Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 397: : Tumor Head Acanthoderma

A group of people crossed the broken bridge along the rope.

After another twelve or three kilometers, Tepez chose the left side several times, and the third camp that Philip had explored was on the right. Everyone followed Tepesh forward without incident, but during the walk, the players were more careful, and always covered each other. Even if the players belonged to different forces, they temporarily put down their previous ones at this moment. Perseverance, unanimously external. The leaders who are walking in the forefront pay more attention to observe the terrain everywhere to prevent people from ambushing a surprise attack.

The space in front gradually had a strange light.

After coming out of the underground passage.

&(Pig-Pig-Island) Novel.zud.nbsp;The sky is faintly visible.

This kind of light is not the kind of sunlight at all, and it doesn't know where it comes out, making the whole world more and more hazy.

"It's like a summer night, but there are no moons and stars!" Griffin felt that it was a tragedy to live here forever, and the gray sky made people feel indescribable.

"It's true that it's purgatory!" Big Ivan didn't like it either. If he could choose, he would rather live in the North Pole or South Pole than stay in such a ghostly place. Zhao Daniu, a bearded bear walking next to him, agreed: "After I go back, I must cherish the sun and take it out every day... Until I don't have it, I don't realize how precious the sun is!"

"Oh, I don't think that someone like you still knows the feelings of life, you should stay here more, maybe you will become a wise man because of this." James, the enemy, sneered.

"The person who should stay here the most is you. With the sins you can never wash away, staying here is just right!" The bear Zhao Daniu immediately fought back.

"As if you are very clean!" James laughed.

"At least I won't pretend to be a good person." Zhao Daniu, the bearded bear, thought that the moment he saw the other party's shameless face, he would feel sick.

"That's because you are completely rotten to the bones. You can't even pretend to be!" It is not a day or two for James to fight with Zhao Daniu, the time they quarreled. If they all add up, it is estimated that it has been more than ten years. Ordinary people don't care at all. But Tepesh glanced at them with a special light, as if he had realized that this large expedition team was not monolithic.

Tepes leads the way.

It went very smoothly.

A few hours later.

Walked forward about thirty or forty kilometers.

Tepes found a place to signal everyone to stop and rest, but he found Archbishop Nero: "Master Bishop, let us rest! This is a rocky forest area, and it’s safe! Just walk half the way forward, then We have arrived at the camp where we usually live. Let's rest first and then work hard. Get to the camp before the arrival of the animal tide!"

"Animal tide?" Leonard suddenly heard a new term.

"Yes, beast tide, it is the characteristic of our purgatory here! In the wild, there are often beasts that have overreproduced, and they are driven out by the original groups to find new territories to survive. In a short period of time, large numbers About half a year, sometimes for three months, the wild beasts will multiply very quickly. After they leave the original site, they will gradually converge and form a huge group of beasts, which spreads around like a tide until they die. . Or find a suitable place to survive, the beast tide will completely dissipate!" Tepesh carefully introduced the terrible place of the beast tide: "They are a mixture of all kinds of creatures, some are vegetarian. There are also carnivores. Yes, because of the need for survival, different races are temporarily mixed and migrated. In this process, any creature they encounter may cause them to attack!"

"Can your camp withstand the attacks of the beast wave?" Philip noticed the problem.

"Our camp, said to be a camp, can actually be regarded as a small town. We are protected by tall walls and thorn woods. If it is not for giant beasts, it is difficult to break through. Moreover, if the beast tide is not in a crazy state, it is generally not. Will attack the camp." Tepes explained in detail.

"Just now you talked about the beast tide, did you mean that we will encounter the beast tide next?" Bloody Mary suddenly intervened.

"The tide of beasts has not officially erupted, but I do not guarantee that there are already small-scale numbers in some places. They are always gathered in small groups and gradually become tides... If we encounter small-scale beasts, we try to keep it as long as possible. Calm, don’t deliberately provoke or kill the cubs of wild beasts, so as not to irritate them.” Tepesh seemed to finally see Lin Dong. He glanced at Lin Dong, with a smile on his face, and asked casually, “The man is long. Does it seem to be different from yours?"

"He is Oriental, he looks different from ours, and the woman to his left is also Oriental!" Philip smiled and nodded.

"This Oriental is actually a prince?" Tepesh judged like this.

"No, in the eastern country, there are no kings and princes, at least the name is not called this. And he is a commoner, his identity is not a distinguished prince!" Philip shook his head and denied.

"Civilian? This is impossible!" Tepesh was surprised: "He looks extraordinary, how could he be a civilian, and his strength is the only existence I can't judge at all. It seems to be very weak, but also very powerful, like him. How can such a person be a commoner! I think he is a prince, and the people next to him are his retinue, guard and maid, Mr. Philip, please don’t deceive my eyes like this, okay, I feel that although I am old and physically It's gradually going downhill, but it's not old enough to be foolish!"

"I didn't deceive you, Mr. Tepesh, he is indeed a civilian!" Philip shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands out: "The reason why he participated in our expedition is because he is a scientist, yes. Biology has in-depth research and strong interest!"

"What is a scientist?" Tepes listened very hard.

"It's a kind of scholar who has a lot of knowledge and deep research in certain fields and has his own unique views and theories on things!" Philip concluded.

"Really? It sounds like it's amazing!" Cepesh had an unclear feeling, and he looked at Lin Dong a few more times. In his eyes, Lin Dong is the only one who does not need to carry a big burden. And there are always a few guards around, noble people who have been silently protecting. Such people are really civilians? Tepes said nothing on the surface. But I didn't believe it when I was beaten to death!

The most important thing.

For the entire team, he has a clearer prediction of the strength of everyone.

The only exception is Lin Dong, the so-called civilian. Incredibly it's an exception that doesn't feel detailed no matter how you probe it.

Chaotic stone forest.

The name here is Chaotic Stone Forest, but it has nothing to do with Stone Forest.

Except for a loess hill, the surrounding area is empty. Looking up, you can't see the edge of the loess slope, and there is a gray sky above your head. During the break, the expedition team members are sitting on the bare ground, and various types of bones can often be found scattered everywhere.

"Why is this place called Stone Forest?" Leonard felt that this place was a bit weird. But he couldn't tell what was weird.

"In a long time ago, there used to be a lot of stones here. It is not an exaggeration to call it a stone forest." Tepesh introduced to everyone: "I don't know how many years ago, in short, a wizard came from here. He discovered that the stone forest here is a remnant of the "array" left by the ancient times. So this super wizard named Timothy deliberately reduced all the stones here. It took him ten years to restore the stone forest. Restored one by one, but in the last step, somehow, an extremely terrible explosion occurred in the "array" of the stone forest. After that, the entire stone forest was completely destroyed, and the stones inside were all turned to ashes. In order to prevent more mutant creatures from being produced here, the former former predecessor of City Lord Özi. In short, the long-awaited Lord City Lord sent someone to bury the rocky forest with loess."

"You mean. The stone forest is actually under our feet?" Leonard understood a little.

"Is the radiation still there?" Hugo was more concerned about this.

"Although the time has passed for a long time, the radiation should still exist, but it is only very weak. The sensitive beasts generally don't like to come here, perhaps because there is radiation pollution. But there are exceptions, some special beasts, such as polluting worms and nodules. Echinoderms sometimes come to such places where there is radiation. One is to avoid more powerful enemies, and the other is that they like to make nests in such places to lay eggs and breed offspring.” Tepes pointed to a long-abandoned place on the ground. Shallow tunnel said: "Here, it should be the den of a sarcophagus, but they have been away for a long time. They have been abandoned for at least three years, or even more!"

"Does it affect the human body? We have just come in, and we may not be able to adapt to this kind of radiation!" Philip was a little worried.

"The radiation of wizard energy to living things is generally only good and no harm. Of course, people with sensitive constitutions may feel uncomfortable, and people with special constitutions may mutate. But, this is a good thing, isn’t it? For example, I want to mutate. , But the physique is not suitable, and you will definitely not be able to successfully become a stranger! Humans who have undergone radiation mutation are usually more powerful than ours without genetic mutations, and some will develop new abilities, which makes people really enviable!" She was envious, but Philip and the others were shocked when they heard it.


You want to mutate, we don’t want to mutate!

How can I go back after it has mutated? If you have to stay here forever, you might as well die!

"Array?" Lin Dong listened to the same translation by Fox and Kazama, and suddenly smiled, "This is really an interesting place!"

"There seems to be a smell in the air..." Fox frowned, and then Kazama Branch also smelled: "It's a wild beast, it's a muddy smell, a bit like a wild boar!"

"Wild boar? Is there a wild boar?" Griffon jumped up with joy when he heard it. If it was a wild boar, then he wouldn't mind changing the taste. After all, the taste of canned meat was so good that it would be tired after eating for a few days. Don Quixote and Pansha also geared up, searching around, hoping to catch the wild boar before the eye of God reacted and grab the freshest bite of meat.

"Ah, this is Echinocephalus japonicus, they may think that we have invaded their territory, it is dangerous! We have to get out of here quickly!" Tepesh's reaction was like an enemy.

Two or three kilometers away, in a gray vision.

A group of tall beasts appeared.

The number of them is very large, it is estimated that there are at least hundreds of them, and they travel very fast, in less than half a minute, they have spread out to form an encircling formation, enclosing the expedition team...

Wait for them to get close.

People can see their faces more clearly.

This kind of tumor-headed Acanthoderma in the mouth of Tepesh is very tall, with a height of two meters at the shoulder, and a few of them are even more than three meters tall. From their body size, they look like a group of wild elephants. But their appearance, including their heads, looked a bit like wild dogs or lizards, and their terrifying heads were covered with sarcomas of various sizes. Closer, it can be found that some of these sarcomas have grown from the inside to varying degrees of sharpness, forming a protective layer similar to the angle.

His long tongue diverged like a snake, and countless saliva dripped from his mouth to the ground.

The back of the tumor-headed Acanthoderma is covered with barbed black hair.

The feet are thick, UU reading www.uukanshu.com bends like a hook.

The most weird thing is that they all have blood-red vertical pupils that are not found on the surface. Through the freely opening and closing vertical pupils, the monster with amazing eyesight gradually stopped and looked carefully at the entrance. food.

They are very cautious, and their survival allows every creature to learn to observe its prey, even if it is strong or weak.

However, they are also hungry and greedy.

After observing that the prey is a delicious human.

There were cooing noises in their throats, corresponding to each other, and a large amount of saliva poured out of their mouths, which was to prepare for the next rich meal.


The college entrance examination has started, and I wish you all a good meal, sleep, and a good exam!

After the exam, you will be completely free. It's still a short shot. Come on!

*********(To be continued...)

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