LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 654 652: Turning back time, the carnival of the Delai Alliance! 【9.4k big chapter】

The signal sounded throughout the venue, and ten players bought their outdoor outfits and left the spring.

"Brother Ran, the main system of this game is [Glacier Amplification], and the secondary system is Dominant Malicious Slander and Spiritual Hunter. It seems that he will use the same outfit idea that constantly slows down others!"

The doll is not surprised by this now.

When he chose a full lineup of five yordles in YM before, he had seen Lin Ran use the little mage to produce ice gun + twin shadows, which disgusted the opponent to death.

At that time, after the game, there was also a wave of glacier-increasing mid laners in the qualifying matches.

But after testing it for a few days, we found that it was really not easy to use.

Mainly because of poor laning ability.

The glacier amplification rune is purely prepared for small-scale team battles, and it has almost zero help for the early laning.

As for the characters who can use Lin Ran's set of ice guns + twin shadows, they basically have average laning abilities. If a hero like Xiaofa carries this rune, he will only be beaten in the early stage, which will make the player's game The experience was average.

Before he could come out of the mountain, he was single-killed several times by opposing players, and the middle tower was bulldozed, so he had to raise a big daddy.

Originally, I brought slowing runes and equipment with the intention of torturing the opponent, but in the end, I turned into a foster father and watched the big daddy on the other side chatting and laughing while blocking the spring and killing people randomly.

In the end, I can only say one thing, the clown is actually me.

"Brother Ran is able to play this system because he is so stable in the lane," Miller said with a smile. "Even if Rune sacrifices a certain amount of early ability, the laner will not be beaten badly. As long as he holds on until he can do it with his ice spear." Come out and you’re done.”

The commentator was still analyzing the rune configuration, and the number of viewers in the live broadcast room continued to surge.

This game can be said to be highly anticipated.

Top laner Vayne, mid laner Shiguang, and ADC Draven.

In one game, both sides chose three versions of unpopular heroes!

Curiosity drove netizens to click on the live broadcast room to take a closer look.

"Both sides still have no intention of invading the jungle. Xiaoyao opens the jungle from the red buff in the upper half of the area. It seems that he plans to brush all the way down..."

At 1 minute and 27 seconds, Lin Ran followed the army line to the middle.

The broiler enchantress raised her wand and hit the soldier with a basic attack.

Lin Ran retaliated without hesitation, and the clockwork parts also hit the melee soldiers.

The two characters, Enchantress and Kieran, are very capable of pushing the lane at level one. Both sides can only use basic attacks to clear out the minions most of the time.

The handover position of the army lines was therefore stuck in the center.

"I'll go directly to the lower river channel to eat river crabs. Please take a look." Xiaoyao marked a sign on the way and signaled the lower channel to push the line.

After finishing the red BUFF alone, he ran directly to the river.

In this way, when the river crab is refreshed in 2 minutes, he can brush it off as soon as possible.

This is the best jungle route that Garlic Bastard can think of.

Although Lin Ran and Broiler are evenly matched in the middle right now, as time goes by, Enchantress will definitely have an advantage in the laning phase.

Nowadays, not as many people choose the mid laner as before. This is because more and more emphasis is placed on line power, and Kieran is very weak in the early stage. Whether it is one-on-one or mid-field confrontation, his strength is not very high.

If he waited a little longer and lost the line right in the middle, Xiaoyao would be very uncomfortable.

Because it is impossible for Sword Girl to have an advantage against Vayne on the top lane. She will lose all her rights in the mid lane and top lane, and the entire top half of YM will fall by then.

The Garlic Bastard's decision is to take advantage of the advantage of the bottom lane to get more wild monster resources as soon as possible while the middle lane can still stabilize the situation, so that he can give up some of the wild monsters later to stop the loss.

Just as he thought, after reaching level 2, Song Yijin's Enchantress's play style became much more fierce, constantly approaching, hoping to take advantage of the opportunity to use QW to mark the explosion.

Lin Ran was forced to retreat.

Time's Q [Time Bomb] has a very obvious hand-raising movement, and the flying speed of the bomb is very slow.

Kieran threw the bomb first, and it was easily avoided by Enchantress using her displacement skills.

Lin Ran decided to play coercion.

Song Yijin did not continue to press. He stood parallel to the YM melee soldiers and began to accumulate the middle line of troops bit by bit.

"I will push the troops in later, and we will invade the wild area together," Broiler vented to King Ning, "This Green Steel Shadow is probably opened in the upper half of the area, and Stone Beetle and F6 have not been used!"

While he was hoarding lines, he also inserted an eye into YM's Sharpbill camp through the wall to ensure that Xiaoyao did not eat F6.

Wild monsters like stone beetles are even more difficult to brush with Qinggang Ying in the early stage. Thinking about it, you know it is impossible to brush them.

"Then I'll eat all the lower half, and then go in from the upper river..." King Ning planned his next route and asked his teammates to prepare first.

He is a red in the lower half of the area. With Xin Zhao's jungle clearing speed, it will take about 2 minutes and 35 seconds to finish three groups of wild monsters.

At this time, the crabs on the river have been refreshed for half a minute.

However, King Ning was not worried. He concluded that Xiaoyao did not dare to take the risk of brushing the river crab, and the wild monster would be his sooner or later.

First clear out all the wild monsters below and then go to the upper half of YM. Even if Xiaoyao discovers that the wild area has been invaded and goes to the lower jungle area on IG to replace resources, he will only see an empty wild monster camp.

At 2 minutes and 40 seconds, Song Yijin's Enchantress made up for the long-range soldiers with her last basic attack, and successfully pushed the third wave of artillery lines under Lin Ran Tower.

He didn't want to waste time, so he turned around and moved towards the upper half.

"King Ning is also running up, and the IG midfielder seems to be putting some pressure on Jin Gong..." Wawa stared at the movements of Enchantress and Xin Zhao on the mini-map, "But Brother Gongzi's health is still good!"

Xiba people know how to resist pressure.

It had become a habit for him, a kind of muscle memory.

He had no intention of competing with TheShy. After sending out the first wave of minions, he pretended to move forward, tricking Jiang Chenglu into hitting him twice, and then retreated to the tower to wait for the troops to come over.

Vayne fired two arrows, attracting the hatred of the minions. In this way, the YM minions attacked TheShy, and the IG minions attacked the YM soldier line.

Binxuan's handover position naturally advanced to the Jin Gong defense tower.

In this way, the Xiba people can safely replenish their troops in the tower, and rely on the double recovery effects of Dolan Shield and Resurrection Wind to make up for the HP lost by Vayne A's two arrows.

"But it seems like it's not just about applying pressure," Miller felt something was wrong, "it's about trying to double-team and jump over the tower!"

Jin Gong also realized this and quickly asked for help in the team voice.

The moment the Enchantress appeared on the top lane, Lin Ran also cleared away the minions in the middle lane, handed over the teleport and went straight to the upper tower, hoping to protect his teammates.

Prince Ning raised the corners of his mouth and showed a Teemo approving expression.

"IG went to the middle and jungle and waited for Brother Ran to teleport before retreating!" I remember frowning, "This is a bit of a loss for YM. King Ning can still brush the sharp-beaked birds and stone beetles in the upper half!"

The lower half of IG has been cleared, and Xiaoyao couldn't get any resources in exchange for it.

Moreover, Shi Shi can only go home to resupply and then return to the middle - if he goes directly through the jungle, he is very likely to be caught by IG's middle and jungle.

In addition, Lin Ran also handed over a teleportation.

No matter how you think about it, it’s YM’s blood loss.

But the Garlic Bastard didn't want to let it go.

"Come on, come on, go straight to the bottom lane!" He immediately commanded his teammates, preparing to attack the IG duo.

YM has the advantage in the bottom lane. The combination of Draven + Leona is already extremely strong in laning. Moreover, Jack, a unique skill brother, is using it, and now he has been keeping the opponent under the tower.

Xiaoyao's green steel shadow emerged from the grass behind the side of the next tower of IG and blew the horn of YM to climb over the tower.

"Liu Qingsong flashes Q [Shield of Dawn] to take the initiative, triggering Aftershock's double resistance increase!"

Baolan also wanted to use the horns to push up the Qinggang Shadow behind him, so that YM could not deal any damage.

But Xiaoyao reacted quickly and immediately handed over the E [Hook Rope] to the defense tower.

The blue steel shadow hook will not be interrupted until it reaches the turret.

Judging from the visual effects, although he was pushed away by the horns, the hook rope still took him to the defense tower after grabbing the building!

"Baolan was forced to hand over Q [Earth Shatter] and knocked Qinggang Shadow away... IG Liang teleported!"

And there is more than one teleportation, Enchantress and Vayne are all going to come down to support!

"They plan to counterattack YM and leave the three people in the field here!"

Liu Qingsong's flash attack convinced IG to decide on TP. Now Qinggangying has used his only displacement skill. As long as Broiler and TheShy can land, the two of them are confident of getting a few kills!

The situation was urgent, and the audience in Wenhe Stadium burst into exclamations and screams.

But the voices within the YM team remained calm.

"People from Xiba, go and stop Vayne while I look for the Enchantress!" Lin Ran gave the order.

He applied the acceleration effect of E [Clockwork of Time] to himself and pursued forward along the path that the enchantress had just left his field of vision.

Lin Ran knew that Song Yijin would definitely not pass W [Shadow's Trail] over the wall. After all, this is the core pursuit skill of Enchantress in the early stage.

Moreover, the cooldown of level 1 W is as long as 18 seconds. If you cast it now, the skill will definitely not improve when it lands. It will be difficult for the Enchantress without the shadow of the shadow to catch up with the three YM players in the field, and the burst damage will also be higher. Go lower.

So he walked through the grass behind the previous tower and entered the upper half of his wild area to follow the traces of the broiler chickens.

During this period, he happened to meet King Ning who was eating stone beetles.

When Gao Zhenning saw Lin Ran coming to stop the teleportation, he immediately rushed forward with his spear.

However, before Xiaoyao started to jump the tower on the bottom lane, Ning Wang's skill had already been used for one round, and it had not turned well yet.

Lin Ran saw Gao Zhenning trying to push himself closer to the IG camp.

There is only one principle for approaching positioning in this case.

That is to keep the opponent as far away from the character who is guiding the teleportation as possible.

So the position of the broiler must be behind King Ning!

Lin Ran thought and understood, continued to move forward facing Xin Zhao's spear, and then inserted the jewelry eye in front, and successfully saw the enchantress who was guiding the teleportation!

Q【Time bomb】!

While throwing the bomb, Lin Ran pressed W [Travel to the Future] to reduce the cooldown of QE's two small skills by 10 seconds.

Among them, the CD of the first-level time bomb is exactly 10 seconds.

It just refreshed after being reduced!

Another bomb was dropped!

Broiler still had a fluke mentality, thinking that he could complete the teleportation before the bomb fell.

But when the TP reading bar was about to end, the second bomb was successfully stacked, making the enchantress fall into a dazed state!

The transmission was interrupted!

"Brother Gongzi used Q [Blade Impact] to kill the minions and placed a ward in the line grass near the upper tower of YM. He also saw Vayne whose teleportation had not yet ended!"

TheShy is hiding in the innermost TP of the grass, so there is still a certain distance from Jin Gong.

Xiba Ren did not hesitate, flashed forward, quickly pulled out his twin blades, and successfully stunned Vayne!

The audience cheered non-stop!

"All IG's upper and lower teleports have been interrupted!" The doll's voice became shriller, "No one can save the old thief and Baolan now!"

When Lin Ran and Jin Gong interrupted the opponent's teleportation above the canyon, the tower jumping in the bottom lane also continued.

YM's teamwork was most vividly demonstrated at this time.

The three people in the lower field unconditionally believed that their upper and lower positions could interrupt the opponent's teleportation, and had no intention of giving up jumping over the tower and retreating.

Sapphire's tauren handed over its only two skills to Qinggang Ying. Jack outputted without pressure and swung his two axes, easily taking away the life of the old thief Sima.

"Keep killing!" the Shiba Inu roared, applying a healing spell to Liu Qingsong who was resisting the tower, allowing himself to gain acceleration and continue to pursue Baolan forward!

"The aftershock effect of Niutou has disappeared. Baolan handed over the flash and wanted to escape, but Xiaoyao's tactical sweep slowed down and kept him!"

Jack caught the ax, activated W [Bloody Sprint] to accelerate, and stepped forward to kill the bull's head with two axes!

"Draven double kill!"

The excited shouts of YM supporters echoed in the stadium!

Jack, who uses the champion skin, is enjoying the cheers inside and outside the Summoner's Rift at the same time!

[Jack’s bowl feels comfortable]

[YM’s cooperation is really good. It’s a classic double thread. The top interrupts TP, and the bottom continues as usual]

[Dlevin has two heads in the early stage, boxes and boxes]

[From the group stage until now, they have all been tools. Finally, it’s time to mess with Jack when he shows off]

The director quickly cut the camera to the road again.

"The broiler became angry, recovered from the dizziness, and moved forward to tie the phantom chain!"

King Ning's skill set also improved, and he stabbed Jilan in the face with his fearless charge, and started stabbing randomly with his triple claw attack.

"Brother Ran hands over the flash to distance himself, and then puts on himself the E [Time Clockwork] that has been cooled down!"

Although the level 1 E skill only has a 40% acceleration effect, it is enough. Lin Ran moved at a speed of nearly 450 yards and successfully returned to his home tower.

It is now impossible for IG to cross the tower and kill YM mid-top, so they can only give up and leave in frustration.

"I*..." Prince Ning couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

Since the battle in the bottom lane broke out suddenly, Jiang Chenglu and Song Yijin had no way to find a safer teleportation position, otherwise the old thief and Baolan would have been killed, and their further teleportation would have no effect.

I just didn't expect that the players in YM's two single lanes acted so decisively. They came up to interrupt the teleportation without saying a word, and they happened to find the right position!

As long as the interruption is just a little late, IG can teleport down to harvest the battlefield!

"It's okay, it's okay, the middle and upper ones didn't flash, you can just come over and grab them randomly!" Song Yijin was also very anxious. He calmed down and decided on his next idea.

"After helping Delevingne get a double kill in the bottom lane, Xiaoyao went directly to fight Xiaolong!"

Not long after the 3-minute Tulong was refreshed, he was lucky enough to be favored by the Garlic Bastard.

Liu Qingsong was also following him.

Since Qinggangying had no means of recovery, it was quite difficult to farm such a large wild monster, so he used W [Solar Eclipse] to help Xiaoyao resist the hatred.

The Garlic Bastard also decisively handed over the punishment. Anyway, there are no wild monsters to kill now, so it is useless to keep the punishment. It is better to eat the little dragon quickly.

"Wow, Jack's equipment..." the doll made a familiar sigh, "less than 4 minutes, a storm sword?"

Mainly due to the combination of the IG duo Death Song + Minotaur, there is no way to put any pressure on Draven before level 6. The uninterrupted Shiba Inu never dropped an ax in the early stage.

The worship levels are stacked very high. The basic economy for two heads is 700 gold coins. Plus passive bounties, three waves of soldiers and the system's automatic money jump, Jack returned to the city with just 1,300 gold coins and took out a big sword.

"Draven took off!"

The old thief Sima who teleported back to the line could only add one Dark Seal. When he saw Draven buying the sword in less than 4 minutes, his face almost turned green.

Is this still a hammer?

"Gao Zhenning, can you come and help?" Baolan also realized that the pressure on the bottom lane would be exaggerated, and quickly called the jungler.

"...Wait until I finish capturing the middle lane first." Prince Ning still felt that capturing Lin Ran was more important.

He now wishes he could let this time pass and die quickly.

The duo raised no objections.

Although the old thief is not as autistic as he seems in interviews when playing games, he is definitely not a talkative person, and he will not be overly involved in team command.

Bao Lan was not a particularly assertive person, so he let King Ning go.

"After Xin Zhao finishes the first half of YM, go back and eat his own wild monsters, and then return to the city to replenish equipment!"

The game lasted 4 minutes and 15 seconds. King Ning went home and made a long sword + a red jungle knife.

I did not choose straw sandals + real eyes. The main thing was to ensure that I and the broiler had enough damage to kill Lin Ran.

Miller noticed Prince Ning's movements, "He's coming directly to arrest Brother Ran!"

Gao Zhenning knew that Xiaoyao had been staying in the lower half of the area before, and he had just finished beating Xiaolong, so he probably had a field of vision in the lower river.

Therefore, he chose the safest path and entered the YM jungle area from the upper river. He huddled in the grass next to the Sharp Beak Camp and waited for the troops to enter the opponent's defense tower.

Lin Ran interrupted his opponent's teleport before and returned to the city to replenish the killing ring, but Song Yijin still had the corruption potion.

Broiler, who had not returned to the city, naturally took control of the middle route. He successfully pushed the sixth wave of artillery troops into Lin Ran's defense tower, and then ran to the river pass and poked a jewelry eye in to make sure Xiao Kui was not there. nearby.

"Brother Ran still wants to recruit troops... Prince Ning has already rushed out!"

The Enchantress who pressed forward and Zhao Xin who appeared from behind were flanked by each other, surrounding Kieran under the tower!

"LeBlanc knocked down the corruption potion, W [Shadow's Trace] took the lead, and stepped on the face of time!"

Lin Ran walked forward immediately, wanting to get behind the broiler.

Most of the enchantress's phantom chains are thrown forward after stepping on their face.

If he could get in the wrong position with Song Yijin, he might be able to move around and avoid the chains.

But LeBlanc is one of Rookie's signature skills, and her proficiency is quite exaggerated.

He also walked forward, keeping a certain distance from Lin Ran, and then threw the phantom chain.

Successful hit!

"Xin Zhao pokes it up and puts it up as a challenge for punishment!"

Lin Ran took his time, drank a bottle of corruption potion, threw Q [Time Bomb] on the head of the enchantress, and then immediately cast W [Travel to the Future] to refresh the skill.

For the second bomb, he didn't throw it at the Enchantress, but sealed it at the mark left by the enemy's shadow!

Song Yijin subconsciously thought at first that Lin Ran would continue to throw bombs above his head, and almost pressed the W key to return to the original position.

Fortunately, he had a steady hand and decided to stay where he was after seeing the direction of the bomb's flight.

"The Enchantress threw Q [Malicious Seal], the phantom chain detonated extra damage, and Brother Ran instantly became reduced to residual health!"

Xin Zhao continued to output, and his W [Wind Slash and Electric Sting] dealt extremely high damage, leaving Lin Ran with only a layer of blood left.

Lin Ran finally cast E [Clockwork of Time], and the slow target was not the Enchantress who was resisting the tower, but Xin Zhao who was in front of him!

"Although LeBlanc was not knocked unconscious by the double bombs, she is now in a dilemma in the YM Tower!"

The Enchantress who took the lead in resisting the tower has now been shot twice by the defense tower.

The bomb that Lin Ran dropped at the Mark of the Demonic Shadow blocked his escape route. If Broiler pressed W, he would hit the double bomb, and he would be stunned in place and would probably have to be replaced.

Now Song Yijin is still in the center of the tower. If he wants to walk out of the tower, he will probably have to take two shots.

He, a temptress who had never refurbished her equipment, would probably have to answer for being damaged by four cannons and bombs from the defense tower.

He had no choice but to hand over Flash to distance himself.

But at this moment, Broiler passed through the eye position previously arranged at the river pass and saw the green steel shadow flying towards here!

"Xiaoyu is here!"

The hook rope hit the wall at the extreme distance, and the second section of the wall kicked back towards the enchantress!

The displacement distance exceeds 1200 yards!

Even if Song Yi entered the eye as deeply as possible, it still wouldn't have much effect in front of the extremely flexible Qinggang Shadow!

"The broiler triggered the Shadow Shadow and returned to the original place, trying to avoid the Qinggang Shadow Hook...but he ran into the time bomb head-on!"

The time bomb lasts for three seconds before exploding. Before that, as long as the Enchantress touches the second bomb, she will be stunned.

Song Yijin had no choice. He didn't want to give his head to Xiaoyao, so that YM would get one more assist.

The Garlic Bastard reacted extremely quickly, adjusted his position in a flash, and hit Xin Zhao with the wall!

When he saw this, he didn't even look at Enchantress. Knowing that LeBlanc was already dead, he went directly to find Prince Ning!

Applying Challenge Punishment, AQA triggered a strong attack, and Xin Zhao's health instantly dropped by half.

"Although it has the deceleration resistance effect of Phase Rush, the slowdown of time still has a certain impact on Xin Zhao!"

King Ning took a kick and then pulled up, and just then he flashed and ran into the YM Sharp Beak Camp.

"Xiao Nao is chasing after him, and he knows that no one around him can help Xin Zhao!"

TheShy noticed something was wrong and was already rushing down, but Vayne without shoes was not moving very fast. After careful study, he decided not to go.

The Garlic Bastard chased him all the way, and when his hook rope improved again, he climbed up the wall and successfully kicked Xin Zhao, sending him away happily with a set of skills.

"1 for 2!" Miller sighed, "IG is losing blood this time!"

"The main reason is that the purpose is too obvious. In the first game, IG targeted the middle. Xiaoyao was already on guard this time. He was waiting not far from the middle and caught King Ning who came to take action!"

Gao Zhenning scratched his hair helplessly.

They were in trouble this time, missing the midfielder's flash, and both of them died.

"After discovering that Xin Zhao jumped the tower in the middle, the YM duo also started their own performance!"

The same tower jumping script!

Liu Qingsong's E [Zenith Blade] hit Baolan. Although he was knocked into the air by the Minotaur's Q [Earth Shatter], the task of tearing open the wound was completed.

Trigger aftershocks and resist towers.

Leave the rest to Jack!

"The bloody sprint accelerated forward, and Draven hit Death Song with a knife... What an exaggerated damage!"

Death Song's body was already fragile. At level three, his health on the panel was only 678. After being struck down by such an axe, his health instantly dropped by 1/5!

"The bull head pushed Liu Qingsong into the tower, but this did not stop Draven's pace!"

After the Shiba Inu got Draven, his ferocious nature was clearly visible. He controlled the landing point of the ax well, constantly refreshed the bloody sprint to increase the attack speed and movement speed. Five axes directly sent the old thief back to the spring water!

"Before he died, Liu Qingsong used Q [Shield of Dawn] to hit the bull's head, and asked Jack to chop him twice more!"

When the wound was torn and the old thief's Q in the passive state blew him up, Bao Lan's health was only half.

But there is still a wave of artillery soldiers under the IG tower.

Baolan, who had no aftershocks and lost all his skills, was spinning around in circles under the tower, weak, lonely and helpless.

Jack waited for the defense tower to fire at the artillery truck, and then he struck it down with an axe!

Three swords sent Baolan back to keep company with the old thief, and Draven took another head!

"Draven has already harvested four heads, how will Jack restrict him later?!" the doll shouted loudly.

Jin Jingzhu held his chin. He was originally serious and now looked depressed.

YM's ability to snowball is even better than that of IG.

Now King Ning wanted to go down the road, but it was too late.

He didn't flash. Jack went home and replenished the vampire scepter and dagger, and Liu Qingsong supplemented the control beside him. It was completely possible for 2 on 3.

Gao Zhenning could only give up the duo and go on the road to catch Jin Gong.

The Xiba people also didn't flash, so they were relatively easy to catch.

In the end, TheShy flashed to avoid Dao Mei's twin blades, and at the same time adjusted his position. E [Devil's Judgment] pinned him on the wall, and King Ning poked in and killed him easily.

"Brother Ran has reached level six..." Miller discovered this key news, "It's very difficult to kill Time now by climbing over the tower!"

Turning back time can resurrect the hero, and there is an unselectable effect for 3 seconds before that.

If IG jumped over the tower to kill Lin Ran, the price they would pay would be quite high.

And after leveling up, Lin Ran's line clearing speed became faster and faster. He used the minion remover in his hand to eat the artillery cart, and then dropped two bombs on the line. He could clear it with just two basic attacks. Dropped troops.

Song Yijin's pushing speed was much slower, so he could only watch Lin Ran go to support first.

"Brother Ran is going to the bottom lane again!"

Baolan and the old thief hid directly in the grass in front of the lower second tower this time, not even daring to take advantage of the line experience.

"Tear down the tower, let's switch lines directly!" Lin Ran didn't want to drag it out.

TheShy is top laner Vayne. For this kind of late-game shooter, the longer the laning phase is delayed, the happier he will be. When the equipment is formed, Jiang Chenglu is likely to take over the game.

Just pull out the next tower, change the army line, let Draven continue to advance as the main force, and use the team economy to make up for the development of Sword Girl.

This is the best choice for YM.

Jack didn't object. He turned to his assistant and said, "Liu Qingsong, get out of here. Don't divide the money from labor and capital."

When facing Lin Ran, he had another look on his face, "Brother Ran, let's eat together!"

Liu Qingsong's lips wriggled twice, but in the end he remained silent and quietly retreated to the back to read the note to return to the city.

Lin Ran took advantage of the first HP tower economy and successfully made two small pieces of the ice gun when he returned to the city.

"Prepare the vanguard and meet them with this wave of troops!"

He gave instructions.

Liu Qingsong's eyes were filled with real eyes when he heard this.

Nowadays, the two hard-assist Holy Relic Shields have not completed their tasks. With scanning lenses, they can only rely on their real eyes to see the field of view.

"YM took advantage of the situation and changed the lane, and IG seemed to want to take over the team..." I remember pondering for two seconds, "This is understandable. After all, they only have Draven as a fatter point. If they can really kill Jack in seconds, say There’s no way we can really win!”

Just now when Lin Ran went to the bottom lane to eat a blood tower, Jin Gong was caught to death by King Ning again, and his head was allocated to TheShy again.

Now Jiang Chenglu has attack speed shoes + a small scimitar + two attack speed daggers. Although the equipment is not as good as Jack's blood drinking sword + straw sandals, it is the highest level in the game.

Bao Lan also began to arrange eye positions in Dalong Pit.

To his surprise, Liu Qingsong was nowhere to be seen.

its not right……

Baolan frowned.

Liu Qingsong's return to the city should be about the same time as him, there is no reason to be so slow.

what's going on?

Although he had arranged an eye position in the Dalong Pit, a large area in the YM wild area was still shrouded in the fog of war. It was impossible to find Liu Qingsong's position just with the real eye left by King Ning.

From God's perspective, the director focused the camera on Leona near the YM red zone!

Behind her, Kieran was pouring energy into her crazily!

"Brother Ran used his passive [Time in a Bottle] to share experience points with Liu Qingsong," Miller's voice was urgent, "Let him reach level six!"

Before time reaches 6, 2 experience points can be stored every 5 seconds, which means there are 144 experience points.

After reaching level 6, the experience growth rate reaches 3.5 points every 5 seconds.

Overall, the experience value exceeded 220 points.

Although the passivity of time cannot share all the saved passivities.

But Liu Qingsong also gained some experience during his time in the bottom lane. He was not far from level 6 in the first place, but now after being injected with the passive time, he successfully learned the ultimate move!

The IG players who were just about to take over the group and prepare to start the vanguard suddenly lost their thoughts when they saw Level 6 Leona appearing in their field of vision.

"Get out, get out!" Prince Ning took the lead in running away.

If it was the first game, he might have been reckless.

But in the first game, Jack, who was suddenly promoted to level six, ruined IG at the Canyon Pioneer. King Ning refused to take the fight no matter what.

Just kidding, now the old thief is level 5 and Sapphire is level 4, and the opposite bottom lane duo all have big moves. How can we fight this?

TheShy still wanted to show off his skills, but he could only retreat when he heard the command.

"Is this YM's arrangement?" I remember shouting, "Use your mid laner time to help your teammates level up!"

He really got it right.

Redmi's preparation before the game is to use time to fight team battles with key level differences.

The first canyon pioneer, a neutral resource that must be fought for, is the best opportunity to start a war.

Normally, auxiliary characters do not spend much time online because they have to return to the city frequently, or to roam or do wards.

At 8 minutes, most supports cannot be upgraded to level 6.

Hongmi used time to make up for the level gap in support, allowing Liu Qingsong to have a fatal level difference in the matchup.

The sixth level of hard support is basically qualitative change, whether it is tankiness or control skills, both of which can play a good role.

Choose a time, and as long as the disadvantage in the laning phase is not too great, you can ensure your own combat capability in the Canyon Pioneer team battle!

"IG didn't dare to engage in the battle. YM got the vanguard and went directly to advance the top defense tower..."

Now Jack and Liu Qingsong can jump over the tower and kill Killing Song and Niutou at will.

As long as the old thief dares to show his head under the tower, they will do it without saying anything.

King Ning had no choice but to go to the bottom lane to catch the sword girl who had changed lanes.

But Jin Gong is already prepared to withstand the pressure, and has all the cloth armor and shoes ready. As long as the opponent doesn't kill him instantly with one set, he can just go back to the city to resupply and then come out to eat ice.

"The broiler in the middle can't open up the situation, Brother Ran's marking is too dead!"

The most important thing is that Song Yijin cannot get the blue BUFF.

King Ning initially opened the field in the lower half. By the time he completed a circle and hit the blue buff, the time was almost four minutes.

This also means that the second blue BUFF will be refreshed close to 9 minutes.

But at this time, YM had already changed the duo to the top lane.

Draven is now Chunchun's big daddy, and no one dares to eat wild monsters in front of him.

His own blue BUFF was lost, and the middle lane was continuously suppressed. Song Yijin had no chance to eat YM's blue.

And without mana replenishment and cooldown reduction, Enchantress is no match for Time when pushing the line.

After Lin Ran threw two bombs, and then applied the effect of the ice gun he just made, he was able to successfully clear a wave of soldiers.

Anyway, he brought the spiritual hunter with him, so the ice gun didn't have much time to cool down, so Lin Ran could use it as he pleased.

"The defense tower on the top lane was also pushed down by Draven, and the YM duo moved to the middle lane!"

Liu Qingsong took advantage of his own ADC's line power to continuously expand his field of vision and control the entire surrounding area.

Baolan also wants to arrange the eye position, otherwise the area will become YM's world.

But as soon as he left, Jack immediately took action!

Handing over the flash you just converted and forcing out the old thief's flash isn't enough. Speed ​​up and move forward and then use E [Opening Axe] to slow down. Go down with three axes and open it up!

Cold-blooded pursuit of life!

Two sharp axes successfully took away Death Song's life!

The old thief Sima put his hand on his forehead, not knowing what to do.

He is still far away from his first big deal.

In 13 minutes, the last hit count exceeded 100.

On the other hand, Jack's CS count is close to 140, and he still has 6 kills. Counting Draven's passive bounty and two defense towers, the economic gap between the two is close to 3k!

The second vanguard was taken by YM, and the first tower was pushed down.

The snowballing rhythm is non-stop, and the economic gap between the two sides is getting wider and wider.

At 22 minutes into the game, IG still wanted to fight to the death.

After the broiler had the magic shoes, the ghost book and Luden, he felt that he could steal Jack from the side.

As a result, the shield of the Blood Drinking Sword was placed here, and Liu Qingsong also specially used the Knight's Oath first to help share the damage.

"The Enchantress W stepped forward and hit all the QREs before breaking the shield and wiping off 40% of Jack's health!"

This cannot be said to be scraping, but it has no effect.

Lin Ran didn't want to give a chance yet, so he equipped himself with acceleration and ice gun deceleration, triggering the glacier's accelerating slowing zone, and QWQ took action!

"Xin Zhao from the front was stunned!"

In the increasingly high-pitched voice of the baby, the team battle started!

"Vien entered the final moment, but Brother Ran's twin shadows slowed him down!"

Jack took the lead, accelerated and flashed, and struck Vayne with two axes!

"Qinggangying has entered the scene!"

Hex's ultimatum covered Jiang Chenglu, and he landed his Q to take it away!

"Xin Zhao flashes and wants to knock Draven into his own formation... Brother Ran uses his ultimate move!"

Draven, who was resurrected after being killed in battle, still has more than half of his health bar!

At this time, IG has no extra continuous damage!

"The Blade of the Blade Sister retains the opponent, and everyone in YM is creating a harvesting environment for Draven!"

Lin Ran is pure and disgusting. He accelerates forward with A, puts on the glacier's slow speed and pulls back. If nothing happens, he gives E [Time Clockwork]. Combined with W's CD reduction, IG can't move at all!

The fifth-level E time clockwork can provide 99% slowdown for up to 2.5 seconds!

Everyone on IG can’t walk at all!

Draven three-piece set, one knife for one kid!

"The blood-drinking sword is sucking up. No one can stop Jack. He can't die at all!"

The cheers never stop!

In the canyon, the killing sound effects of the champion skin are also calling his ID!

The last knife A was used to successfully kill the enchantress!

"Jackeylove with four kills, YM is going to end this game!"

Draven with 11 heads dominates the battle!

Finally, at 27 minutes, YM took down the baron and leveled the three lanes. In the team battle in front of the high ground, Lin Ran accelerated Jack and asked Draven to go up and sell his meat.

At this time, Draven, the divine weapon, has three swords and is a squishie, and the damage is exaggerated to the extreme!

Jack had no scruples. Only one of his own could be resurrected. He didn't even have a chance to die suddenly. What else was there to fear?

Broiler still wanted to attack, but was pushed away by E [Opening Axe]. Two knives hit the invisibility of the passive mirror, and finally Jin Gong flashed and killed him!

Xin Zhao rushed up and stabbed wildly, but the damage caused was not as much as Jack's suction!

There is only one Vayne left, still showing off everywhere.

Lin Ran was given the ice gun, and the glacier-increasing retarding belt combined with the 99% retarding of E clockwork time, Jiang Chenglu was stunned!

He kept clicking the mouse on the floor, but Vayne couldn't move!

The movement speed value in the attribute panel has been weakened to the extreme!

Draven started a bloody sprint and came up with a wild attack!

Although Vayne's output was very high, she was still no match for Draven, and was eventually kept in place by Liu Qingsong's Q [Shield of Dawn].

Draven cleared his health bar with one axe!

"IG is going to be destroyed by the group!"

The old thief Sima exploded with his ultimate move, and Jack sucked the blood back with two blows of his axe. Baolan was left alone huddled in the spring water, shivering.

The five YM players ignored him and bulldozed the opponent's base together!

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