Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 413: :shadow!

When the handsome man heard this, his face immediately changed.

Sen Han's murderous intent flashed in his green eyes.

Strangely, he didn't get angry. Instead, he gently lowered the crystal cup in his hand and placed it on the edge of the crystal seat in front of him.


Instead of getting angry, the handsome man clapped his palms. His voice was as gentle and sweet as ever: "The outstanding young people in the world, I have seen many, many, but, as bold and fearless as you, really, I am still the first I saw it once! Although knowing that you can no longer make me move, I still want to say, I admire you! Young man, I hope you can let me follow + pig + pig + island + novel + www + z + continued'surprise' Go on, I am waiting for you in the third level..."

Before Lin Dong could answer, the handsome man stood up.

He snapped his fingers elegantly.

Three shadows.

Flashed behind him.

The shadow on the right is extremely tall, resembling a giant, more than four meters tall, with muscles all over, and a rough appearance like a lion.

On the contrary, the shadow standing on the left is very short, shaped like a dwarf, with sharp ears, green skin and big eyes, and a round top of his head, bald without a single hair.

But the shadow standing in the middle is closer to a normal person. The only thing that is more dissonant is that this person's eyes are extremely red, crimson as blood, and it is impossible for ordinary humans to have such evil and strange pupils. In addition, this man's dress was similar to that of a handsome man. It was also the dress of a gorgeous nobleman. The only difference was that the handsome man's elegant temperament was born, but this man with blood eyes only tried to imitate it.

The handsome man gently raised his hand: "I hand it over to you, the one who killed this young man. You can get this cup of eternal blood as a reward!"

The three shadows hurriedly bowed their heads.

Unanimously: "Yes, Master. Everything is as you wish!"

The handsome man smiled, his figure as light as a feather. Floating away in an instant.

The three shadows waited for the handsome man to leave, looked at each other, and unanimously stretched out their palms, in front of Lin Dong, guessing the punch on the spot. They seem to want to decide who will kill Lin Dong or the order of play by guessing the box.

The giant looks rough and unbearable, but he is actually as careful as a hair. The first one to win the guess is this man who seems to have his head full of muscles.

The dwarf comes next.

The blood-eyed man ranked third.

He stepped back a little. Make room for battle.

At the same time, he curled his lips very regretfully, seeming to be annoyed by the missed opportunity.

The giant strode forward and walked in front of Lin Dong, as if he wanted to speak and demonstrate, but as soon as he opened his mouth, his right arm copied a nearly two-meter-long **** axe from his back, and pointed his head on Lin Dong's head. Chop it down. He seems to be rough and cunning like a fox, and who can think of a clumsy and big man like him. Will there be a sharp axe hidden behind?

The sharp axe pierced through the air.

The cold light burst.

At the same time, in the depths of the second secret path, Tepesh led the expedition team to keep advancing, but York, the boar who took the lead, found a strange flash of light in surprise. This shining spot has never appeared before. The boar man York was sure that this was the first time he had seen it in his life, and the sheep man Stan next to him reacted. I even screamed: "The legendary Rainbow Paradise has a gap in time and space. Really, the legend is true. The things in the legend are all true! The madman did not deceive people. We encountered a gap in time and space leading to Rainbow Paradise. !"

Cai Peish heard the news and rushed to the front.

Philip and other team leaders also rushed forward, carefully examining the flashing opening that appeared inexplicably deep in the secret passage.

The range of the flashing opening is not very large. It is about three meters in diameter. It is circular. The flashing light in the middle overflows like a spring, while the edges are opposite. It is a little broken in time and space. It is slightly recessed, and there is a trace on the top layer. The unstable electric current is rustling.

"It seems that the legend is true. This is the entrance to the Rainbow Paradise that countless people want to find." Tepesh's face was joyful, he clenched his fist and waved down: "Although he is still on his way to escape, but , If this kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity appears in front of us, it will be a pity for a lifetime if we miss it for an adventure! Master Nero, and dear Thomas, Byrd, Leonard and Hugo Sir, and of course Philip and Miss Mary, we need to make a decision now. I don’t know what your intentions are, but I decided to take my companions and enter this legendary rainbow paradise..."

"Are you sure it's true?" Philip was still a little skeptical.

"I don't know, I don't know if it's true or false!" Tepes shook his head excitedly: "However, we have already met this time gap, even if it is **** inside, I also decided to go! I don't regret it, I really don’t regret it! Dear Philip, if you stay, please wait here. We will return as soon as we are sure of safety. Of course, you can also join me in the exploration. We are friends. You can share everything. If there are so many treasures in Rainbow Paradise, each of us can get a good harvest!"

"Go in, we come to purgatory, just to explore more unknowns, the Rainbow Paradise is right in front of us, we naturally can't miss it." Thomas said that it is his duty to accompany friends on adventures.

"Our Knights Templar also decided to go in for an adventure!" Leonard nodded in agreement.

"Don't wait for Mr. Wood?" Big Ivan was more cautious, because the time gap appeared so coincidental that it made people suspicious.

"Mr. Big Ivan, you can wait here, let's go in to determine if it's safe! During the waiting time, you can send someone back to inform Mr. Muko without hesitation. By the way, there is a way for those who have this kind of idea. Friends of the Knights, right? Your leader Griffin is not there anyway, you can wait for him to come." Arius also came up with a good idea.

"Of course we have to send people in, but staying behind is also essential!" Big Ivan is very greedy, but besides being greedy, he is more cautious. After the underground journey of Death Canyon, he doesn't believe in any pie in the sky. Good thing.

"Why don't I lead the team in, you stay and wait for Mr. Wood." The bear Zhao Daniu frowned. Propose that they should lead the team to advance and support each other.

"The Dark Temple and the Teutonic Knights each have five people left." Philip also decided to be a successor.

The expedition can't squeeze your head in.

In case of danger.

There is no backhand. Then the team will die miserably.

Especially if there is such an important person as Mr. Mu Mu, if you don't notify the information of the time gap in time. Then the consequences may be serious. Whether Rainbow Paradise exists, whether the people in it are friends or enemies, nothing can be said! Without the help of Mr. Wood, Fox and others, if an accident occurs during the expedition, then the entire army is very likely to be wiped out.

"Heinz and Hartman, you two stay. When I'm away, everything is subject to what Mr. Wood says. Anyone who dares to disobey Mr. Wood's order is regarded as a rebellion. Kill it!" Philip stayed. Two genetic warriors who are loyal to the Dark Temple.

Both Heinz and Hartman have good potential.

It's a pity that he is too old.

It is incomparable with Jonathan and Remiga, but among the genetic warriors, they are also quite good players.

In normal times, the two of them are unknown, but in important battles, they will be the most trustworthy subordinates who are loyal to their duties and have a calm personality.

"Yes." Heinz and Hartman personally selected five shadow warriors with the best teamwork and strongest discipline as the left-behind personnel, while the Teutonic Knights resolved the problem of leaving and staying by drawing lots. On the other hand, there is no such possibility for the personnel of the Eastern European Union. Ivan, who decided to stay by himself, ordered the subordinates he thought were the most useful, and let the bear Zhao Daniu take the rest to explore.

"General Nelson, I hope you can stay and become our strong backing." Surprisingly. Bloody Mary also sent someone to stay behind, and those who stayed are her most loyal supporters. Admiral Nelson!

Admiral Nelson remained silent, almost as dumb throughout.


Everybody knows. This silent general is Jin, the strongest support in Bloody Mary's hands. As for the scientific madman Parsons and the monster Nice, they can't be compared with them at all!

Admiral Nelson nodded and also selected five subordinates of the Gorse Dynasty to stay behind.

Thomas frowned.

He didn't want to disperse the forces in his hands excessively at first, but after the move of the Gorse Dynasty, he decided to leave two people behind.

Leonard of the Knights Templar snorted. He didn't have much manpower, and he didn't want to waste manpower outside the entrance of Rainbow Paradise. Those who are loyal to him must bring it, otherwise they are not at ease. Those mercenaries who come by for hire are very likely to be bought by others. If they don’t bring them, they are even more worried. They may even make wedding dresses for others as soon as they stay. Therefore, Leonard decided to march on the whole army and where to go. .

Anyway, there are more people left.

It is impossible to resist the combination of the Dark Temple, the Teutonic Knights and the Eastern European League.

After stepping back 10,000 steps, there are Mr. Muko, Fox, Kazama Zhizi, Griffin and others who have not come yet, leaving a few mercenaries, which is equivalent to sending food to the other party, it is better to bring them around and be cannon fodder.

"Under the watch of the Lord, we will rise to the challenge." Archbishop Nero discussed with the standard bearer Arius and the Silver Spoon Wise John Wang for a while. In the end, they did not make a move to divide the troops and make a decision with the Knights Templar. The same, all staff move forward. In addition to Lin Dong in the back, their considerations were also the silent Tepesh in front of them.

No division of troops, just for safety ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ascetic monk Virgil and Fool Amon, they are only two people, not to mention the division of troops to stay behind, they have been quietly following everyone behind.

Regarding the time and space gap that appeared in the depths of the secret path, their expressions were as usual, neither surprised nor thinking hard. Under the leadership of Tepesh, they calmly stepped into this gap of time and space filled with glitter.

Behind him, about five kilometers away.

The first group of left-behind team members who rushed over to report on Mr. Mu Mu's disappearance and time theft.

Their bodies, as if they were cut horizontally by a sharp steel wire, were strangely divided into several sections, with their heads separated.

The blood flies.

The stone wall passages on both sides were splashed.

When everything returned to deathly silence, in the darkness, a vague shadow slowly straightened up, the evil blood-red eyes exuding a strange light, his back suddenly grew two wings, lightly patted it, and disappeared like a bat. In the endless passage... (to be continued...)

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