Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 417: : Disguise, deceive

Fox and the others joined the Griffins and moved on.

The hellish world ahead.


Lin Dong cleaned up in front, and the monsters were almost killed. The remaining few were sparse, either scared or scared, or the Griffins all looked down on the five scum. Not to mention the Griffin, even the shadow warrior of the Dark Temple, can join hands to kill one or two.

"A lot of blood cores!" Griffin was digging for blood cores very happily, but when Fox threatened not to wait for him, he immediately signaled to the Shadow Warriors to take over: "I will give you 50% of the Dark Palace, we Teutonic The Knights and Fox each get a quarter, and Xie & Zhu & Zhu & Dao & Novel {www}.{zhuzhu}{}.{} Erga Aliyev, how did I forget you, I will share 10% of you with our share. Don’t be too moved. You can call me the boss in the future! Regarding the collection of blood nuclei, I don’t think the speed of collection is a problem. Anyway, it’s very safe. The key is to be careful and remember to Without missing one, these are extremely rare adventure treasures."

"Griffin, that's our person!" Jonathan is sweaty, you should say hello to us at least, right?

"What do you and I share!" Griffon laughed.

"Okay!" Jonathan was speechless.

The shadow warrior is left to collect the blood cores in the monsters, and the Griffins and the group speed up, chasing Lin Dong.

It took about two hours to walk. In a hot gorge where corpses were everywhere and no one knew how many monsters fell dead here, they saw Lin Dong on the top of the pile of corpses.

Epee in hand.

Except for the stained blood that soiled his clothes, Lin Dong's personal image remained unchanged before he followed up.

Now, it's not just Griffin, a **** fan. Even Fox, Keiko Kazama and the others who thought they could keep their senses at any time with high IQs were shocked. At a rough glance, it is estimated that no more than a thousand monsters were slaughtered here. Some are particularly large. Some are extremely brutal in appearance, while others look hideous and terrifying. Some do not need to look at them to know that they are powerful creatures.

But they all have a common feature now.

That is already falling to the ground and dead.

Under the sword of Lin Dong.

None survived.

"Master Tianshen, I admire you so much!" Griffon took out a flashlight as a microphone, and then the reporter of the gossip tabloid handed the flashlight to Lin Dong's mouth: "Excuse me, can you tell me how you feel now? I slaughtered such monsters at one time and completed the great achievements of the Thousand Devil Slash and the Bloody Butcher. What do you want to say the most now? By the way, what I want to know the most is. Are you not tired?"

"Code, if you don't say the code within three seconds, I will chop you with one sword!" Lin Dong sternly.

"Of course I know the code, but you said that you can't say the code at any time, even if your life is hanging by a thread!" Griffin quickly put the flashlight away, and graciously handed Lin Dong the backpack: "If I'm a fake Yes, you don't need to kill me, Fox and the others killed me long ago... let's put on my clothes first. Wait, Lord God, did you also meet a vampire who changed into our appearance?"

"Of course there is, but let me kill it early." Lin Dong calmly walked down from the pile of corpses.

"What is this pile?" Griffon looked at the pile of corpses that was almost five or six meters high. Holding the grass, how many vampires have to die to pile so high?

"Vampires have long turned into blood, these are monsters!" Lin Dong opened his backpack. Take off the wet blood coat and wipe it with a big towel. Put on a new suit.

Fox and Kazamaeko saw that Lin Dong's golden ratio was divided into a slender body like a **** of fitness, and their eyes were star-studded.

But glanced at each other.

No one came forward.

Lin Dong did not ask them to serve. They dare not fool around.

Moreover, they also know that behind this man, there are women who are far better than themselves, and even they have not succeeded, so they must learn to be patient no matter how heartbeat they are. If he is reckless, he is likely to make a mistake in one step and arouse his disgust, and there will be no chance in the future.

"You are too slow!" Lin Dong changed his clothes. The first sentence was criticism: "I thought you could arrive earlier. I wanted to leave you with a few monsters to sharpen your fighting skills. I didn't expect you to be better than I thought. It’s almost an hour late. If you don’t come again, then I won’t be too lazy to wait for you. The front may be the end, I hope there will be another chance!"

Lin Dong said, Jonathan and the others lowered their heads in shame.

If it weren't for Fox and Kazamaeko.

I am afraid that it is still spinning in the crystal dream, and since the dream awakened, he did not act immediately, and rushed to the fastest speed.

After Lin Dong's criticism, everyone was silent as gold, and they secretly reflected on their gains and losses in this expedition. If it can be done again, everyone believes that they can do better, and many shortcomings can be made up for.


Time has not come back.

In the next expedition, whether it was Fox and Megumi Kazama, or Griffin, Jonathan, and Remiga, they all secretly made up their minds to do a big job, trying to prove themselves in front of Lin Dong. Following him, it was not a hindrance, but for the sake of learning and tempering. He had the best opportunity, but it was like a big dream, without real improvement.

Walking out of the hot valley with corpses everywhere, the front suddenly opened up.

Go forward less than ten kilometers.

Far away.

There is an extremely huge flashing barrier that divides the whole world into two halves.

Even Griffins are exactly the same in their crystal dreams. Opposite the shining shield, there is a beautiful world full of crystals and endless brilliance.

The most weird thing is that in the world of light that is less than a hundred meters away, there are people from the expedition team, such as Philip, Thomas, and Leonard, and their team leaders, and their subordinates. Of course, there are also Tepesh, as well as the humanoid and alien guards under him. These people are standing densely by a river in the crystal world, slowly passing a crystal bridge.

Lin Dong's side.

You can have a sweeping view of the scene on the opposite side.

Philip and Cepesh didn't know anything about Lin Dong, as if the Griffin and Jonathan waving at them did not exist in front of them.

"It's useless. They are like us in a crystal dream now. Maybe they are dreaming, at least. They are also having hallucinations, so it is impossible to perceive our existence." Fox guessed this result.

"I'll throw a stone!" Griffin tried to throw another stone. Just like what happened in the crystal dream.

The stone flew to the flash barrier and immediately disappeared without a trace.

A seemingly extremely thin light curtain.

Divided two worlds.

After Lin Dong looked at it, he frowned and motioned to Griffin and they looked at each other: "I'll look for it to see if I can find the mechanism. I think the black and white world is connected to a certain extent, but it lacks an open mechanism, or Opportunity. Stay here, don’t go far! Also pay attention to Tepesh and his men, if they have any changes. Let me know immediately!"

Fox came over and volunteered: "Should we also help find it?"

Lin Dong shook his head: "You won't get angry, don't waste time, it's better to help me stare at Tepesh!"

Kazama was happy when he heard that: "Lin Dong-sama, can you let me try? Although Zhizi is dull, he can barely sense the existence of qi!"

Lin Dong looked at her and looked at Fox: "Here the blood can boil, and you can sense the qi is a good thing, but the effect will not be great. I need someone to stay here on guard. If we relax too much, we will hide the enemy in the dark. There may be a sneak attack!"

"Yes, Master Lin Dong, I will fully implement your orders. Please leave it to Zhizi for the alert!" Kazama Zhizi happily bowed deeply.

"..." Fox hated it so much that the roots of his teeth were itchy, wishing to take a bite on this pesky leech girl.

Kazama Keiko kept bending down, bowing his eyebrows and sending Lin Dong away.

Wait for Lin Dong to leave.

She straightened up. Raised an eyebrow at Fox.

Kazama did not speak, but her meaning was obvious. No matter how good Fox is, he is also a Westerner. Leaving aside other aspects for the time being, at least it is at a complete disadvantage in terms of qi.

Fox clenched her fists. She did not speak, but secretly swears in her heart that no matter how difficult it is, she must learn to use Qi after returning.

Are barriers between East and West barriers?

Do not!

Nothing in the world can stop my way of the queen!

"Jonathan, what do you think it is?" Griffin found that after the expedition team on the opposite side had passed the Crystal Bridge, a beautiful illusion appeared in front of it. Why is it a phantom? The reason is that the things that Griffins saw on their side did not exist. They just waited for the expedition team to cross the bridge and immediately turned out, and it was similar to the entrance of the legendary Rainbow Paradise.

"Damn it, Rainbow Paradise probably doesn't exist, it's just an illusion that makes people fall forever!" Jonathan's heart hung up. If this continues, the entire expedition team will be destroyed under this illusion.

"No, no, that tree of wisdom is fake, don't get close to it!" Remiga saw Philip taking his companions from the Dark Temple, walking towards a monster that looked like a big octopus with countless tentacles squirming, but In the illusion of appearance over the crystal world, it is perfectly disguised as a tall old tree of wisdom, with thick roots and lush branches.

Jonathan and Remiga yelled.

But to no avail.

They watched, Philip, who was interested in the old tree of wisdom, took his companions from the Dark Temple and walked towards the octopus monster disguised as an old tree.

Not only Philip, Thomas and Leonard and other leaders, but also slowly surrounded by his men. They are interested in the old tree of wisdom that is thirty to forty meters tall and has an old man's face. When the expedition team approaches, they will open their eyes and even speak hello.

Things that only appeared in the fantasy world appeared in front of them alive.

Who can restrain curiosity?

If it weren't for the fear that the other party would suddenly launch an attack, Thomas and the others would probably get closer.

"The old tree of wisdom, the legendary guide of the entrance to the Rainbow Paradise!" Tepesh added a fire with excitement.

"Humans, humanoids, and strangers, welcome your arrival. I don’t remember how many years without life came before me. Please allow me to call you children. For your short and glorious lives, I will fight I feel joy in my heart. Children, what do you want to know? Old Oak will know everything and say everything! Of course, if you share interesting things with me, Old Oak is willing to listen quietly. For many years, no one will tell. News from outside me..." The old tree of wisdom, transformed from the big octopus monster, spoke in a hoarse and old voice, because the disguise was perfect, except for the Griffin and Jonathan on the other side, as well as the expedition team from Philip and Thomas. No one can see the flaws at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dear sir, please allow us to pay tribute to you! "Philip led his men to bow to the old wisdom tree.

"No, it's just a monster!" Jonathan looked desperate. He knew that the next octopus monster would definitely fool the expedition team. But what made him sad was that it was less than a hundred meters apart. An unstoppable sky moat.

"Oak tree wise man, we also salute you!" Thomas and the others were cautious, and they also took turns to salute the octopus monsters, just like Philip and the others when they were wary of whether the old tree of wisdom would launch an attack.

"Hahaha!" The octopus monster disguised as an old tree of wisdom laughed loudly: "You are welcome, children! What old oak tree likes to see most in his life is the intelligent races who know how to use the life of the brain to improve themselves through learning. Especially humans, you don’t seem to have a strong body, but you are blessed with wisdom. God has given you too much preference for humans. This is a talent that other races cannot match! Children, the entrance to the Rainbow Paradise is here Behind me, however, you still need the final test. I hope that the life with both wisdom and courage will enter into it and share the rewards and rewards they deserve. Here, I can give you a little bit of time, if you are prepared Okay, then let's answer a few questions from Old Oak!" (To be continued...)

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