Then Caps uses the outrageous thorn to face Brother Ran. Akali is relatively easy to play with cards. After all, there is a Xia Formation. .”

He subconsciously thought that Akali was the mid laner and Jayce was on the road.

The main reason is that Jayce's mid laner has not been used for a long time. Even today, when the mid-to-upper swing is becoming more and more popular, no one chooses him to play the mid lane.

This planted such an inherent impression on the doll.

Hongmi thought so too at first.

However, he still retains a trace of vigilance, wary of the possible appearance of Jayce mid laner in FNC.

He finally got the Crocodile for Jin Gong, which is considered a relatively mediocre T2 top laner choice in the current version. It is not particularly strong, but with the character mechanism here, it is not particularly bad.

And the effect against Akali is also very good. In the early and mid-term, it is much stronger than the opponent.

"Is it a crocodile? If this hero beats Jace... it's not bad," Miller frowned. "The main reason is that he has a very strong ability to catch people in conjunction with the jungle. If Jace doesn't flash, he can easily be controlled by a set of skills. Kill."

Like his partner Wawa, he thought Piltover's second battalion commander was the top laner.

It wasn't until both parties decided on the roles that they started changing heroes that they realized something was wrong.

"Mid laner Jace?" The doll let out a familiar cry, "This is a bit interesting!"

The chat channel in the event live broadcast room was also flooded with barrages due to FNC's sway.

[Is Caps starting to work hard now? 】

[Mid laner Jayce, can any old antique come out? 】

[I remember Brother Ran’s Jace, that cannon is really cruel]

[But how do you play against Jace with cards? This guy can't even die with a purifier]

[It’s okay, believe Brother Ran, the pride of LPL! 】

"FNC took the lead in changing the formation in the second set, letting Caps control Jayce in the middle, trying to suppress the cards with lane dominating heroes!"

Miller felt uneasy, "Caps dared to bring out Jess. He must have practiced it many times in private. This may be FNC's trump card!"

He guessed wrong again.

Caps has basically never played Jace this year. This time it was purely because Youngbuck thought it was a good card, so he chose it.

Just highlight a bold one.

After exchanging heroes, the lineups of both sides were finally determined.

Blue square FNC: top laner Akali, jungler Troll, mid laner Jayce, bottom lane Xia + Luo.

Red square YM: top laner Crocodile, jungler Xin Zhao, mid laner card, bottom lane Bomberman + Leona.

"The lineups of both sides... have some problems," Miller analyzed. "FNC's lineup is very lacking in AP damage. Except for Akali, most of the others are physical output."

"If Bwipo fails to develop, YM's team battle resistance equipment will be easier to buy."

Wawa answered, "YM just lacks stable output in the late stage. After all, there is no ADC, and in the late stage, the damage of cards Crocodile and Xin Zhao is not particularly high."

On the stage, Hongmi was still emphasizing precautions with his team members before stepping off the stage.

"We must end the game quickly, don't delay, make as few mistakes as possible, and don't let the opponent take chances."

YM's lineup is very rhythm-hungry. Once it rolls out a snowball, it can use Bomberman's ability to push towers to quickly expand its advantage.

But if FNC makes a big mistake and catches it, as long as the opponent maintains a small disadvantage until 30 minutes, FNC can switch from defense to offense.

Can't give a chance.

Lin Ran responded, checked the runes again, then turned off the headset and started drinking water, waiting for the game to load.

The audience in the stands shouted the names of their supporting teams loudly, and the combined sound slapped the walls of the venue and lingered inside the convention and exhibition center!

Finally, Summoner’s Rift is here!

"The players on both sides set off towards the river. As expected, Caps brought purification, and his starting outfit was long swords and three reds."

Reusable potions are more cost-effective and can be recharged multiple times, but the problem is that the amount of recovery provided at a time is limited.

Three Reds are a good choice when facing characters like Card Master who have strong lane-reliance abilities.

Not only that, Caps, whose main system is in phase rush, brings Enlightenment Biscuits and Time Warp Tonic as his secondary system, just to keep himself in good condition online.

"Brother Ran started with the unsealed secret book as usual, and chose cloth armor and four reds as his starting outfit... quite stable."

During the time when the commentators were focusing on the rune configuration, the players on both sides were already holding together to prepare for the first level group.

Although there are Lin Ran's cards in YM, there is really a problem with the strength of the first-level group.

Bomberman, Leona, Crocodile, and Xin Zhao's first-level team abilities are not outstanding.

On the other hand, FNC on the other side seems to be much stronger. It is useless to choose Xia alone at level 1, but when paired with Luo, the combat effectiveness will rise several levels.

"FNC took the scan and went directly into the lower half of YM. They are going to force Xiaotian to change to the jungle!"

There's nothing the Garlic Bastard can do.

He could only run to the upper half of the area honestly and start with FNC's blue buff.

The movements during this period were clearly seen by bwipo from his position between the blue buff and the Demon Swamp Frog camp.

After Lin Ran came online, he shrank back, wanting to release the minions and control them in front of his tower to slowly develop.

After all, when faced with Jace in the early stage, the card will be at a disadvantage whether it is the efficiency of clearing troops or the strength of the fight.

He didn't want to have a head-on conflict with Little Hat.

But Caps had no intention of letting Lin Ran get his wish and develop to level 6 safely.

"Jess crossed the middle line of troops at the first level and planned to force the card!"

The middle lane is different from the top lane, the lane is much shorter.

Under normal circumstances, it is not easy for the mid laner Jayce to use the all-powerful top lane technique of crossing the line to suppress people.

Caps did just that.

Lin Ran was fired twice. Since he didn't have shoes, he couldn't dodge Jace's Q [Electricity Stirring].

The Piltover 2nd Battalion Commander triggered Phase Rush and stepped forward to fire another shot.

Fortunately, Lin Ran's cloth armor went out and blocked a lot of damage, and now he still has 70% of his health left.

He looked at the extremely arrogant Jace and felt angry.

Soon, he found his opportunity.

Prepare to let Caps experience the dangers of society.

Continue tomorrow, bigger than this chapter

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