Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 414: : Greed is often fatal!

The sharp axe slashed down.

Lin Dong's expression remained the same, he seemed to have known that the enemy would launch a sneak attack, and with a turn, he just rightly let go of this deadly heavy cut.

The giant didn't have time to retreat, and the sharp axe continued to slash down, but on one side of his body, he slanted toward Lin Dong who was retreating like a bull. Lin Dong tapped his feet lightly, and moved his body to the side again, letting the enemy's brutal impact dangerously pass.

"Roar!" The giant's repeated attacks failed, really annoyed.

"Stupid big guy, hahaha!" The dwarf and the blood-eyed man behind were smirking at the giant's clumsiness.

&n*pig*pig*island*small* said ww.huzu; all of a sudden, the giant was angered.

He looked up to the sky and roared, his muscles bulging like rocks.

The heavy, wide-bladed axe was in his giant hand like a small toy. Before launching a charge against Lin Dong, the sharp axe in his hand flew out first, smashing the top of Lin Dong's skull. At almost the same moment, the giant's feet exploded with infinite brute force, and savagely charged towards Lin Dong. This kind of terrifying impact, if the giant hits it head-on, is estimated to be as lethal as a big truck.

Lin Dong didn't evade, suddenly jumped up unexpectedly.

Both the dwarf and the **** man were puzzled.

Why do you want to jump?

Knowing that the throwing axe and the collision are coming one after another, why do you still have to die like this?

But after 0.5 seconds, they were dumbfounded, because they found that Lin Dong had a good timing to jump up, just avoiding the head splitting with the throwing axe, and what made the dwarf and the man with blood eyes feel the scalp numb is that Lin Dong jumped on In mid-air, there was some leisure time to step on the rotating throwing axe with toes, and ascended with force.

This kind of timing and self-confidence is far beyond their imagination.

The giant rushed closer. At this time he also found his embarrassment.

Lin Dong has lifted off.

Located in the sky higher than him, he has an innocent epee in his hand. As long as the head is cut with a sword, then the giant can't eat it with thick skin!

"Ha!" The giant raised his arms while charging. The intention was to use the closed hands to forcibly take Lin Dong's Wuyou Epee. The **** man watching the battle from behind did not sit back and watch his companions fail. Almost at the same time, he grabbed the dwarf in his hand, threw it hard, and smashed it towards Lin Dongfei in the sky. And the dwarf who was regarded as a cannonball by his companions was not completely unprepared. On the contrary, he was waiting for this opportunity. I saw a strange smirk from the corner of the dwarf's mouth. His hands instantly turned into pitch-black bird claws, and the dark nails in the black were curved and long, and they were unparalleled sharpness.

Lin Dong held up the epee of innocence.

When cutting down.

There was a magical pause for a second.

The giant's closed palms made a misjudgment and did not hold the epee at all, or in other words, the epee in Lin Dong's hand was not cut down at all.

On the other side of the sky, the dwarf flew to the sky, dancing with her claws, and her whole body turned into a steel hedgehog. He was very proud. There was a sneer smile in his mouth, but it was not until the small body approached Lin Dong and was about to launch a fatal blow, that he was shocked and discovered that the heavy sword that was supposed to be held by the giant was still in the sky. Still on top of his head.

"Ah no!" The dwarf couldn't imagine how his opponent would stop the attack abruptly in the sky, but now he was also thinking about it, and saw Wuyou's epee slashing head-to-head with his eyes. There is only one thought in my heart, and that is despair!

The black claws lifted up. Want to parry Lin Dong's epee.


After half a second, he understood what it means to be a car with a praying man arm.

The epee easily cut off the black claws. And cut the small body of the dwarf in half like tofu.

The giant holding up his hands underneath rushed forward. Lin Dong didn't take advantage of the momentum to pursue it. Instead, the ring sword made a big maneuver in mid-air, drove his body forward with the heavy sword, and rushed towards the opposite man with blood eyes.

"Go to death, human!" The blood eye man sneered in his heart. Do you think that just taking a broken sword can hurt me, who has an immortal body?

The blood eye man raised his left arm.

A jet-black arrow flew out of the delicate crossbow machine in his sleeve and pointed directly at the center of Lin Dong's eyebrows.

Almost at the same time.

The **** man who fired the crossbow arrow jumped sideways, leaping high.

With his powerful right hand, he drew out the gorgeous sword from his waist faster than lightning. Before Lin Dong rushed to the extreme speed, the blood-eyed man even had enough time to draw a gorgeous sword-flower rose in mid-air. And when he felt that he had enough to confuse the opponent's eyes, the man with blood eyes suddenly spread out two bat wings behind him, and he leaped in the air with a beating of his wings, his body soared into the sky, about five meters straight up, he was another incredible Reversed, with the sharp and gorgeous long sword in his hand, pointed at the back of Lin Dong's head, who had completely rushed through the original target.

"Gorgeous three-sided attack!" The **** eye man used this move, and he didn't know how many opponents who were caught off guard had been killed.

First, a high-speed sneak attack with crossbow arrows.

If it fails, there will be sword roses that confuse the enemy's eyes.

In the end, an enemy was completely attacked and missed, with nowhere to focus on the body, no evasion or even struggle, with a piercing sword...


There was a feverish flow of blood in the pupils of the man in the blood eye. The moment he killed the enemy, it was the most enjoyable moment in his life. Although it was very short, the thrilling pleasure made him deeply intoxicated!

Just as his long sword was about to pierce the back of Lin Dong's head, a black spot suddenly appeared in his **** eyes.

The black spot expanded rapidly.

Gradually clear.

When it was shot less than one meter in front of him, the man in the blood eye found that it was a crossbow bolt, similar to the crossbow bolt he used for sneak attacks, no, it should be said to be exactly the same. The man with blood eyes had no time to think, his neck almost broke, and he tried his best to twist his head to the side, but the crossbow arrow that had been shot at the center of the eyebrow still hit the right temple and penetrated deeply.

The **** eye with an arrow in the forehead stagnated the man's body.

Next, he saw a strangely big sword flower rose blooming in front of him.

This sword rose is almost exactly the same as the one he usually draws, except that it is a very large one, about ten times larger than the sword rose he usually draws.

Sword Flower Rose?

Could it be...

The man with the blood eye had no time to think.

Suddenly I felt a pain in the back of my head, and a super-large and thick epee that resembled a door plate was forced through his chest and lower abdomen.

"Sorry, because I'm imitating for the first time. There is a slight deviation in the shot, please forgive me!" Lin Dong saw the epee that he wanted to pass through and stabbed his chest and abdomen. Quickly apologize very sincerely. Because the Wuxia Epee is too big, the center point has not been set. As a result, the brain did not explode, but the man's **** eyes passed through his chest.

"Do you think that you can kill the immortal me?" The blood-eyed man's face changed, but he immediately calmed down, and his expression returned to his arrogance and arrogance: "Even if you cut me a hundred swords, you won't be able to hurt me. Minutes!"

"Really?" Lin Dong expressed suspicion.

"Huh!" The man with blood eyes moved forward, his body moving from the blade to the tip of the sword.

When his back was separated from the tip of the sword, the huge wound on his chest and abdomen began to heal. When he walked three meters away, the shocking scar on his back was completely healed. Except for the broken clothes. As if nothing happened. There was not even a drop of blood on the ground, as clean as if there had never been a battle.

Lin Dong clapped his hands gently: "This is the ability of a vampire? Not bad!"

The blood eyed man turned his head to look at Lin Dong, his eyes were murderous: "Human, if this is what you want, then congratulations, you have successfully angered me!"

Lin Dong nodded: "Then what? You pretend to be on the verge of death|forcing you to intimidate me again?"

The man with the blood eyes looked grimly: "Who is going to die?"

"It's definitely not me!" Lin Dong smiled.

"Is this your last words?" The blood-eyed man was ready to use his full strength to completely shred the human that angered him.

"Morey, your genes are breaking down..." The giant over there shouted to remind the Blood Eyed man. His roar-like voice was full of fear, especially when he looked at Lin Dong.

"Wh, what?" The man with blood eyes heard it, and first glanced at the giant inexplicably, and found that his companion didn't seem to be joking. Raised both hands quickly. Now he found something wrong. The soft white and slender fingers had collapsed at some point, and the skin peeled off and the blood vessels burst. The minced meat mixed with blood was falling down piece by piece. In less than ten seconds, only bare finger bones remained on the fingertips of both hands. The **** man scratched his face again. I found that my face was collapsing, my nose, ears, and teeth were falling down cracklingly. The only thing that was still strong was the blood-red eyes, but at this time the pupils were no longer arrogant, but endless fear and Desperate: "What did you do? How could it be possible, I have an immortal body..."

"No need to introduce yourself, I can see that you are a vampire!" Lin Dong waved his hand: "But you, a vampire, are different from what I imagined. You are the same as the guy before. No, all of you are the same. In fact, they are all genetic mutations, but the strength is different from the strength of the mutation! Thank you very much for cooperating with my experiment. In your body, it has confirmed many of my previous conjectures. Your contribution is very large, and it can be said that the death is very valuable. In order to thank you for your selfless dedication, I decided to give you a chance to give your last words!"

"Ah!" The blood-eyed man screamed desperately. He stumbled towards the crystal seat, trying to reach out to grab the glass of pale golden blood wine to save himself.

But it's a pity.

His hand was half a meter short of touching the crystal glass.

The man with blood eyes collapsed and fell heavily to the ground. Then, his skin, muscles, tendons and bones all experienced an irreversible collapse. Under the gaze of the giant, the man with blood eyes slowly melted in the extremely painful wailing, and finally turned into a pool of blood.

Lin Dong shrugged his shoulders: "Very short last words!"

He raised his head.

Looking at the giant not far away, he smiled and asked, "How about you?"

The giant was going crazy, he roared wildly, turned around and fled, but with his awkward appearance, when he rushed over the axe, he still did not forget to lift the handle of the axe with his feet and hold the weapon in his hands for safety. Lin Dong chased after less than a hundred meters with the Wujin heavy sword, and gave up. Just as he was about to go back to the house, the giant who had just escaped returned unexpectedly, and he went around in a circle far away.

Lin Dong tilted his head and looked at this guy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The giant bypassed Lin Dong far away. When Lin Dong was about to volley, he suddenly accelerated, and his thick legs exploded four or five times the acceleration.

For an instant.

Just ran away from Lin Dong.

Not only that, he went around in a circle, ran to the crystal seat again, stretched out his huge hand, and grabbed the glass of light golden blood wine left by the handsome man that the man with the blood eye could not get before his death!

"You can't tell from the outside, but you really have a lot of ideas." Lin Dong looked at it and laughed.

When the giant's palm is about to touch the crystal glass.

Lin Dong, who was a hundred meters away, did not know when he would return.

He stood behind the giant.

With a smile on his face: "But you may have forgotten one sentence, that is, ‘greed is often fatal’!" (to be continued...)

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