Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 400: : The gate of purgatory?

Flying dragon, this creature that originally existed in medieval legends, suddenly appeared in front of the expedition team.

Just look at the appearance.

It looks more like a bat, but is super giant.

When this black flying dragon hovered in the sky, its wingspan was at least ten meters.

Its head is shaped like a lizard, with two basketball-sized eyes growing on it, and its long snake neck can be twisted at will. Unlike large birds who like to glide, this flying dragon flies in a strange way. It spreads its wings and hovered. When the time is right, it instantly converges its wings. The whole body dives unexpectedly like a fall, and then uses the counter-current to change the direction and surprise the prey below it. If you miss a hit, flap your wings, climb upward, and continue to look for better dive opportunities.

Pitching is its hunting method and its accustomed flying method.

"Really slow!" Lin Dong never thought that the flying dragon's attack would be like this. A low-flying attack may be useful for large groups of fleeing creatures, but it is almost ineffective for cunning humans.

Not waiting for the flying dragon to dive down.

The mercenaries on the ground have scattered and avoided.

The flying dragon in the sky swooped and swooped three times in a row. The attack mode was quite scary, but no one caught it.

The mercenaries of the expedition team are not ordinary people who fight with each other as soon as they see a monster. They panic, but no one will stand stupidly on the spot = waiting for the dragon to come and judge very accurately, even if the wounded are inconvenient to move , And let them command the team members to take away.

"It's a bit weird!" Fox looked for a long time, then suddenly shook his head: "The flying dragon I saw before. It's not like this!"

"No?" Lin Dong was slightly startled.

"Is there any more powerful flying dragon?" Griffin wondered if the dragon you met was a giant?

"Although this flying dragon is larger in size, it is compared with the flying dragon in our holy land. It is as clumsy as a fat dog that has lost the ability to hunt!" Fox's eyes are full of doubts: "We have never met flying dragons once or twice. , Silver-crowned Wyvern. Poisonous Wyvern and Spiny-back Wyvern, etc., we have all seen, every time a flying dragon hunts, it is full of deceit and surprise. They are often hidden in the shadows, waiting for the prey to approach, in a certainty Under circumstances, they will dive instantly and slay the enemy fiercely, and rarely miss their hands. Even if the size of the snake lizard flying dragon is relatively small, they will form a small team and join forces to attack their prey!"

"You mean to say that this flying dragon looks like a domestic livestock, isn't it?" Lin Dong understood a little bit. Fox's guess was somewhat similar to his judgment.

"Yes!" Fox nodded, "If you use this flying dragon's predatory ability, I am afraid that it would have starved to death long ago, and it would be impossible to grow to such a huge body!"

"If this is the case, then we should lure it down and kill it!" The brain of the Leech girl Kazamako responded extremely quickly.

"Kill?" Griffin didn't understand, if this flying dragon had a master. Wouldn't it be more evil to be lured and killed? In case it is the pet of the Ozzie City Lord, kill it, I am afraid that the next one will be the City Lord's Guards. The more the Griffin thought about it, the more sweaty it got. It's a pity that he couldn't dissuade him, and besides, he didn't feel he had any right to speak in front of Fox and Keiko Kazama.

"Wait, this flying dragon is just a test. There may be more exciting arrangements next!" Lin Dong waved his hand and rejected Kazama's proposal.


Flying dragon swooped and killed three times.

After nothing was found, it fluttered with a bit of exhaustion.

Huhuhu. With the heavy sound of flapping its wings, it flew higher and higher. It flew farther and farther, and finally turned into a group of black shadows, disappearing into the sight of the expedition team. The flying dragon's assault is a bit of thunder, heavy rain and little rain. With its slow dive attack, it is not as good as the charge of the Knobsacanthopanax!

The mercenaries came back to their senses, all a little annoyed.

If you were bold just now and put on the iron chain when the flying dragon dived, coupled with the combined force of dozens of people, it might be able to pull it off.

The most annoying thing is that, for fear of excessively irritating the flying dragon, the crossbowman didn't shoot a single arrow, and finally watched it leave like this. After this opportunity was missed, let alone ordinary mercenaries, even the big bosses felt a bit pity. However, Leonard talked with Thomas and the others in a low voice, and his face improved again.

"Okay, we will work together next time to kill a flying dragon!" Leonard left Thomas and signaled the members of the Knights Templar to get ready.

"Tepes, my friend, will you encounter more flying dragons on the way to your camp?" Bird asked.

"Mr. Bird, I cannot guarantee this. The appearance of the flying dragon is unpredictable. However, according to my observation, this is a black water flying dragon raised by the lord of Ozzi, not a wild flying dragon, otherwise we would not have passed the level so easily just now! "Tepes, an underground stranger, introduced to the expedition team: "The owner of Ozzi has about a hundred flying dragons. He is preparing to form a flying dragon knight to conquer and control more territories... This kind of black water flying dragon usually lives. In the black water pool, there is usually no shortage of food. Even if they prey, they only prey on the big fathead fish in the black water pool or the long-haired short-footed sheep by the black water pool. They are better in size, better flight speed and endurance, but hunting The skills are not top-notch!"

"City Lord Ozzie has more than a hundred dragon knights? I wonder what kind of strength these dragon knights have?" Thomas is most concerned about this.

"Ah, if you say it politely, in your entire team, there are not many with the strength of Dragon Knights, and even if there are, I am afraid it will not exceed twenty." Tepesh estimated the strength of the expedition team.

"In addition to the Dragon Knights, does the Lord Ozzie have any other knights?" Hugo asked again.

"Of course there is. It is said that City Lord Oze controls five hundred knights or quasi-knights. The Flying Dragon Knights are just the most famous one. In fact, in the surrounding areas, City Lord Oze can be regarded as a relatively powerful city owner. The lords with smaller territories are very close. In Purgatory, the little lords generally have the strength of more than five hundred knights, so they can be called there. But I only heard that, I haven't really seen it!" Tepesh said. Thomas, Philip and others fell into deep thought.

It seems that there is an expedition team in the surface world.

In this purgatory, it's really nothing.

Not to mention the lord, it is enough to deal with a city lord like Özie!

Quick Gunner Duke murmured: "You can't use a gun in this damned place, otherwise, I can kill no matter how many city owners are!"

On the other side, Lin Dong said a few words, and Fox nodded again and again until Philip and the others fell into silence. She walked over and asked with a smile on her face: "Mr. Tepesh, I want to ask, the Lord Ozzi has such a powerful force, why didn't he go to the surface world? Didn't he always hope to conquer a larger territory? Why not try to march into our world?"

"Don't Ozey City Lord still know the existence of our surface world?" Science madman Parsons asked suspiciously.

"No, as early as thousands of years ago, we in purgatory knew your world. In fact, just like you, pass through the gates of purgatory. There are other people who come in to explore purgatory, some Humans don't even look the same as you." Tepes shook his head in denial.

"Then why don't the strong like Ozzi and others go through the gates of purgatory to our world?" Fox's smile remained unchanged.

"He doesn't bother to conquer the surface world?" Philip made a guess.

"No, maybe you don't know yet. But human beings who come to explore from other worlds all know a law of purgatory. In purgatory, all purgatory beings cannot pass through the gates of purgatory. The more powerful they are, the more they cannot pass. That is, Say, except for yourself. We can’t pass through that purgatory gate. If we insist on going through it, our body may turn into a flame or be annihilated directly. In purgatory, we have a legend, that is, our purgatory is A place of imprisonment that began in ancient times. Our purgatory people are descendants of prisoners. From life to death, we have suffered in this purgatory and will be freed forever.” The underground stranger Cepesh said to the end, with a little expression on his face. Sadly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tepesh, I don't know this!" Fox simply apologized, and finally said: "Have you never tried to go through the gates of purgatory? I mean, you have never tried. For example, throw the weakest animal through the gate of purgatory and see the result?"

"Beautiful Fox, your doubts are like shining wisdom. In purgatory, I rarely see a woman as smart as you." Zepes suddenly smiled.

"Thank you for the compliment, but I still want to know the answer." Fox acted like a lady.

"If you say that we people in purgatory can't touch the gate of purgatory at all, and some people can't even see its existence? The stronger the person, the greater the influence of the gate of purgatory on him, some of your side or other worlds The strong men who enter purgatory to establish power, once they become city lord or lord, they can’t go back. There are many strong men imprisoned in purgatory, and I haven’t heard of anyone who can be an exception! I don’t know how you came here. , But we dare not even approach the gate of purgatory, otherwise, we will be swallowed by it at any time!" Tepesh replied solemnly.

"Can't see the gate of purgatory? It's obviously a metal gate made of bronze......" Fox's voice became lower as he spoke.

"Metal gate?" Tepesh's eyes seemed to light up, but he returned to normal in less than half a second. He smiled and shook his head and waved his hands at Philip and Thomas, who were paying close attention to him. "If you can't see, you can't see. No matter what texture it is, it is a gate of imprisonment as majestic as a mountain. Any purgatory dare to challenge its laws, there is only a dead end! The relatives who come from afar, because we are prisoners who can never leave, so we are Will cherish each other's meeting so much! We are like prisoners now, and you come here to visit us! The camp ahead is not far away, let's hurry up, although I can't guarantee whether there is still danger on the road, but As long as you enter the camp, we will ensure everyone's safety anyway! Even if you will eventually leave us and return to your world, before that, please let us express our feelings and fulfill the duties and obligations of the master! "

Fox returned to Lin Dong and translated Tepes' words to him.

Tepes talked to Philip.

While quietly glanced at Lin Dong who was concerned about this kind of problem.

Before this, no one had ever cared about the issue of Purgatory Gate~www.wuxiaspot.com~ only this young man, who was also known as ‘Wood’, was a scholar.

"Mr. Wood is a knowledgeable scholar. In your world, he must be very respected?" Tepesh asked about Lin Dong's situation intentionally or unintentionally.

"Respected?" Philip didn't know how to say: "Let's put it this way, Mr. Muko is a student. In his younger generation, he has a sense of identification with his knowledge and research, especially some younger people. I admire him very much, but he is known everywhere in the world, but he is not respected."

"Is it because his knowledge makes the interests of some people feel threatened?" Tepesh's gaze was very poisonous, and he could tell at a glance that Thomas, Leonard and others were not the same as Lin Dong.

"The mediocre is the one who is not jealous!" The silver spoon wise man John Wang smiled slightly: "Mr. Wood, is a young man who is still growing up. It is still early, but one day, he will reach the respectable state Mr. Tepes, let’s get off now. After the battle, our team members felt very tired and desperately needed a safe place to rest!"

"Of course, please come with me!" Tepesh led the way eagerly, walked less than ten meters, then quickly turned around and glanced at Lin Dong. (To be continued...) R1292

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