Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 416: : To you!

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Fox and Kazama Keiko retreated quickly as if they knew that Griffins would attack.

But they did not go far.

When the Griffin stopped, Fox asked inexplicably: "I don't understand, the code is obviously right! Why do you think we are fake?"

Griffin sneered: "Of course the secret code is exactly the same, but it was deliberately leaked out after we entered and we were not sure whether there was an enemy peeping. You will never guess, and you probably won't know the outside world. There is another character called Chinese characters. We wrote the four Chinese characters of Lord Tenjin and that symbol on purpose. The real Fox and Kazamaeko could not have known it. The first time we did that, it was to deceive the enemy. After you left, you still write like this when you come back. If you are not spies, what are you?"

When Fake Fox and Kazamaeko heard this, their expressions changed.

"Then you can't immediately assume that we are a counterfeit, right? Didn't you write that way?" The counterfeit Kazamaeko was still a little unwilling.

"I want to say that the code is not the four Chinese characters of'Lord Tianshen' at all. The code was set for us by Mr. Tianshen before entering. That is what we call him. You think he will set up such a code for us. "Gryphon led Don Quixote and Pansa to slowly surround the fake Kazama branch. On the other side, Jonathan, Remiga, and the awakened Sergey Aliyev also outflanked the fake Fox.

"Then what is your secret sign? It has something to do with that symbol?" Fake Fox asked at last.

"Yes." Jonathan nodded: "Our code is actually the Sky Knights, and that symbol is the emblem of the Sky Knights."

"You told us the truth? Is it because you think your encirclement is very strong?" Fake Fox was a little startled. She and Fake Kazama looked at each other. After Griffin and Jonathan were surrounded, they suddenly spread their wings from behind. , Soaring into the sky: "With a large number of people, do you think this can kill us? A joke! Stupid mortals, you are just a group of weak ants crawling in the eliminated species!"

"There is a kind of you stand on the ground and try to say this to me!" Griffin was very annoyed.

But annoyed is annoyed.

He is not a birdman with wings, so he can't fly if he wants to.

I had to watch the two so-called noble blood races flapping their wings and circling twice above their heads, flying away like bats.

Don Quixote and Pansha chased and threw a few flying spears, but it was useless at all. The flying of the two vampires was far more agile and faster than expected. Trumpeter Sergey Aliyev sighed with regret: "If the guns are still effective, it would be great. I will use ak74 to sieve them!"

Jonathan smiled mysteriously: "We can't, but it doesn't mean that these two vampires can run!"

Remijia also owed his shoulders: "I am looking forward to it!"

Ten kilometers away.

The two women Fox and Kazama searched a large circle and found a lot of marks left by Lin Dong. Some have been destroyed by the enemy, and some have been deceptively disguised, but they have long agreed to be good at observing the environment. For Fox and the others, such destruction and disguise can only increase the difficulty a little, and cannot prevent them from finding the correct route for Lin Dong to leave.

When searching for the mark left by Lin Dong, the two women were very careful.

The distance is generally within sight.

And almost never left a distance of more than 500 meters.

They don't want to change a companion unknowingly in the process of searching for the mark. The crystal dream before this has made them feel very angry. Now, they absolutely will not allow themselves to make even the slightest mistake again!

"Fox, Fox!" A companion's shout suddenly sounded in the distance.

Fox looked back.

She saw the griffon covered in blood, and was bringing Jonathan and Remiga to her side. Because their vision was too dark and obstructed, they shouldn't see anyone, just shouting based on their feelings. Fox made a gesture to Kazama Branch a hundred meters away, then raised his hand and responded loudly: "Griffin, we are here!"

When Kazama Chiko came to join together, Griffin and the others had also found the two women, and they rushed over in surprise.

They are neatly numbered.

Griffin, Jonathan, Remiga, and Don Quixote were all there, and even the shadow warriors arrived one by one. Griffin ran in the front, Jonathan and the others did not hurry, the shadow warriors were carefully monitoring the surroundings, especially in the rear, and beware of monsters rushing out to attack the team.

"Signal!" Fox didn't let the Griffon go because he was covered in blood.

"Everyone write a code together!" Griffin agreed.

However, when Fox and Keiko Kazama were writing and observing everyone’s reactions, Griffin was the first to throw away the dagger and laughed loudly: "Come on, Fox, the real signal is the Knights of the Sky. What do you write? Can’t you change when we are enemies? Tell you, two vampires really turned out to look like you just now, but let me see through with a glance, haha, please call me a little genius!"

Fox was very angry: "Griffin, if I hear the real code from your mouth again, I will tear your big mouth! This is the place of the enemy, and the enemy may use various means to detect us. Message!"

Griffin shrugged mischievously: "Fox, if you knew that Jonathan had just revealed the real secret signal, you would be even more angry!"

"What?" Fox was going crazy: "What's the matter?"

"I'm very sorry, I want to use this code as a bait to surround the enemy while the enemy listens carefully, but I don't want them to be vampires with wings on their backs. As a result, they become like you, suddenly flying into the air and flying away like bats. Now. Regarding the leak, I’m sorry! But I really didn’t think they would fly!” Jonathan apologized very much.

"Jonathan, you don't have to apologize!" Fox screamed angrily: "I thought Griffin was an idiot. You never got worse than him!"

"I have nothing to say about this..." Jonathan lowered his head in shame after hearing this.

"Reset another code!" Griffin also felt that leaking the code was not a good thing.

"It's not as simple as resetting the code, OK? If an enemy uses this code to deceive Mr. Wood, who will be responsible for the consequences?" Fox was so angry, she stomped her feet hard: "I repeatedly declare that I can't easily Divulging the real secret code, we usually only use fake secret codes to communicate, but you are so stupid to divulge the real secret code to the enemy!"

"I'm very, very sorry, I really thought they couldn't run!" Jonathan apologized again and again.

"Griffin, you pig, why don't you stop him?" Kazama Branch suddenly threw fire on the Griffin.

"It's none of my business, he spoke very quickly, I want to stop it at all too late!" Griffin quickly clarified and explained that he didn't want to be a scapegoat for Jonathan.

"It's too late, isn't it?" Kazuma looked at Griffon, scared that he quickly raised his hands and said that he was an innocent passerby, and the real culprit was Jonathan, Big Mouth. Kazama Keiko snorted and turned to look at Jonathan, his eyes full of anger. Griffin felt sad for Jonathan from the bottom of his heart. The leak was miserable enough, and his conscience was not only condemned, but also the angry roar of two female tyrannosaurus. However, this is not his business, he just needs to be a passerby who actively participates in the enthusiastic onlookers.

Just when the Griffin was a little gloating and wanted to see Jonathan being so angry with Fox and Kazama.

Suddenly felt a cold in his chest.

A long dagger.

Into the heart.

Kazako, who was glaring at Jonathan just now, had murderous intent on his face, but the target had been converted into the griffon in front of him.

"Why, why?" Griffon felt strange. It was Jonathan who leaked the secret. Why did they kill themselves? It's not your own business at all, OK!

"Because you are a vampire!" Kazama Keiko smiled suddenly, and his smile quickly condensed like ice water.

"..." Griffin was silent for a moment.

Jonathan on the other side wanted to say something, but Fox waved his hand: "Vampires, you don't need to say anything. If you think that you are like them, you can deceive us. Then I want to say, you are too naive! "

The fake griffin with the dagger in his chest suddenly thought of the key point, and he suddenly realized: "It's a code, the code is wrong? The code is not the Sky Knights at all, right?"

Kazama Keiko slowly retracted the dagger: "We will not tell you what the secret sign is, even if you are bound to die, we will not say it. We can't even say a word where the enemy can spy, if you want to It would be ridiculous to exchange death for any secret, we are not the big mouth of a griffon!"

The fake griffin sneered: "Death? The term death is something that does not exist for our kinsman! You want to kill an immortal kin with a poisoned dagger? What a joke!"

"Kill!" Hearing this, Kazama Keiko stabbed with a dagger.

But the fake griffin didn't even bother to resist.

Back your hands.

Just watched Kazama Keiko stab his body with a dagger.

Fox on the other side also rushed to the fake Jonathan and the fake Remiga. The fake Jonathan and the fake Remiga laughed and stood upright, letting the two women stab them with poisoned daggers. Stabbing the body. Kazama Keiko and Fox stabbed all the vampires once, all the vital points were pierced without fail, but no one fell in the field.

All the enemies laughed and watched the futile attacks of the two women.

"We have no key at all. The toxin is just a tonic for us, and it doesn't work at all." The fake griffon laughed up to the sky. He was the first vampire to be attacked and the first to recover. The wound on his body stabbed by the dagger recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. If it wasn't for a hole in his clothes, then Kazama could not believe that he had stabbed through the opponent's heart. The fake griffin looked at the two women who were still unwilling to give up. He shook his head in a loud voice and said: "Give up, sad human! Our blood is the most perfect species in the world, and the body will never have the shortcomings of your humans. Do you want to keep attacking? Come and stab my heart, or else, how about smashing my internal organs with a dagger? You can also use a dagger, pierce your own eyes, deep into my brain... But I tell you, this Everything is useless! The reason why we change your appearance is not that we can't beat you, but that we want to get your real secret signal!"

"Human women, be smart and tell us the real secret signal, and you will die a little easier. Of course, if you want to join our great and noble blood family, we will also consider giving you a chance!" Fake Jonathan said. Persuaded threateningly.

"I just said it!" Kazama Branch suddenly smiled: "Crypt, we won't tell a group of dead people, even if they will die!"

"Must die?" The fake griffin felt a bit wrong. The attitude of the two women in front of them was too strange. Shouldn't they be afraid?

"Our dagger has toxins quenched, but that is not the point." Fox also smiled, and she raised the long dagger in her hand: "Please allow me to be honored to introduce you to Mr. Wood's great invention! One kind is for humans. A rare genetic medicine, but it is a destructive medicine that can destroy the so-called perfect body of a vampire! It was prepared three days ago. You may be the first batch of experimental subjects that are lucky enough to try. You can have such a chance. , It is really a blessing for your tiny species!"

"As long as one drop, your whole body will collapse! From now on, cry, poor vampire, you remember to cry for a while for your great and noble blood family, because this is the calculation and burial of the supreme wisdom of Master Lin Dong!" After finishing talking, Keiko Kazama looked at each other with disdain, turned and left on her own.

Behind her, the fake griffin found that the skin, muscles, and tendons of her whole body were collapsing.

Starting from the end of the finger, gradually spread upward.

When he grabbed a hand of his face in horror, he found that the entire face was grabbed. The muscles, teeth and ears of the face fell cracklingly... the fake Jonathan on the other side collapsed instantly, and he desperately Fox rushed in front of him, trying to take him hostage, but his body moved and a large pool of minced meat fell to the ground.

The fake griffin cried out in pain: "Spare me, please!"

Kazama Keiko paused for a while: "Cry, you can cry a little louder, if it's not like that, how can you reflect the excellence of your blood family?"

Fox and Kazamako left without looking back. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

As for the vampire lying on the ground.

They don't care at all.

Because they absolutely believe in the power of the genetic medicine formulated by Lin Dong.

Although he has never experimented with it before, this is a medicinal system he prepared by himself, and the effect is beyond doubt! In addition, from now on, the power of this genetic medicine is even stronger than they thought.

On the way back, the blood-covered Griffin and Jonathan finally found them.

The griffon rushed up with this tease.

The first time he yelled: "Clock, you must match the code!"

Fox didn't even look at him, but Kazama Branch kicked him three meters away: "To you!" r1152

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