Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 415: : Crystal Dreamland

The Griffins and the others do not know how long they have been walking.

The front is always a luminous crystal.


As if this radiant crystal world would never have an end. Griffons changed from their original excitement to helplessness. Why is it so difficult to enter Rainbow Paradise? If you kill all the way like Lord Tianshen, although it's a bit dangerous, but it's full of accomplishment. Now just walking, what is this?

"We, we must have entered the wrong door!" Griffin spit out Jonathan like this for the eighty-first time.

  (Pig) (Pig) (Island) (Novel) www.zhu; According to Griffin's conjecture.

Everyone must have entered the wrong door at the beginning, that's why they were different from Lord Tenjin, and then kept walking on the other side.

Jonathan disagreed. He thought that his side was the gleaming crystal world, and Mr. Wood's side was the dark **** world full of murderous monsters. The door didn't go wrong at the beginning, and the road didn't go wrong, it's just the end point, which is a bit far away.

According to the introduction of the book "Rainbow Paradise", it is very difficult to enter the Rainbow Paradise.

This may be the point.

Fox and Kazama Keiko didn't hum, and kept their faces straight. After walking for about half an hour, they suddenly stopped.

"Two aunts, I know we are very wrong. We didn't play a gentleman manner and help you carry your backpacks. Now give us a chance to redeem our sins!" Griffin cried out when they saw their faces, these two terrible women , Finally going crazy. Do women have to give reasons for going so fast? Are they reasonable? impossible! Women are born to be unreasonable creatures!

Griffin believes that it is best to let their anger drop a little bit before they get angry.

If the two of them leave the team.

What danger is encountered.

So how do you talk to Lord Tenjin when you go back?

Besides, the two of them have great strength in their own right. With the two of them here, if you are in danger, you will also have a trusted support!

"Pig head!" Fox sneered: "The day you die. I think you are alive and stupid!"

"Don't use IQ to say things are good!" Griffin is sweaty, we are still good friends without mentioning IQ.

"I mean. We were all deceived by the enemy!" Fox knew that there was no way to communicate with this guy. She snorted and looked at Jonathan: "Did you not find out? The Dark Temple is tilting so many resources on you, I Seeing is wasted!"

"..." Jonathan is embarrassed. You can just say something if you have something. Why take this as an example?

"Man, sometimes it is synonymous with carelessness!" Kazama Moeko curled his lips disdainfully: "It is better to expect the enemy to show mercy!"

"Where is the enemy?" Griffin immediately became nervous when he heard the enemy. Looking left and right, but there is a gleaming crystal world all around, just say the enemy, not even a small animal!

"We have been walking for so long, and the terrain has not changed much. They are all endless crystal stones. At first I thought it was because the passage was far away, but when I walked, I became suspicious. I quietly left a mark on the ground. , And try to control yourself to the right. Walk in a big circle. If there is no accident, I estimate that I will be able to return to the first place to leave a mark in three hours." Fox looked at Jonathan and Remiga: " Guess what did I see last?"

"The mark you left has disappeared?" Remiga asked.

"It's not disappearing. It's that the mark has never existed." Kazuma Zhizi pointed to the crystal stone cluster next to it: "I carved a symbol on it. I will look at it in a few minutes. It is as smooth as new. All symbols does not exist."

"This?" Jonathan and Remiga were stunned. This is unscientific. What power can change all this silently?

"We two communicated secretly just now." Fox glanced at everyone seriously: "Our common conclusion is that we are not walking at all. We are dreaming. We are in a'crystal dream' that the enemy can monitor at any time. There is a dream arranged by the enemy. In the dream, we can see Mr. Wood moving forward, but we don't even notice that we are stepping in place, even sleeping!"

"What?" Such a statement made Jonathan and Remiga's hair on their heads.

"No wonder we can see Lord Celestial but he can't see us, it turns out that he is not dreaming!" Griffin suddenly realized stupidly.

"How do you know that Lord Celestial is not dreaming? Maybe he killed monsters in his dream, or everything we see was arranged by the enemy!" Don Quixote and Pansha disagreed.

"Mr. Muko must not be dreaming, otherwise, he will be with us. And it doesn’t matter whether he dreams or not. What matters is how we get rid of this **** dream! This crystal dream is too real, what are we going to do, Can you wake up?" Fox asked everyone to use their brains to figure out a solution.

"I have seen a movie that said that people can live in dreams, but they don't realize that they are dreaming. Only if they are killed can they return to a dream. Maybe we can use this method!" It is proposed to use the method of killing to break the dream.

"Very well, I will use you as the first one to experiment!" Fox nodded and praised the constructiveness of Griffin's proposal.

"Griffin, you are a good one!" Jonathan also expressed his willingness to give Griffin 32 likes.

"Born great, die glorious." Remiga's evaluation was even higher.

"..." Before Don Quixote opened his mouth, the Griffin became annoyed and yelled at him: "If you two dare to say a word, we'll break our relationship! It's too much of you, one by one has fallen into trouble. It’s just a suggestion. Are you so anxious to push me to die? If I kill it, I’ll die, what should I do? I don’t have an immortal body and I won’t be resurrected. You really bear the heart to experiment with my life. ?"

"Just say it for fear of death, so much nonsense!" Kazama Branch appeared behind the Griffin, his arm stabbed like lightning, and his sharp fingertips instantly pierced the Griffin's chest.

The Griffin looked at the fingers on his chest.

The expression was stunned.

For several seconds, he was completely at a loss.

Finally, he opened his mouth. It seemed that I wanted to scold and I wanted to ask Kazama Keiko why he did it without saying hello... What made Jonathan and the others stunned was the vision that followed. The griffin was pierced through the chest. Shaking, he opened his mouth for a moment. With a slap, it was like a mirror shattered on the ground, disintegrating into thousands of white light fragments, and disappearing in front of everyone in a blink of an eye.

"Really, it's really a dream!" Jonathan now understands. After walking the wrong way for most of the day, the whole person is exhausted, but in fact he didn't move at all. All the people in the team were wandering in the crystal dream created by others. !

"Ha!" Fox waved his dagger. Plunge into your heart.

But after she dialed it out.

But there was no drop of blood on it.

She waited for a long time, but her body showed no signs of collapse.

"It seems that suicide cannot be committed in dreams. It's okay for a group of us to come in. If one person comes in, I am afraid that we can't break free in the dream." Fox and Kazamae each came with a cold and merciless pair of thorns, both turned into light Some shards disappeared into the gleaming crystal world.

"You use the same method, or else, just wait for us to go out and figure out a solution. See if you can wake you up!" Jonathan smiled bitterly.

Griffin's proposal is very unreliable.

But I didn't expect it.

It happens to be able to solve the dilemma of Crystal Dreamland, but even so, the woman Kazama Keiko is too terrible, right? Kill someone without saying a word... if you don't succeed. Isn't the griffin dead in vain?

Remiga also smiled bitterly and shook his head, but since the method worked, they naturally followed suit.

The awakened companion.

Has been free from the confinement and surveillance of the enemy. It is very likely to encounter an enemy's attack, especially the first Griffin to wake up. It is even more likely to be attacked by the enemy for a long time. Jonathan and Remiga didn't think much about it, and hurriedly gave each other a fatal blow. Get ahead of the shadow warrior, escape from the crystal dream and return to the real world.

Although the crystal dream is very beautiful, they were frightened in their hearts, but they didn't want to stay here for even a second.

Open sour eyes.

Jonathan and Remiga saw the **** griffon.

Griffin roared at the two angrily: "Are you two girls? Do you have to put on makeup in your dreams before you come out? Do you know how many bites I let the monster bite to protect you? Damn it, my body is like a blood funnel right now, it's because of you bastards! You can't even compare to the two women, Keiko Kazama and Fox. What are you doing in your dreams because of your mother-in-law? Put a self-portrait of your scissor hands inside as a souvenir before you come out? What are you still doing there? Come up and help, you bastards, after I go back, I will never forgive you if I don’t ask me to eat a hundred meals. !"

Jonathan and Leihuga only found out here.

The space he was in was exactly the same as the dark **** world where he saw Mr. Wood kill the monster before.

Mr. Mumu didn't enter the wrong door. The only thing that was wrong was his team. As soon as he came in, he fell asleep inexplicably, or he was hypnotized, and looked foolishly at everything in the dream, but didn't know he was there. dream.

Fortunately, when Mr. Muko came in, he had already awakened the monster again.

The remaining few monsters were left behind when they fled.

They are mostly injured.

Moreover, griffon desperately resisted after waking up. Except for a shadow warrior who was still asleep, who was bitten on his arm, no one was hurt under his fangs and claws.

"It seems that the time of the dream is not the same as the time outside." When Jonathan rushed to help, this thought flashed in his mind: "We almost came out immediately, but listening to Griffin's complaint, the time should be It's been a long time, five minutes? Ten minutes or longer? If so, how far has Mr. Wood walked during this time? Moreover, he should have discovered that our team fell asleep on the ground. Why didn't we wake us up? Is this a test he deliberately left us? Or is this a means to confuse the enemy?"

"Fox and the others?" Remiga found that Fox and Kazamaeko, who had awakened before, were not there.

"They searched for the mark left by Lord Celestial!" Griffin snorted: "Only I can be so great. I stay here specially to protect you bastards!"

"Griffin, are you afraid of getting lost?" Jonathan couldn't help but want to break him.

"What are you talking about?" Griffon was angry.

"Well, you are great!" Jonathan quickly replied when he saw that Griffon was covered in wounds and heavily clothed in blood.

"A word of greatness cannot make me forgive you for being late! You and Remiga owe me a hundred meals. As for the two old women Don Quixote and Pansa, they each owe me two hundred meals, and, as a treat After that, it depends on my mood. A bad mood will not forgive you!" Griffon's expression is very arrogant, but with the blood, it still touches the hearts of Jonathan and Remiga.

"Isn’t it just a hundred meals? I have you!" Remijia is very proud. For years of savings, let alone a hundred meals, it is to let the Griffin lie in the hotel to sleep and eat for a year, also in pediatrics. !

"Brother has money!" Jonathan also said that it is not bad.

"Very well, this is almost the same, I will consider whether to forgive you!" Griffon looked into the distance, Fox and Kazama Keiko came back, regardless of whether to discuss the feast with Jonathan and the others, and directly threw down the fighting monsters. He rushed to greet him: "Did you see the mark of Lord Celestial? I said he won't let us down! The previous crystal dream was just a test, because of our concerted efforts, and my dedication and sacrifice, we succeeded in breaking the dream. Out, now it’s time for us to chase after him!"

"Speak to the signal first!" Fox snorted coldly.

"We have been away for a long time, and I very much suspect that you have been reassigned by the enemy, so if you want to get information, you must first respond to the code!" The attitude of Kazamaeko is the same.

"The secret signal? Of course it is correct. We have already agreed on it. We must match the secret signal at any time. Otherwise, it will be regarded as a companion!" Griffon saw that Jonathan and Remiga had knocked down the disabled monster and tried hard. He waved his hand and said: "Jonathan, Remiga, and Don Quixote and Pansa, you two sleepworms, don't worry about the blood on my body, shut up, and know the code first? Let's write down the code together. Who is wrong? Don't blame me for being polite!"

The shadow warrior is still sleeping.

Don Quixote and Pansa have just awakened, and they have not had time to figure out what is going on.

I was asked by Griffin to match the code. As for Jonathan and Remiga, they had already prepared ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The code was very simple.

Everyone wrote the four Chinese characters ‘Lord Tianshen’.

In front, everyone did not forget to put that special symbol in front.

"It scared me! It turns out that everyone is true, but it is very necessary for the act of ciphering, because this is the most important way to identify the enemy and ourselves!" Griffon laughed, and he told Fox and Kazako He made a gentle and personable welcome and leaned slightly: "Welcome to you, two beautiful spies!"

Before he finished the last sentence, he rushed down to the nearest Kazama branch like a tiger descending the mountain, **** like a meteor.

On the other side, Jonathan and Leihuuga also cooperated with lightning and attacked the farther Fox.

Fox and Kazaeko's expressions were stunned.

what happened?

Obviously everyone draws exactly the same symbols... (to be continued...)

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