LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 652 650: Just go with the strong wind, and be careful behind you! 【9.8k big chapter】

"Brother Ran's wave of flashing wind wall to block Lissandra's crampons is very exciting!"

Amid the commotion in the audience, Wawa turned up the volume and said, "Brother Ran probably didn't expect that Brother Ran would do this at the first time..."

"I think Rango Yasuo is really good at playing," Miller was surprised. "The controls are pretty good."

He originally thought that Lin Ran, the happy-go-lucky guy known as Hanbok Guijianchan, would make some crappy moves. However, the game lasted for more than three minutes. Yasuo steadily defused King Ning's gank once and flashed the wind wall to stop the broiler. Escape, the performance is remarkable.

I remember laughing and saying, "I was watching Ran Ge's Korean Yasuo OB half a year ago. To be honest, the operation is really good, and there are no big problems in laning. It's just that sometimes a big wave comes to you suddenly."

The other two commentators recalled it and found that this was indeed the case.

Although Lin Ran and Yasuo have many famous fishing scenes, they are basically stable in the lane.

You never know when Lin Ran will recover.

This was the real reason why he was so worried.

However, the audience didn't care about this. Lin Ran and Yasuo's performance was unexpected. They immediately cheered and expressed their inner excitement with barrage.

"After Broiler sent out first blood, the army line was pushed into the tower by Brother Ran and Xiaoyao. It should be handed over to teleport to replenish the line..."

However, Lin Ran did not choose to return to the city to resupply equipment after pushing the troops.

One is because there are not enough gold coins in the backpack.

The second reason is that we are currently at a point where the fourth wave of minions have been killed and the fifth wave has not yet continued.

If you return to the city between these two short waves, then you will most likely lose troops if you return to the middle.

He decided to go with the Garlic Bastard to disgust King Ning.

"If you brush him F6, do you still have any punishment?" Lin Ran marked the Sharpbill camp in the IG jungle area and asked by the way.

When he cooperated with Xiaoyao to kill the broiler in the middle, King Ning did not appear immediately.

Coupled with the lack of range output of the troll itself, the speed of farming camps with a large number of wild monsters such as F6 is very slow, and basically will not be given priority.

Therefore, Lin Ran concluded that Gao Zhenning had not yet wiped out the group of sharp-beaked birds closest to the middle. Now that F6 was still alive, he could completely counter them.

"There is punishment, there is punishment," Garlic Bastard replied. The punishment he had converted in three minutes had not been used yet, and it came in handy at this time, "Leave immediately after eating!"

The Broiler's Lissandra has already started to send the read bar, and will land after the 3.5 seconds of TP guidance time. There is not much time left for the YM midfielder.

"After King Ning defeated the red buff, he has discovered the little tricks of YM's midfielder and is ready to stop them!"

However, Xiaowu Beer Man's rolling barrel combined with Lin Ran's Steel Flash, successfully killed the four little birds and at the same time lowered the big bird's HP.

A thunderbolt fell, and Garlic Bastard used punishment to eat the sharp-beaked bird at the extreme kill line!

"Get out, get out!" The two of them didn't panic when they saw King Ning coming, and ran back calmly. Before leaving, Xiao Yao even took a look into the grass at the Sharp Beak Camp.

"The troll set up a pillar, but the wine barrel contained meat, eggs, onions, and chicken. Yasuo took a detour and still managed to escape!"

Broiler came over at this time, but YM Nakano had already escaped.

Prince Ning could only turn around and deal with the only remaining health bird in the camp.

His teeth were itching with anger.

Even if the character Troll is not easy to farm the Sharp Beak, F6 is also the lifeblood of the jungler!

Do you dare to kill my bird?

"I'll come to the middle right away after clearing the three wolves. Please prepare!" King Ning will retaliate.

Compared to Xiao Yao, who is not easy to catch the movement when moving freely in the jungle, Lin Ran, who relies on the mid lane, is obviously an easier target for revenge.

He had previously known that Xiaoyao had made ornamental eyes in the grass of his Sharp Beak Camp, so he pretended to go up to brush stone beetles, but in fact he made a large circle to avoid the monitoring of YM's vision, and ran down behind the second tower of his home. In the first half of the area, use Punishment to quickly get rid of the three wolves, and then immediately rush to the middle.

"Prince Ning is here again, Brother Ran doesn't seem to realize it," Miller discovered Gao Zhenning's movements through God's perspective, "This Bo Yasuo has not been dodgeed or purified, the situation is very dangerous!"

Broiler had handed over the teleportation line before, but this time he had an extra killing ring, a certain increase in spell power, and all three QWE skills. He successfully cleared all the minions under the tower before the fifth wave of short-term attacks arrived.

As a result, the minion's handover point is reset back to near the midline.

Since Yasuo, played by Lin Ran, is a melee character, he moves forward when replenishing troops.

When he moved forward to use Q Steel Flash to kill three long-range soldiers with residual health, the troll emerged from the grass below the middle lane!

The exact same position as the first gank!

The opposing broiler also handed over E [Glacier Path], and the crampons spread forward!

"Brother Ran also wanted to cast Wind Wall to stop the crampons... but Ice Girl triggered the second E in advance!"

Unlike the last time when the wind wall flashed, Song Yijin didn't take precautions and was manipulated by Lin Ran.

Now that he is the one taking the initiative, he is naturally very vigilant.

Just when the crampons were about to push against the wind wall, Broiler pressed the E skill again.

However, Lin Ran also took a step back at this time, and there was a wind wall between the two, which could isolate most of the ice girl's output.

Song Yijin was equally decisive. He handed over the flash that he had saved before, and W [Ring of Frost] successfully immobilized Lin Ran!

"The troll activates W [Ice Realm] and accelerates forward, the pillar is blocked, and AQA bites Yasuo!"

Ice Girl's Q Ice Shard also hit Feng Nan.

The moment Lin Ran saw Song Yijin flashing towards him, he knew it was impossible for him to escape.

No matter how powerful he is, it's useless.

The hard power of IG's midfielder is also here, and the operation level is also very high. It is impossible to catch him at such a high price.

Lin Ran could tell that the opponent was the three wolves that circled around the field of vision, not the stone beetle, based on the location, time and number of last hits the troll appeared.

The eye position that Xiaoyao had arranged before did not help him, but paralyzed him.

"Before Yasuo died, he used E [Forward Slash] to move forward and kill the last soldier!"

The head was eventually collected by Song Yijin.

Lin Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the troop line has been dealt with, and the next wave is still the artillery line. Even if the IG midfielder pushes all the troops in, and there are thick-skinned and thick artillery vehicles here to support it, he will not lose many soldiers.

With 5 waves of minions, plus the first-blood bounty and wages paid by the system, Lin Ran had close to 1,400 gold coins in his pocket.

He spent 1,100 to buy Yasuo's Happy Shoes - Berserker Greaves. Instead of waiting a few seconds to add an attack speed dagger, he bought real eyes.

With the attack speed boots, Lin Ran was able to repair the line very quickly. When he ran to the line, the cannon truck was not dead yet. He used EQ to blow up the sword wind and easily took it down.

"Xiaoyao returned to the city to supply supplies after finishing farming, bought a blue jungle knife and straw sandals, activated the predator and went straight to the bottom lane!"

The Garlic Bastard was not idle either. He took advantage of Gao Zhenning to catch Lin Ran and help the broiler push the line, and ran to the bottom lane to cause trouble. After the old thief handed over E [Weak Retreat], he rushed out.

The wolf head mark appeared above the heads of the IG duo. They realized something was wrong and turned around to run away, but it was too late.

"Liu Qingsong flashed forward, WQ 2nd Company pushed up the old thief Sima!"

Jack also wanted to add W [Deadly Glory] to immobilize the old thief's Syndra, but Sapphire's Luo used E [Light Dance in Double] to stick in front of his ball girl, helping to block the skill and preventing the old thief from being attacked. Confinement.

"The wine barrel, meat, egg and green onion chicken moved forward, but Syndra dodged and dodged!"

However, YM's trio in the jungle still forced Baolan's flash with their hard damage.

After all, Luo is still too brittle as a hero, and he may be dropped instantly if he is not careful.

"The old thief is in bad condition and has no choice but to return to the city. The army line has also been dealt with by Xiaoyao. He probably has to hand in teleportation, otherwise it will affect his development..."

This is equivalent to using Liu Qingsong's flash to create two flashes and one teleport from IG's bottom lane.

And Jin Gong's little life on the road was pretty good.

Although TheShy played very fiercely and frequently issued invitations for exchanges, the strength of the current version of Crab lies here.

Even though the version has been criticized for being a trap and making it difficult to enter the field in team battles, its laning ability is still quite good. Her hands are longer than that of Sword Girl, she has the ability to slow down and retain people, and she also has a shield. She suffered a small loss due to the exchange of blood.

The game went on for 5 minutes and 50 seconds, and TheShy finally caught Jimu Gong's flaw, and Dao Mei's set of combos was full of passives.

However, Urgot opens W to clear the shield and adds Q [Corrosive Charge] to slow down while shooting.

Finally, activate E [Contempt], carry the sword girl behind your back, and calmly return to the tower.

The blood volume is not much, but he had to return to the city to replenish supplies, so overall it is not a loss.

"Thank you, Ranguo!" When they returned to the city, Xiba people spared their energy and sincerely thanked their family.

If Lin Ran hadn't taken Yasuo and attracted enough firepower to make King Ning keep ganking in the middle, he would probably have been the one to suffer.

Jimu Gong knows the power of IG's Ueno combo. If it is targeted, it will have to peel off even if it doesn't die.

When Lin Ran heard this, he pursed his lips and hesitated to speak.

Just now he was caught again by King Ning.

Gao Zhenning is very smart. The purification cooldown is 210 seconds. Lin Ran casts it in two and a half minutes, and it will take about six minutes to get better.

So he was stuck at the last moment before the purification improved, and ran over to do Lin Ran again.

Fortunately, Xiaoyao also knew that IG was staring at the middle lane, so he came specifically to counter squat.

The two sides played a 2v2 wave in the middle.

However, the strength of Ice Girl's cooperation with the jungler is fully demonstrated at this moment. As long as the opposing hero is not purified, he can only stand still.

Under Song Yijin's full surveillance, Lin Ran had no room for maneuver. When he recovered from the chain control of Ice Girl WR, his health was only 1/3 left.

He could only deal full damage, but also succeeded in blowing the troll up. A moment later, King Ning flashed up and knocked him back to the spring with a stick.

However, Xiaoyao was also very successful. He slowed down his opponent with blue punishment, waited until the second rolling barrel turned around, and successfully took over Gao Zhenning.

Lin Ran died twice in a row, and now he was filled with anger.

Excluding the minute and a half before dispatching troops, it was equivalent to being caught three times in four and a half minutes, and being attacked by King Ning once every 90 seconds on average.

The clay figurine was still angry. Lin Ran didn't want to be caught anymore, so he also planned to make a plan.

He glanced at the upper and lower lanes and found that there were no opportunities on the lanes, so he aimed at King Ning's wild area.

The first time he was caught dead, the game only lasted 3 minutes and 58 seconds.

And Lin Ran knew that Gao Zhenning came to the middle after finishing the three wolves.

It takes about 10 seconds to get from the wild camp to the middle road.

Working backwards, we can estimate that the time it took for the IG Three Wolf camp to be cleared was 3 minutes and 48 seconds.

The current camp refresh time is 150 seconds, which means that the three wolves will refresh again at 6 minutes and 18 seconds.

Lin Ran concluded that King Ning would come to kill this group of three wolves after his resurrection.

Mainly because he knows that the opponent's jungler is blue, and the second blue BUFF will be reset around 6 minutes and 45 seconds.

Since Broiler is facing Yasuo, who is very fast in pushing the lane, he must have a blue BUFF to ensure that he will not lose the lane right - just relying on Ice Girl's passive [Ice Bloodline], the amount of blue is obviously not enough.

In other words, King Ning must get this blue for the broiler chickens.

After the troll was resurrected, he first went to farm the three wolves, and then went to get the blue BUFF. The time was just right, and the two wild monster camps were also connected, so the route planning was perfect.

Determining King Ning's next move, Lin Ran bought two attack speed daggers after his resurrection, and immediately rushed towards the opponent's jungle area, accompanied by the thug Shan Tian.

"YM's midfielder and jungler started to coordinate," Miller noticed the movement tracks of Yasuo and Wine Barrel on the mini-map, "It seems like their target is King Ning!"

Lin Ran was killed first and resurrected first. In addition, he had second-level shoes and moved faster than the troll. Therefore, when he crossed the river, Gao Zhenning started to attack the three wolves.

"There is something wrong with IG's vision. They have no vision in the entire lower river!"

The director also deliberately switched to the IG side's perspective and found that the river was completely dark and could not see the movements of YM's midfielders. I remember feeling anxious for them.

Since the IG duo was caught once by Xiaoyao, they announced that they had lost the right to go down the lane.

What's more, without the flash, I don't dare to cross the line.

In this case, Baolan could only be tied to the line and had no time to arrange his vision.

Prince Ning has a real eye, but he has just been resurrected and is going out. He plans to finish the three wolves and blue buffs before going to the river to arrange eye positions.

Broiler does have time, but the duration of his jewelry eyes is limited. The ones he placed before have expired, and the position of the next eye has not been changed yet.

A variety of reasons were mixed together, which led to the fatal mistake of losing vision in the lower river channel of IG!

Jin Jingzhu, who was staying in the backstage lounge, closed his eyes in annoyance.

He knew that King Ning was dead this time.

"The wine barrel crossed the river and came to the outside of the Three Wolf Camp. A real eye was inserted into the partition wall, and the location of Prince Ning was successfully discovered!"

The next moment, the beer man, meat, egg, onion and chicken came on top!

The troll who didn't flash was caught off guard and was knocked away together with the little wolf.

Yasuo suddenly appeared behind the troll, swung his sword in the air and started slashing!

"Feng Nan took the ultimate move, and Gragas used the rolling barrel..."

Wawa's reaction was exactly the same as that of other spectators at the scene, with an extremely excited expression, "Prince Ning is going to be killed instantly!"

The troll now has no ultimate move, nor does it have a Slag Giant jungle knife, and its body is definitely not strong. Being hit by such a set of damage, the health bar was instantly shortened a lot!

The most important thing is that he didn't flash!

"The troll stuck the pillar between himself and Yasuo, but Brother Ran hasn't used his forward slash yet, so he slides over and strikes again!"

Trundle fell to the ground in anger.

There were cheers from the audience!

Gao Zhenning clicked his tongue irritably. He didn't expect Lin Ran and Xiaoyao to be so courageous and dare to invade such a deep position.

Aren't you afraid of my teammates?

Song Yijin shook his head helplessly.

When he noticed that Lin Ran did not return to the middle at the expected time, the YM midfielder had already taken action against his own jungler.

It is really difficult for him to want to support him at this time.

An ice girl without R can only return to the middle and continue to push the lane.

Broiler initially thought that Lin Ran would not go to other places for support, because the middle lane was still short-term, and the minions were easily pushed into the defense tower by him. If Lin Ran had to forcefully roam, he would lose a lot of minions.

But Lin Ran had already calculated everything, and he was confident enough to catch King Ning to death.

For him, it was nothing more than giving up a wave of soldiers and going to the jungle to withdraw money.

Kills + assists brought a total direct benefit of 450 gold coins to YM, and there was also hidden value afterwards.

"The negative impact of King Ning's death this time is very great," Miller said, still thinking about the consequences of Gao Zhenning's killing. "The blue buff that is about to be refreshed will definitely not be able to defend. What will the Canyon Pioneer Group do later?" manage?"

Broilers realize this too.

If Lin Ran forcefully pushes the lane later, Lissandra, who has no blue BUFF, will not only be unable to keep up with the speed of clearing troops, but will also be unable to sustain the mana amount.

By then, the center lane rights will be completely lost, and it will be difficult for the Canyon Pioneer to compete.

He bit his lower lip and planned to return to the city quickly to replenish equipment and magic points.

In this way, the vanguard group will still have sufficient combat effectiveness after one and a half minutes.

But this return to the city disrupted Song Yijin's time management.

He could only replenish the Hextech Revolver and True Eye, and rush to the line on foot again.

Lin Ran seized the opportunity, pushed away the troops in the middle, and quickly moved up the river.

While putting pressure on TheShy, he was the first to eat the upper river crab that was refreshed.

Then place your eye on the grass in the IG Sharpbill camp and the open space facing the red BUFF.

He used up all the two jewelry eyes he had stored previously to complete the pre-game eye position planning assigned by the coaching staff, blocking all of King Ning's movement routes in the upper half.

Hongmi and Gou Ba were relieved.

After Gao Zhenning was resurrected, knowing that his lower half was reversed, he would definitely not run down, but could only go up.

He was successfully exposed to the eye position arranged by Lin Ran.

"Prepare to freeze your hands, prepare to freeze your hands!" After Xiaoyao finished eating the blue BUFF, he immediately ran to the bottom lane, preparing to take advantage of King Ning's appearance in the upper half of the area to train the bottom lane.

As soon as the Predator opened, Xiaoyao came out of the grass behind the next tower of IG. He first released the rolling wine barrel, and used a set of combos to cripple Syndra. Jack flashed Q [Man Dance Grenade] and finally added Killed with one critical strike and pocketed the head.

"It's hard for Luo to run alone. The wine barrel chases him all the way, waiting for his second meat, egg, onion chicken!"

There are no teammates around, Baolan only has W [Grand Appearance] to move, and Luo's mobility has dropped a lot.

In the final flash, he was knocked to death by a beer man before he had cooled down.

The noise in Wenhe Stadium gradually increased.

The game lasted 7 minutes, and the score between the two sides was 5:2.

"Niutou and Jhin are still pushing down the tower. They seem to not want to care about the vanguard anymore and plan to pull out the first-blood tower directly!"

At 7 minutes and 7 seconds, there happened to be a wave of artillery carts in the bottom lane, which could withstand seven attacks from the turrets. YM planned to take advantage of it and get a health tower first.

"TheShy couldn't catch up on the top lane. The broiler who was still heading to the middle lane had to go to the bottom lane to guard the tower, and let King Ning go to the middle lane to make up the line..."

After all, Lin Ran was using Yasuo, and his tower-pushing efficiency was quite high. If no one was watching, he could easily push down the middle defense tower.

IG's recent growth is also reflected in that they are methodical and don't appear to be panicked when handling line transfers, and they have quite the demeanor of an operations team.

Now that the line transfer was completed, the defensive towers were held, but the disadvantages of the middle and lower lines were completely squeezed to the point where there was no breathing room.

Because after all, we have to rush to change routes, no matter how perfect the operation idea is, it cannot make up for the lack of troops caused by the death of the duo.

YM seizes the opponent's time to change lanes, constantly puts pressure on the troops, and accumulates a large number of troops to advance into the opponent's middle and lower defense towers.

In this way, the opponent can only huddle under the tower to replenish troops, and has no time to take into account the view of the wild area.

"Jack and Liu Qingsong returned to the city to replenish equipment and headed straight to the Canyon Pioneer!"

They also started to switch lanes, with the obvious intention of taking the Rift Herald.

Baolan saw this and asked in the team voice.

"Want to pick up?"

If he accepts the group, he will go to the vanguard to lay out his vision. If not, he will quickly return to the line to gain experience.

"Continue, continue!" Prince Ning had a very stubborn temper.

Even if there is a head gap between the two sides, he feels that the team has no disadvantage.

At eight minutes, Ice Girl's R [Frozen Tomb] has also improved, and combined with Sword Girl's ultimate move, it can achieve good results.

Gao Zhenning believes that even if the Canyon Pioneer team battle starts, IG has a high chance of winning.

Broiler glanced at the position of the soldier line. He had to clear out all the soldiers under the tower.

Otherwise, with so many soldiers hoarding in the lower tower, the handover position of the next wave of soldiers will still be within the range of the defense tower, which will form a pushback line for YM.

If no one comes to eat by then, IG will lose a lot of YM soldiers.

After clearing the army line and almost completing the teleportation process, Broiler returned to the city to replenish his straw sandals and red crystals and rushed to join the Canyon Pioneer Group.

"TheShy played a trick on the road and made a little profit by exchanging blood. He took the lead in pushing away the army line and got a chance to rush to the big dragon pit first!"

Jin Gong was forced to take a detour from behind the tower and lost the opportunity.

Upon seeing this, King Ning immediately launched a vanguard attack.

"Can you give me this blue buff?" Jack suddenly spoke.

Xiaoyao brushed it from top to bottom at first, so the blue buff was refreshed 7 minutes ago. However, the Garlic Bastard had been active in the lower half at that time, so he didn't bother to brush it.

"No problem, just eat it!" Xiaoyao responded immediately.

The IG blue buff on him hasn't disappeared yet, and Lin Ran's Yasuo doesn't need to eat it. Since Jack has said so, he will definitely not refuse.

"This Blue looks like it's going to Jack. He's getting a good treatment today..." The doll also joked a few words, and then discovered a blind spot, "No, after eating this BUFF, he will be promoted to level six!"

This is the biggest variable.

Jack, who had gained experience points from troops and kills in the bottom lane, was almost full of experience points before returning to the city.

After eating the blue BUFF, it just rose to 6!

"Jin is hiding in the shadow corner and hasn't come out. The IG people are still focusing on the fire vanguard. They don't seem to realize this!"

The roar from the commentary booth was completely unable to disturb the ten players in the Summoner's Rift.

Liu Qingsong used his Hex Flash to get out from the edge and corner!

IG's formation was good, Daomei and Luo were stuck at the front, and Liu Qingsong couldn't open the wound smoothly, so he simply WQed two consecutive blows against TheShy.

There was a flash of golden light, and TheShy handed over Flash.

But it's not a backward displacement.

But rush forward!

"Sword Girl dodged the Niutou Second Company and threw out the Pioneer Blade!"

The blade spread out and hit Xiaoyao and Jin Gong.

The ice claws also extended over, and the next moment, the ice girl arrived on the battlefield!

The Gouzi in Wenhe Stadium didn't expect his team to be so decisive, so he immediately started a team battle.

What came out of their mouths was not cheers, but anxious reminders!

From a God's perspective, the audience can easily discover that Jhin has reached level six.

However, there was a lot of fog of war covering the game, and IG didn't notice it at all!

It wasn't until Jin used W [Fatal Brilliance] to immobilize the sword girl and activated R [Perfect Curtain Call] that everyone at IG realized something was wrong!

After the death of the old thief Sima and Bao Lan, they lost a lot of troops. Now they are only at level 5, and they are still half a tube of experience away from reaching level 6.

With such a comparison, the gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides was instantly widened.

Level six Jhin is a qualitative change!

"But Broiler has already entered the scene. Neither he nor TheShy has flashed yet. How can we fight this?!"

Jhin fired a shot, slowing down IG's midfielder who was trying to retreat.

"The wine barrel made a move, and his belly hit the sword girl... Brother Ran took the big move!"

YM first inflicted damage on Dao Mei, while Jack saved others.

The Shiba Inu is a very thief. He doesn't show his head at all and keeps a certain distance from the front battlefield, so that King Ning's trolls can't interrupt him with pillars.

"The chicken is still moving, he dodged the second shot..."

At this time, Bao Lan's E [Qing Wu Duo] came up to help block the third bullet.

But the beer man threw R [exploding barrel] at this time!

The barrel tumbled and the beer spilled all over the floor!

Baolan was afraid of being bombed back, so she quickly danced in two and returned to Prince Ning.

"Sell me, sell me!" Broiler knew he couldn't leave, so he simply activated the R skill on himself, and used the unselectable effect of the Frozen Tomb to avoid the wine barrel ultimate move, "Just take the vanguard!"

But YM wants them all.

Lin Ran did not guard the chicken, and continued to move forward while bypassing the circle of the frozen mausoleum. The wind wall blocked the front, isolating the old Sima thief Syndra's weak ones from retreating, and putting pressure on the opponent.

"There are only three people left in IG, but the Vanguard still has a lot of HP!"

Purple Garlic still has 2800 blood left, but the eye behind him has been beaten once and cannot be opened again in a short time.

Seeing everyone in YM running over, King Ning could only give up.

The remaining few of them really have no fighting ability.

"YM can still get a Canyon Herald after killing two people. This is a huge profit!"

The YM supporters in the audience cheered with thunderous momentum!

Lin Ran was still directing, "I'll drive them up. After you take the vanguard, go push the center tower!"

In Summoner's Rift, Yasuo and Crab continued to pursue, while Xiaoyao and his teammates took over the vanguard and immediately rushed to the middle.

"IG is short of manpower and is being chased by YM. There is no time to take care of the defense tower in the middle!"

Lin Ran and Xiba rushed them all into the first tower on IG, and then watched their opponents return to the city from the edge.

After the IG members returned home, there was no Home Guard effect yet, and it would take more than ten seconds to reach the second tower on foot.

Before this, IG had no one who could defend the middle!

"YM made great progress and defeated two defensive towers in the middle." I remember looking excited, "The economic gap between the two sides has reached 3.5K!"

With the first-blood tower, the head economy, the army line and the plundered wild monster resources, YM took advantage of this wave of team battles to establish a big advantage!

"In the final analysis, it's all the chain reaction caused by King Ning's death in the Three Wolves!" Miller sighed with emotion.

His logic is also very simple.

King Ning will not be caught by Lin Ran and Xiaoyao. While he eats the wild monsters in the lower half, he can also protect the bottom duo so that they will not die easily.

In this way, IG does not have to worry about switching lanes, causing the mid- and lower-lane rights to be suppressed, and there is no need to worry about Jhin suddenly rising to level 6.

Unless Jhin reaches level 6 and learns the ultimate move, IG's chances of winning in this wave of vanguard team battles are really high.

It can be said that one step is wrong and every step is wrong.

IG was forced to swallow a bitter pill!

In the YM lounge, there was a scene of joy.

"YM moved the duo to the middle lane, Brother Ran is on the top lane, and Jin Gong goes to the bottom lane to develop!"

The opponent's two defensive towers in the middle were destroyed, and Liu Qingsong could easily radiate his vision.

Having already completed the task of installing wards, he placed the wards in the positions determined by the coaching staff before the game.

No matter where Prince Ning goes, his position is firmly locked.

IG rhythm is gone!

"Steady, you guys will develop first!" Gao Zhenning didn't have a clue.

After the middle tower was broken, IG's jungle area also fell quickly, and he couldn't even eat the wild monsters.

After the broiler's ultimate move was better, he wanted to target another wave of Lin Ran.

"Brother Ran purifies instantly, Ice Girl can't control him at all!"

The 65% toughness provided after purification, combined with the toughness rune carried by Lin Ran, can reduce the control effect by more than 70%.

Even if you cast the Frozen Tomb, which can stun the opponent for 1.5 seconds, the actual control time is less than half a second.

Yasuo's unscrupulous movement back and forth in the line of troops highlights a joy.

There was a burst of laughter in the audience.

Prince Ning was almost annoyed to death.

After being restricted in the BP session, he felt weak and unable to perform at all.

The troll's control is too soft, and Yasuo is as slippery as a loach. As long as there is a line of troops, he cannot be caught to death.

The team was at a disadvantage, and TheShy wanted to help his teammates regain their position.

He blocked a wave of artillery soldiers and wanted to force Jin Gong out to kill him.

But Jin Gong’s approach was too unique.

"Brother Gongzi controlled the crab to eat Xiaotian's stone beetles, and he didn't even look at the army line!"

The doll was amazed, "Isn't this too stable?"

"And if you think about it this way, IG will be the loser in the end!" Remember to think clearly, "Jin Gong eats Xiaotian's jungle area, Xiaotian eats IG's jungle area, and it is King Ning who is injured in the end!"

After eating the stone beetles, Jin Gong finally came online.

He made no secret and came straight to Jiang Chenglu.

There's obviously someone here!

TheShy ran back without hesitation, but it was too late.

"Xiaotian drives the Predator over, E dodges and hits Dao Mei, and Crab uses his ultimate move!"

The damage done by the two men successfully reduced the HP of Sword Girl to the kill line, and finally Urgot dragged Irelia back to execute her.

And when King Ning went back to kill wild monsters, his movements were seen by YM's vision again.

Even if Gao Zhenning used scanning to clear his field of vision, it was useless. Liu Qingsong took advantage of the time when he returned to the city to resupply, made five-speed shoes and ran to the road.

Without doing anything fancy, he emerged from the grass behind the side of the first tower on IG and hit the ice girl with his horn.

"Yasuo successfully connected with his ultimate move!"

Lin Ran crossed a thousand yards and appeared in the tower.

"The bull's head is hung on fire, and Yasuo stabs the opponent with two swords until the blood is left!"

The broiler chicken has no choice but to be killed.

The old thief Sima teleported over as soon as he found out that his teammates had been arrested, wanting to help them.

However, most of his damage after landing was blocked by Lin Ran's wind wall, and it had no effect at all.

"YM's advantages are getting bigger and bigger, and this snowballing ability is so suffocating!"

Under Lin Ran's command, the team was like a big net, slowly shrinking, squeezing the IG wrapped inside, leaving the opponent no longer able to resist.

IG prides itself on being very good at fighting headwind team battles.

But the most critical point of starting the team, King Ning, was strangled to death, and the team's several attempts failed to achieve results. It was like a trapped beast fighting, but it did not cause much damage to YM.

YM quickly flattened the enemy's outer towers on both sides, and also used the second vanguard to knock down the second tower on the top lane.

When the time comes to 22 minutes, YM’s economic advantage is as high as 7k.

"Liu Qingsong is already working on the vision of the dragon, and he will take Baron Nash later!"

Lin Ran was still on the road leading the lane at this time.

After his attack speed and skill level increased, Lin Ran became happier. When he saw the line of soldiers, he stepped forward and slashed forward. He hit the floor seamlessly and used E very smoothly.

The broiler who was facing him witnessed all this, and combined with Yasuo's previous performance, he knew that he and the team were all fooled.

This Yasuo is obviously a hidden move that YM has planned for a long time!

But this Yasuo was almost running to the high ground of his own home!

"I'm here to help you catch him." King Ning also felt that Lin Ran was a bit too arrogant and wanted to kill him again. "After killing Yasuo, let's try to see the dragon!"

Song Yijin responded.

The troll turned on the predator and accelerated forward, appearing on the top road. The pillar got stuck behind Lin Ran!

"Lissandra uses E [Glacier Path], and needs to cooperate with the jungler to catch it!"

This time King Ning will make sure that Lin Ran never returns!

But instead of retreating, Lin Ran turned around and fought back!

He was hit by the troll's ultimate move [Power Supremacy], but he didn't care. He followed up the basic attack with Steel Flash and hit it first!

Green Cross + Endless + Attack Speed ​​Shoes + Purple Rain Forest Fist, Lin Ran's development was quite smooth. With these two swords, the troll's HP, which only had one and a half pieces of equipment, instantly dropped by 20%!

"Ice Girl should use W to purify first, and then use R [Ice Tomb] to deal damage!"

The control still lasted less than half a second, but Broiler supplemented the output of the Rocket Belt, and it looked like he was about to fight to the end.

Lin Ran didn't panic at all. He turned around and used the wind wall to block the ice girl's normal attack damage, and then hit with another steel-cutting flash!

After the attack speed increases, the cooldown of Yasuo Q also becomes very short.

Lin Ran created a whirlwind, turned around, hit the troll with a basic attack, and stepped back at the same time.

At this time, Song Yijin moved forward and passed through the wind wall in order to pursue and compensate for the damage.

Lin Ran paused suddenly, turned around and took a step closer to Lissandra!

This is the step to bring the opponent into the casting range of your E forward slash!

Yasuo leaned forward, swung his sword and intended to use EQ to create a circular sword wind.

When Song Yijin saw this, he realized something was wrong.

He currently has no ultimate move. If he is knocked into the air, Lin Ran will most likely be knocked out instantly if he activates R.

After all, the conquerors are already stacked up, and coupled with Yasuo's endless explosion damage conversion real damage mechanism, it is definitely not difficult to kill the ice girl who is about to disappear after the aftershocks in seconds.

Broiler immediately flashed to the side, intending to avoid Yasuo's EQ.

But at the same time as he used Flash Displacement, another golden light flashed across the canyon!

Yasuo appears next to the troll!

"EQ flash!"

The doll shouted loudly, "Brother Ran's real target is this troll!"

Prince Ning thought that Lin Ran would kill Ice Girl, but he didn't expect that he would be the first to suffer!

He couldn't react in time and was blown into the air!

Amidst the sudden wave of cheers that erupted in Wenhe Stadium, Yasuo hadn't finished his performance yet!

While knocking the opponent away, Lin Ran made a basic attack and then cast EQ on the troll.

When the ring sword was released, the troll fell from the highest point.

Lin Ran finally connected to the white thread!

The violent wind cuts off the breath!

"EQ flash AQR!" Miller spoke very fast, "Brother Ran played a double wind!"

The operation just stands out with all the bells and whistles.

Yasuo was spinning around in the air throughout the whole process, hitting the troll with multiple pieces of damage!

King Ning, who was already underdeveloped, had only residual blood left when he landed.

"Yasuo killed the kill with one basic attack!" A loud shout came, "Brother Ran, this is 1 on 2 and he killed one!"

The stadium is already buzzing!

"What did I see?!" Wawa couldn't believe his eyes, "Is this Brother Ran's Yasuo?"

The barrage exploded instantly!

【66666, I accept this operation】

[Yasuo is so handsome, isn’t this showing off King Ning as a backdrop? 】

[pzzzang, come out from under the table, let’s play for you, right?]

[You think this Yasuo is a ghost in the Korean server? 】

[Brother Meng was fooled, YM is so cunning! 】

Everyone has reacted now.

Lin Ran and YM hid Yasuo, and Yi Zang hid in the S8 finals!

"After the troll died, the remaining four YM players activated the baron. IG had no jungler, and the mid laner didn't have a big move yet. There was no way to stop the opponent!"

The atmosphere at the scene has been ignited!

Amidst the deafening screams, YM accepted the dragon!

"The economic gap between the two sides has reached 10,000 yuan!"

IG no longer has any ability to fight back.

Baolan wanted to fight to the death in the last wave of team battles, but was killed by Keg and Jhin before he could move forward before turning on R [Jinghong Gap].

The explosive barrel was thrown out again, blowing up the IG two people. Lin Ran followed up with his big move!

After landing, I used the stopwatch from the supply!

The golden body evasion skills allow other teammates to harvest and clean up the battlefield!

IG was defeated like a mountain!

"YM is going to bulldoze the IG base!"

At 25 minutes, Ronin Yasuo's last sword pierced the IG main crystal!

The big chapter will continue tomorrow!

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