Long Live Summons

Chapter 1337: :[Old man, who are you? 】

The gate of the temple.

Yue Yang is leisurely picking up the level, like a traveler who is enjoying the flowers, no one knows, he just returned from the thorns of hell.

The long-shoulders are not there, and the long-satisfied long-sucking old guys are also self-contained and prisoners. Under the bright mountains, no one can stop Yueyang’s progress. Some shrine guards or believers found Yue Yang, but did not dare to step forward. They never lost their previous arrogance and arrogance. In the long run, they saw Yue Yang picking up the ranks, and no one was arrogant, but just rushed to report.

Soon, Yue Yang came to a pick-up platform.

This was originally a platform for worshippers to worship the eight sides. The temples of the wind, the earth and the earth, and so on, set up a huge idol here, accompanied by a transfer crystal column for the believers to come and go.

The work of demolishing the house began, but what about going to the temple?

Yue Yang held his chin and thought about this problem.

Wind temple?

Is the water hall still a fire hall?

Just in the case of Yueyang, one by one, the crystal column was sent one by one to see the intention to find the most suitable target. There was a short old man carrying a black fishing rod and holding an emerald fishing rod in his hand. He walked with a smile. .

The old man’s attitude was very kind, just like seeing friends and family, shouting at Yue Yang’s voice: “Boy, how did you get here?”

Yue Yang is amazing.

Look up and down this old man with a smile: "I don't seem to know you?"

"You are not the Yuejia three of the Tongtian Tower Longteng mainland?" The old man knows Yueyang, and it seems that it is not familiar.

"Yes. But you?" Yue Yang touched the back of the skull, he was a little confused, he had no relatives and friends in the Central Temple, how is this old man a familiar look? Moreover, it doesn't look like camouflage! Isn’t the central shrine here an enemy? Why is there such an old man who is so strange?

"I am the famous river!" Hey, I forgot that you are too young, you have never heard of it, it doesn't matter, you call me a fishing expert. I like others to call me a fishing expert!" The old man 'turned the river' The big name. Yue Yang has never heard of it. Since becoming a new generation of imprisoned emperors, he has asked himself to read a lot of biography books of Tongtian Tower. Some secrets and hidden history are also involved. But the name of the river has not appeared once. Is this old guy also the predecessor of Tongtian Tower? It’s just that the years are too long. Let history be forgotten?

"Fishing master, your fish has no fish at all!" Yue Yang looked inside and found that the technology of this fishing master is more **** than himself. There is no fish hair, do you dare to call a fishing expert?

"The master's fishing rods have no fish!" The old man listened to his red face and tried his best.

"..." Yueyang is speechless.

Discussing fishing with a fishing idiot is a very idiotic act. Yue Yang decided not to talk to the old man about fishing, not even the fish. He can see through it. This ‘fishing master’ is a little more sleepy than the fat man in the sea, who will sleep and catch a snot and snot all the fish.

The old man waited for a long time and found that the kid in front of him had no intention of flattering and touting his fishing skills. He couldn’t help but feel bored.

How do you say that you are a predecessor, and you don’t give a face! It’s awful!

Are the juniors now so rude?

Yue Yang is not the kind of guy who has no skin and no face. He is a common person, but it is often impossible to make a fishing idiot a fishing expert.

As a result, a certain three looked up and looked at the sky, pretending that he did not see an old guy full of faces and was flattered by the desire to be photographed.

The old man waited for a long time, and finally he did not have the patience to consume it. He quickly opened his mind to solve the problem: "Fishing is a very advanced technology. I am a fishing expert and I will point you to you. Now, I am enlightening you in other aspects. Save your kid a joke like a wild child who has no parental care."

As long as it is not fishing technology.

For other aspects, Yue Yang is still interested.

"Hey, isn't this the predecessor of the Manchurian River? It is a great honor to see the predecessors here today and see the predecessors!" Yueyang’s classmates have fallen to the ground.

"It's the famous river!" The old man couldn't correct it and quickly corrected it. Although a certain three minors have wrongly named their own names, it is worthy of forgiveness for a younger generation to make small mistakes occasionally. In particular, he is still an open-minded senior, and he cannot even care about him.

"The weather is really good today. Has the predecessor of the Yangtze River ever had breakfast? Or please me!" San Shao was very enthusiastic about holding the hands of the older generation.

"It’s not a river, it’s a famous river!” The old man patiently corrected the mistakes of the younger generation.

"The famous Jiangjiang predecessors, I heard about it when I was three years old." San Shao said that the names of their predecessors were really blue and clear.

"You, you still call me a fishing expert!" The old generation found that it was not easy to correct the mistakes of this younger generation. Is it that his prestige is too shocking, so that the younger generation is excited, and it is difficult to make it for himself. first name? In any case, it is worthy of forgiveness for the younger generation to make a small mistake. The name is not important. Anyway, it is a low-key and incomprehensible savvy in the city. The fishing master is more in line with his current identity.

"How can my juniors dare to call the nickname of their predecessors casually? Isn't that big and not small?" Three little hurriedly waved their hands.

"Nothing, my predecessor has always been approachable." The old man's face was full of amiable smiles.

"I can meet such an approachable predecessor, I am really fortunate in my life!" Three less holding the old man's hand again, shaking hard up and down. The enthusiasm and worship of the three young people are very satisfied with the older generation.

"What will happen in the future, despite reporting my name, the old man will cover you later." The old man's face smiled out of a chrysanthemum.

"Predecessors are too great!" Three less directly raised their thumbs.

"Small meaning, I always like to take care of the younger generation, who makes me a predecessor who does not care for oneself!" The old man was so happy that he just wanted to laugh.

"How did the seniors appear here today?" Yue Yang was strange. If this old guy is a predecessor of Tongtian Tower, why is he not in the Tongtian Tower, but instead ran to the Central Temple of Guangmingshan?

"Is there a saying that the most dangerous is the safest? When Tongtian Tower and Guangmingshan fought, there is no place in the heavens that is safe. I decided to break into the enemy, confuse the enemy, disguise as a fisherman, and deepen myself. It’s hidden! Kid, how? Is my camouflage very clever? I’ve been lurking here for tens of thousands of years, no one has found me. Hahahahaha. The old man is the real latent enemy!” The old man said with a dazzling dance. Saliva is flying.

"When did that win or lose?" Yue Yang couldn't help but wonder.

"Of course it is won! If the Guangming Mountain is not supported by some old ghosts, let us pass the tower of the tower!" The old man's age, the Tongtian Tower is still very strong. It is completely different from the current hardship.

"..." Yue Yang wanted to kill the old man with a brick. Then drag and bury it. If you win, you will not be able to directly blast the Guangming Mountain, but you will lurk your sister!

"Camouflage the fisherman for tens of thousands of years, the husband's fishing technology has been greatly improved. Has been promoted to a fishing master, this is really a result of unintentional! Of course, talented people like me, learning what is especially fast Get started!" The old man stared at his white beard, a pair of kids, you have to learn something with me.

"..." Yue Yang looked at the empty fishing rod, this is the fishing technology that has been greatly improved for tens of thousands of years?

"Don't be too envious of the old man, some people are envious of some talents!" The old man thought that Yue Yang was sad, and he quickly said comfort, but it sounded like he was showing off.

"..." Yue Yang has buried this old guy alive.

After an unusually laborious conversation, Yueyang students finally understood that this old guy is really a predecessor of the Tongtian Tower. It is not an enemy's disguise, and it is an old ghost who does not know how to live for tens of thousands of years. As for this old guy who has not returned to the tower for tens of thousands of years, but stays in Guangmingshan, it is purely a manifestation of his personal **.

** Well, it doesn't take too much to do anything.

On the contrary, if a ** suddenly does things normally, then be careful, maybe it is a precursor to the end of the world!

Since it is a predecessor, although it is a **, but Yue Yang's tight heart is still secretly relieved. It feels good to have a predecessor cover. If this predecessor is not a **, then I feel that it will be better!

After discussing the fishing technology, the predecessors discussed the camouflage lurking with Yue Yang, discussed the camouflage lurking, and the seniors discussed the fishing technology with Yue Yang with great interest. If Yueyang is a fat man, then the two must be happy, but Yueyang’s classmates often fall to the ground, but after all, they are still normal people. At the end of the discussion, Yueyang’s classmates finally couldn’t help, and quickly quit.

"Predecessors, time is not early, I still have things, have time to eat together, I please!" Three less invited seniors to eat this kind of thing has never happened, but does not hinder his promise.

"Okay, we have time to contact us!" The old predecessors reluctantly, and it is rare to have a young man who can listen to his fishing skills. However, just as Yue Yang was about to slip away, he immediately reacted: "Hey, wait, boy, why are you doing this?"

"Demolition of the house!" Yue Yang's tone is just like the demolition.

"I also go, where is the house to be demolished?" The old man also has the hidden talent for doing bad things. When he listens to the house, he immediately rushes to sign up.

"On this, Guangmingshan, predecessors, don't you think that there are more houses here? The buildings here are not in line with the development and planning of a new society in a harmonious society. I decided to flatten all of them here and rebuild a new one. How are you, seniors, you are also interested?" Yue Yang does not think that this old man will help, if he wants to dismantle, tens of thousands of years to dismantle early, and then wait until I am now.

"What does the building here do not meet?" The old man did not understand, but finally knew that Yue Yang wanted to flatten the intention of Guangmingshan.

"Predecessors continue to go fishing, big things can not delay your hobbies! Besides, this is a small matter, give me this young junior, and use your labor seniors!" Yue Yang never expected this old Seniors, as long as this ** but the unfathomable old guy is not an enemy, he is full of heart and soul.

"Give it to you? Kid, you seem to be almost in the same place! Guangmingshan is not here to push it. Besides my old man, it is not easy for others to flatten it. Although your kid is a little perverted, it is worse than the old man. Far away!" The old man said and said that he boasted for himself. Of course, he also had this bragging capital. At least, Yue Yang, who never accepts people, does not object to it. To change another person, a certain three young people will be killed and buried directly, and there will be discussions about fishing techniques and latent camouflage.

"How can we flatten this Guangming Mountain?" Yueyang is like a primary school student who loves to learn.

"It's very simple, with the same strength as an old man, it's almost the same." The old man was very upset.

"If not?" Yue Yang listened straight and rolled his eyes.

your sister!

You have lived for tens of thousands of years, who wants to compare with you? There is a kind of you younger than this young master!

The old man squats on his toes, stretches his arms, and pats Yue Yang's shoulders with difficulty. The chief of a teacher is very eager to say: "Don't be afraid, the old man looks at your kid's eyes and gives you some guidance. If you can realize two or three Then, maybe you can barely get a whole body and retreat. Although you are not aggressive, you have more than enough protection..."

Yue Yang wanted to take off his shoes and directly smashed the old guy who was stinky into a paper man, but he tried his best to hold back.

Do you want to see if you are a predecessor, no, or if you are a ** creature, you will use your innate swords to separate your five horses. Old guys, don’t you do it too much, don’t you live for tens of thousands of years? Have the ability to improve your intelligence!

"If you want to change to someone else, the old man will definitely not say it. Although your kid is not very good, but the understanding is okay, the old man is reluctant to give an exception! Let me guide you for the time being. When you come to practice, I will give pointers. Your deep fishing skills!" The old man's words made Yue Yang almost no squat, this life has been criticized much, but no one said that he is not very good, please, seniors, what age is your aesthetic? ?

"The sacred supreme realm boy has been confused, but also hope that the seniors point to the maze." Yue Yang rarely gave the old man a gift, when asked for advice, Yue Yang students' attitude is still relatively correct.

"It’s too early to say that the Holy Supreme is too late. Your kid is far away. It’s something deeper than fishing technology. Kid, don’t be too greedy, be careful not to groan, the old man is reluctant to point out something about your throne today. Let's go!" said the old man, Yue Yang stunned.

God's seat?

Is this the shrimp east?

Although I don’t know much about God’s order, it’s not too small. Why have you never heard of the knowledge about the throne? Even, even the mother's wisdom and inheritance did not mention, what is this god, what is it?


happy New Year! Welcome all book friends to return!

*********(To be continued..)

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