Long Live Summons

Chapter 1360: : [Freedom]

"It turns out that this is the secret of the throne!"

In the process of re-forming the Queen of Liberty, Yue Yang found that in the half of the tomb, there was a sleeping sacred seat that lost its dominance but was still in power. .

At the beginning, it was extremely weak, and Yue Yang was still suspected of being an illusion. When the Freedom Queen's God's Sense of Faith and Divine Power were gradually integrated into it under the guidance of Yue Yang, the oracle immediately began to awaken and continuously feedback various information to Yue Yang's mind, such as the secret and prerequisites for the achievement of the sacred. This makes the dazzling Yuejia three less surprises, and another burst of trouble. The power of this sleeping **** has dissipated a lot, and most of it has been broken, but the good news is that the foundation is still there, and the form is complete, so that the man who does not know how to evolve is greatly relieved.

In addition to the emblem, the cohesion of the gods is an indispensable foundation, and a kind of ‘神威’ filling is needed.

This kind of **** power.

It can be transformed by the master's body.

It can also be transformed by the devout heart of the followers of the owner or the power of faith, and can even be transformed by the phenomena, influences, powers, etc. produced by many of the masters' experiences in their lifetime.

Like the Queen of Liberty.

Her body does not have any divine power, and she has all hereditary or half-death.

After Yue Yang refining the hereditary power of her body and the residual power of the half-spirited body, she was pleasantly surprised to find that her divine power column has exceeded 215 meters. Although it is impossible to reach the 'superior seat' above the 300-meter requirement, But it seems very easy to make a 'sit in the throne of more than one hundred meters and three hundred meters below. However, Yue Yang waited until the execution, ready to reawaken the Queen of Liberty's sleeping sacred and integrated into the new power, only to discover that his own understanding is just a wrong understanding, just a terrible beginning...

Yueyang has learned from the mouth of the old man who is fishing, and the feedback information of Shenmian is also the same. If you want to be a god, you must first use the power to free yourself!

Then, the rest is taken to make the throne.

The greatness of the gods, the height of its display and the level of a certain grade, is the height of the realm of the throne... This is a harsh condition for Yueyang to be speechless. But this must be the case, there is no second way, only in this way can truly be detached from the body and promoted to God.

"Is it too troublesome?" The Queen of Freedom apologized to Yueyang.

"It's okay, but it's so difficult to become a god!" Yueyang students discovered until now that the real promotion of 'God' is not to say how long it has been cultivated, how much power is saved, or what artifacts, beasts, and treasures can be used to achieve That's not the case at all. Any foreign object, although it has an auxiliary effect, is also an object of self-freeness.

To be a god, you must pay first.

Use pure power to repay everything in the world.

When this is done, the whole person has no restrictions, and there is no obstacle. It is called liberation, and that can be a god.

The Queen of Freedom is very kind, has not killed anyone, even rarely killed, the little ants have not trampled a few, and the repayment needs are very small, but she also has many experiences in her life, all of them have to use pure power to clear it again, and she The burden of 'destiny' is the tangled knot of the past dynasties. This also has to pay the divine power to resolve this wave of hatred, and those hungry followers and believers need to exert their divine power to respond to their pledges. Unless the Queen of Freedom is willing to take over the people in Tianhua, she must transform her power into a grace with a surname, in order to truly free herself and the fate she has been carrying.

These are worth mentioning, once the surname is returned.

The power of about 30 meters is almost the same. The Queen of Freedom is enough to free himself from five meters, mainly the fate of the burden.

What Yue Yang can't imagine is that the half of the body needs to be repaid.

And the power of repayment is unimaginable.

"The trough, the divine light column with a height of more than 200 meters is all over." Yue Yang found that the divine light column disappeared instantly. If there was not a beam of light about a few centimeters high, Yue Yang almost thought that the Queen of Freedom would not pay enough. To destroy her godhead.

Fortunately, because of the release of destiny and promotion to God, the Queen of Freedom began with the ancestors, the various good deeds and thoughts performed in the Tianhua domain, the prayers and piety of followers, and so on.

The source is generally back.

There are countless.

These are all transformed into blessings and divine power, and the pillars of divine power are raised again.

And very pure.

Yueyang used the fire of Nirvana to purify, and went to one or two, and saved it, and returned to the height of 60 meters.

Do not think about the achievement of the throne, that is, the achievement of a first position in the throne is also sloppy, Yue Yang's greatest hope, can be combined with the remnant of Shenshen, to reach the 'first position of the gods' infinitely close to 100 meters, do not Resent... Yueyang will slowly integrate this 60-meter pure power into the sleeping sacred seat, in which the spirit is tense to the limit, fearing that the two will smash and explode, creating a great destruction! Sweating, dripping, dripping on the snow jade ** that the Queen of Freedom has just reshaped.

Among them, the most stressful, Yue Yang feels a flower in front of him, the spirit seems to be lax.

Scared and swayed, thinking that something was going to happen.

Fortunately, I found out that it was just a false alarm.

Re-focus, spirits guide the pure power of the gods, and the divine power of the sleeping god.

When it is completely accommodated, Yueyang finds that the throne is still far from enough. It seems that there is still enough potential to accommodate more divine power, but the external divine power is completely exhausted. At the time of the dilemma, for a time, the man who passed the blessing of the soul, boldly took out the sacred power of the fate of the fate that he once carried but was temporarily unavailable, and took it out of the holy book.

Odd light.

Erupted from the slumber of the gods, and the whole world of the book...

The fate of the two people is also closely connected at this moment, inseparable!

The Freedom Queen's throne instantly achieves perfection, and is immediately promoted to God. The body is reborn as an immortal body, forming a brand new 'Goddess of Liberty' according to her own will and the original memory of the body. Behind her clean and eternal and immortal body, a fabulous ‘Freedom of the Seas’ rises...

Seeing the goddess of freedom and holiness at this time, even if the evolutionary Yue Yang himself, can not help but give birth to a kind of fear of awe.

The birth of any **** is such a great victory.

So solemn.

The goddess of freedom, representing free will, never being embarrassed and bound, was officially born!

"This!" Free Queen, no, the goddess of freedom gently touched the 'Huijue' of the middle of the eyebrows, which is a special emblem representing the wife of God, when Yue Yang puts her in her own destiny. The moment within the body and the throne begins, this small point appears in her eyebrows at the same time and will be eternally marked.

"I don't know how it will be..." Yue Yang is a little sweaty. If you have this after the goddess of the moon, it is okay to say that after all, it has been done, but this goddess of freedom has not yet begun!

In fact, he did not know that this emblem has long existed.

Including Yue Yu and Liu Ye.

It’s just not as obvious as it is today. It’s like the surname of God. After the first appearance of the ornament in the world tree, it disappears with the will of the master.

"Since our destinies are connected together, then life will blend together." The goddess of freedom bowed to Yue Yang Yingying, and Ming Hao transmitted a very gentle light: "Although confidence is a little lacking, I will definitely work hard. In the endless years of the future, you will fulfill your wife’s greatest responsibility and let the life of Fu Jun be full of freedom and joy."

"Really? Ah, I mean it’s good, the freedom of the gods is really beautiful!" Yueyang students saw the **** of the red fruit in front of him, and said that there is no point in thinking that it is a fake, as soon as he heard it, he said It was an ecstasy in the heart, but he was careful after the wall of the Supreme, and his mind was barely able to control it. It was not a flying body, and the pigs ate the piglets.

"Please don't say this kind of violation of the vest, you must know that your heart is now completely connected with you." The goddess of freedom couldn't help but smile.

"Ah, let's take a look at the throne first!" Yueyang classmates yelled, and the heart was different from the characteristics of men. Usually, few people dismantled him, including Xue Niu Hu Niu and Yue Yu, everyone knows him. What kind of person is it, but everyone secretly leaves a little face for him. However, she is not accustomed to the goddess of freedom. She is used to sincere and candid words. She used to keep silent about the enemy and never lie. She saw that Yue Yang’s heart was different. Even if it was a wolf and wolf, she could not help but correct it. he. Yue Yang did not dare to look straight into the gaze, for fear that he would see a reflection of a wolf and wolf in the beauty of the Ming Lake, and quickly shift the subject.

"It's just the first position." The Statue of Liberty heard a smile. She now understands the actions of Princess Sissi. As a wife, especially a good wife, she really needs to learn to be tolerant.

She showed her own throne, and suddenly, the whole world of the book was glory and holy.

The goddess of the goddess of freedom is the lowest order of the first seat. However, Yue Yang noticed that this free constellation is very different from the previous sleeping hymn. The feeling of Freedom to Yueyang is perfect! Perfectly indescribable! This Freedom seems to have a lot of room for improvement, and it seems that it still has half the potential for improvement.

The sacred seat of the previous sleep did not have this feeling.

Is this really what I did?

All done by myself?

For a time.

Yue Yang had doubts about his hand.

Although he knows that he has achieved his own achievements, he still dares not believe that he always feels that there is a kind of mysterious and invisible force when he uses the power of destiny to integrate into it. He quietly accomplishes himself for himself, not all he does. What I have done, maybe just a superficial drive...

Sword spirit Royal sister! It must be her, she must have quietly shot behind her, and evolved this free seat for herself.

Otherwise, this free seat cannot be so perfect!

It is even less likely to have half the potential for improvement.

The old man of fishing said that after the achievement of the throne, there can be no further progress, almost reaching the end, even if there is progress, it is very slow, but now the Liberty is beyond his warning, why?

"Maybe, this is the case, and make a bold guess." The goddess of freedom and Yue Yang have the same mind. She can't detect the existence of Sword Spirit Sister. It only faintly knows that there is a mysterious guardian. It is her **** and the surname of God. Extremely awesome existence, but Yue Yang's psychological fluctuations at this time, she can be clearly sensed. Seeing Yueyang trapped in confusion, she quickly comforted: "It is possible that in the achievement of the throne, the guardian of the Holy Spirit, by your hand, evolved, you can also evolve into a scorpion, because you have not yet achieved the throne, did not officially enter the peak So, you are also arranged in the realm below half, and then you will fully climb the summit and upgrade at the same time."

"In this way, it makes a lot of truth." Yue Yang thinks of the supreme, she is also preparing to make a small god, it is even more cattle, the freedom of the gods now, compared with her own master of the gods, is considered a pediatrics. Perhaps the Supreme, also got some kind of revelation or secret, she seems to have said this before.

"Supreme makes you a god, you should have more than one god, you may have two or more!" The goddess of freedom is more daring to guess.

“Is it true that the achievement of the throne is related to the book?” Yue Yang thought farther and thought of some possible surname.

"There is no such possibility, a book can make a god..." The goddess of the goddess of freedom looks at Yueyang. If this is the case, then Yueyang can be a cohesive sect, at least three.

"To respect and repair, she tries to unite herself to master the 'master of the throne' of life and death. If I want to condense my own throne, what kind of **** would it be? If there are a few gods, the first one will be What is the genus of the surname?" Yue Yang fell into deep thought, he has been accompanied by the sacred scriptures that have been growing up since the crossing, and the trial scripts obtained through the trials of the Ten Passes, and even one has not successfully summoned The sacred book. The qualities of your own sacred should be closely related to them.

The direction of achievement evolution should also be based on them.

The first is the Holy Scriptures.

Or try the trial of the book?

No matter who is good, give me a little more hints! Yue Yang is particularly anxious, he feels that he is breaking through the obstacles, but he is almost a little bit, the inspiration is within reach, but he can't really grasp the palm of his hand... It feels too mad, no one, obviously In vain, tell yourself what to do?

It’s all guessing!

Is it necessary for his own destiny to be cracked in the same process as the mystery? Can you achieve the effect of trials?

Sword spirit Royal sister did not say it, and her mother did not say that the Queen of the Queen, Vichy, who was often together in the later period, even Si Niang, did not say anything, said nothing!


There is definitely a reason for this!

Maybe cracked this mystery, this game, the whole fate and the battle will be solved... I will not let you down, wait, enlighten the throne is just the beginning, in the future, there are more and more, I will always If you break it, you will definitely achieve the Holy Supreme, just as you hope!

The Statue of Liberty came from behind and gently held him in his arms, trying to give him some comfort and support. .

She doesn't know what to do.

Can help him.

But she hopes that she can share the troubles with him and bring him a little spiritual comfort.

Yue Yang woke up from her meditation and found that she had been with her for a long time, but she was patient and gentle. She saw him turn his face and even smiled sweetly, changing the coldness and indifference of the former Free Queen. With the body, although promoted to the goddess, but in fact added a feminine unique feminine, through the male to see, the heart can not help, the wolf's claws secretly explored the past, climbing the snow jade peak: "still Learn more about the secrets of the throne in you!"

It’s affirmative to know in depth, but is the goal a god?

This is very doubtful.

The Statue of Liberty couldn’t protest because her lips were blocked by a savage man...


Cough, because of the legendary law of the strongest beasts and crabs, some pictures of certain time and space have been disturbed and cannot be presented normally.

Xia Fei said a few words here, thank you for your concern and support! thank you very much!

Sometimes Xia Fei will feel discouraged and depressed, but Xia Fei will not fall down. Even if the thorns are full, Xia Fei will continue to move forward, because I really like fantasy and code words! I wanted to list them out to show my gratitude, but I finally gave up. First, there were a large number of people. It was not very good to miss it. Secondly, I remembered everyone’s good self-heartedness, not to mention it!

Keep working hard, you and I will go together!

*********(To be continued.)

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