Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 401: : I never dare to eat indiscriminately anymore!

On the way to the camp, there was no attack.

However, especially sharp-eyed mercenaries can be found above their heads, high in the gray sky, there are often several imperceptible black spots, circling from time to time.

"How far is it?" Leonard was a little strange, didn't he say that it was tens of kilometers away from the broken bridge? It's more than a hundred kilometers now!

"Because of the attack on the road, we delayed a little time, but it doesn't matter, we will be there after another ten kilometers." Tepes said that the camp is in front.

Walked for more than an hour.

There is a huge black shadow of the building in front, appearing in front of the expedition team.

Moving closer, the mercenaries found that this was a double-layered camp of wood and stone. It was polygonal, and each side had a length of more than 500 meters. At every turning corner of the camp, there is a 20-meter-high stone guard tower with a small canopy made of wood. And under the stone wall, there are densely packed thorns, and the sharpened end of the gun is sharpened to the outside, defending against the impact of the beast. I don't know whether it was the reason for digging the stone stacking wall, or the trap that was deliberately dug, and the ground was dug with potholes around the camp.

Some pits were dug very deep, and mercenaries had to walk carefully on them, and they could easily fall into them if they were not paying attention.

"Oh roar! Grumpy!" Tepesh yelled to the guard tower on the side of the camp, and the guard who opened the bow and arrow to aim at relaxed ≯← guarded.

Outside the main entrance of the camp.

A wide and deep hole was dug beside the retaining wall.

It was full of dirty sewage, and it smelled bad. And above the smelly puddle, there is a suspension bridge hanging high. He was slowly landing under the loud shout of Tepesh, and he seemed impatient behind him. With a ‘boom’, the entire suspension bridge fell down and was directly placed on the stinky puddle that made people feel vomiting.

Tepes introduced to Archbishop Nero: "Our camp has just been established. It has only been fourteen to five years, and the moat has not been perfected. The main problem is the shortage of manpower. If we can add a few hundred people, then let alone the moat, Even if you set up a small town, there is no problem at all. Dear guests, everyone should pay attention when entering the camp. If you see strangers or people of different races, don’t stare at others’ faces. That’s not very polite. Even though we’re camping. All races are very friendly races, but some of them are also taboo."

"Understand, we will pay attention!" Leonard naturally didn't want to make trouble, after all, he was entering someone else's territory.

The leaders of the various forces ordered them to go down.

The mercenaries naturally nodded and said yes.

Standing at the gate of the camp gate, there are four guards.

They are the strangers and humanoids in the words of Tepesh. The two strangers standing on the left, and the two humanoids standing on the right.

Different people and humanoids, according to the division method here in the purgatory camp. They are made from human genetic mutations and are called aliens. No matter what shape they become, they feel that they are human. And another. Those who are composed of other races but have a certain similarity to human beings are most likely to have human ancestors, so they are called humanoids.

Humanoids are willing to live with humans, and can even marry.

But they no longer admit that they are human in their hearts.

The other person is just the opposite.

Regardless of whether the human form can be maintained. Or whether it can still be accepted by humans, whether it can continue to marry. Foreign people all claim to be humans.

Tepesh explained to the mercenaries before, but. When people walked across the suspension bridge, walked into the city gate, and witnessed the weird intelligent creatures in front of them, they felt shocked.

The two aliens on the left look nothing like humans. The shorter one has a skinny body, but its eyes are as big as fists, occupying almost half of the skinny face. The big-eyed thin man's head is covered with thorn-like hair, which is more exaggerated than a hedgehog, and his long and thin arms are close to vertically mopping the floor, and he has hook-like nails on his surprisingly large fingers.

If this is a human being, then no one among the mercenaries can agree.


Compared to his companion, the big-eyed thin hedgehog is much better.

Another tall and majestic alien, with muscles all over, no matter where muscles should be grown or where they shouldn't, they are full of muscles, and the whole person looks more like a monster than a human. The mouth is surprisingly big, with a big mouth, but the eyes and nose are so small that they don't have such decorations at all. What made Lin Dong pay special attention to was that the eyes of this tall alien were a bit similar to the compound eyes of insects, rather than human eyes. In addition to looking like a monster, this tall alien also put a huge steel arm on his right arm.

That huge steel arm is almost equal to his own body.

Compare with the big-eyed thin hedgehog next to him.

The steel arm can be easily fitted into three or four.

"Captain Bab, and dear Chuck, it turns out that you are on duty today, and then this, the good wine the guest gave me!" Tepesh stepped forward to the tall stranger with steel arms and handed a bottle of it. Whiskey as a gift to the camp.

"What about us? Tepesh, do you only see Captain Bab and Chuck in your eyes?" The humanoid guard next to him was very dissatisfied.

"Stan and York, this is yours!" Tepes also gave them a bottle of wine.

Tepesh turned around again and introduced to Leonard next to him: "These two are Stan the Goatman and York the Boar. In our camp, there are many humanoid races, but regardless of the races. But they are very friendly and they are all friends worth making. In life, humanoid brothers are not much different from our humans. They hunt and eat meat the same way. If they don’t insist on their race, you can be They are human!"

In the eyes of Leonard and other mercenaries.

Humanoids are closer to humans than aliens, and at least they look like this.

Standing on the right of the entrance of the camp, the sheepman Stan and the boarman York, their appearances are closer to the level of human appreciation than the steel arm Bob and the big-eyed thin Chuck on the opposite side.

Sheepman Stan, other places are almost the same as humans.

Except for his long, drooping ears.

Nothing else is different from human beings.

The boar man York is uglier.

There are two curved fangs on his lower lip, which are higher than his nose, and his skin is also exceptionally rough. His face looked like crumpled leather shoes. But other than that, there are not many similarities and differences between this wild boar man and other places in York.

The mercenaries all think. It seems more reasonable if the alien and the human are exchanged.

Foreign people are not people at all. It's a humanoid monster.

Humanoids are a bit like mutant humans.

of course.

Such remarks must never be said in person.

Entering the camp, it was dirty and messy and it looked like a garbage dump. The low huts are everywhere, messy, and lots of domestic waste and dirty and smelly sewage are everywhere. There are almost no streets inside, but there are also tall buildings, and some of them are pure stone buildings, shaped a bit like a medieval fortress against the enemy, towering in the shanty area. There is an unspeakable disharmony.

At the center is an open space similar to a square, where everyone puts their goods and trades with people in need.

There are small stalls full of goods, and some are placed directly on the ground.

"If you are interested, you can go and take a look. People with brighter clothes are usually merchants from other places. Be careful to be deceived when dealing with them. It is best to barter, so as to reduce losses. Those who are placed on the ground People who go to or have only one stall are mostly local hunters. The best trade items with them are salt, sugar, wine, spices, etc. If you are willing to trade them out, I believe they will be very happy! Attention, Don’t just pick up the transaction item before you confirm the transaction. Some black-hearted merchants will use this scammer, and they will slander you for breaking their things. If you want to see something, you can ask the other person to pick it up. Then watch it carefully!" Pesh advised the mercenaries to keep their eyes open and not to fall into the pit easily.

"Is there a place to trade blood nuclei?" Leonard is most interested in blood nuclei.

"Of course there is. But it is best to find a creditable merchant, otherwise the possibility of being deceived is very high." Tepesh pointed to some stone houses on the side of the square that were obviously taller than the shacks. It is said that those places are merchants' shops, and usually valuable trading items are placed in them.

"It looks like there are more than a few hundred people here!" Thomas remembered that Tepes said that there were only two to three hundred people in the camp, but there seemed to be at least seven or eight hundred people, or even thousands.

"Most of what you saw were residents of the camp, some were merchants, and some were hunters from other camps. Because it was very dangerous in the wild, they would stay in our camp for a short time and wait until they could hunt enough. Food, and then return to your camp with your friends. The materials in our camp are not rich, and there are no precious minerals worth digging, so there are not many resident residents in the camp. However, because we have water here, they are here When safari, they are still willing to stay for a short time. This is why it seems that there will be a lot of people! If the animal tide comes, they will all run away, and there are only two to three hundred people who can stay in our camp!" Even so explained.

"Well, Mr. Tepes, where are you at home? If there is not enough space to rest, we may need to find some hotels to stay." Reynard said everyone was tired.

"Although I am not the owner of the camp, the owner went to the meeting of the owner of Ozzi. It was no problem for us to stay in his house for a few days. In addition, next to the owner's stone house, there is another shorter stone building. The house is my home, and there is also a large shed area around it. It is also the house I usually rent to businessmen and hunters. You can arrange it at will. In fact, you are around my house and see where there is an empty house. Just live there. Our camp has always had enough houses. The lack of resources is people... Chiefs, knights and quasi-knights, please come with me. Although Tepesh’s power is limited, we will try our best to give it to everyone. An arrangement that is as satisfying as possible!" Tepes stretched out his hand and made a request.

They are different from Leonard.

Lin Dong did not keep up.

He visited the vendors' goods on the square with great interest, and looked left and right, showing the appearance of a countryman entering the city.

Griffin saw a small fruit stall with a weird fruit with big red fists. He was greedy, and suggested to Lin Dong: "Master Tianshen, what do you think of this kind of fruit? We will each have one. Right?"

Fox suddenly frightened him: "Mr. Griffin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Have you ever heard of the Law of Hades?"

"What underworld law?" Griffin was stunned.

"The story seems to be like this. The goddess of harvest has a very beautiful daughter, and one day she was captured by Hades who lives in the Hades. Hades, the Hades, likes this goddess very much, but this goddess does not want to stay in the Hades at all. She returned to her mother with all her heart. Her mother, the goddess of harvest, ran to the god-king Zeus and cried that Zeus had no choice but to let Hades let go. Hades did not want to let go of his beloved goddess, so he used a strategy, he When sending her farewell to the goddess, she served her a plate of attractive fruits, but the goddess couldn't help but ate a grape...The price of this grape was that the goddess had to stay in the Hades for three months every year! Because she ate things from the underworld, according to the law of the underworld, she must stay, even if Zeus ordered it, she would not be spared! At the same time, because of the sad daughter’s departure, the harvest goddess has no intention of managing the earth, so we will have winter. Have you really never heard of the story of winter and the law of Hades in it?" Fox asked with a smile.

"Of course I've heard of it! When I was a kid, the most I heard was the fairy tales!" Griffon was calm on the surface, but trembled with fright in his heart. Mom, I don't dare to eat indiscriminately anymore! (To be continued...)


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