LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 664 662: All the feasts in the world come to an end

Lin Ran sat on the ergonomic chair and looked at the barrage filling the screen with a helpless expression.

As the traffic code of this transfer period, the movements of everyone in YM have always been a mystery.

There are rumors on the Internet, some say that all five members of YM's starting lineup have retired, others say that only Lin Ran will take a rest, and the other four will play for another year.

Supporters now come to Lin Ran for verification with the news they saw from various marketing accounts.

[The Internet said that YM will be completely rebuilt next year, but my house collapsed! 】

【Who is taking a break? Is it true that all five people have retired? 】

[Others in YM are all lazy dogs. None of them are live broadcasting. Brother Ran, you are GKD]

[Is the LPL’s transfer period arrangement a serious mental illness? Just hold your breath, why don't you practice Turtle Breathing Kung Fu here? 】

[That is, let’s learn from the LCK and tell you directly, can’t you? I didn’t expect it by hiding it and trying to trick the fans.]

"Don't ask, some things really can't be said. Everyone who understands understands, and those who don't understand can't help it..." Lin Ran adjusted the seat so that he was half-lying on it, "Anyway, not all of them will retire next year. You can rest assured."

During this period, he also asked several other teammates about his plans for next year, and now he has a clear mind.

When the fans heard this, they immediately felt a lot calmer.

If no one is retained, they will have no team to support in the new season.

"Don't worry about that, today's settlement, we might really be able to maintain the number one position in the Korean server!" Lin Ran brought the topic to games.

He looked at the rankings and found that he was ranked first with 1,634 points. Cuzz was also rushing for points during this period, but his condition was not particularly good. He lost more than he won after playing a few games.

Lin Ran is now leading by 28 points, which he never expected.

From the moment he officially embarked on his career path, Lin Ran no longer pursues ranking scores too much.

He has reached the top every year, but the season settlement day is after the global finals. After winning the championship, he started to fail. He quickly went from a thousand-point king to a bastard without playing maintenance games.

This year is an exception.

Lin Ran knew that he could rest at will in the next year, so he played two sets from time to time. With a high winning rate and exaggerated hidden points, he successfully reached the first place in the Korean server.

He originally thought that the competition had become increasingly fierce in the past two days and that he would be overtaken by the players behind him, but his lead was getting bigger and bigger, and he could see that he could stabilize his dominance beyond the settlement day.

He scrolled down the mouse wheel to see if there was anyone who could pose a threat to him. "Except for Cuzz, there don't seem to be any particularly strong high-scoring players."

Everyone is busy resting and enjoying the transfer period. There are not many ranked players now. Faker even plays one game a day and his score is less than 1,000 points now.

Lin Ran glanced at the barrage, "Dopa? I'll look for it..."

Dopa was banned by the Korean e-sports association KeSpa before, and he was very angry. As long as he could win the championship, he would change his ID to something that others could recognize at a glance.

Rather than proving oneself, it is more of a provocation.

In this case, the length of time the account survives depends entirely on whether KeSpa wants to kill him.

Lin Ran scanned around and dragged it all the way to the bottom, only to find that the passerby king of both Chinese and Korean servers was now ranked 177th in the Korean server.

This ranking is definitely not high for dopa.

"You're getting older," Lin Ran paid tribute to his old rival in the rankings, "You can do it, Sister Li."

While he was chatting with the audience, his phone suddenly vibrated.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a call." Lin Ran said to the audience in the live broadcast room.

He didn't dare to turn on the speakerphone for fear of something happening, so he turned off the microphone sound before putting the phone to his ear.

English with a strong accent came into my ears, "I'm Luca, are you convenient now? Our boss wants to talk to you."

It's Ah P calling.

Lin Ran didn't expect that G2 still hadn't given up their plan to recruit him, "Well, if you insist on it, that's okay."

"Wait a minute..." Perkz turned and shouted to the base office, "It's your turn, Carlos!"

A slightly fat man with a beard rushed out of the room and snatched the phone from Ah P.

"Hi, hello Ran," he said in a very enthusiastic tone, "we met in Busan before."

Carlos met Lin Ran once during the recording of the promotional video for the group stage, but the two did not have an in-depth conversation.

Before Lin Ran could answer, he continued, "I know you want to rest, but the intensity of the competition in the European region is really not high, and it is far from the LPL..."

"Luca should have told you that there is no problem if you want an 8-hour working day. We respect your schedule," Carlos gushed, "and we will give you a non-responsible salary."

"4.5 million euros per year," he said in an infectious tone, "and there are incentive clauses."

Lin Ran did some mental calculations.

Nowadays, 1 euro can be exchanged for about 8 yuan, and the price offered by Carlos is around 36 million yuan.

This is definitely not a small number.

At the current market price, if Lin Ran only signed a one-year contract, he would not receive such a large salary in China.

Carlos is bleeding because the venue of S9 will return to Europe.

If G2 can win the championship next year, its historical status in LCS.EU will instantly surpass FNC.

After all, the team now has no shortage of European champions, and what they want is world championship results.

After poaching Caps, Carlos firmly believed that no team could pose a threat to them in Europe.

If Lin Ran is pried over again, YM's strength will also drop a lot.

Now that the LCK is declining day by day, and the North American region still has not seen the light of day, Carlos feels that next year will be his only chance in this life.

"Wunder, Jankos, Perkz, Caps and you, all five of them can be regarded as the best in the same position," he is still striving to strive for. "You play the mid laner and let Luka and Caps go down the road, or you can swing it. Yes, everyone can take the middle road.”

This lineup is really attractive.

Ah P, Caps and Lin Ran are all among the top ten or even top five mid laners today. Their individual abilities are extremely outstanding. Although Wunder cannot beat TheShy, his ordering skills are very strong. Coupled with Jankos, this lineup is basically guaranteed. World Championship semi-finals.

Whether you can make it to the end depends on the version and grinding.

To be fair, Lin Ran was a little moved.

But when he thought about it again, he felt it was inappropriate.

"Forget it Carlos, if I go to Europe, it will be difficult to take care of my girlfriend and father in China," Lin Ran refused. "I have been busy for three years and now I really want to take a rest."

Carlos gave some more advice and saw that Lin Ran really didn't want to come to Europe next year, so he shelved the idea.

Before hanging up the phone, he confirmed again, "You are sure you will not appear in the professional arena next year, right?"

"Yes..." Lin Ran was helpless. He didn't know how many people he had repeated this answer to.

"That's good," Carlos breathed a sigh of relief, "I hope there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future."

Although he didn't attract Lin Ran, he wasn't that depressed.

At least next year, YM will not be able to hang over G2.

After Lin Ran hung up the phone, he restored the microphone sound.

Netizens were still posting on the barrage while he was chatting with Carlos.

【Who called? 】

[I don’t know, my expression doesn’t look like Sister Chengzi]

[Could it be that it was Guo Hao who called? ‘I really can’t find a mid laner, how about you, Brother Ran, take over for another year’]

[Oh, it’s really awesome. Is there such a phone? 】

Lin Ran didn't explain anything and just started the qualifying match on his own, preparing to stabilize his No. 1 spot in the Korean server.

The game continued until 9pm, and the score gap between him and Cuzz had reached 55 points.

Many viewers are paying attention to this battle for the top spot, which is one of the few fun moments in their offseason.

"No fight, no fight," Lin Ran looked up at the time, "Let's just wait for the results from Cuzz!"

A ranking match would definitely not be able to bridge the gap between the two, so he planned to OB the Cuzz match.

If the opponent wins, then continue playing and try to increase the score.

But if Cuzz loses in the end, the score gap between the two sides will approach 80 points, and it will take three wins to recover.

The nine o'clock when Lin Ran was in the Shanghai stock market was actually ten o'clock in the evening Korean time, and there were only two hours before settlement.

Based on the waiting time for ranking in the Thousand Points King Game, it is basically impossible for Cuzz to complete three games before settlement.

He and Cuzz have added friends, so he doesn't need to find other OB anchors. He can just click on the viewing system to see the opponent's game situation.

Lin Ran laughed out loud when he saw the comparison of the scores and economic situation between the two sides.

Cuzz's signature excavator now has 8 kills, 2 kills and 6 assists, and the team is trailing 15:31.

"Isn't this too outrageous?" He grinned from ear to ear, "With a participation rate of 90%+, the team can't even win?"

God’s perspective shows that the economic gap between the two sides is close to 1W.

Even in the passerby game, it is difficult to overturn in the face of this level of equipment difference.

Next to her, Su Cheng was taking an online class with headphones on. He glanced sideways and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Are you really going to be number one in the Korean server?" She was very happy for her boyfriend.

Glancing at the IDs of the players on both sides, Su Cheng noticed a detail, "The mid laner opposite Cuzz is Zhuo Ding."

Lin Ran took a closer look and found the ID of knight9 above the opponent's mid laner Syndra.

"Well done, Zhuo Ding!" He applauded and cheered for Knight, "Kill me hard!"

Zhuo Ding made a move that was neither light nor heavy, blocking the people on the opposite side at the gate of the high ground and killing them indiscriminately.

Syndra, who has the 25th floor of the Killing Book, can kill crispy creatures with just a set of QEW, without even using a big move.

"I think if Cuzz hadn't wanted to be first, he would have surrendered," Lin Ran relaxed and commented, "Now I still think I can make a comeback, so I can barely hold on..."

The barrage was also happy.

[YM’s second-generation mid laner is here to help]

[Cuzz people are almost dizzy, they didn’t get Ran Ge, but they were beaten to death by Ran Ge’s younger brother]

[There is definitely no way to reach the first place. Can we celebrate in advance? 】

[You have to open the champagne at halftime, right? 】

Cuzz's last struggle was in vain. Zhuo Ding directly dominated the game by killing Syndra with 20 kills. In the end, QEW killed the opponent's mid laner in seconds, and then QR killed the shooter, instantly reducing two players and leading the team to victory.

Lin Ran exited the viewing system, refreshed the rankings, and found that Cuzz's score dropped by 26 points.

Now the difference between the two is 81 victory points, and the time has reached 9:15.

Cuzz sent him a message.


Lin Ran replied with an expression, and the other person immediately logged off.

It seems that they have given up the fight for the first place in the Korean server.

Lin Ran was sure of victory. He yawned and said, "Go to bed, brothers. You can help me take a screenshot early in the morning."

His first priority for the Korean server was to create a program effect, but he really wasn't that interested.

The next day, the news that Lin Ran topped the Korean server on settlement day caused quite a stir in the major e-sports media.

Korean netizens are already numb.

After finally waiting for Lin Ran to rest, the LCK can feel proud and proud, but this person still disgusts us in the qualifying match?

But then a big piece of news diverted their attention.

YM E-Sports Club League of Legends Division Staff Adjustment Announcement:

[The contract of former YM top laner Jin Hanquan (ID: GimGoon) has expired. After friendly negotiation and communication between the two parties, on the basis of fully respecting the player's wishes, the two parties have not reached an intention to renew the contract. GimGoon player will leave the team as a free agent. YM.GimGoon today Disconnect】

[On January 1, 2016, GimGoon player joined YM. It has been 1058 days since then. Stone can be sharpened and dullness can be turned into profit. You are the most solid and reliable backing of the team and an indispensable championship puzzle for the team. In the past three years, we have Let’s fight hand in hand, from being unknown to being famous all over the world...]

[The story between us has come to an end, but there is still a long way to go in life. I wish you a bright future, legendary warrior GimGoon]

The news of Jin Gong leaving the team was like a bombshell, instantly detonating the transfer market.

Although everyone in the YM Club knew this, for outside audiences, this was unexpected.

The number of comments below the YM official blog instantly exceeded 10,000, and continues to surge.

【what's the situation? Another year of playing ball! 】

[Brother Ran, it’s okay to rest, brother Gongzi, don’t leave]

[Is Jiemugong retiring or resting like Brother Ran? 】

[Brother Ran and Brother Gongzi both stopped fighting, what will YM do next year]

[There won’t be anyone else leaving, I can’t accept it! 】

[I can only lament that all the feasts in the world have come to an end, alas]

That night, Riot Games officials also announced the All-Star Game process.

In addition to the Solo competition that has been a regular program over the years, there is also a new trick.

Legend match.

"We will invite two teams that were once famous in the global League of Legends field to present a BO3 battle for all viewers."

"The two sides of the first Legends Tournament are the 2015 Global Finals champion SKT T1 and the 2017 and 2018 Global Finals champions YM."

The establishment of this link caused an uproar among the majority of player groups!

There has been an issue that has been debated for a long time in major e-sports forums.

Of all the world championship teams, who is the stronger one?

Some people think that it is the star of S4, Ye Fu's linkage and the strength of the third line, crushing them in all aspects from strength to tactics.

Some people think it is the SKT of S5, with the double mid laner, Marin's excellent understanding of lane switching, and Bang's terrifying 70+KDA.

More people are optimistic about the YM of S7.

It set a record of undefeated victories that year, and the mid-jungle linkage was invincible. Even if the incense burner version tied up the support, it still did not affect the team's smooth offense.

But such a comparison is nothing more than Guan Gong fighting Qin Qiong.

There is no way to compare teams from different eras and different versions.

It can only be said that they were the strongest team the year they won the championship.

Now, Riot directly brings the two teams to the All-Star Game stage to play an exhibition match, which naturally makes the audience excited.

However, before the opening of the All-Star Game in Las Vegas, Lin Ran and his teammates were going to attend the LPL Awards Ceremony.

This will be the penultimate collective activity of the YM group.

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