LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 633 631: Perfect rhythm!

Everything was calm in the Summoner's Rift, and nothing happened. Garlic Bastard finished the blue BUFF and then went to brush FNC's Demon Swamp Frog. The movement was caught by bwipo's ward that he had inserted in the jungle.

Caps relaxed and continued to suppress.

He successfully beat Lin Ran to half health and forced him to take a bottle of blood medicine.

However, he also paid a certain price. He crossed the line and attracted a lot of hatred from the minions. The minions focused their fire and destroyed Caps' nearly 200 health points.

At the same time, because he attracted the firepower of the YM minions and Lin Ran did not fight back throughout the whole process, the FNC troops attacked the YM minions as usual, causing the handover position of the minions on both sides to advance towards Lin Ran's tower.

Jess's position is also getting further and further forward, gradually moving away from FNC's first tower.

At this time, bwipo saw Xiaoyao eating the Demon Marsh Frog with punishment, and continued walking down. It seemed that he was going to brush the FNC Three Wolves.

This is a perfectly normal route. Xin Zhao can reach level 3 by completing the first half of FNC.

Caps received the message from his top laner. After pondering for a moment, Caps said, "Broxah, can you come over and check on me later? When the opponent's Xin Zhao upgrades to level three, I may not be able to push in."

Since he had been looking for opportunities to consume Lin Ran from the beginning of the laning, he did not deal with the minions.

Although the overall position of the troop line is moving forward, what will arrive in the middle at 2 minutes and 27 seconds will be a wave of artillery cart lines. Without enough of our own soldiers to help clear the line, it will be more troublesome for Jace to deal with it by himself, probably. It will take about 15 seconds.

During this period, he would be in front of the middle tower of YM, and he would not be able to evacuate until his troops were pushed to the foot of Lin Ran Tower.

And this happens to be the time when Xin Zhao reaches level 3.

In other words, Caps has a 15-second window and may be caught by Xiaoyao.

Xiaomao specially asked the jungler to help him squat.

If they get there, FNC Jess + Troll's midfielder combination will definitely overpower YM Cards + Xin Zhao, and Lin Ran will be the one who suffers the most.

Broxah responded, planning to eat up all the lower half of YM, and then go to the middle after reaching level 3.

The junglers on both sides are played solo. Single wild monsters such as the troll and the marsh frog are faster than Xin Zhao. He is not afraid of rushing to the middle to catch Xin Zhao before he reaches level three. Human situations occur.

But just as he was happily eating the two wolves in the Shadow Wolf camp, Xin Zhao actually emerged from the shadow vision above the vertical wall near the first tower in FNC!

Xiao Mao didn't expect that Garlic Bastard would appear at this time, which really shocked him.

He noticed that the level information before Xin Zhao's health bar showed 2, and the number of last hits was 8.

This is obviously because he came to the middle after clearing the Demon Swamp Frog, and Xiaoyao didn't eat the three wolves at all!

FNC Nakano immediately realized that he had been cheated.

Xiaoyao had previously stepped on bwipo's eye position to brush the blue buff and magic swamp frog. Moving downwards, it seemed that he was going to take the speed three route.

But in fact, he made a big circle and came to the middle to launch a surprise attack!


"Xiaotian started his first gank with an unconventional idea," Wawa increased his speaking speed, "Now it seems that it will be difficult for Jace to escape!"

Now the chrysanthemum letter is located behind Jace, forming a double flank with Lin Ran's card.

"Caps wanted to retreat quickly. He knocked down a blood bottle, which triggered the time warp tonic and provided himself with a certain movement speed bonus!"

But in order to clear the line of troops, he moved relatively forward, and the distance between him and the card was not too far.

Moreover, Lin Ran was forced to drink a potion by him before. During the duration of the blood potion, Drizzt also had time to distort the accelerating effect of the tonic.

There is not much difference in the movement speed of the mid laners on both sides.

Now Lin Ranguang can keep the opponent within the range of his basic attack by walking.

The three-color light above Drizzt's head flashed, and he locked a yellow card while walking forward!

Caps, who realized something was wrong, quickly handed over the flash. His current situation was very embarrassing. Broxah's trolls were in the YM Three Wolves, far away from him. Caps could only run backwards, but in this way, the distance between him and Xin Zhao was reduced. was shortened.

The next moment, Lin Ran dodged and threw out the yellow card in his hand!

Jace moved 400 yards away, but was still stunned in place!

"Xin Zhao flashed to follow, and E [Fearless Charge] hit Jace's face!"

Councilor Tallis had just handed over the purification to recover from the dizziness, when he was stopped by Xin Zhao's slowdown.

Triple claw strike!

Xin Zhao's two basic attacks triggered Phase Rush, moving much faster than Jace, and the third one launched the opponent into the air.

The subsequent toughness effect provided by purification cannot eliminate the knockback.

“Brother Ran’s Q [universal card] combined with basic attacks to take away this first-blood head!”

The YM fans in the stands were so excited that their cheers echoed throughout the convention and exhibition center!

"Only two and a half minutes into the game, YM got first blood!" Miller clenched his fists on the commentary table, "Jace handed over all his double summons. He didn't teleport, so he had to lose a lot of troops. !”

The artillery soldiers have just arrived in the middle, and the handover position of the minions is in front of the YM tower, while the FNC minions still have the advantage in quantity and health.

Even if Lin Ran didn't do anything, the troop line would be stuck here, just in time to achieve his previous small goal-the development of the sixth-level front control line.

It can be said that Xiaoyao's gank perfectly resolved the dilemma of cards in the middle.

In the event live broadcast room, barrage scrolled by.

[What a cruel Xin Zhao! 】

[Hey, dear, the second level of hotness is really awesome]

[First-level captain’s second-level letter, do you understand the value of second-level Xin Zhao? 】

[It’s really just for Xiaoyao to figure it out, gank around the earth]

[The question is, how did he know that FNC had an eye on the blue buff? 】

The reason is simple. When facing the situation of being replaced in the jungle at the beginning, the top laner will often place his accessory eye at the intersection of the blue zone and the Demon Swamp Camp. This is a regular eye position in professional arenas and can see the opponent clearly. The movement of the jungle.

After all, due to the special structure of the wild area, there are not many eye positions that can see two wild monster camps at the same time.

This is one of them.

The key to ward placement is to obtain more information. Being able to see more camps is a bonus, which is why that field of vision can become a regular ward.

As soon as Lin Ran and Xiaoyao worked together, they planned to bypass the field of view to gank and give Caps the whole job.

Cards will naturally have no advantage in beating Jace in a one-on-one battle in the middle.

Then it’s reasonable for me to come over and fight 2 against 1, right?

YM Nakano directly arranged for Xiaomao to return to the spring water.

Caps was extremely troubled. He didn't expect Xiaoyao to be so ruthless. A level 2 Xin Zhao cooperated with his teammates to flash to kill him.

All the blood he used to suppress Lin Ran in the early stage was in vain.

After getting first-blood economic cards and passively brushing money, the equipment was formed much faster than he imagined.

Broxah, who had just finished eating Big Wolf, saw the opponent's jungler doing things, and felt a little guilty in his heart. He quickly offered advice to Xiaomao, "Hurry up and go online. I will help you push the troops into the tower, create a push line, and wait for the card. Once you get out of the river, I'll help you catch him."

Lin Ran didn't flash. He thought this was an excellent opportunity. If he could be killed, Caps would be able to make up a lot of growth.

Little Hat also thinks this strategy is good.

When he went online again, broxah just finished killing the river crabs and came to the middle to help push the army line.

Lin Ran was not surprised when he saw this scene.

Caps' own flash has already been handed over. Although he still has a lane advantage against him, once he is killed by a garlic bastard while dealing with the army line, he will probably die again.

"Prepare to freeze your hands, prepare to freeze your hands!" he reminded his jungler in the team voice message.

The garlic bastard ran up the road with a spear!

"After Xiaoyao finished swiping the river crabs and upgraded to level 3, he ran up non-stop, planning to take down bwipo's Akali!"

Since Xin Zhao already knew that Xin Zhao was attacking from the FNC blue zone, bwipo did not dare to press forward. He honestly controlled the line of troops in front of the tower.

But things are not looking good now.

After Jin Gong's crocodiles took control of the line, when the third wave of artillery carriage lines reached the upper road, they pushed a large wave of soldiers in.

Since Akali's Q Cold Shadow has a high energy requirement in the early stage and its damage is relatively average, this affects her ability to clear waves.

bwipo did not clear all the troops under the tower before the arrival of the fourth wave of minions.

This puts the handover position in the first tower of FNC.

The pushback line belonging to Jin Gong is officially formed.

Now the military line has been pushed out.

Bwipo was a little scared.

Now the whole upper river seemed to him pitch black.

Previously, the first accessory eye was placed next to the blue buff camp, and the second eye had to wait 4 minutes to turn around.

Now he doesn't know the movements of Garlic Bastard at all.

But in order to gain experience and last hits, bwipo had no choice but to follow the soldiers forward.

"Brother Gongzi rushed forward through the minions with E, and knocked Akali to the spot with W [Cold Hunting]," the doll beamed with joy. "The basic attack followed E [Collision] to get behind Akali!"

In just an instant, the already dissatisfied HP of the Outrageous Thorn dropped to 50%.

Bwipo knew he couldn't defeat the crocodile, so he turned around and handed over Falcon Dance and retreated to the bottom of the tower.

Jin Gong showed no mercy, and Red Fury Q [Tyrant Strike] once again lowered Akali's health bar.

"Although Akali retreated to the bottom of the tower, Xiaoyao has already gotten into the grass on the side and rear of the previous FNC tower!"

Jin Gong didn't even know the line of his troops, so he stood directly in front of the tower eager to help fight the tower.

"Xin Zhao circled around and blocked Akali under the tower..." Watanabe's tone became more and more excited, "Since the mid laner Caps is dribbling for purification, no one can help him at the moment!"

Broxah appeared in the middle lane, representing FNC with only Akali on the top lane.

The Garlic Bastard seized this opportunity.

The outrageous thorn was a man before and after, and she knew that staying under the tower would be a dead end.

If you want to run, you have to retreat, past Xin Zhao and towards the second tower.

Just do what you say, bwipo is very decisive.

Xiaoyao didn't do anything fancy, he just drove his Q [triple claw attack] towards Akali's face, trying to get close to her.

The outrageous thorn immediately spread smoke bombs underneath him, hiding his figure in them, hoping to escape in the spreading smoke.

"Xin Zhao blocks the connection between the smoke bomb and the second tower on FNC, preventing Akali from leaving this position!"

Bwipo was anxious.

The current duration of Xia Zhen is only 5 seconds.

But the cooldown of E [Falcon Dance] at level one is a full 16 seconds.

No matter what, he couldn't drag himself in the smoke bomb until his Falcon Dance CD got better.

There is no other way, bwipo can only control Akali to walk out from the side of the smoke bomb and head towards the FNC wild area, hoping to use the flash in his hand to cross the wall to avoid Juhuaxin's pursuit.

"Xin Zhao poked with W [Wind Slash Electric Sting], and Akali turned around and moved away... without avoiding it!" Miller breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Akali, who has no shoes, will have a hard time avoiding Xin Zhao's skills after losing the explosive movement speed granted by the Xia Formation.

The outrageous thorn with the slowing effect was slow to move, and Bwipo knew that he couldn't run away. Even if he flashed over the wall, Xiaoyao would catch up with E [Fearless Charge] in his hand, so he simply saved a dodge and saved it for the next game. Use again.

"The head was successfully collected by Xiaoyao. FNC had a bad start and has already given away two heads!"

The guide shot quickly moved to the center.

All the viewers saw Broxah's troll squatting in the grass below, eyeing Lin Ran's life.

The handover position of the army line has now crossed the river and reached a position closer to the FNC central tower.

But Lin Ran still stayed in his tower, using the ultimate range of Q [Universal Card] to perform last-ditch attacks. The 1,450-yard skill range was much longer than Ezreal's Q [Secret Shot], and most of the minions were Can eat it.

It's just a bit mana-consuming.

Without blue cards to replenish mana, Drizzt's mana volume dropped rapidly, and he was about to be drained out before his eyes.

Even so, Lin Ran still did not leave the protective range of the defense tower.

"Does this guy have cat cakes?" Broxah couldn't stand it anymore.

He didn't expect Lin Ran's playing style to be so steady.

Caps stuck the pushback line in front of the FNC tower. If there was no interference from outsiders, he could control it for about one minute.

Card Master's mana is simply not enough to support his frequent use of Q skills.

There will definitely be missed troops later.

Can you bear this?

At this moment, Broxah even thought that Lin Ran had been taken away by Jin Gong.

Lin Ran walked around in front of the tower.

He can roughly guess the position of the opponent's jungler.

But after waiting for 15 seconds, the troll did not show up.

If it were a normal person, they would probably be unable to hold back and leave the protection of the defense tower.

But Lin Ran still remembered Hongmi’s instructions before this game.

FNC must not be given a chance to turn around, it must be pressed all the way to death.

Otherwise, once the opponent delays the game, YM's lineup will face the dilemma of insufficient output in the later stage.

He will never go out.

"After Xiaotian killed Akali, he went straight to the middle to help the card handle the army line!"

With the help of his own jungler, Lin Ran finally left the range of the defense tower. He used up his last mana, drew a red card to deal area damage, and cooperated with Xin Zhao's Wind Slash and Electric Sting to successfully defeat the sixth wave of artillery troops. Pushed under the Caps Tower.

Lin Ran returned to the city to replenish supplies. The first one was directly synthesized into armor shoes, and then he bought a dark seal, which can be linked with the potion. In the later stage, stacking the layers full of the book of death will also have a miraculous effect.

Xiaomao originally wanted to call the trolls to come over and fight 2V2 in the middle and jungle, and tried his best to stop Xiaoyao from helping Lin Ran clear the line, but broxah was eating his own red BUFF at the time, and was a little far away from the middle.

By the time he got closer, Xiaoyao and Lin Ran had already left the line.

Caps had no choice but to clear out the minions under the tower, but he deliberately controlled the speed at which he took in troops so that the transfer position of the seventh wave of troops was inside the FNC tower.

If this evolution continues, a wave of slow push lines can be created.

As long as it is controlled properly, when the ninth wave of artillery soldiers arrives, the card will have to hit the bottom of the tower.

You know, when the ninth wave of minions arrives, the normal solo line must be upgraded to level 6.

Drizzt will be in jail under the tower at that time, and he will not be able to use R [Destiny] to help teammates in other lanes.

Caps' idea is indeed a good one.

It has to be said that Xiaomao really understands the laning aspect. Except for Lin Ran's unusual choice of Aftershock Ryze in the middle of the last game, he has not exposed much in the laning period so far. flaw.

Lin Ran, who was rushing back to the line, could probably figure out Xiao Mao's plan when he saw this.

He immediately decided to fight back.

Since you want to gather a slow push line, then I will go directly to support other lanes before the line of soldiers comes over!

"Can you start a fight in the bottom lane? I have a teleporter!" Lin Ran planned to go to the bottom lane for a run.

The troll should have finished the first round of wild monsters now and is ready to go home and buy a jungle knife.

Now FNC should be undefended in the lower half.

"Yes, yes, yes, kill Luo first, he doesn't have purification!" Liu Qingsong gave feedback.

The previous influence of FNC's jungler on the bottom lane has not disappeared. The YM duo still controls the line of troops in front of their own tower, hoping to slowly develop.

Ou Cheng and Hailisang were still pressing the line. They knew that Xiao Yao was not in the bottom half and wanted to open up the situation.

During this period, Hailisang lifted Liu Qingsong once. Although Leona had the shield of W [Solar Eclipse], she was still beaten to half health by Xia Luo's combination.

This time I stood in front of the tower near the top, and inserted an ornamental eye into the grass connecting the lower road to the river through a thick wall.

The next moment, the teleportation rotation light lit up at the eye position!

When Liu Qingsong saw the teleportation light light up, he decisively manipulated Leona to point at Luo of Hailisang!

"Brother Ran walked to the second tower in the middle lane and thought there was a chance in the bottom lane, so he handed over the teleport directly!" Watou shouted loudly, "Leona's Dawn Shield stunned Luo, and even set up Ignition!"

Teleport + Ignite, this is basically the default to hit the bottom.

Hailisang didn't dare to fight head-on. After bwipo died in battle, he used teleportation to replenish his lane. This meant that no teammates could help him in the bottom lane. He just wanted to escape and quickly join his teammates.

"Jack Bomber threw out all three QWE skills, and used W [fixed-point blast] to blow Luo back!"

Shiba Inu used forced displacement to keep Luo away from Kasumi, leaving Hailisang flying in mid-air with only half of his health left.

"After Huan Ling lands, quickly hand over Flash and E [Qingwu Pair], and join Xia!"

But the 3.5 seconds of guidance time ended, and Lin Ran appeared in the grass.

He knocked down a bottle of medicine, triggering the bonus of the Time Warp Tonic. With cloth armor shoes, Lin Ran's movement speed was now approaching 400 points!

In comparison, Luo's movement speed is only 335.

"Brother Ran quickly closed the distance between himself and Luo. Even if Luo made a grand appearance and moved backwards, it would be useless... They are really far away from the FNC lower tower!"

At first, Ou Cheng wanted to use the barb's imprisonment effect to bind the card, but Lin Ran stayed on his side, making Feather unable to restrain him.

Rekkles had no choice but to sell Hailisang.

"Brother Ran's yellow card immobilized Luo, and the universal card followed with two basic attacks to successfully take the head!"

The layers of the Dark Seal that I just purchased immediately appeared on it.

Lin Ran didn't help his teammates with the troops, and rushed to the middle without looking back, wanting to go back and continue eating ice.

Little Hat was very irritable.

He didn't expect that Lin Ran would find an opportunity and go to the bottom lane to kill Luo.

Even if he tried his best to push the soldiers into the defense tower, Lin Ran would only lose two coins when he came back.

This loss is not comparable to a human head.

Caps now wants to quickly suppress Lin Ran's rhythm, trap him in the middle and stop him from wandering around.

But after he had given first blood, he only had enough money to make another long sword.

And Lin Ran already owned cloth armor shoes.

For a character like Jace who basically relies on physical skills and basic attacks for output, this pair of cloth-armored shoes is simply their natural enemy.

The high amount of armor and basic attack damage reduction attributes make Lin Ran very frank now.

You must know that Jace's current basic attack power is not high to begin with, and with two long swords, it can only be said to be average.

Facing Lin Ran's cloth-armored shoes, Caps had nothing to do.

Not only him, but also Broxah's jungle monster was restrained by this pair of cloth shoes.

"Caps switched to hammer form and jumped up, but he was stopped and beaten with a yellow card!"

Lin Ran's level is set here. Even if his magic power is not high, the basic damage of his skills has caused Xiaomao to suffer a lot.

During this time, the junglers on both sides were not idle either.

They met in the top lane and played a 2v2.

As a result, Xiaotian himself was killed by bwipo's Akali with a cross flash, and Jin Gong returned the favor, flashing Red Fury Q and taking away the outrageous thorn.

Lin Ran glanced at the screen and firmly recorded this information in his mind.

Now that he has the advantage in the middle, Caps is at a loss.

Lin Ran didn't waste any time. He was just finishing up the damage under the tower.

Although when he reached level six, he was still under the tower.

But I deliberately hoarded a wave of lines and slowly pushed it over again.

When the time came to 6 minutes, Lin Ran pushed a large number of minions under the Caps tower.

Without saying a word, he exchanged the unsealed secret book for a ignition and flew directly to the top road.

"Akali didn't flash, and the troll wasn't crouching nearby either...Bwipo has to give an account!"

Even if the Xia Formation provided a shielding effect, it was of no use. Lin Ran took advantage of Akali's opportunity to hand over R to escape and used a yellow card to lock her in place.

Ignition was set up, and a set of damage reduced Akali's health, and Jin Gong's crocodile came to make up for the damage.

Bwipo kept tapping R with his fingers.

However, the second ultimate move can only be released 2.5 seconds after the first R is used.

It was these 2.5 seconds that caused Akali to take a lot of damage.

When the R skill came on again, bwipo quickly used it, hoping to escape and save his life.

He successfully escaped back to the tower, but the ignition mark on his body did not disappear!

The pilot shot gave Akali a close-up.

The outrageous thorn walked aimlessly under the tower for two times, and drank the blood bottle, but it could not stop the explosion of damage.

The ignition damage burst out at the last second, taking away the last trace of Akali's health bar.

"Card Master has driven the kill rhythm three times," Miller was overjoyed, "and FNC has only scored one kill so far!"

The rhythm between the two sides is very different.

With the team's third-line advantage, Xiaotian focused on controlling resources.

"The first Canyon Pioneer was born, but FNC was too disadvantaged and had no intention of fighting... The Pioneer was controlled by Xin Zhao. He returned to the city to resupply and went straight to the bottom lane!"

After the Pioneer was summoned, he crashed into the first tower of FNC's bottom lane.

Jack casually hit A twice, and then issued W [Fixed Point Explosion], successfully destroying the defense tower.

The two sides naturally entered the transition period.

"Brother Ran suppressed Jace in the middle, and Caps is now like a ground-bending spirit in the middle!"

There is no harm without comparison.

Xiao Mao hangs up in the middle lane, while Lin Ran flies all over the map, constantly driving the rhythm.

Every time the ultimate move [Destiny] and Teleport are used, heads will basically explode.

Soon, the game came to 15 minutes.

The head ratio of both sides was 1:9.

FNC still didn't find a chance to regain the situation.

YM showed top-level operation and rhythm control capabilities in this set.

"The defending champion is back!" top YM fan Maomao shouted on the European commentary stage.

"This is the powerful YM. YM who dominated the League of Legends e-sports competition around the world in 2017 is back on the stage!"

The majestic figure who won the championship that year put pressure on countless people.

This year they have come so far, and it seems that they are going to repeat the script of 2017.

Maomao felt a surge of ecstasy in her heart.

But the remarks were clearly criticized.

Although the public opinion environment is relatively relaxed in Europe, the vast majority of the audience still supports FNC.

When they heard Maomao's words, they felt that it was a bit inflating the popularity of others and destroying their own prestige, so they all started to comment in the live broadcast room of the Mouse Channel.

"FNC is so reckless!" Maomao's partner was still making suggestions for the team, "Isn't it good to just keep fighting? Don't worry about winning or losing now!"

Anyway, no one or team expected them to win this game.

The commentator just wanted FNC to die with dignity.

If you keep fighting, you might be able to get a few heads.

At least you don't have to be slaughtered like now.

FNC really wants to speed up.

On the one hand, they want to find a comeback point and feed the economy to the big brother of the team.

The second reason is because they can't drag it out any longer.

Even though Ou Cheng is playing Xia, who has good late-stage combat abilities, his development is really average.

By the mid-term, Xia's combat effectiveness will be extremely weak.

YM will most likely fight to the death at that time.

FNC must complete the equipment.

They can only speed up the pace.

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