Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 396: : The excitement has just begun!

The expedition team didn't believe it at all about wizards.

Even if there is, it can't be as powerful as described in movies or literary works. If Gandalf is really as awesome, then everyone should not explore, just go home and hug the baby!

"It has been many years since I saw the people of our ancestors enter purgatory. I saw you who look the same as myself, and you are very kind. In purgatory, it is terrible to have no roots, which means that there is no care, no dependence, and every day. I have to struggle for my own survival!" The underground stranger sighed again and again. According to his words, seeing Philip, Leonard and Archbishop Nero felt special joy in his heart, as if he saw the dawn of life in an instant. This underground weird kissed the golden cross in the hands of Archbishop Nero affectionately: "Although the family has died out, we who were born in purgatory, the abandoned people of God, have never forgotten the &Pig&Pig&Island&Fiction{www}.{zhuzhu }{}.{}The brilliance of God..."

"My child, God will never abandon his people. He is not afraid of all the suffering and the temptation of the devil. But at the last moment, God will definitely take his soul and place it in a holy place. The kingdom of God!" Archbishop Nero smiled, stroking the lowered head of the weird underground.

"What is your ancestor's name? Maybe we have recorded his deeds!" asked John the Silver Spoon Wise.

"My ancestor's name is Nicholas. Because time is too long, we have lost the record of his life among the people, and only a part of his deeds in Purgatory are left, which has been passed down from generation to generation among the people." The grotesque underground said a name.

However, the name Nicholas is almost meaningless.

In Europa.

It is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of people called Nicholas, which are as bad as the names of army, country, Hua, Ming and so on in the big rabbit dynasty. And there are not too many people named Nicholas in history. Extrapolating from time, the expedition team did not find a Nicholas who met the conditions of the underground monster population. Even in the memory of John the Silver Spoon Wise Man, no related object was found.

"You can be called Tepes." The underground stranger also reported his name.

"Stab?" John is a wise man. Immediately think of the meaning behind the name.

"Does Tepesh mean a thorn stick? This is the name my deceased mother gave me. She left without telling me the meaning of the name! But I can understand a little bit of her meaning now, on our side. In the camp, there is a kind of thornwood. Its stem is straight, hard and tough. The ruler of our city lord Ozzi, the method for the rebels is to chop down a batch of thornwood and sharpen one end. Then he will catch it. Put the prisoners on it. In this way, the tragic prisoner will let the thornwood pass from the buttocks to the throat, and then show through the mouth... Özi the Piercer, this is the name and nickname of our city lord, mother gave I gave the name of a thorn stick. I think I will grow up to be as strong as Ozzie and can rule one side!” The underground stranger Zepesh untied a necklace with dog teeth and shells from his neck, and kissed affectionately. With.

"It's a cruel method!" Griffon felt that the sharpening of the wooden pole of the local city lord Ozzie was a bit heavy.

"Baoju. I like it!" Don Quixote admired it very much.

"I think it would be perfect if you put someone on the barbecue grill and have a rich barbecue meal after you wear it, sprinkle it with spices, and then have a big barrel of beer!" Pansha nodded in approval. At the same time, there is room for improvement.

"Dead gays and dead perverts|Stay away from me!" Griffin almost didn't vomit.

"Suddenly found that Griffin's hips are big!" Don Quixote laughed.

"I don't know how it tastes!" Pan Sha looked up and down.

"Fuck, I treat you as friends, but you want to seduce me!" Griffin was very disappointed. Such a life is really careless in making friends!

"Enough of you..." Now even Jonathan and Remiga who were in the audience felt goose bumps all over their bodies. Can we go back and talk about this basic situation? When is it now, do you want to fix this?

Fox quietly Larindon went aside.

She raised the question in her mind: "Did you feel that the other person trusted us too easily? How could this Tepesh tell us everything as soon as he saw it? If he is a fool. This is not strange, but, Obviously, in the ghost place of Purgatory, a fool can't survive! What is his purpose in doing this?"

Kazama also followed: "I think he might be trying to deceive our trust, and then take us to the Piercer Ozzi, and sell us like slaves! Maybe, we will let him sell it at that time, Will also help him count the money!"

Lin Dong smiled and asked, "Do you think the leaders of Philip, Nero, Leonard, Thomas and Bloody Mary can't see it?"

Fox didn't doubt that Philip and the others collectively had brain damage: "Are they also scheming?"

"First of all, there are very big doubts about Tepesh's words." Lin Dong nodded.

"Where is the doubt?" Griffon shook his head: "I think he perfectly explained all the information we need!"

"It is precisely because of this that there is a doubt. A stranger, and a stranger who has lived in a place like Purgatory for many years, took the shortest time to wash away his suspicion. He took the initiative to draw closer with a nearly perfect answer. The relationship between us cannot be explained by the blood of our ancestors! We make a hypothesis that if he really sees us, he will feel very close, and he will not approach us easily, and first observe until he feels that we are completely If it’s harmless, he will test it cautiously!" Lin Dong paused, and said: "Unless he has enough strength to protect himself and is confident to leave safely when we turn our faces, it is impossible to dare to be there at the broken bridge. Come here."

"He is very strong?" Griffon couldn't estimate the strength of this Tepesh.

"What do you think?" Lin Dong asked rhetorically.

"Better than Don Quixote?" Griffin asked tentatively.

"Go up and guess." Lin Dong said that Tepesh's strength is much better than Don Quixote and Pan Sha.

"Then he is stronger than me?" Griffon was taken aback, but he had been given genetic medicine and strengthening medicine, and later he had taken Qiangjin Tongmai Pill!

"If I’m not mistaken. Tepesh’s combat power is stronger than Leonard. If we fight. Except for Thomas, Bloody Mary, and Archbishop Nero, it’s a bit hard to say, they are Virgil and the Ascetic. Amon can tie!" Lin Dong's words not only scared the Griffin. Even Fox and Kazama Keiko were shocked alive.

"How is it possible!" Griffin felt his heartbeat rise to three hundred and sixty-eight in an instant. This underground stranger Zepeshi is not amazing. I can't think of such a horror. Thomas, Bloody Mary, and Archbishop Nero, even in the global rankings, may have their positions. Steadily ranked in the top 30.

An ordinary underground savage, casually can be ranked in the world's least top 50.

What about Ozzi, the city lord above him?

Isn't it sweeping the world?

Even, Ozzie is not the most powerful in Purgatory, there are even more powerful lords above him...

Lin Dong's expression is very serious: "I want to remind you. Don't face the enemy alone at any time! Also, maybe you already have the induction, but you didn't say it. I can feel the blood energy in your body, the more Going deep into purgatory, the stronger it is. There seems to be an invisible power that makes it boil. You have inadvertently increased your strength. I don’t know if Tepesh is an exception, in his body. He has a very powerful blood capacity. , And the control is very ingenious, so concealed that neither of you can sense the existence of blood energy in his body. If the entire purgatory is like this, you have to be especially careful. Be careful not to let people burst out of blood power in seconds! "

Fox stunned the blood energy in his body: "I thought it was a sign of my breakthrough. Did the power of purgatory make it boil?"

Kazama has no blood capacity, she frowned: "I haven't improved. On the contrary, I feel that the qi in the body is suppressed."

"It's not depression, it's just the incompatibility of completely different systems." Lin Dong nodded: "In fact, there are such reactions in the East and the West. It's just very slight and hard to detect. In the West. Many things in the East are ineffective, such as divination. Fortune-telling is completely inapplicable in the West. In the East, many things in the West, such as astrology, are also invalid for the Easterners. When we enter this purgatory, the qi in the body does not have any benefit, and it does not flow in the meridians like usual. Being so active, so you will have the illusion of being suppressed!"

"It's okay without depression and weakening!" Kazama Keiko was overjoyed when she heard that. One of her trump cards was Qi. If this was weakened by the power of purgatory, then she would be very dangerous in the expedition.

"If there are many people like Tepes in Purgatory, what shall we do?" Griffin could not imagine. If Tepes is an ordinary person in Purgatory, then we will see thousands or more of the same powerful infernal natives. , Then I really don’t know what to do. If that happens, there will really be the possibility of being caught in a cage and becoming a slave or watching animals.

"There should be someone better than him in purgatory, but he can't be an ordinary person!" Lin Dong smiled: "Ordinary people dare to come over from the broken bridge and take the initiative to communicate with strangers to gain trust?"

"Then next?" Griffon wanted to continue the adventure again, and worried that he would be kept in a cage and watched as an animal by the local natives.

He could not imagine one day in the future.

I let the natives of Purgatory catch it, dedicate it to the city lord, and then be locked in a cage for countless people to watch this outside visitor, and even a child who is a monkey and directly handed himself a banana...

Lin Dong shrugged: "I am only responsible for helping beautiful women out of trouble!"

What he said, Griffin's face is even more bitter than bitter gourd.


Lin Dong said again: "If the fans react fast enough, they should be able to keep up with me!"

Griffon was ecstatic in his heart, and he immediately bowed: "Master Tianshen, I feel that as a silly fan, I can still get a little bit more silly!"

Don Quixote and Pansha also came to join in the fun: "Master Tianshen, we are good at shining shoes and flattering. Is there any place for us to serve here?"

The irritated Griffins rewarded a bigfoot on each of them: "Go, go, that's my job, good or bad, you ambitious friends who want to get a higher position anytime, anywhere, knowing you are really me." The mistake of a lifetime!"

They are playing around here.

The conversation between Philip, Leonard, Archbishop Nero and Tepes also ended.

After some conversations and repeated discussions, the expedition team decided to accept the kind invitation of Tepes and go to his camp to rest. As for Philip's third camp, it's not far away. Why did Tepesh never heard of this problem? Everyone pretended that the third camp had never appeared before and quietly ignored it.

If it is not for the eagerness to explore the truth in purgatory and there are enough manpower, then the expedition team may not necessarily agree to the invitation.


Under the concealment of the smiling face ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ what a person's heart is like, then no one can tell.

Before starting on the road, Philip came back, lowered his voice and said to Lin Dong: "The next road may not be easy, Mr. Mu, if you have any needs, please tell us, you are our most important guest!"

"Relax, the wonderful journey has just begun, I will appreciate it slowly, the name of Purgatory is not very good, but it may be a very interesting place!" Lin Dong didn't want to say, what he wanted was such a copy. If the difficulty of the challenge can be higher, such as brushing a city lord at any time, then it will be more in line with his heart.


The college entrance examination will be tomorrow. I wish you all to pass the exam and enter the ideal university!

I wish you all high school champions!

Come on!

*********(To be continued...)

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