LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 665 663: Unprecedented, full of water!

December 1st.

Haojing Qujiang International Convention and Exhibition Center.

The backstage was very lively. Professional players who came from all over the country to attend the award ceremony were still greeting each other and exchanging interesting stories about their offseason.

Among them, the area near the YM members was the most crowded.

They are the center of the social circle, and everyone wants to come and chat.

Lin Ran was wearing a slim double-breasted suit and gold-rimmed glasses. He looked polite and courteous.

The five teammates around him also stood tall and straight, communicating with the players around them calmly.

"The new version of the defense tower has been coated, have you seen it?" Midhu pinched his voice, "I think IG will take off next year. If you are strong in the lane, you can grind the tower and get the bounty. It is really wonderful."

"Nonsense," Broiler's face was full of collagen, and his smile was very honest. "After the defense tower is coated, it becomes more difficult to advance. This is obviously to strengthen roaming support and canyon pioneer team battles."

"Fist saw Brother Ran stop fighting, so it re-encouraged the roaming system," Shi Senming chimed in with a smile, "Do you understand the value of Shi Yizhong?"

Lin Ran glanced at their faces and said slowly: "Then what if I suddenly change my mind and continue fighting next year?"

Song Yijin, Guanhu and Shi Senming's expressions suddenly froze.

Lin Ran announced that he was taking a break, but he was a free agent when his contract expired. It would be terrible if he joined a team on a whim one day.

Both IG and RNG have no shortage of mid laners, and Lin Ran is destined to become their opponent.

By the time……

Seeing their serious expressions, Lin Ran immediately patted Shi Senming on the shoulder, "Brother, I'm just kidding!"

After hearing these words, the atmosphere around him became happy again.

After chatting for more than half an hour, the staff finally came to inform them that they were ready to walk on the red carpet, and the crowd surrounding the YM members dispersed.

Now there are only a few YM players left around Lin Ran.

He picked up a can of Coke and drank three swigs of it.

"Do you still remember the first time we attended the award ceremony at the end of 2016?" He looked at his teammates, "The suit he was wearing..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiaoyao and Jin Gong started laughing.

"That was the first time I wore a suit, right?" Shiba Inu was still trying to save his face, "It's reasonable to make a fool of yourself."

At that time, everyone had never participated in such an activity, and they all seemed very reserved. Jack even wore a suit that made the head-to-shoulder ratio even more uncoordinated, which made his head stand out even more.

"Isn't it much better now..." Jack looked at himself in the mirror in the lounge and felt that he didn't feel so awkward.

"How many awards can we win this year?" Jin Gong was still a little uneasy.

He still remembers sharing the cake at the 2016 awards ceremony, but he failed to win the best top laner of the year.

Guo Hao put on his suit and tugged on his tie, "Don't worry, something good will happen today."

Under the guidance of the staff, the team members left the backstage and headed to the red carpet area.

"What's coming to us next is..." Ren Dong's voice was filled with passion, "The three-time global finals champion team, Young Miracles!"

A total of 9 people, including players, managers and coaching staff, appeared within the audience's field of vision.

Most of the audience who came to the scene today were YM fans. While cheering loudly, they also took out their mobile phones to take photos of the players they supported.

Barrage instantly filled the live broadcast room.

[Good boy, there is a handsome boy]

[Brother Ran will take a break next year, can he become a male model?]

[Jack actually looks pretty, but why does he feel that his body is smaller than before? 】

[Don't be embarrassed, the edema has just gone away. You don't think he has really lost weight, do you? 】

[The little bastard’s face is really square]

The flashing lights continued for a moment, and the nine people from the YM training department took the markers from the concierge lady and turned around to sign their names on the background board.

"Welcome to the YM Club," Yuzhen said with a smile, "Can you please stand next to me?"

She asked the first question to Xiba Ren beside her, "Brother Gongzi, two days ago you announced that you would become a free man. This surprised everyone. Can I ask you what your thoughts and future plans are?"

Jin Gong pondered for two seconds and replied in Mandarin with the flavor of barbecue, "I just feel that... my career has reached its peak, and the result will not be better than now if I continue to struggle, so I have the idea of ​​taking a break. "

"As for the future, I want to go back to my hometown to buy some real estate and live a quiet life."

Only then did the audience know the real reason for Jin Gong's departure.

Xibaren came to YM holding his breath, and he was willing to make such a big sacrifice, work hard and be a pressure-resistant position, just because of his desire to win.

But now he has become a little numb to victory, and he feels that his personal strength has declined slightly, so he has given up the idea of ​​continuing to fight.

"Then I wish Brother Gongzi all the best in his future life," Yuzhen looked at Lin Ran again, "Does Brother Ran have anything to say?"

"...After all, it's an awards ceremony, so I hope I can win a lot of awards today." Lin Ran replied briefly.

He didn't say any unnecessary words, but the audience could no longer contain their excitement and shook the cheer sticks in their hands desperately.

Lin Ran waved to them, and then followed his teammates into the stadium.

The interior of the International Convention and Exhibition Center is very bright, and the lights from the dome pour down with a chilling warmth.

It is no different from the previous awards ceremony. The front row of the infield is for players and club staff, while the back row of stands is open to the audience.

Also held today is a music festival, where bands and symphony orchestras are invited to perform music related to the League of Legends theme.

Lin Ran felt a little bored while listening to the S8 theme song in the audience, so he turned back and glanced at the audience.

Su Cheng and he arrived in Haojing together. It was the weekend, so Quan thought he was out for a trip to relax.

My girlfriend was sitting bored in the first row of the stands, waving the support banner in her hand slightly, and wearing a headband with two red devil horns on her head, looking cute and cute.

She noticed her boyfriend's gaze and smiled slightly.

As the last syllable of Rise fell, the stage finally darkened.

When the spotlight was restored to use, Ren Dong appeared in the center, wearing a dark red suit with a bright smile on his face.

"Welcome to the 2018 League of Legends Awards Ceremony!"

He said loudly, "For us this year, it can only be described as a bumper harvest. From MSI, intercontinental competition, Asian Games and finally the global finals, the LPL division won the championship in all official events!"

"This award ceremony is also a summary of the 2018 season, commending and praising the players, coaching staff and clubs who have brought glory to the division."

"First...the Best Rookie Award!"

The quality of rookies this season is obviously not as good as the previous two years.

In the end, Haro defeated Xiong Xiong and won the award.

The Second Prince was very excited. This was the first honor of his career. EDG failed to reach the S8 Global Finals, but this award still made him feel that he had been recognized.

The Marketing and Coaching Staff of the Year awards were then presented.

The former was awarded to RNG, and the latter was won by YM.

Although it was an expected thing, Hongmi and Gouba were still very happy.

The two quickly stepped onto the stage and received the trophy from the guests.

"The person I want to thank the most is the manager Guo Hao," said Gou Bala, who has worked in the mainland for many years and his accent is no longer obvious. "He extended an olive branch to me when I was in the most difficult time and recruited me to the YM Club. .”

He didn't say it explicitly, but he understood.

When the camera turned to Guo Hao, he grinned quite happily.

Hongmi took the microphone from his partner. He cleared his throat and said in stumbling Chinese: "I want to thank my wife in Korea..."

Fortunately, he had made a draft in advance, otherwise he might be embarrassed by Hongmi's Chinese.

"In addition, I am extremely grateful to my team members," he said in a sincere tone. "The selection of the best coaching staff is related to the team's performance. Without your hard work, Gou Ba and I would not have been able to receive this honor."

"YM's journey this year has not been easy, but the final outcome proves our cooperation..." Hongmi glanced at her palm again and said with some difficulty, "It's perfect."

"It's a pleasure to work with you." Hongmi bowed deeply.

There was thunderous applause in the stands.

The coaching combination of Hongmi and Gouba is unique in the LPL, and there are very few people around the world who can challenge them.

YM fans feel that the combination of coach and analyst is absolutely indispensable for their home team to win three consecutive championships.

"The next thing to be awarded is the best foreign player of the year..." Vice President Tengjing opened the envelope in his hand.

Competition for this award is extremely fierce.

Song Yijin, Jiang Chenglu, Li Rucan and Kim Hanquan are all the best among Korean aid.

Jin Gong lowered his head and took a deep breath, not daring to look at the big screen again.

"The winner is GimGoon from the YM team!"

When he heard about the YM team, he knew he had won.

"Congratulations!" Xiaoyao slapped Jin Gong on the back hard.

The sound was so loud that Lin Ran could hear it from a seat away.

He once felt that the Garlic Bastard was looking for an opportunity to deliberately retaliate against Jin Gong for bullying him in the past three years.

However, the excited Jiemugong did not react. He stood up with a blushing face and hugged other people in the training department to celebrate, and then strode onto the stage.

"I'm very lucky to win this Best Foreign Player Award. The other three nominated Korean players are also very good players," Jin Gong said unknowingly, his voice choked up, "I'm very grateful to everyone at the club. These three Year is a very beautiful and memorable memory..."

The original festive atmosphere was instantly dashed.

Combined with the news of Jin Gong’s official announcement of free men before, the convention and exhibition center was filled with sadness of farewell.

The audience sitting behind Su Cheng was still loudly urging Xi Ba to stay.

Jin Gong's eyes were slightly red, and he returned to his seat and wiped the corners of his eyes.

Now the Garlic Bastard didn't even have the heart to hit him on the back.

After the best foreign player is awarded the best manager of the year.

Guo Hao won the trophy without any suspense.

He stood in front of the microphone, brewing his emotions.

"At the end of 2015, I resigned from my last club and applied for a resume, but I didn't have any particularly rich experience and my resume was not eye-catching. Almost no teams sent me interview invitations," Guo Hao paused, "Finally, YM found me. For me, this can be regarded as a blessing."

"Here, I received full trust, and at that time I thought, as long as the club still needs me, I will not leave."

No one in the audience spoke, everyone was quietly listening to his speech.

"Since 2016, I have guided the team step by step to get on the right track. To be fair, I have never managed a club of this size before," Guo Hao couldn't help laughing when he said this. "I have no choice but to take it slow." Learn slowly and move forward gropingly.”

"Fortunately, the result is correct. The results of the first team in the League of Legends division are obvious to all."

There were scattered applause from the audience.

Fans are very grateful to Guo Hao.

YM's ability to win three consecutive championships is definitely due to Guo Hao.

He has played an indispensable role in making repairs while maintaining the original core, and introducing a strong coaching staff and Liu Qingsong to keep the team competitive for championships.

If it were replaced by the management of some teams, I'm afraid that after winning the first championship, the team would fall apart and be dismantled to pieces.

"I am very grateful to my players for the past three years," Guo Hao looked at the YM training department in the front row. "When I entered the industry, my wish was to form a team that could win the Summoner's Trophy for our LPL. I didn't expect how quickly my dream would come true. So fast."

There were bursts of laughter from the audience.

He pursed his lips, "Finally, I also want to say something from my heart to the team members."

"You have supported the YM team, and the team will also be your strong backing in the future."

Guo Hao's words made waves in the hearts of the audience.

No matter how this sounds, it sounds like the YM team is about to disband.

After Guo Hao stepped down, several other awards were announced, and EDG, RNG and IG all gained.

Lin Ran sat down there for more than an hour and finally went on stage to receive the trophy for the most popular player of the year.

Then comes the main event.

Team of the Year.

YM players and fans felt nervous.

Tengjing didn't do anything fancy this time, and just showed five positions.

YM’s group makeup photos for this World Championship appeared on the big screen.

Lin Ran was in the center of the formation, holding his right wrist with his left hand, his arm bent in front of his chest, and his eyes were determined.

Xiaoyao on the side made a hand-over gesture, while Jack put one hand in his trouser pocket and held up the water glass with the other hand.

Captain Jin Gong Cosplay, with the index finger and middle finger pointing upwards, as if holding a gun.

Liu Qingsong's face was expressionless and his expression was extremely cold.

The scene was in an uproar!

The appearance of this group photo made their dreams come true before the award ceremony.

Best top order: YM.GimGoon

Best jungler: YM.Tian

Best mid laner: YM.Ran

Best bottom lane: YM.JackeyLove

Best Assistant: YM.Crisp

The five starters of YM Club won the best team of the year!

The barrage exploded instantly!

[I’ll go and give it directly to the entire YM team? 】

[Why doesn’t Teng Jing divide the cake? Ye Qingjie! 】

[This is the first time in history. It would have been nice to have three best lineups from the same team before]

[LWX:? ? ? 】

The camera showed the five YM players. They were a little surprised, but they immediately started celebrating!

"Nice, brother, cute!" Jin Gong shook Xiaotian's body next to him.

Lin Ran and his teammates stepped onto the stage amid cheers from the audience!

"Thank you all for your support," he said as he was selected as a representative by his teammates and held a microphone in his hand. "Everyone's selection to the best team is recognition of the team's performance this year. We will continue to work hard."

As soon as he returned to his seat, the last award began to be awarded.

MVP of the year.

Tengjing CEO Bobby held the envelope in his hand, "Let's take a look at the information about the nominated players first."

One scene after another was played on the big screen.

The first one to appear was Song Yijin.

172.2% damage conversion rate, 29.4% damage ratio, and 72.9% kill participation rate.

In addition to damage conversion rate, the other two statistics ranked second among mid laners.

What follows is Uzi’s famous scene in this year’s game.

The average damage per point is 671, the average CS per point is 9.7, and the CS difference in 15 minutes is +11.5!

A handful of RNG fans cheered for Uzi.

And when the last nominee appeared, the cheers in the convention and exhibition center instantly became a sea!

Lin Ran saw the highlight of his game.

And the data below is even more luxurious!

The average damage per point is 701, the team damage ratio is 30.1%, the average number of raids per game is 3.07, and the raid success rate is 61.5%!

Ranked first among all units.

Especially the number of raids and success rate of the latter two items.

This was originally a standard to measure the jungler's ganking ability, but it turned out to be on Lin Ran's data list!

"The player who won the 2018 LPL MVP is..."

Bobby opened the envelope. He didn't announce the answer immediately and wanted to hide it.

But the audience in the stands were all shouting Lin Ran’s ID!

Bobby smiled helplessly, knowing that there was no need to hide it anymore.

"YM.Ran, congratulations!"

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