Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 412: : One more cup!

"I should say this!" Lin Dong snorted: "I made the code, and you should tell me!"

"No, if you are fake, and we told you, isn't the secret code leaked? Let's say that everyone says, no, write on the ground together, and at the same time write and announce at the same time, this is the safest way!" Griffon said loudly and right. , Especially when Lin Dong raised the Wuyou epee, he quickly retreated three steps back and got out of Lin Dong's attack range.

"Write together?" Lin Dong put the giant sword down: "Is this the way you came up with?"

"Yes!" Griffin nodded triumphantly: "This is what I came up with. Please call me a smart little genius!"

&nbs=pig=pig=island=novel=www=zhuua=; "If this is the case, then go to death!"

Lin Dong's answer is this sentence.

He instantly raised the great sword.

It slashed at the top of the Griffin's head at lightning speed.

Griffon and Don Quixote who were behind had no time to react, they could only look stupidly at the huge sword that was powerful enough to open the mountain and crack the rock.

The great sword, starting from the top of Griffin's head, split his whole person in half. But the strange thing is that the griffon that was broken in two didn't die. The split body didn't have any blood or dirty things splashing out, but kept the two halves in a cracked state strangely.

"Why?" Not only did the Griffin who had been chopped into two people didn't die, he asked Lin Dong why he killed him.

"Fox and Kazako are not there, Jonathan and Remiga are not there, you ran over without explaining any reason, it is too suspicious!" Lin Dong retracted the giant sword and answered calmly.

"Then it's impossible to be a sword at the first meeting! What do you say about the code?" The Griffin split in half thought that at least it had to match the code or something.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome!" Lin Dong felt unnecessary.

"Aren't you afraid of killing the wrong thing?" Griffin asked again.

"It doesn't matter if you kill it wrong, anyway, there is never a lack of teasing!" Lin Dong's explanation made the griffon split in two almost sweat-free. Fortunately, he is a fake, if it is true. The shadow area in the injured little mind was so large that even Einstein could not calculate it. Of course, if the real griffon appeared in front of Lin Dong. His first reaction was definitely not to the secret signal, but to hug his thighs with a technical difficulty of 3,600 baidu turns in the air.

"I won't die like this, so you don't have any fear?" The fake griffon couldn't help being curious, and it would be terrifying if one was split into two halves, okay.

"A little trick in light and shadow!" Lin Dong snorted very contemptuously.

What he meant.

Don't use the level of deception of this kind of scum to offer treasures, hurry up and stay where it is to cool down!

Lin Dong had just finished speaking. The Griffin and Don Quixote who were in two halves disappeared into the void with a snap like a broken shadow. And before the fragments disappeared completely, the fake Griffin still left a faint word. Lin Dong's eardrums spread into Lin Dong gloomily: "This game has just begun!"

Lin Dong sneezed contemptuously at the enemy's intimidation.

Then, with the giant sword on his back, he continued striding on the road.

It took about ten minutes to walk.

On the shining crystal seat in front, there was a handsome man sitting on it extremely elegantly with a glass of bright red wine in his hand. Seeing Lin Dong coming by, his pale face suddenly showed vitality. The corners of the lips evoked a meaningful smile: "Welcome, funny young man! Although this is a bit old-fashioned, but for the age of mankind. I have lived for thousands of years and I call you young. People, you are not at a disadvantage! Among the many children who have entered the black and white world, you are the most special one. I am also the one I am most interested in hunting!"

"Looking at you, isn't it the legendary vampire?" Lin Dong was not sure.

"Vampires are just an ignorant term for low-level blood slaves by outside humans. How can our great blood family be a scornful term like vampire to represent! Compared to humans who live and die, we are an immortal race. Human beings are self-conscious. A fragile baby begins. If parents lack a day’s care, they may die, but the blood is different. We are a powerful and immortal existence since we were born! In the long river of life, we can watch leisurely, human beings are born, all of a sudden The spring flowers are splendid and energetic, but in a blink of an eye, life is like fallen leaves in autumn, decayed and withered. In the face of death, all human beings can't escape this mark, just like a small bug can't escape the arrival of the cold winter..." The man raised his glass gracefully and took a sip of the red wine in the crystal glass. Of course, it could also be blood.

"No matter how you blow, you are still a vampire!" Lin Dong's attitude was very persistent.

"Little friend, it seems that you have a big prejudice against the blood race. I did not sense the hypocritical light power in your body. I can be sure that you are not that stupid fanatic, but why do you hate us so much? Where's the blood? Can you tell me the reason?" the handsome man asked.

"You are completely misunderstood. I don't hate you vampires." Lin Dong smiled slightly: "I just think it's better to be a human being!"

"Is it better to be a human? For example?" The handsome man sneered, "If you can cite an example to prove that humans are better than vampires, then you can pass my level!"

"I don't need to prove to you!" Lin Dong shrugged.

"You are a very thoughtful person. In the world, there are few young people like you. Human beings are the most vulnerable life to the environment. As long as they are in a different environment and encounter different things, then they make a decision. , Is often unthinkable, and there is no permanent position at all. Of course, this is no wonder, because the short life keeps human beings in restlessness. Except for very few wise men, ordinary people can't calm down and think about themselves. His life and future, let alone forming something completely his own in the will. People are so pitiful and so ridiculous! Dear young man, I appreciate you very much, an excellent young man like you, In my opinion, we should join the ranks of our noble kinsmen and become an immortal existence!" The handsome man is very good at bewitching people.

"I am immortal and immortal, does it really exist?" Lin Dong expressed doubt.

"You can look at me. Sitting in front of you, I have survived for more than a thousand years. In our blood family. I am still a very young young man. Above me, I have lived for thousands of years or even more. Duke and prince for a long time. Not to mention the ancestors who have been immortal since ancient times. Can humans do this? No, it’s impossible. Humans can live beyond a hundred years. This is the limit of the limit. The difference between kinship and human beings, we enjoy endless life and an immortal body, time is meaningless to us, and death is a non-existent thing in our eyes. And human beings, they just started. The life of suffering and struggle, you have no inheritance, no accumulation. Newborns have to start everything from the beginning. After the year of seeking knowledge, they have to work hard to survive. Dreams and happiness slip between fingers like smoke. , After working day after day and year after year, suddenly. In the mirror, I found that the person inside was getting old, with white hair and wrinkles, full of short lives. Inadvertently, in the chat and laugh of our kinsman. The human beings who had just been born had already died, and when he turned his head, the grave was covered with weeds!" The handsome man relentlessly described the similarities and differences between the lives of the blood and human beings.

"It seems to make sense!" Lin Dong clapped his hands. I very much agree with the enemy's description of various words.

"Haha, join us!" The handsome man thought that Lin Dong was moved. Continue to bewildered: "Joining us is equivalent to joining the strong club of immortality. You don't need any effort at all. As long as you nod your head, you can enjoy eternal life."

"No need to pay?" Lin Dong's eyes seemed to flash, very hidden, but the handsome man caught it.

"Yes, you can have eternal life without any effort!" The handsome man thought that the young man in front of him was determined and he would not be able to hold just a few words, so he decided to add more to make the whole process smoother. . He used his right index finger and swiped the palm of his left hand, dropping a drop of golden blood into the blood wine in the crystal glass.

That glass of blood wine.

It immediately became a cup of pale golden liquid.

With the shaking of the handsome man, the crystal cup exudes a tempting fragrance, not floral or wine, but a refreshing one. Once the nose is smelled, the body will immediately have a kind of blood. The special scent of surging vitality and blood.

The handsome man handed the crystal cup to Lin Dong: "Young man, after drinking it, you can join us and become a member of the great blood family that is immortal and immortal! After drinking it, you can have endless life and do whatever you want. , There is enough time. No matter you want to complete any work, you have enough power. After becoming our blood clan, all the fetters in the world will no longer exist! Unlike those low-level blood slaves, in this cup of blood wine In, I added the most precious blood limit in my life. Once you drink it, you can immediately be promoted to become a powerful and noble baron. If your potential is very good, you might even be promoted to Viscount. !"

"Are you an earl?" Lin Dong remembered the prince, the earl above the viscount.

"Ah no, I am a more powerful Marquis. Young man, even if you have endless life, it is very difficult to reach my height in a short time! However, with your ingenuity and extremely rare will After a thousand years, it is not impossible to reach a marquis or even a duke! This is why I am optimistic about you!" The handsome man threw another bait.

If it is a hanging wire.

There is a big leader who values ​​himself so much, so death is worth it, and a scholar died for his confidant.

But Lin Dong is obviously not that easy to lie. Vampires boast that they are immortal and immortal, but do you have the ability to stand in the sun and say this? Of course, Lin Dong didn’t expose the other party. After all, it took a lot of effort to fudge. It would be too shameless if you didn’t cooperate casually~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Dong pretended to ponder for a while, when the other party thought he had some time to move, Then he spoke slowly: "Let's have another glass, you have already drunk this glass of blood wine!"

"What?" The handsome man was shocked.

"I'm a person who is obsessed with cleanliness!" Lin Dong explained.

"Young man, I hope you make a moderate joke, not too much! A person must know how to respect the sincerity of others, let alone that you must know how to respect a predecessor who generously gave you endless life, fundamentally, you have to Respect or fear a strong man! Understand? In life, there are some things in life, don’t take naive thoughts, take it for granted or make jokes casually! This is actually a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because of my generosity and my appreciation. And my gift, you have such a destiny and change!" The handsome man put away his smile and stared at Lin Dong with a particularly serious expression. His eyes flashed with red light, and he was obviously depressing and bursting into anger: "Young People, I urge you to accept it quickly. You must know that my patience is not as good as you think. This is my last chance for you, for the sake of you being an extremely good young man!"

"Can't I really change another glass?" Lin Dong finally sighed: "But I still want to see you stupid|Forcing to let blood go again..." (to be continued...)

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