Long Live Summons

Chapter 1338: : [Throne]

The old man jumped to a small step. .


As if to point to the mountains and rivers, explain this mysterious ‘the throne’ to Yue Yang.

"Are you sure that no one really taught you? I don't know such a simple thing. It's too poor. No one teaches a child who is not in charge of the child. It is similar to the weeds in the wasteland... This can't be done, even this I don't know, but I have to go to jokes!" The old man shook his head and sighed. Yueyang's anger was like a volcano, and Nyima, no one taught no one to control it. It’s not your old ghosts, one by one, you can’t hide people, you’ll get off the hooks of the next generation, and you’ll be in danger when you’re a little bit of a slap in the face. The towers are up and down, big and small, one by one, like nothing. No child's wild child, anyone can bully, anyone can kill the door, which is the responsibility? It is caused by your unconscious predecessors!

If the old ghosts of the Tongtian Tower are all there, the prison emperor will not hang.

Her Majesty Queen Vivien does not have to be locked up.

It is yourself.

I don’t have to work hard to even know what the gods do not know. I can only make jokes here.

Yue Yang wants to be more angry, really wants to turn his face, punches the **** predecessor to fly to nine days, and then fights with the Tian Yu guy, fight for you to die!

"Nobody tells you, you don't know it is normal. Because, if you don't meet the requirements, the average person won't tell you. It's all a secret, it's the secret of the secret. And your kid is a bit special, it's very fast." It’s not reasonable. If we don’t pay attention, you will come up. Maybe your master is too late to tell you.” The old man didn’t look good, the little guy was angry and quickly comforted.

"The secret of the secret?" Yue Yang heard, the anger slightly disappeared.

"If it's too simple, then I don't need to be enlightened by my old man. Your master taught you..." The old man proudly licked his white beard.

"Hey, I don't have a master. I don't have a self-study!" Yue Yang didn't have a teacher, but he knew that the old man said that it was not the teachers who taught themselves, but some of them. After the 'old ghost'.

"Impossible!" The old man shook his head. He absolutely did not believe that there were people in the world who had self-study.

"You don't believe it." Yue Yang's mind flashed, but this old man said, is the old Taoist who stumbled on his ass? No, if the old Taoist priest is covering himself behind, why should there be the existence of Sword Spirit Royal Sister? And this old man is coming out of the Tongtian Tower. The old Taoist priest should be the Oriental fairy, and it is impossible to tie the relationship!

The surface of Yueyang is not moving, but the mind is as sharp as electricity.

He estimated that the old master said that the master is a towering towerer who is as deep as the heavens, and his contemporaries.

Otherwise, he would not be so determined, saying that he had Master's teaching, and at the same time, he would not wonder how he would not know the secret of the 'Kobe'.

The old man began to be dubious, but the face of Yueyang was not like laughing, and he denied Master, disrespectful to the teacher, and felt that this kid was no longer naughty. He couldn’t help but stupidly said: "You really have no master? Is it really self-cultivation? How can it be!"

Yue Yang smashed the head of the head in an incomparable manner: "Please don't be too surprised, you know, you are talking to a peerless genius who can't live forever!"

After a long while, the old man suddenly jumped excitedly and grabbed Yue Yang's arm: "Boy, I am optimistic about you, it is better for me to be your master! As long as the old man teaches you a few hands, keep your life for a lifetime. Although the ceremonial husband I don't pay much attention to it, but there are also three teachers and teachers. You have to be sincere and sincere, and the old man will teach you in addition to the gods and other fishing skills. You can also guarantee that you can also Become a catcher!"

He doesn't talk about fishing. When he says Yue Yang, he is on fire.

Fishing your sister's fish!

What Laozi wants to catch most is not a fish, but a girl. You have to teach this young master to catch a girl stunt. That master is also called, what **** fishing, who is rare?

"Sorry, I only worship the beauty as a teacher! Although the seniors are handsome and handsome, but not beautiful, so sorry." Yue Yang did not hesitate to refuse. There is no such thing as Master. Anyway, there is a sword sorcerer. I can’t do it. I’m looking for the old Taoist who is a slap in the face. It’s estimated that the old Taoist is even more powerful. Even if he is a teacher, there is no reason to find a **!

"The old man is so handsome and handsome, don't you worship? It's a pity!" The old man was very uncomfortable. It was rare that he wanted to accept the apprentice. This kid didn't even know how to refuse. Fortunately, he still has eyes and knows that he is handsome and handsome...

"Predecessors are highly respected and understand the facts, they should support my ideals, right?" Yueyang students screamed and slammed on the ground.

"Of course, of course!" The old man listened with a smile.

"Bogutong's versatile predecessors must know the secret of the secret that the mortal mortal does not know." A three-time instant hypnosis of his own fat body.

"There is something that is not a leaking thing for ordinary people, but for the old man, don't be too simple!" The old man now seems to be a few lighter bones.

"If I wait for the juniors, I can listen to the embarrassing teachings of my predecessors. Even if I can't open my mouth to praise Master because of my personal ideals, I believe that there is no way to respect the superiors of my predecessors." Some three sighs, It seems to be secretly remorse why I had to make an oath that only worships the beauty as a teacher.

"Ideal, the child is a little unreasonable ideal, I understand. After all, you are still small." The old man suddenly felt soft.

"Predecessors are so great..." A little three moved a thumbs up.

"Haha!" The old man smirked.

"In addition to admire, I have no way to find a second word to describe my mood at the moment." Some three little **** of the dead are not killed, let alone the old man who belongs to the surname, is a rational big sage I'm afraid I can't hold these sugar-coated shells.

"Okay, okay, the more you look at the kid, the more pleasing your eyes are. The old man is happy today, tell you the secret story of the gods!" The old man was happy to find the north.

Yueyang students listened to it, it was a secret biography, and quickly listened to it.


But the old guy’s real talents are still there. If it’s not the surname, then I’m afraid that the Supreme Heavenly King, who is sitting on the top of the bright mountain, can’t decide. Yue Yang now suspects why Tian Yu’s guy is going crazy. I am afraid that this old guy is exciting! Every day, there is a strong opponent, wandering around the eyelids, even if it is a **, it is scary!

The old man cleared his voice and licked his beard.

The old-fashioned Qiqiu took a step and walked two laps in front of Yueyang to make sure that the kid was 100% focused and began to tell: "There is a god, it is a god!"

"God position?" Yue Yang heard a confused, how a little familiar look?

"Calling the gods is not good, the above is generally called the throne." The old man made a gesture by hand: "The throne, in fact, the definition of a god's equal order. That is to say, with the god, it is the real 'god', No, I am sorry, that is not recognized on the above."

"I don't understand at all." Yue Yang is even more confused.

"It's a poor little guy, I don't know if you even have a bit of something on the top!" The old man used a very sloppy tone and pity the Yueyang classmate for three seconds. This move made the man almost hit the tofu. On, your sister, who knows the stuff above the gods, Laozi is the country where the Tongtian Tower came out.

"Is God not a true god?" Yue Yang found that all historical books are written like this, and there is a god.

"Pseudo-God is also considered a 'God'?" The old man listened to him: "The true God is not a god. It is only qualified to be a god, and the gods are the only ones who are called the true gods. They are all rumors of the lower bounds! Accurate In fact, only the gods who have their own unique gods will be recognized above. Without the above recognition, there is no record above, like you, people know where you are from the wild boy! No one admits, no master, so you It’s been bullied here, and nobody cares...”

"It is no wonder that the monsters with background in the Journey to the West will be taken away in the end!" Yueyang students suddenly realized.


The truth is that there are woods in the face!

A person who has no background and no backing is a word, miserable!

Yue Yang didn't think about it. He couldn't go on like this. He had to change quickly, so he asked urgently, "So, how can you have a throne?"

He began to think about whether to pay a protection fee, give a treasure or a name, register an identity card or join a community organization. Who did not know that the old man had an opening, he was greatly disappointed.

The old man shook his head and waved his hand: "Secret, it is not what you want to have, you must meet three conditions. First, you have to have enough cultivation, without this, who is not good. Second, you have to have a You can't make it up for you to become a master of the throne. Even if you have the ability to self-study, you can't make a **** without a hundred thousand years. It's the lowest-level god. Third, it's the simplest, but The hardest part is that you have to make a very important decision, that is, to use your current divine power, talents, rules, etc. to achieve a god, that is, after you have achieved your own seat, you will It is defined, what level are you, what position are you, it is almost fixed, there is no possibility of great change... Can you still understand? That is to say, your cultivation is almost over. This seat is an end."

"After you have achieved the throne, you can't cultivate it?" Yue Yang was shocked.

"Yes, but the theory is like this. Many active guys can still continue to cultivate, but they will be very slow, especially if the potential is exhausted and there is not a lot of faith to transform. It is estimated that cultivation for tens of thousands of years is also rising. Not much." The old man said yes.

"I can't go up to repair in the future, then why should I achieve this throne, or, after I have finished the end, I will not be late again." Yue Yang can't go up to practice again, and can't help but feel a little resistance.

"The throne is not what you want. Do you think it is Chinese cabbage?" The old man is not happy, he never thinks that Yueyang does not want it now.

"If I can do it now, why not?" Yue Yang is puzzled.

"Now, because you have just cultivated, like a piece of white paper, it will be easier for your master to help you achieve a god. After that, you will be fixed in all aspects. If you are good and bad together, maybe you will not If the method is reached, even if it can, it will not be comparable to the present. Also, if you reach the level of God, you will be able to make a big difference. It may be unintentional, it will cause earth-shaking changes in some places. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? It is difficult to judge. If you do not do it right, the will and the law of the ancient gods must sanction you. Therefore, it is even more difficult to achieve the throne." In the words of the old man, Yue Yang now finally understands that this throne is a definition of the gods. .

An achievement of the end of the cultivation, a way of certification and power of the gods.

Without it.

Then, the old guys above heaven are not acknowledging.

And this god, it is very difficult to get, not the east of the cabbage, no one can not do it above... Yueyang students secretly complained, no one behind them, God knows where the old Taoist ran, but fortunately there are swords Sister, or else you will be miserable.

"Do you see what kind of gods I can achieve now?" Yue Yang took a tentative inquiry, if the lowest order of the gods can not be achieved, then pull down, and then practice for more than 10,000 years and then say it!

"I don't know, it depends on all aspects you have, such as Baodian, divine power and godhead, talents and rules. Many things are together. The better you are, the higher the defined position, the more brilliant the achievement." Oh, yes, and the more things you have done in the process of cultivation and improvement, the more you pay back, no matter how bad things are, you have to pay off, and the rest can make your throne. "The old man is talking about it."

"Do you have to pay for the good things?" Yueyang students were shocked.

"Of course, if you do good things, that is, change the fate of others, then you must be responsible for the end, unless you can control the fate of each other, or let their destiny, combine with your destiny, let them live in you. In the world, otherwise, you are doing things no matter, no one will clean up the mess for you! You are an ordinary person, it doesn't matter, but you are a god, you can't hide it! And, this is not good, they are Your subordinates, for the worship of faith, can also give you some rewards of faith, increase the brilliance of your throne, and rely on them in the future to upgrade most of them, so that without this, it is not enough!" The explanation of the old man, let Yueyang students are speechless.

Fortunately, I am not a nosy person, or else I have a headache.

It is no wonder that these old ghosts are hidden in the world. They do not stand by and do nothing. It is not that they do not take care of future generations, and they are afraid of getting into trouble and becoming full-time nannies.

Yue Yang thought about it, or went back and asked Sword Ling Yujie!

Besides, I think this is still early, and when I fully understand the sacred supreme, I can’t believe that I can’t make a brilliant god!

After another change, Yue Yang secretly suspected that the various things that Sword Ling Yujie had done for himself might be the prelude to the achievement of 'There'. Otherwise, she would not interfere in her cultivation several times, and in the most critical situation, She secretly helped each other... In this way, Yueyang’s classmates were brightened. Oh, it’s big, I don’t have to worry about anything else, just follow her arrangement.

Everything has her!

As for the gods, it must be indispensable!


The second is even later, sorry.

The code word is booming, not paying attention to the flow of time, early tomorrow.

*********(To be continued.)

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