LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 634 632: Weird formation change ideas!

Xiaomao returned to the city for supplies at 14 minutes. Now his equipment is Youmu's Spirit + Serrated Dagger. With double armor-piercing equipment in hand, Jace has reached a small breaking point.

Leveraging the strength of Senator Talis, FNC tried to advance as a team in the middle, hoping to force the opponent's first tower in the middle.

But YM didn't pick up the fight at all.

They knew that if they were to fight head-on now, their chances of winning would not be particularly high. After all, Fang Luo, Troll, and Jace were all very powerful in combat.

Especially Luo.

This character has the ability to create miracles.

Lin Ran didn't want to take risks.

Anyway, YM has two absolute split-pushing advantages, cards and crocodiles, and is not afraid of FNC's involvement at all.

Lin Ran quickly formulated a strategy. He played a side role in the top lane, while the crocodile operated by Jin Gong dealt with the outrageous thorn in the bottom lane.

Since Caps carries purification instead of teleportation in this game, Jace, who has no support ability, now faces a dilemma.

If they continue to push in a group, then the top lane will be left to Lin Ran to advance; if they switch to defense, the rhythm will stagnate again, and the slow rhythm of death will continue to be suppressed by YM.

"Don't worry, let's just stick together and push!" Hailisang is the mid-to-late stage commander of the team. His overall view and battlefield sense are very keen, and he knows that going back to defend at this time is the wrong decision.

He led the team's double C and junglers to assemble in front of the YM mid-tower, quickly pushing the lane and preparing to grind the tower.

But Hailisang immediately realized something was wrong.

Jack's bomber clears waves extremely quickly.

QWE's three small skills are all area damage, especially Q [Bounce Bomb]. After making a 50-50 echo, it has high damage, short cooldown, and splash output.

The short line was cleared before it reached the range of the YM center tower.

Since Liu Qingsong still had the shield of the holy object, the remaining artillery soldiers could not play any role.

It is unrealistic to wait for Jack to use up all his mana, because Lin Ran is leading the lane on the top lane and cannot get the blue buff located in the lower half of YM. Xiaoyao simply gave the mana to the Shiba Inu. There is no shortage of mana in a short period of time. Use the problem.

"Before Bomberman even used R [Scientific Hellfire Cannon], FNC's tower push progress has been delayed indefinitely," Watanaru said loudly, "They can't even touch the defense tower!"

Can't touch it, don't dare to touch it.

The main tower pushers on FNC's side are undoubtedly Jace and Xayah, but their shooting ranges are 500 and 525 yards respectively, which are not particularly far, and their attack range cannot keep up with ordinary shooters.

Faced with the threat of the bombers, they did not dare to step forward and light the tower. If they were left behind by Liu Qingsong's Leona, they would probably die suddenly.

"Brother Ran is still on the road non-stop with single belt. Now he has made a yellow cross. Combined with E [Card Deception], the attack speed is very fast!"

Throwing blue cards one after another on the defense tower, Lin Ran just hoarded a wave of short-term cards to enter, and in the blink of an eye, the health of the upper tower had been reduced by half.

Little Hat was very worried.

Staying in the middle tower, he wanted to use his long-range poke to lower Jack's health, leaving Bomberman unable to defend the middle tower.

But he couldn't see Giggs at all.

All one could see was one bomb after another rolling over from the middle tower of YM, quickly clearing out the minions.

"There are only bombs but not people," Miller smiled. "Jack, Giggs, is playing like a U-god!"

"It's really rare to be stable," Wawa lamented. "Jack has changed his playing style this game. Originally, he was dancing and showing off his sign in the opposite field of vision, but now he is integrated with the defense tower."

The LPL match live broadcast room is also very lively.

[He is so stable, second only to Otto! 】

[FNC: It’s strange, why does YM have two towers? 】

[Ugus is possessed by Ugus]

[What kind of ecstasy was given to Jack backstage? If you don't use your face to output, even if you win the game, you won't get my approval! 】

Caps had seriousness written all over his face.

Giggs hid in the gutter and kept throwing bombs. He was forced to move forward until he was within the shooting range of the first tower in YM, and then he saw Jack huddled behind.

Raise your hand and it will be a powerful cannon!

Electric energy surged through the acceleration gate and shot forward. Xiao Hao was very confident. As long as this shot hit, Bomberman's health bar would only be 2/3.

Let’s see if you still dare to defend the tower then?

But Leona activated W [Solar Eclipse], and the shield lit up with golden light. She moved her body to help block the shot!

With the high amount of double resistance added, Leona took this shot, which was no different from scratching an itch.

Jack felt at ease and hid behind and continued to throw bombs.

Seeing that the health of the first tower on the road was getting lower and lower, broxah couldn't stand it any longer.

"How about letting Caps go back and guard the tower?"

He felt that the top tower should not be given to the opponent in vain.

"No, no, we have no chance of winning if we keep defending like this," Hailisang said in the team voiceover, "I'll take the lead later, let's start a group fight directly!"

Fortunately, they selected Luo in this game, and his ability to start a team is among the best in the league.

"Hailisang opened the scan and cleared the YM ward near the middle step by step." Miller noticed that something was not right with the FNC support and immediately sensed the opponent's intention. "He wanted to attack the YM duo guarding under the tower. !”

Luo wandered around in the shadow vision, trying to find a suitable opportunity to start a fellowship.

Due to the lack of major generals on the front and being pushed to the lane all the time, the YM duo did not dare to expand their vision.

However, the real eyes on Giggs and Leona can still ensure the safety of close vision.

If Hailisang wanted to make a move, he would have to activate R [Jumping Gap] from a distance, which would inevitably give his opponent time to react.

While all the FNC players were waiting anxiously, finally, when the artillery soldiers arrived in the middle at 15 minutes and 57 seconds, YM showed a flaw.

Liu Qingsong's holy shield has not yet finished cooling down.

The bomber's output alone is not enough to kill the thick-skinned artillery soldiers.

In order to prevent the troops from entering the tower, Jack's Ziggs could only come out from the rear and try to deal with the artillery truck with a basic attack with the passive "Trigger".

The moment Bomberman showed his face, Hailisang reminded his teammates, "Look at me!"

The Luo he controlled set off an intoxicating gust of wind, opening a sudden gap and rushing toward Jack!

Amid the exclamations in the stands, Luo quickly approached, preparing to use Flash + W [Grand Appearance] from the flank to knock Bomberman away.

Moreover, he also deliberately planned his route, intending to bring Leona into his control.

After all, if you want to kill Bomberman, Jace's enhanced cannon must hit. If Liu Qingsong's Sunshine Girl can move freely, she will definitely use her body to help block Jace's damage.

As long as Leona can be controlled, Jace's one shot, combined with the damage of other teammates, will definitely kill Bomberman instantly!

There are countless things in Haili Sang.

But a key variable was missed.


Just as he was using R to flash W to charm the YM duo, the Garlic Bastard cut in from the flank, and E [Fearless Charge] stabbed Jace in front of the YM tower, and then the Crescent Guards would get rid of the Piltover 2nd Battalion. Everyone except the chief was swept out!

Xiao Hao adjusted his angle and wanted to fire at Bomberman and Leona who were a little further away from him, but he was firmly blocked by the Garlic Bastard in front of him!

Electric energy surge hits Xin Zhao!

Although his blood volume was reduced a lot, his life was not in danger.

"Beautiful!" Baby couldn't help but shout out, "Luo's attack was perfectly resolved!"

After Hailisang lifted up the YM duo, he found that his side did not have enough damage to keep up - Ou Cheng and broxah were both swept away, and his own skill damage and ignition did not knock out half of Jack's health. Killing bombers is unrealistic.

Finding something was wrong, Hailisang quickly wanted to run away.

But Xiaoyao stabbed Jace twice, hiding the last part of the triple claw attack, and waited until Luo used E [Dance in Double] to come to Caps, and then used it.

"Law was lifted into the air... Leona, who regained her freedom, used E [Zenith Blade]!"

Hailisang could only watch as Sunshine Girl pointed up, and then locked herself in place with Q [Shield of Dawn].

The next moment, the roar of a bomb piercing the sky sounded overhead!

The giant circle at its feet has proven its identity.

Scientific hell cannon!

"Zhao Xinfeng's electric stab and Bomberman's ultimate move knocked out Hailisang!" Miller shouted excitedly.

In professional competitions, the level of assists in disadvantageous rounds is generally not high, and a large amount of money is invested in real eyes. In addition, Luo's body is inherently fragile and cannot bear the damage of these skills.

"How about it, do I care?" Garlic Bastard finished a wave of wonderful operations and immediately began to claim credit, "If it weren't for me, Yu Wenbo would have died long ago!"

"Beautiful!" Lin Ran did not hesitate to praise him.

Jack, who had narrowly escaped death, also echoed, "Qiang Qiangqiang, what about me? I'll send Luo to the west with one shot!"

The Haier brothers on the commentary desk were still analyzing the consequences of Hailisang's death in battle.

"The cooldown of Luo's level 1 ultimate move is as long as 130 seconds, which means that in the next two minutes, FNC will not be able to actively start a team battle!"

With FNC's lineup, all the pressure to start a team is on Luo, and other characters such as Troll and Akali have no ability to take the initiative.

This time after Hailisang's team-building plan was shattered, FNC could only continue to be pulled by YM.

The helpless Caps could only give up the group and choose to go on the road alone. At this time, Lin Ran had already flattened the previous tower and was approaching the second FNC tower.

Xiaomao can just go back and guard the tower.

But in this way, I fell into the rhythm of YM again.

Lin Ran was not in a hurry when he saw Jace coming back, and slowly pushed the line. When he didn't know the movements of the opponent's jungle troll, he didn't push the line too deep. After clearing the line, he went back to eat the Stone Beetles in the upper half of his area. , use passivity to supplement your own development.

There are a total of 10 wild monsters in a group of stone beetle camps. Together with the Card Master's passive, they can provide considerable economic benefits.

Lin Ran was not in a hurry at all, as long as he didn't make mistakes and continued to roll the snowball steadily.

But FNC is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

They seemed to be trapped in the net woven by YM. They tried their best to escape from the cage, but they never succeeded.

"FNC is feeling very uncomfortable right now!" Even the dolls could see the urgency that the other party couldn't conceal.

Taking advantage of the vacuum period of Hailisang's ultimate move, Xiaoyao took advantage of Lin Ran's lane advantage in the top lane to unscrupulously launch the second canyon pioneer.

Caps initially wanted to use his enhanced cannon to threaten the opponent.

But Sunshine Girl drove W [Eclipse] and reached the front again. Being shot by Jess was almost like being tickled.

"Brother Ran took a break from his busy schedule and ran to the top lane to continue leading the line..." Baby's face glowed red, "FNC is getting more and more chaotic now, completely out of order!"

Partner Miller smiled, "Why do I feel that YM's game has become the SKT of the year?"

"They are simply the king of torture. They don't give FNC any chance to make mistakes. They don't do anything risky. It's like cutting flesh with a dull knife. They slowly gain the advantage."

The doll thought for a moment and said, "It's true."

"So far, Brother Ran has firmly controlled the rhythm. FNC can't make any big troubles. It feels like..." He chose words and sentences, "It's natural for the opponent to lose. It's natural."

This kind of suffocating rhythm control is a good news for the LPL audience where YM is located. They have been tortured by countless Korean teams. Even if they are 10000 ahead of the economy, they may not necessarily win, and if they are 30000 behind, they can basically announce a reopening. .

Now it's finally their turn to enjoy the wonderful feeling of the team taking control of the situation.

At 18 minutes into the game, the economic gap between the two sides successfully widened to 5.5K.

"Although there is the economy passively provided by Brother Ran, the actual gap between the two sides is still very large!"

While Wawa was talking, he also looked at the data panel, and then his eyes widened in surprise, "Brother Ran's last hit is too outrageous!"

220 reinforcements were made in 19 minutes, 30 dollars ahead of the opponent Jayce.

"He eats wild monsters. After all, the card needs to make artillery equipment as soon as possible. Teammates often give the economy to Brother Ran..." Miller has been staring at Lin Ran's development route, and now explained, "Shi There are a lot of wild monsters like beetles and F6, so he basically takes care of them, and sometimes he even goes to the FNC wild area to steal two groups.”

A group of camps has four knives, and with the development of reinforcements on the opposite line, Lin Ran's number of last hits has already exceeded the 200 mark.

Calculated, the card's passive [leaded dice] alone provided him with an economy of two heads.

"The artillery has been made, and Brother Ran's Explorer Armguard is almost full of stacks. This armor is simply scary!"

Caps almost vomited.

Card cloth armor shoes and explorer arm guards, a pure Jβ bastard!

Drizzt's armor value now exceeds 100, and Jace doesn't even have a two-piece set. Just relying on the fixed armor piercing of Youmu and the Serrated Dagger, he can't threaten the card at all.

Lin Ran's outfit is a scoundrel and disgusting. He knows that Akali, FNC's only AP output, is soloing in the bottom lane. Unless a large-scale team battle breaks out, the outrageous thorn will not come to him.

Then there is no need for magic resistance equipment.

Armor is the most cost-effective equipment in this case.

"Brother Ran returned to the city and made Zhonya's hourglass, used his ultimate move to fly to the middle, and used the range provided by the artillery to draw a yellow card and force out Xia's ultimate move...but Leona's skills all hit him!"

Ou Cheng handed over Purification again. Although it provided 65% toughness, he was still held in place for nearly 1 second.

A giant circle appeared under my feet again!

The bomb flew over with a roar, instantly crippling Xia's health!

"Law from Halisan still wanted to come to the rescue...but rekkles couldn't stand it anymore!"

Before Xia died, she released a barb, killing 1/3 of Leona's health. Hairisang knocked it away, and combined with the long-range small cap Jace's enhanced cannon, it failed to kill it.

"After killing Xia, YM quickly headed to the big dragon pit as a group to prepare for the next big dragon!"

Hailisang felt that he had a big move, and wanted to force his way to pick up the group.

But without the main ADC, the team's combat effectiveness is really poor. bwipo's Akali tried her best, but only managed to capture the remaining health of the Sunshine Girl in YM's formation.

YM left four dragon species, and the economic gap widened to 8K.

"It's still a three-way split push. Brother Ran and Brother Gongzi each lead one line, and the other three stand in the middle and keep pushing to pull out the tower!"

Lin Ran didn't intend to bulldoze FNC in one go. He wanted to minimize the opponent's hope of comeback.

Prioritize grabbing wild area resources and defense towers, so that the more economic leaders you can, the better.

When the Baron BUFF ended, all three of FNC's inner towers were destroyed, and the highland crystal in the lower lane was also taken away by Jin Gong.

"YM returns to the city to replenish supplies, planning to crush FNC in one wave!"

When Miller saw the card made a murder note, he knew that Lin Ran felt that he was sure to win the game.

FNC, which had reached a desperate situation, tried to fight to the death, hoping to rely on Hailisang's back-circling R to get out of the way and fight.

As a result, Lin Ran activated his ultimate move and lit up the entire map!

"Brother Ran doesn't give the opponent the chance to get's so safe!"

Lin Ran went forward with the yellow card on his head, while Xiaoyao went behind to stop Luo.

As soon as Hailisang opened R [Jiao Gong Gong], he was thrown out by Garlic Bastard's ultimate move [Crescent Guard].

"The frontal battle has begun. FNC's economy is too far behind and it seems like there is no chance of winning!"

Each of the upper, middle and lower C-positions was ahead by one big item. Coupled with the level advantage, the FNC formation dispersed as soon as it rushed. The troll in the front row broxah took a sip of Leona and could not withstand YM's damage bombing.

Oucheng was even worse.

"Rekkles is immobilized, let's use the big move first... Brother Ran throws the yellow card up, and Bomberman directly throws the big move," Miller suddenly raised the volume, "Oh my god, what kind of damage is this!"

50-50 Echo + Spell Penetration Stick + Hat, Giggs' damage can only be described as an instant explosion!

Lin Ran threw away the yellow card and Q [Universal Card]. Xia's health bar was still half full. As a result, after this shot, Ou Cheng's screen turned black and white!

Amidst the exclamations that instantly erupted at the scene, Rekkles opened his mouth in disbelief.

What the hell is this?

"FNC has no ability to resist and can only be destroyed by the YM group!"

A flood of super soldiers swarmed onto the high ground, and YM's surviving heroes easily bulldozed the opponent's main crystal!

"Congratulations to YM, for winning their second BO5 victory," Watanabe's voice was full of passion, "Now they are one step away from advancing to the semi-finals!"

The corner of Miller's mouth rose uncontrollably, "Now we can take two sips. There has never been a script in the global finals where two people chase three…"

"You want to congratulate YM in advance for advancing to the semi-finals, right?" Wawa stopped his partner, "Don't do this, Teacher Mi."

"Opening champagne at halftime is not a good habit," he said with a smile. "We should wait until we actually win this BO5 before celebrating."

The Haier brothers chatted and joked comfortably on the stage, while the commentators in the European competition next door were already numb.

"I think," Vedius spoke first, and then he didn't know what to say. He put his hand on his forehead and looked helpless, "FNC may indeed have to..."

"To be honest, we should have been mentally prepared before the game," Maomao stroked her short hair, "FNC's draw this year is very average."

"Yes, we drew C9, IG and AFs in the group stage, and YM in the knockout stage..." Deficio spread his hands.

The three commentators looked at each other and sighed silently.

From a consequentialist perspective, FNC is indeed quite unlucky.

"I can only say that I hope FNC can play the role of a European team," Deficio said. "Just don't leave any regrets."

Vedius held his head back and looked serious, "After receiving the latest news from the scene, FNC chose to change the top laner."

"You want to go to Soaz?" Maomao was very surprised.

The Frenchman Soaz is truly an older generation e-sports person. He has been playing in the LCS.EU from the early days until now. He played for aAa during S1 and won the runner-up in the first global finals with the team. Pure League of Legends Living fossil.

"Soaz's playing style is more blue-collar..." Vedius couldn't figure it out, "He's a bit old now and his hero pool is very limited."

He is not good at characters such as the new Sword Girl and Sword Demon after the revision, so he can use them in turns such as Thane and Crab to highlight his simplicity.

In the end, the three commentators did not understand the idea of ​​changing the starting top laner in the life-and-death game. "Let's wait and see the effect after playing."

YM lounge.

"We did a good job in the last game. Let's continue to play steadily in the next game," Hongmi emphasized. "Don't give your opponents a chance. We will control the rhythm and find FNC's flaws to hit with a fatal blow."

After saying this, he looked at Jin Gong again, "In the next game, Soaz will be on the opposite side. You have no impression of him, but there is no need to be timid. This person's operational ability is very average."

Xibaren nodded to indicate that he understood.

Lin Ran huddled in his chair, sipping a glass of ice-cold orange juice.

The atmosphere in the room highlights a relaxing one.

Jack was still joking with Xiaotian, while Gou Ba was studying his opponents in the semi-finals.

It wasn't until Vincent knocked on the door and came in that the YM players got up and headed towards the stage.

"Look at this stadium again," Lin Ran signaled to his teammates, "The next game is over and we have to say goodbye to Busan."

In the semi-finals, they will move to Gwangju and leave the city where they have stayed for more than half a month.

"It's okay," Jack patted him on the shoulder very generously, "If Brother Ran wants to see this venue again, I can give you two more heads in the next game and let you play another game. Isn't that okay? "

"Go away!" Lin Ran replied angrily.

Everyone jumped onto the stage laughing and joking, and the spotlight and applause once again surrounded them.

"Welcome everyone back to the first day of the eight-to-four knockout round of the 2018 League of Legends Global Finals. Currently, YM leads FNC two to zero!"

Miller briefly introduced the duel in the first two games, and then shifted the topic to FNC's new Soaz.

"For one thing, this rotation surprised me," he said. "I think bwipo is stronger in terms of personal strength."

Wawa also analyzed it from another angle, "But Soaz is a veteran after all. He has rich experience in competitions and is obviously much better than bwipo in this aspect."

"But now we are behind 0-2. FNC changing the top laner probably won't solve the problem. Instead, it will limit its hero pool."

Miller said eloquently, "When bwipo is on the court, he can choose the carry-type top laner to help the team relieve the output pressure."

"But if we play Soaz, the team's damage-producing pressure will fall entirely on Double C!"

The two commentators are still discussing and analyzing the reasons and countermeasures for FNC's strange change of formation by letting Soaz play.

And the crisp and loud BP opening sound has been heard throughout the audience!

It’s almost the end of the year. I’ve been a bit busy at work this week and the amount of coding has been a bit low. I’ll finally have some free time tomorrow and I’ll make sure to finish the third game of the big chapter.

If you can’t finish writing, send out red envelopes in the group.

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