Long Live Summons

Chapter 1361: :[The end of the dream]

In the maze of time and space, Hai Fatzi and Ye Kong are still fighting.

The way forward.

They still don't know that they are in the game, but they don't know that the object of their battle is only the illusion in the labyrinth world. The real enemy has already emerged under the chess talents and rules of the East, spreading the most important joint points. They don’t have to play at the most important moments.

In this way, the strongmen of the Guangmingshan camp quietly watched their illusions and fought against the warriors of the Tongtian Tower.

"It's awful!" Chang Hao saw his illusion being slain by the enemy several times, his face was very ugly.

Although it is a space-time projection, but the strength is actually not far from the ontology.

That is to say, if the real long scorpion appears on the battlefield, and I am fighting with the martial arts martial arts who are rushing to the rush, I am afraid that there will be hate and death.

The face of Changchun is not good-looking, but also the people of the world, because they found that they did not conquer the Queen Vivienne or Yue Titan, nor did they have the human supreme and the majesty of the deep-dwelling Tianluo Palace. The maze of time and space still could not stop the sky. The impact of the Tawu. These guys are simply not dead, they are a battle experience, many people have already seen the illusion, but still rushing forward, there is no way to avoid or break the plan... hit now, butcher The world's gods also understand, just because they can't hinder the Yue family three, his battle will be at the higher level of the upper level, his own real combat goal, these are basically stunned before, but in fact like not dead The general body of the Tongtian tower warrior.

Ok, anyway, the guy in the East has no idea.

Just continue to follow his plan.

As long as the final victory.

The process is not important at all!

The minds of Changchun and Tushi are like this. Different from them, the third party in another world view is very dissatisfied with their negative behavior, especially the militant man, who knows that everything is a maze of time and space, but he sees the fat man and Ye Kong playing. Cool, I also want to join, and challenge together.

It’s his heart to kill the killing, the blood of the hot, and the pain of the enemy.

But very sorry.

No one has given him such an opportunity...

"Besides the night, this side is a bit interesting. Others. It is not worth mentioning." As the demon emperor of the game, he yawned very boringly.

"Who saw the life of the human supreme guardian beast?" On the other side, Jindi frowned.

"Is she not protecting her behind the sister of Yue Taitan?" The double-headed dragon was shocked.

"That should be a phantom!" The man's eyesight is far better than him.

"What?" The glamorous queen is almost dizzy, and now the goddess of the moon has a bit of a phantom look. She will fly and laugh. From time to time, I will chat with Yue Titan’s sister. Although he did not shoot during the battle, but the sister of Yue Taitan was slightly defeated, he would be blessed with divine power. How could it be a phantom?

"Not only the goddess, even the sister of Yue Taitan, they are actually phantoms." The Emperor is not sure: "I have not fully seen through it, but I can be sure, the girls, beasts and treasures related to Yue Titan. All disappeared. Maybe the little girl who passed on the power of the goddess of wisdom, maybe there are others who work together. In short, these three people were replaced by phantoms three days ago. The last real entity is the human being. Supreme life guards the beast. She has been deceiving our eyes with eternal moon power. Under her cover, all the women, beasts and treasures associated with Yue Titan disappeared, leaving only his teammates, the little fat man. Wait for others to continue to rush."

“Is it all fake?” The two-headed dragons, the ancient heavens, who are at this level, can hardly believe that everything in front of them is a living existence!

"Where did they go?" The man raised this question.

"Maybe it is a policy, maybe Yue Taitan met a strong enemy, they are not willing to stay in this time and space maze battle, so all left, go to his side, help him to go. The latter is very likely, Because, now is not the best time to break, they are a bit early, this is not reasonable." The Emperor boldly made a speculation.

"It makes sense, but there are other possibilities. I always think that the wits between the East and the Yue Titan are not so simple." The suspicion in the Golden Emperor is deeper.

"After the night, fighting with the undefeated Supreme, she is also fake?" The glamorous queen could not accept this fact.

"She is real." The demon smiled.

The only thing that really exists.

It’s night after night.

However, the fate of the gods she had in her hands had disappeared three days ago. At the beginning, he still suspected that the night was deliberately collecting treasures, but from now on, the fate of her hands, It was taken away by the original owner Yue Taitan... It is exactly like this, he will boldly speculate that Yue Taitan encounters one or several powerful powers that are hard to match, and that he is in danger of not using the fate of the gods. .

It was true after the night, and her battle with the undefeated Supreme came to an end.

Undefeated Supreme has a sensory talent.

As long as the induction is sure of victory and will never be defeated, he will fight.

In this case, the undefeated Supreme is theoretically impossible to fail unless...

The demon emperor and the golden emperor look at each other and get answers and recognition in the other's eyes. To defeat the unbeaten supreme that never failed, there is only one possibility!

"I won, and finally won." Unbeaten Supreme At this time, the **** body was bruised and bruised, and the original beautiful face was like a pseudonymous face, and it was also full of criss-crossing creations. He is very tired, but more excited, because, at the end of this battle, the winner is still the one who has the perceptual talent and never fails. The unbeaten name will continue to be maintained and will remain forever.

"..." After the night, the body is completely intact, the starlight is still, just a little bleak.

Her star power has reached its limit in the three-day consumption.

It is no longer able to support high-intensity battles.

Unbeaten supreme, with his strongest and most resilient will. I began to suffer from being attacked by the enemy. I pulled back bit by bit and recovered little by little. Although I almost died in the hands of the destiny in the hands of the night, the fate of the soldiers quickly disappeared without a trace. The advantage is no longer, this is very bitter, but in the end he is brought back, he laughed to the end.

After the night, I couldn’t fight again and turned into a starlight.


If the East is not the East, the two will be on the battlefield. Arrange a clear sky world with the most negative star power. If it is not in the most difficult time, and if the Supreme Supreme is constantly assisted by the power of the Guangming Mountain, then this shackle cannot be reversed.

"I know that my perception will never go wrong. My unbeaten will never stop. Haha." Unbeaten Supreme is in a good mood.

If it is not really spare. Then he still wants to leave this strong enemy after the night.

A little bit sorry.

However, if you can win, that is enough. The rest, hand over to the East and do not move them to the supreme!

"Want to see my jokes? The demon emperor, and the gold emperor, you think too naive, my unbeaten record will always be maintained, because I am an unprecedented and unique unbeaten supreme in heaven!" Unbeaten supreme Sneer at the image that is closely watching the sky.

"I have a problem." The demon emperor gave a slight meal: "How long have you not called your collection?"

"What do you mean?" Unbeaten is supreme.

"What he means is that when you were fighting with Yue Titan, did you open the book again to see your perceptual talent? Is there a possibility that your previous perceptions may be correct, maybe Wrong, if you don't correct it in time, you may be misled by your previous perceptions. Well, my words have already been finished." Jindi finished, no longer look at the unbeaten supreme face of the face, he already knows The answer.

"You are already a dead man." The demon emperor was more daring and made affirmation: "I had doubted before the battle of Yue Taitan. Now, I have every reason to believe that you are already dead under your talent."

"Impossible, I am undefeated, my perception is always correct." The undefeated supreme face is pale, and seems to think of some terrible possibility.

He reached out and wanted to summon his own book.

The book did not react.

Undefeated Supreme screamed desperately: "No, I am undefeated, the perception must be right, it is impossible to make mistakes... The book can not disappear, this is an illusion, this is the illusion that the enemy brought me, no, I must still be in battle, still in the torture of the enemy illusion! Victory will always belong to me, I, I am the only undefeated unbeaten supreme in heaven..."

When his will collapses, his body begins to dissipate.

A glimpse.

Slowly, but irresistibly dissipated between the heavens and the earth, the more nervous and insane the undefeated spirit, the faster the divine power dissipates.

"I have not lost, I have not failed, the source of the power of Guangming Mountain is still there, I can still support, the final victory must belong to me, this will never be wrong!" Undefeated Supreme fear, found himself behind There is also a steady stream of divine power to add, this is the assistance from the immobile.

Follow this slow passing speed.

With his own vast power and continuous support, unbeaten Supreme estimates, he can support at least one year.

The final victory does not need a year, as long as ten days, no, seven days, then the entire battle will be completely determined, the Guangmingshan camp Central Temple won, the Tongtian Tower camp Yue Taitan failed!

Although I don't understand why the book will not be summoned, the undefeated Supreme still believes that he will be the last winner.

I won't lose!

Because, I am an unbeaten supreme who never fails and never loses...

Unbeaten Supreme adheres to this belief. In the past three days, he has been supporting this kind of hardship after the night. He fully believes that as long as he continues to support, the ultimate victory will belong to himself!

"Too, too, it's terrible!" The two-headed dragon, Guonang, and other heavenly powers almost didn't scare their pants.

They are not fools.

Even if it is a fool, I understand that a God's Order can't be called, what it means.

Undefeated in the heart of the heart will certainly understand, but he is still unable to accept this terrible fact.

Turning a giant of the Central Temple, which has never failed, one of the three great supremes into a madman who dare not admit defeat, and even turned him into a dead man in the eyes of the public. This is the true strength of the Yuejia San Shaoyue Titan. ? How did he do that? And why is he doing this? Since it is easy to kill the undefeated Supreme, why did he indulge him in the night to kill him for three days?

"Yue Titan's goal is not to be undefeated, but another, more powerful one." Jin Di has already got the answer.

"He is locked in the supreme." The demon's gaze seems to be able to see through time and space.

Under the ancient Panasonic.

The chessboard stone table is still there, only the people who are different from the game.

The East, which has been quietly standing, does not know where to go. There is only one old man who is old and ruthless.

The old man with a skinny body, after seeing the night that appeared in front of him, did not have any expression at all, as if he had known that the other party would appear.

"In those days, the main reason for the death of the Princess of Starlight was your despicable sneak attack, the immovable supreme, today's night language, the person behind the ladder, will return this hatred to you completely, even if it is the final knot for the predecessors!" After the night, pick up a chess piece and gently throw it on the chessboard of the stone table.

"You are not qualified to play chess." The old man frowned, with a touch of indifference, and dismissed with disdain.

"Not me, it is Yue Titan, I just put this piece on his behalf." I agreed after the night.

"There are many fewer pieces, which is useless to the overall situation." The old man shook his head.

"Yes, but this piece is down. Your predecessor will fall from the high mountain of light..." After the night, the whole ancient pine world changed, the stone table disappeared, the chess pieces disappeared, and the world Instantly transformed into the inner courtyard of the Tianluo Palace, the guardian of the duty, still standing outside the door with due diligence, meticulous, a palace lady came out lightly from inside, the footsteps were fast, she saw the old man sitting on the ground, it seems scared Surprised, but good education and etiquette, but quickly calmed her down, she whispered to the uninvited guest, hands blessed, Ying Ying a gift, then gently left the footsteps, to pass on the most respected sire of the heart.

"Is this a dream?" The old man pulled his lips slightly.

"This is a dream that has existed since the day the Princess of Starlight was killed. For thousands of years, this dream, and the people in the dream, have never woken up." The voice of his knees rang softly: " Welcome, do not move, you are welcome to the end of the dream..."

"Hah, do you think that with the strength of both of you, you can kill a man who has the supreme will and has the supreme god?" The old man laughed.

"Are you sure you have everything you said?" He laughed after the night.

"No matter what you say or do, you can't shake my supreme will, a trace of it." The old man shook his head and looked disdainful.

"Please wait, wait for some stubborn kid to fall asleep, let's start talking about this topic again, because I have to tell him by the way what is the real 'eternal'." The sound of his knees softly rang like a forest. Between the clear springs, the trickle.

*********(To be continued..)

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