Long Live Summons

Chapter 1339: : [self-day]

Yue Yang is now more calm, and the dignified mood when he first heard of the gods was washed away.

The whole mood is like seeing the clouds.

The blue sky reappears.

The old man originally wanted to brag with Yue Yang for a while, but his brows were lightly wrinkled, and his arm stretched his arm and took a shot of Yue Yang’s shoulder: "Boy, let’s talk about it for a while, wait until there is free, and the old man will say it to you. There is a madman here, the suspicion is very serious, although he did not find it, but I have been looking for me all these years, I can not let him find it, haha!"

Yueyang is super speechless.

Seniors, are you coming to play hide and seek?

If you have the strength, do you slap like a fly, do you just kill him? Why are you still playing this boring game? Are you tens of thousands of years old or not?

"If he asks you, don't say I have seen me!" The old man still yelled Yue Yang and did not miss the bottom.

"I said the predecessors, why are you going to run? Directly squatting him down, hitting him with a drop of water and looking for his teeth, so that his family doesn't know how to finish it?" Yueyang students could not understand ** The world, the strength is a predecessor, you are a little show the predecessor's demeanor, it is completely stupid, this is swollen thing!

"No, no, I don't want to start with a little boy who only lived for two or three thousand years. If he cried, he went back and told the grown-up, saying that my old man bullied the child, then my old face was finished, no, no. I can't do that kind of thing!" The old man swayed with both hands.

Just when Yue Yang couldn't help but break his skull, and then change the tofu into it.

The old man disappeared instantly.

It disappeared without a trace. It seems that it has never appeared.

Strong as Yueyang's eyes can not be seen at all. If you have just heard the secret of the throne, Yue Yang really doubts that this second-in-class predecessor has never appeared before, but the enemy has given him some kind of illusion.

How does Tongtian Tower net out this predecessor? Isn't an old ghost normal?

No wonder the Tongtian Tower will sink, Ni Ni, ah, catch up with these ** is a predecessor, Tongtian Tower will not sink into heaven!

"Don't let me see you again next time, or see you once!" Yueyang's classmates were indignant, and there were so many predecessors of such cows. The descendants of Tongtian Tower are like wild children who have no mothers. Anyone can go to the door to bully, this is simply speechless... What is the use of such a senior? Not as good as it is! Her Majesty Queen Vivien does not say that the death of the prisoner is a slogan!

However, then come back.

According to the words of this old guy. Can be seen. The temple is supreme. Although it is a ‘small child’ who has lived two or three thousand years old, there are adults behind them!

It seems that the old ghosts do not do it, there are still some concerns. Perhaps there is any agreement on the above, ‘the big man’ is not good at interfering with the following things, but letting it be left to let the ‘small children’ love how to fight. However, this young master is only how big, the temple supreme Tian Yu, a little boy who has lived for two or three thousand years to fight with himself, he will not blush? Is he not bullying?

Two or three thousand years, still a child? Nima, I really smashed the golden eyes of Laozi!

Since the above adults do not care, let the following play.

Then things will be easier.

Yueyang students decided to make a big noise in this Guangming Mountain, not to kill seven in seven out of this **** central shrine, it is not called Yuejia three less!

"After waiting, the guests coming from Tongtian Tower, the rumored genius Yue Titan that has never been seen in 10,000 years, please allow me, the left imperial ambassador of the Central Shrine, on behalf of my Lord Supreme, welcome you to visit!" Handsome middle-aged man, I don’t know when, I’m already standing behind Yueyang, and I’m paying tribute to it.

From his face, you can see the maturity of the years, but you can't see the traces of the old state.

On the contrary, this person has a special kind of light.

Perfectly combined with the experience of the world, it forms a very wonderful charm.

If the ignorant girl saw it, she would surely have a spring heart, just like the deadly poison, so insanely obsessed with this amazing middle-aged uncle. Compared with Yueyang’s young and handsome, young and heroic, and full of vitality, this middle-aged uncle has similar but completely different charms. It is mature, steady and mountainous. Anyone who sees him will feel extremely reliable, even if he When the sky collapses, it will also make him shoulder-shoulder.

"You are Zuo Yu?" Yue Yang has never heard of Zuo Yu, but he fixed his eyes to understand it with a glance. This Zuo Yu is not a ‘person’.

He is the life guardian beast that has been perfected and promoted to the gods!

No wonder he dared to speak on behalf of Tian Yu to welcome himself.

Yue Yang looked up and down and tried to pick something wrong with the middle-aged uncle, but it was a pity that he couldn't find it at one time, and he couldn't criticize it. He had to transfer the topic: "Being the master, not Personally welcoming guests, but also deliberately left out, let the guests wait, so sloppy, if passed out, I am afraid that outsiders will laugh and generous!"

The middle-aged uncle, who was the left ambassador, listened, not angry, but smiled slightly: "There are many kinds of guests, one is uninvited, no matter whether the owner greets him personally, I believe he will not feel cold. ”

Yue Yang clapping: "Well, my family is just like a bunch of gangsters who have no skin and no face!"

The middle-aged uncle regretfully spread his hand: "I personally express my deep sympathy for your misfortune. Maybe you can try my suggestion. Do you have a serious protest and strong condemnation?"

Yue Yang laughed and laughed. "I haven't learned to protest and condemn. Uncle is not as good as you to demonstrate?"

The middle-aged uncle gently waved his hand: "Protests and condemnations have always been patents of the weak, and I personally are not very good at it. If you want to see how the Central Temple can expel the evils, then I don't mind demonstrating. Young people, although standing In the hostile camp, but I personally, there is still a very sincere advice here, Guangmingshan. The Central Shrine is not yet a challenge for young people like you. If I were you, I would go back and work hard to repair tens of thousands. Years, come back later, I believe the results will be completely different."

"I am not you, I am me." Yue Yang did not deny the other party's advice, he knew what the other party said, no exaggeration and show off, but only the facts. But as a three-year-old Yue Jia who crossed the male. I have always had my pride and persistence.

"Here, I personally said very rudely, Yuejia three less, you can't even beat me at the moment. How to challenge my Lord Supreme?" The middle-aged uncle shook his head.

"I can't beat it. I didn't even think about winning." Yue Yang smiled like a summer sun.

"Know your failure. Do you have to fight?" The middle-aged uncle wrinkled his black brow.

"No, I have never failed!" Yue Yang is confident.

"Are you sure?" The middle-aged uncle was very surprised by the confidence of passing through the man at the moment. What confidence is it. Can you stand under the bright mountain, stand in front of the central shrine, stand on the opposite side of the temple, and tell the words that you have never lost in your life? For this Yuejia three less, every high-level of the Central Shrine has detailed and incomparable information. Apart from the extremely unpredictable cards, most of them are in the high-level insights of the East. However, recall, This is really the case. The battle that this young man has participated in, whether it is witnessed by someone or secret, is unknown, and the results are brilliant. It seems that there has really been no failure, even if it is not once.

"All the enemies who thought they could defeat me, they all failed." Yue Yang recalled the various enemies of his life at all stages, whether it was the original rival Zijin Hou, or the void and nine encounters in the Temple of the Emperor, or In the mid-term of the Red Emperor, the ancient demon king and the later Kaitian Mozun, and so on, even the nine-days of the invading family and the sun king who was full of confidence and desire for the gods, they all failed. Only they, they persisted until the end, only to laugh. At last.

It is because there are so many enemies along the way.

There are so many hard battles.

It has only caused me to be stronger and stronger and more frustrated.

If possible, Yue Yang really wants to say thank you to the enemies who have fought fiercely with themselves. Thank you all the way to have you, only today's Yueyang, there is today's slogan to flatten the Mingshan Mountain to challenge the Temple of the Supreme Tianyu three families!

The middle-aged uncle saw Yue Yang's momentum changed, self-confidence combined with divine power, and gradually formed a unique sign of self-deity.

He took a step forward and raised his hand sincerely, paying tribute to Yue Yang: "You are a very good young man, young people, except for my Lord Supreme, I have never seen a second genius like you. Maybe you The road to the future is very far away, and your future is limitless. However, let me use the facts to tell you a truth: there is no **** below the throne in the world, and there is no opponent below the throne!"

When he stood straight, the face of the middle-aged uncle gave birth to a solemn and sacred glow: "Young people, since you are unbeaten in your life, then today, I, Zuo Yu, under the supreme throne of my Lord, is 'in the sky', Give you a defeat!"

“Is it true?” How is Yueyang’s class familiar with this name?

However, he immediately reacted, and the ‘self-day’ in front of him was completely different from the ‘free day’ that he had heard before.

Moreover, the ‘free day’ that I have heard before is also confusing because of various explanations. No one knows the truth. Yue Yang is not an expert in that aspect and has no intention to inquire. The first name of the middle-aged uncle 'freedom day', Yue Yang’s heart is still shocking. After all, in the heavens and the world, the strong is like a cloud. This kind of slightly arrogant name is not a dog’s cat. Called.

The Temple of the Supreme God, dare to guard the beast of his life, to give such a name, prove that this middle-aged uncle, really a bit of a skill.

The name and strength of the sky make Yue Yang move.

But what he said gave you a defeat, Yue Yang’s ear automatically chose to ignore it.

Almost all the strong enemies have said this, but unfortunately, the only thing that can really make a cross-male failure is that they can't take revenge. Only the old Taoist who grew up and long after his **** smashed his ass.

"Come on, give me a defeat, just like the Sun King who said this to me..."

After Yueyang’s classmates had not finished, they were surprised to find that the whole world had been annihilated by a horrible light.

*********(To be continued..)

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