LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 653 651: The trump card is revealed! The legacy from SKT

"Congratulations to YM, for scoring first and winning the first round in the finals of this global finals!"

In the crowded Munhak Stadium in Incheon, all kinds of noises are now lingering.

The script of the first game completely exceeded the audience’s imagination!

Lin Ran chose Yasuo, and his performance throughout the game was perfect. Except for two deaths in the early stage, all other operations were done to the extreme!

The audience vented their emotions with cheers and applause. The popularity of live broadcasts on major platforms has soared. The number of simultaneous viewers on the Mouse Channel has exceeded 3 million in the blink of an eye, and is still growing.

When the head of Riot Games’ event operations saw this data, he almost laughed out loud.

The number one player in the league today plus Yasuo, the two most popular monsters are stacked together, and their appeal to ordinary players is extremely exaggerated!

Lin Ran took off his headphones, pushed open the door of the soundproof room with his teammates, and walked to the backstage lounge.

There were not many smiles on their faces. After all, this was only the first round of the final, and it was still far from the real victory. It was too early to celebrate now.

However, his demeanor was still a little more relaxed compared to when he took the stage.

In the IG soundproof room on the other side of the stage, the cock opened its mouth slightly and was still immersed in the shocking scene of being killed by Yasuo in a one-two punch.

"Brother Ran's EQ flash, do you know what it reminds me of?" The baby's face was red and she was still sharing her views with her two partners.

Miller was very applauded and started to praise him with great interest, "How do you say it?"

"Yasuo in the Broiler Chicken S5 bubble match!" Watanabe's voice was loud. "In the fifth game of VG, his EQ flash at the critical moment helped the team successfully enter the world stage!"

"It's true," I remember thinking about it carefully and immediately agreeing, "Both of them have EQ, so to a certain extent they have the same purpose!"

Wang Sicong in the audience took out his mobile phone and planned to watch the barrage in the domestic live broadcast room. Hearing the commentary, he was also brought back memories.

If it weren't for the broiler, he would probably have to go to Lao Ba to have a good communication.

Nowadays, netizens in the live broadcast room are constantly posting comments.

[Yasuo would have won if he could release a double wind once in a game, but Brother Ran also won... This is simply a win-win! 】

[It can be regarded as winning money for him]

[Among the top ten famous scenes in League of Legends this year, Brother Ran’s Yasuo must be nominated! 】

[Can the competition system be changed? I want to see a blind draft, so that Broiler and Ran Ge all use Yasuo]

[There will be two Yasuos in one game, right? The loser goes to Europe and is reincarnated again? 】

"IG will have to make adjustments in the next game," Miller said, looking forward to the next game. "In the first game, King Ning was severely restricted. Although he successfully launched several ganks in the middle in the early stage, in the mid-term, , he couldn’t start a group, and the whole team came to a standstill.”

Remember to nod yes, take over the topic and continue, "The sense of smell for starting a team is King Ning's most powerful weapon, but YM makes him useless through BP. IG will be on the blue side in the next round, and they will have the first ban in the first round. With the right to grab first, you can find ways to make room for your own jungler..."

The three commentators also gave them advice from the perspective of IG.

Lin Ran walked through the corridor and returned to the lounge holding the paper cup.

"Well done!" Guo Hao patted his shoulder hard when they saw him, raising the corner of his mouth at an exaggerated angle, "These pair of winds are so handsome!"

If the team really succeeds in winning three consecutive championships, he, the manager responsible for the behind-the-scenes job, will also get a lot of benefits. Achieving meritorious deeds will also be beneficial to his subsequent career development.

"Aren't you Yasuo good at hiding?" Su Cheng smiled and punched her boyfriend's chest.

Guo Hao sent her a staff ID, allowing Su Cheng to enter the backstage smoothly.

Hearing his girlfriend's words, Lin Ran replied seriously: "That's for sure. In addition, there are a lot of things hidden."

The room was very crowded. In addition to the coaching staff and players, there were other employees and family members. Jack's cousin was also here. When they heard Lin Ran's words, they were inexplicably made to laugh.

The lounge is full of joy.

Hongmi patted his notebook and signaled everyone to quiet down.

"Everyone executed the tactics very well in the upper game and was in pretty good shape." He summed up a few sentences first, praising the players, and then changed the subject, "The jungler must be liberated on the opposite side of the lower game. We are on the red side, and the BP is on the top. There are certain disadvantages.”

"But it doesn't matter, I plan to do this..."

He discussed with the five players the lineup and on-field contingency strategies.

"The core is still with Ranguo. You can definitely do it, right?" Hongmi finally looked at Lin Ran.

"That's definitely no problem," Lin Ran immediately patted his chest after hearing this and assured, "I'm sure we can complete the mission."

Su Cheng squeezed his shoulders from behind to help relieve fatigue.

The TV screen connected to the live broadcast showed the MVP player of the previous set.

In the makeup photo, Lin Ran smiled brightly, with his fingers together like knives, placed diagonally on his chest.

Drifter Yasuo behind him also made a gesture of drawing his sword.

"Wairui, why not me?" Xiaoyao was very dissatisfied, "Didn't you agree to watch KDA?"

His record in this game is quite good, with a battle loss ratio of 4/0/8, and his team participation rate is close to 90%.

But the MVP was snatched away by Lin Ran.

Yasuo's KDA is 7/2/4, with a damage output ratio of 28.8%, a lead in opponent economy of +4430, and a kill participation rate of 78.6%.

"If you had chosen Yasuo to achieve such a record, you would probably win the MVP," Lin Ran patted the little bastard on the shoulder with a look of regret on his face, "What a pity."

"Wait, I will choose the Sword Master in the next round and kill all of you!" Xiaoyao tried hard to make his tone more ferocious, but his words were as if he was trapped and weak, and there was no lethality at all. On the contrary, Su Cheng was amused.

Before going on stage, Jack suddenly realized a question, "Brother Ran, if we win the championship today...can you choose Yasuo's skin?"

Lin Weixiang, who was acting as the atmosphere team next to him, widened his eyes.

"Okay, what's wrong?" Lin Ran didn't know why.

Big Eyebrow answered for Shiba Inu, "...Do you know how much money you can make if you choose Yasuo as the champion skin?"

His voice was trembling.

Lin Weixiang hasn't received his share of last year's championship skin yet, but he asked Vincent that after excluding the 25% dividend to other LPL clubs, each person's after-tax income is close to 10 million.

What is this concept?

In the LPL, except for teammates on the same team and one or two scattered superstars, the annual salary of other players is not as high as Lin Weixiang's championship skin share!

This is one of the reasons why Da Mei stayed in YM this year.

Who has trouble with money?

If Lin Ran can choose Yasuo as the champion skin this year...

Lin Weixiang didn't even dare to think about it.

One of the most popular heroes in the world, coupled with the gimmick of YM's three consecutive championships, how much can this Yasuo champion skin be sold for as long as the quality is not too inferior?

You know, the champion skin benefits are evenly distributed.

If Lin Ran chooses Yasuo, each member will probably earn an additional seven figures in income.

A house in my hometown is available!

After Da Mei realized this, even cheering became more sincere.

"We must win!"

He stood at the entrance to the waiting area, eagerly looking forward to waving goodbye to the starting members, the head coach and Jiang Chenglu.

The YM members who took the stage again were warmly welcomed by the audience.

Many people were shouting the IDs of Lin Ran and other teammates, and several strong male fans were waving the YM team flag in their hands.

Black and red dominate Wenhe Stadium!

The Gou Sons realized that the team was off to a bad start, and loudly cheered for the IG members who came on stage.

However, the momentum is too weak. In front of YM, who is full of honors, today's IG really has no advantages except for the ancient giants.

After closing the door of the soundproof room, Lin Ran's ears became much clearer.

After sitting on the chair and putting the paper cup away, he was pulled into the custom room by TheShy, the host of the second game.

All ten team members were in place neatly.

There were more referees behind them than there were players, and they asked the players one by one if they were ready.

After receiving a positive answer, the referee reported the situation to the backstage director team.

"IG top laner, the game can begin."

TheShy clicks the mouse, and the familiar BP panel breaks into the audience's eyes!

The three commentators perked up and immediately started analyzing and explaining BanPick.

"IG was on the blue side in this game and banned Jhin first. Jack's functional ADC was used very well. Blocking it is indeed a safer choice."

Hongmi sent Ashe to the ban position.

"In the second ban position, IG banned Akali, and Brother Yan used the assassin to set the pace everywhere." Miller looked at the BP panel, "YM blocked Sapphire's Luo with a backhand..."

"Hey, has YM changed its strategy?" Watanabe didn't understand. "They banned three junglers in the first round of the previous game. It looks like they will release them all in this game?"

Remember to explain, "This is the disadvantage of the red side. They have to take on the ice ban position, so it is impossible to block all the three rhythm junglers of Lee Sin, Xin Zhao and Qinggang Shadow. They have to release one. "

"In this case, it's better to release them all. Everyone can accept the strong rhythm jungle version."

As we speak, IG’s last banned position in the first round has been determined.


The happy man was lying on the IG ban list with innocence written all over his face.

There was endless laughter from the audience.

"An hour ago, absolutely no one would have thought that IG would take the initiative to assume the ban position of Yasuo in the finals against YM!" Wawa said happily, "What a black humor!"

Miller frowned, "But one thing to say, IG's ban is a bit strange. We all know that Yasuo is very proficient in the broiler. There is no problem in banning him on the blue side. King Ning only needs to choose If you play a character with a knock-up effect, it will be easy to open up the situation in the middle."

"I think IG did this... because they want to grab the jungler first," I remember putting forward my opinion. "If Yasuo is released and he doesn't grab the jungler on the blue side, then YM will have to lock it down. The situation may be exactly the same as the first game."

Brother Haier thought for a moment and thought that this idea made sense.

Hongmi can also guess that the opponent will definitely increase the priority of the jungler in this game, so he will definitely not choose Feng Man first, and it is reasonable to ban Yasuo.

He waited and waited for the situation to change, banning the strong version of Syndra to prevent the opponent from choosing a strong double C swing character.

"IG first targets Xin Zhao, who is currently the most powerful rhythm jungler!"

In this version that emphasizes competition in the jungle, Xin Zhao's one-on-one strength is stronger than that of Blind Monk and Green Steel Shadow, and is about the same as Troll.

But in terms of team initiating and rhythm driving, he is much better than Trundle.

After all, the trolls rely on pillars to block people when they start a team. If the opponent has a little bit of movement ability, it is impossible for him to start the team fight.

Taken together, Xin Zhao is indeed unique to King Ning.

"Qinggangying + Dao Mei, YM has directly locked two of the four sisters!" Wawa has no objection to this, "In this way, it is still a top-middle position, it depends on how IG will respond..."

Kim Jing-soo’s decision was to choose the Minotaur and the Enchantress.

"Nakano Suke was confirmed in the first round. The three positions that IG got are all quite strong," Miller was very satisfied. "And Enchantress also has certain advantages when facing Sword Girl. The hero is flexible and will not be easily caught by Irelia." Opportunity, so I won’t be afraid that YM will move Dao Mei to the middle..."

Hongmi decided to choose Leona for Liu Qingsong to add some control and strong opening capabilities, and at the same time pave the way for the next selection and matching of the bottom lane.

"In the second round of BP, YM banned Sword Girl and Crocodile, blocking out Sword Girl's less easy-to-play characters." I remember holding my chin, "It seems that YM wants to give Irelia to Jin Gong. "

"IG sent Bomberman and Kai'Sa to the ban position. The two are very powerful when paired with Leona. They are trying their best to block Jack's hero pool, plus the previously blocked Jhin, Ice, and Syndra. , there are not many bottom lane characters left now!”

The doll was very curious, "What hero should Jack choose?"

The next moment, Kasumi was lying in the Shiba Inu character selection box.

"This is a bit incompatible with Leona," Miller disagreed. "Both of them don't have long range, so they can easily be suppressed in the bottom lane. But Xayah's combat ability is not particularly strong without Rakan. , and the development cycle is also very long.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Jack suddenly changed the hero, and then decisively locked it down!

In the selection box, a sturdy man with a beard is holding a throwing ax, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

"Draven?!" the doll yelled in a familiar voice, "Jack is going to use his signature hero this time!"

Bursts of noise erupted from the auditorium!

666 also flew across the screen in the event live broadcast room. Netizens were very excited, but some of them also raised objections.

[Sure enough, there is really nothing to say about Draven and Jack’s hero pool when things get tough]

[If I choose Draven in this version, I’m afraid he’s never died before]

[Should it be the first two years? The jungler no longer lives in the bottom lane, so how can he play Draven? 】

[It’s the same. King Ning won’t come to play. Let’s play in the lane and see who is afraid of whom? 】

After seeing the YM duo confirm their choice, Miller also felt a little inappropriate, "Dlevin + Leona, this duo has strong laning strength, but how to fight in a team battle?"

"Leona is not like Thresh, her ability to protect Draven is average!"

And IG has already locked in its fourth choice during this period.

"Death Song in the bottom lane, this is also the favorite hero of the old thief Sima. He used it many times this summer when the magic core was popular, and the effect was very good."

I remember that I am not surprised by this. After all, the bottom lane characters are now banned in various ways, and Jack has taken Draven, so the answer can be easily obtained by elimination.

"The question now is what top laner should IG use to face YM's swing?"

Miller looked at IG's current lineup configuration and said, "It is relatively lacking in AD output. Currently, only Ning Wang's Xin Zhao can provide physical damage, and the rest of Death Song and Enchantress are all magic damage."

Wawa jumped in and said, "It's a pity that Lucian can't choose. It's very difficult to play the sword girl with this character."

"That's right..."

I remember I just wanted to agree with my partner, and then I saw IG confirmed my best unit!

"Wayne?" His surprise was palpable, "Is it true or not?"

"Locked down!"

The tens of thousands of spectators in the Wenhe Stadium made a huge noise at this moment!

"Top laner Vayne, TheShy has to walk a tightrope!"

Miller's voice also became urgent, "It's really good if Vayne goes solo and plays a short-handed character, but the problem is that he will definitely be targeted. Wouldn't a long-handed squishy be willing to catch and die?"

IG has now also revealed their trump card.

Jiang Chenglu practiced a lot of heroes during this period, just to be able to play a character with strong enough suppression when banning his opponent.

Although Jin Jingzhu doesn't like to choose a long-hand character other than Jace for TheShy, because he thinks it is not stable.

But he had to admit that Jiang Chenglu's suppression ability when using his long hands could only be described as terrifying.

After losing the first game, he decided to let Jiang Chenglu come to Pan Weien to try the effect.

There was a little panic in the voices of the YM team.

There is no option in the Jin Gong hero pool that can deal with top laner Vayne.

Fighting Vayne alone on a tank is asking for death, and a tank warrior is too bulky to do that.

To fight Vayne, it's best to have a hero who can move flexibly and can kill him instantly with a set of ALL IN.

The person who was fucked by Jin Gong was a little dizzy.

"You should take the sword girl," Lin Ran said to him, "We will carry out the plan before the game. Looking at this set, I think the chance of winning is not small."

When Irelia fights Vayne, it is basically impossible to succeed in the duel when E [Wing Blade] is difficult to hit.

What's more, Vayne's E Demonic Judgment can also interrupt Dao Mei's Q [Blade Impact].

But this is already the best option.

"YM fifth choice..."

Miller also wanted to analyze it, but Liu Qingsong locked it directly!

An old man with long beard and hair appears in the hero selection box, and the power of time in his hands is surging!


The dolls are numb.

Starting from the time Jack selected Draven, the BP style of this game became more and more biased.

After Jiang Chenglu’s top laner Wei En, Lin Ran chose the mid laner Shi Guang again!

"How many tactical reserves did both sides hide before the final?"

There was an uproar at the scene and even in the live broadcast room!

Another non-mainstream role, Kieran’s choice is obviously unexpected!

[First Yasuo, what about time again? Brother Ran must have a good time today]

[This is really a renaissance game. What era did the mid laner era come from? 】

[Return to that S6 Lee Sang Hyuk possession]

[It’s a pity that there is no Leopard Girl. Xiaotian Leopard Girl is too strong. When the time comes, she can replicate the mid-jungle routine of peak SKT. Time slows down and Leopard Girl loses the mark. It feels cool to think about it]

The barrage is still deceived by the first-hand marketing account news jointly produced by Guo Hao and Jin Gong.

They really think that Xiaotian is proficient in Leopard Girl, and they swear to prove their point of view with the use record of Nidalee, who is the most powerful one in the Korean server rankings.

Although the match between the Garlic Bastard Male Spearman and the Leopard Girl was bad, they can really play clearly in the qualifying match.

Anyway, since the S6 World Championship, Leopard Girl has not been popular in the professional arena, and no one can see the flaws if Xiaotian doesn't choose.

The three commentators analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of both sides' lineups.

Blue square IG: top laner Vayne, jungler Xin Zhao, mid laner Enchantress, bottom lane Death Song + Niutou.

Red Square YM: Top laner Dao Mei, jungler Qinggang Shadow, mid laner Shiguang, bottom laner Luther Levin + Leona.

"This hand seems to be really particular about time," Miller saw something fishy. "It's hard for the Enchantress to kill time instantly, and she can also provide protection for Draven in the bottom lane!"

Remember to add, "And the acceleration skill is very helpful for team building. It depends on Brother Ran's time proficiency and the team's cooperation!"

Before leaving the stage, Hongmi was still telling the team members, "Remember to find the location of Enchantress before the team battle, don't let her force out the time ultimate move!"

After LeBlanc's level increases, the cooldown time of her ultimate move is very short.

If the Enchantress is allowed to steal Lin Ran's R from the side, Broiler will wait for his ultimate to get better before starting the team.

General Lin Ran didn't have resurrection skills, so his effect was instantly reduced.

Just like what Hongmi said, LeBlanc's position must be determined before the team battle begins.

Lin Ran nodded to indicate that he understood.

Hongmi then took off her headphones, left the soundproof room and went to the center of the stage to shake hands with Jin Jingzhu.

Amidst the cheers and cheers in Wenhe Stadium, Summoner's Rift is coming!

It’s not easy to divide the chapters into chapters. I’ll just finish the second round tomorrow.

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