LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 655 653: The light beneath your feet, the stars and the moon above your head

"YM won again, they are now leading 2-0!" Wawa raised his voice, his voice impassioned.

"With three championship points in hand," I remembered, my face turned red, "They are very close to their third Summoner's Trophy!"

Tens of thousands of spectators burst into enthusiastic cheers, sweeping the entire Wenhe Stadium!

The chat channel in the event live broadcast room is now abuzz!

The number of people online at the same time on Mouse Channel has successfully exceeded the 400W mark, and we can see that it will continue to grow.

[What a cruel Draven! 】

[Swinging two axes, killing people is like chopping melons and vegetables. Is this the speed of the artillery repair truck? 】

[The old thief and Baolan were ordered today. It would be okay for these two to fight other bottom lane groups. After all, this version of ADC is a tool man, but Draven is too disgusting. Just send two heads out and just go. take off】

[Jack died 0 times in this round, and it’s my turn! 】

[It’s really fun for him to play with. Kieran and Sunshine Girl are like adopted sons, standing by and guarding, creating an output environment for Delevingne]

The camera showed the soundproof room on the stage, and the YM contestants looked more and more relaxed, and Lin Ran couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Several seasons of hard work are about to bear fruit.

The goal of winning three consecutive championships, which sounds extremely ambitious, seems to be within reach for him at this moment.

"Nice!" Jack stood up suddenly and threw himself on Lin Ran. The steamed buns were still red, "We're only one plate away!"

His voice was distorted by excitement.

Liu Qingsong also smiled brightly, but he tried to dissuade the Shiba Inu, "Calm down, the final is not over yet."

Xiaoyao smoothed his black hair as usual. Su Cheng's previous evaluation was correct. His bangs had indeed grown a lot and he looked very lethargic.

If I win the championship...

How about being extravagant and getting your hair cut locally in Korea?

Jin Gong breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the chair.

After King Ning suffered a setback in the middle, he turned his attention to the top.

Xibaren was repeatedly targeted. He used flash to interrupt TheShy's teleportation at 3 minutes. He paid a lot of price for this. He was successfully ganked repeatedly by Gao Zhenning and almost fattened TheShy.

Fortunately, YM's advantage in the lower half was large enough, and Jack was unreasonable at all. The team battle flashed up and chopped Vayne hard, leaving TheShy without any room for maneuver.


Jin Gong felt a little guilty when he thought about this.

"Oh my, my, I was a bit careless," he was still apologizing to his teammates. "If you can survive twice, then Vayne's equipment won't be that good."

"The team crushed the game and won the game. You still blame yourself, right?" Lin Ran stood up and put his arm around Jin Gong's shoulders.

Liu Qingsong was at the side to make up for the damage, "I blame myself for the classic advantage. Who did you learn this from?"

Everyone laughed.

In the IG soundproof room, the atmosphere was much more solemn.

The broiler looks very decadent.

If they lost to Lin Ran's long-planned attack on the bottom of the box in the first game, there was nothing to worry about. The worst they could do was ban Yasuo.

In this game, IG's weakness was completely exposed, and YM successfully took advantage of it.

"This hand of time is very restrained against IG," Miller on the commentary desk realized in hindsight, "Ning Wang's proud ability to force open is useless against Kieran!"

Choose Xin Zhao, you like to play R and get out of the way, right?

I'll let you throw Draven back, and Lin Ran will hit Jack with an R [Time Rewind]. Draven will still have a life after he dies suddenly!

Moreover, after Lin Ran reaches level 16, the health value of the revived character with his ultimate move is as high as 1100+200% AP!

Ice Spear + Twin Shadows + Banshee, these three pieces of equipment are not expensive. With the addition of runes and dark seals, the spell power can easily exceed 250.

In other words, Draven still has 1,600 health points after resurrection.

For Crispy Skin, this is basically full health!

Guardian angel? It’s just a false resurrection armor, not worthy of being able to turn back time and pick up shoes!

With two lives, Draven and IG, except for Vayne, have average development, and there is no way to complete the kill!

King Ning tried to throw Draven back into his own formation late in the second game, but as soon as the first life was killed, the rest of YM swarmed in, taking advantage of their skill vacuum to surround and suppress the IG crowd!

Gao Zhenning was full of anger but had no place to vent it. He punched hard as if he had hit cotton.

"If nothing goes wrong in the next game, YM will be on the blue side, and it is very likely that the plot of the first game will be repeated!" I remember not being too optimistic about this. "By then, all rhythm junglers will be blocked, and King Ning and How will IG deal with it?”

The first game of the finals is still fresh in my mind. King Ning would be a little lost when he couldn't get the rhythm jungler.

The IG team has lost its rhythm engine. Each of the three lines plays their own role, and there is no linkage at all.

It can only be said that Redmi’s research on IG is too thorough.

It is to cut off the connection between King Ning and the line, let the IG players fight on their own, and then keep rolling the snowball by compressing the field of view and advancing the defense tower.

The most critical point is the personal strength of the five YM players.

In addition to Jin Gong being suppressed against TheShy, in the middle and lower lanes and the jungle, YM not only has no disadvantage, but is even stronger.

With outstanding personal strength and perfect tactical strategies, IG seems to have little chance of winning.

"All the next games for IG are championship points. They cannot afford to lose anything and must make good adjustments..."

Lin Ran hurried back to the lounge and went to the bathroom. When he opened the door and came out, the MVP of the second set was already displayed on the TV screen.

Jack's face was completely rounder than when he first debuted, his face was stern, and he made a gun-holding gesture with his right hand.

Draven, who wields double axes behind him, is fierce and brave. At 13/0/6, Draven's damage accounted for 49.3%, and his average damage per share was +1005!

"Isn't this average damage per share too fake?" Xiaoyao couldn't help but mutter, "Can Draven break a thousand?"

Since the frequency of fights in the professional arena is not as high as in the public arena, the average damage dealt is generally lower.

Normally, those whose average output can exceed 1,000 are basically Poke characters or late-stage magic cores.

It's a bit outrageous that Jack, who plays Draven who mainly relies on basic attacks to deal damage, can achieve this achievement.

"Don't look at how my brother is doing whatever he wants in the bottom lane," Shiba Inu began to brag with a shy face, "If I win the championship this time, I might be able to grab my FMVP!"

Now he and Lin Ran each have a set of final MVPs. If they perform well next, they might even be won by Jack.

Lin Ran, who was chatting quietly with his girlfriend, suddenly heard his name being mentioned and looked at the Shiba Inu in confusion, "Huh?"

Liu Qingsong added some jealousy beside him, "Jack said you won the last set simply by lying down. If it weren't for Delevingne's good performance, the game would have been lost long ago."

"Do you think I'm deaf?" Lin Ran glanced at him, and his palm unknowingly came to the back of Liu Qingsong's neck, and he suddenly came down with an immortal grip.

Two screams immediately escaped from the torn wound.

Lin Ran had just washed his hands, and now his fingers were cold, making Liu Qingsong tremble all over when they touched his skin.

The Shiba Inu who was watching laughed happily, "You still want to throw dirty water on your brother's head, but in the end you will suffer the consequences?"

It wasn't until Hongmi stood up that everyone stopped.

"Everyone performed very well in the first two games," he said in a sincere tone. "Now we are only one small game away from victory. We will draw a successful conclusion to this season and even the efforts of the past three years."

"I hope everyone will not relax too much, take it seriously and play this last game well."

Everyone responded.

It was just the last step, and no one wanted to make a mistake.

"In the next game, our overall plan is the same as the first game, but we have to make a few adjustments..." Hongmi carefully explained to them the lineup selection and in-game rhythm control issues.

After Hongmi finished emphasizing the specific details of eye positions, a staff member knocked on the door and came in, reminding the players and the head coach that they were about to leave the lounge.

Before leaving, Lin Weixiang, who was in charge of the limited education, choked for a long time, and finally choked out, "Go, go, go!"

Guo Hao patted the shoulders of the team members one by one, "This is the third year since the establishment of YM, and it is also the third year that I have come to YM as a manager."

"It's an honor to be your manager," Guo Hao looked at each player and said in a gentle tone, "This is what I mean. Really, you are the best team members I have ever led."

The contestant couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Guo Hao also laughed gregariously and continued talking after a while.

"You also know what kind of impact the next game will have on your career. After more than a thousand days and nights of struggle, everyone has reached the last step... Do you still remember what we said before the World Championship started?"

Lin Ran and his teammates stopped smiling and looked serious.

"We have to carry the trophy back just as we brought it here. Now, the Summoner's Trophy is waiting for us in the center of the stage."

"As I said before, seize the only opportunity you have in this life, and don't let the rest of your life be spent in regrets." Guo Hao stepped aside and opened the door for the team members. "Now, go tell the League of Legends players around the world and let them You know who is the king of this game.”

"come on! Come on!"

All employees of the YM training department are cheering them on.

Looking back again, his eyes paused for a moment between his colleagues from the training department and Su Cheng, who had been getting along day and night, before Lin Ran took the lead and walked out of the lounge.

After the two games were played, the sky in Incheon had already darkened, and the hazy moonlight shone through the clouds on the land.

The bright lights from the dome of Wenhe Stadium slanted into the backstage passage, creating dazzling reflections on the smooth and bright floor.

Lin Ran strode like a meteor, with the light beneath his feet and the stars and moon shining brightly above his head.

The embroidery of 'YM Ran' on the back of the neck is particularly eye-catching.

As we walked forward, the cheers from the stands became clearer and more shocking.

Lin Ran looked up at the sky, thinking of the Staples Center and the Bird's Nest.

The weather today is very similar to those two days.

Pushing the door open and entering the soundproof room, teammates filed in behind him.

Hongmi was the last one to come in and the moment she closed the door, the endless noise was blocked out.

Jin Gong adjusted his seat position and prepared to start the game under the instructions of the referee behind him.

A crisp sound came from the earphones. Lin Ran took a few deep breaths and focused his eyes on the forbidden selection interface.

"The BP of the third round has begun!"

As soon as the director's camera cut to the commentary booth, Wawa shouted loudly, "YM is on the blue side, come up and disable Xin Zhao first!"

"It's exactly what we imagined before the game," the person next to me remembered not being surprised, "YM will target the jungle again in this game."

Gao Zhenning shook his head helplessly.

He can guess what the next two ban positions of YM will be in the first round.

As expected, Qinggangying and Blind Monk were also banned.

Jin Jingzhu has no choice.

Except for Ashe, a functional ADC who must be blocked, the remaining two positions must be allocated to Yasuo and Old Man Time.

The former is Lin Ran's outstanding hero, and now he feels hot, and Jin Jingzhu doesn't dare to bet on the opponent's upper limit.

The latter is a key player in cracking the IG system, and is very capable of restraining and forcing the system to open, leaving King Ning with nowhere to exert his efforts.

His three ban positions on the red side are fully occupied, leaving no room for change or adjustment.

"YM's first choice was to grab instead of ban, and got Luo, which Baolan is very good at!"

Liu Qingsong is also very proficient in Huan Ling, and there is no proficiency problem.

According to Hongmi's arrangement, their BP's priority is King Ning, followed by Baolan.

Broiler and TheShy are the two big daddies in the IG team, and the mid-to-upper swing hero pool is quite broad, so banning them in the first round is of little significance.

The old thief Sima is a sea of ​​heroes in disguise. From Jhin to Bomber, Death Song and Ball Girl, he plays them all well, so there is no need to target him.

Relatively speaking, Nosuke is indeed two unstable points for IG.

If there are no restrictions and allow King Ning and Bao Lan to unleash their full potential, they will show an extremely terrifying upper limit.

If all their best characters are banned or snatched away, IG Nosuke will be very uncomfortable.

In the soundproof room, Broiler saw that YM chose Luo, and was still discussing with Jin Jingzhu what role to choose.

"Take Syndra first, let's double C swing, and then choose the jungler for Ning..."

Gao Zhenning interrupted the head coach, "Give me Zach."

He pinched his knuckles, his tone filled with murderous intent.

Jin Jingzhu hesitated.

He really believed in King Ning's Zach, but the current strength of Warrior Xiang was not particularly high.

He is really top-notch when starting a team, but his 1v1 ability in the jungle is very difficult, and he will be chased and beaten by other jungle characters in the professional arena.

Jin Jingzhu thought about it. At this point in the finals, he was so strong that he planned to let go and let the players play freely. Finally, he followed King Ning's advice and locked the biochemical demon.

"Zach..." Miller thought for a moment, "King Ning wants to strengthen his ability to start a group, and he will go all the way to the dark side!"

If I remember, I continued to explain the analysis along the BP panel, "YM's second and third choices confirmed Xayah and Troll. I have to say that Trundle is a great counter to Zack!"

"The Pillar of Ice can block Zac's position and interrupt his E [Elastic Slingshot], and R [Strength Supremacy] can also absorb Zac's dual resistance and blood volume, which is very harmful to tank junglers! "

King Ning guessed that Xiaoyao would choose Troll as a second choice, but he felt that he would not lose with Zach.

His confidence knows no bounds.

"IG finally chose to assist Niutou, which is also one of the roles Baolan is proficient in!"

Entering the second round of BP, both sides began to make a fuss in the single-player line.

IG sent Enchantress and Akali to the ban position, while Redmi blocked Vayne and Lu Xian, two long-hand characters.

Although they won the last game, Jiang Chenglu's long hand laner still had a certain impact on the team. Redmi felt that it was necessary to sacrifice the ban position to restrict him.

"Sister Sword... IG hasn't decided on their final split yet," Wawa's eyes lit up, "They're going to hold on until the last move!"

Irelia can swing in the mid-to-high lane, and both Broiler and Jiang Chenglu’s sword girls are quite proficient, so Hongmi can’t tell who is doing the operation.

"Choose a Sword Girl," Jin Gong suggested. "We can forcefully capture this Sword Girl's lane..."

"Then we need to increase AP output," Hongmi said immediately, "We are in short supply of mages now."

Lin Ran thought for a while, "What about Snake Girl? This way she can be paired with Sword Girl to occupy the middle and upper lines. Sword Girl has no room to play."

"Snake Girl is here for you," Hongmi emphasized, "Jin Gong didn't practice enough, so there may be a problem with his proficiency."

In the first game, the West Eight wanted to use Cassiopeia to restrain the Sword Girl, but Homme rejected it.

The main reason is that once there is a problem with the character Snake in the lane and her equipment cannot keep up, the team battle output will be very weak and of no use.

Lin Ran nodded in agreement, "彳亍."

Two heroes locked up, and Sword Girl, a character who is extremely popular in the rankings but has frequently been ignored in the professional arena, was chosen, setting off another wave of climax in the stadium!

"This Sword Girl... should be for Brother Gongzi," I remember guessing, "But the IG Sword Girl is more embarrassing. No matter which path she takes, she will be countered!"

In the end, Jin Jingzhu decided to choose Jin for the old thief.

"Syndra moves to the middle to give the broiler, and Snake Girl can have a certain advantage!"

Song Yijin didn't want to use Syndra at first, but if he gave Ball Girl to Sima Laothief, the lineup would be very short of physical output. After all, it's easier for short-handed warriors like Sword Girl to cut into the battlefield and deal a set of damage. If you want to create continuous output, The conditions are very harsh.

Therefore, Syndra can only be used for broilers, and the old thief chooses Jhin to compensate for physical damage.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue side YM: top laner Sword Girl, jungler troll, mid laner Snake Girl, bottom laner Xia + Luo.

Red square IG: top laner Dao Mei, jungler Zac, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane Jhin + Niutou.

"Please note that in this game, the opponent cannot raise their support to level 6 before the vanguard team battle. You can be more bold," Jin Jingzhu told the players, "Especially Ning, use your advantages to start the team battle. stand up."

Gao Zhenning indicated that he understood.

There was fighting in his eyes.

Jin Jingzhu hesitated for a long time before leaving the stage, and finally said to the team members, "Come on, don't leave any regrets."

Being able to enter the World Championship finals is already quite good for the new team IG.

But no one knows what will happen next year.

You can only do your best.

In the YM soundproof room, Hongmi was also communicating with the team members.

"Pay attention to the rhythm. You have to control the burning pot well and set your eyes deep. Zach can jump very far..."

After saying this, he finally smiled and said, "I hope I will come on stage again to win the Summoner's Trophy with you."

"Definitely!" Lin Ran promised.

Hongmi took off her headphones, left the soundproof room, and went to shake hands with Jin Jingzhu.

The moment Summoner's Rift appeared, the cheers from the audience once again reached a high point!

Everyone is looking forward to it, waiting for the birth of the champion!

I'll finish writing the final tomorrow.

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