Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 427: : Griffin and Griffin!

Griffin searched through the ruins for a long time before reluctantly found a gold coin full of dirt.

After polishing.

The pattern of the gold coin was found to be the beautiful and holy girl Grace described by the madman. It's just that this Grace is not the same as the image in the book. This Grace wears a crown on her head and holds a trident. She looks quite majestic. It seems that she is not a holy girl but the king who once ruled Rainbow Paradise.

"Look Griffin, we found this!" Don Quixote and Pan Sha rushed over.

They found a golden aquarium studded with precious stones.

&n (pig) (pig) (island) (novel) www.zhubsp; but it is full of mud.

It seems that it will take some tricks to get rid of it completely.

Griffon squeezed a stiff smile on his face, and then shook his head weakly at the joyful treasure hunt duo: "I said, let's just look for these useless tatters? You didn't want to go and find power gems. Wisdom fruits and flame flowers? Hell, when I don’t want to go back, I only have gold or gems in my pockets. We don’t lack those things in the surface world. I want treasures. Real treasures, understand?"

Don Quixote and Pansha looked at each other.

Finally, Don Quixote said: "Griffin, we all understand what you said, but there are no power gems, wisdom fruits, and flame flowers here. Those things are all explorers from Timothy or Baroque that come in. The illusion, even if everything we see in the Crystal Dreamland, is false."

Pansha nodded: "If we meet, then we must be careful, because the monster may be hiding in it. Be ready to jump on top of our heads and parasitize disgustingly."

The Griffin roared: "Idiot. There must be a real existence, but it does not exist after the big bang. Or can we find the problem! Of course I know the phantoms created by Timothy and Baroque, but Why did they get it? It’s not that they had the same items before, and then they copied them without thinking! The power gems and the fruits of wisdom are definitely certain and must exist, but can we think about them? Look through the ruins to find out. Don't look for gold anymore, we don't lack this kind of thing!"

Don Quixote was very sweaty: "Don't want gold? For the sake of genetic medicine, we have already gone bankrupt, okay!"

Pan Sha also urged: "Griffin, we are already in debt. We need to pay back urgently. I think it is better for us to bring some gold out. Besides, this is not just gold and gems, it is also a work of art, which has witnessed the rise and fall of the Rainbow Paradise civilization. Civilization relics of success or failure!"

Griffin felt that speaking to the bankrupt duo in front of him was a waste of saliva.

He turned out a ruin.

Jonathan and Remiga were found not far ahead.

Hurry up and say hello to the unintentional treasure hunters: "How about, there is no trace of the secret path at all? Don't worry, Lord God will find it out. We just need to wait for the good news."

"Thank you, Griffin, don't worry about us. Keep looking for something, there is time!" Jonathan didn't want to waste Griffin's treasure hunt.

"I have gained!" Griffon smiled bitterly and brightened Grace's gold coin in his hand.

"This is the two-hour gain?" Remiga was speechless.

"Ah. I'm mainly looking for treasures, I don't search for gold gems very much! This is what I brought to my sister, and I have this gold coin. I think this treasure hunt is also enough to commemorate!" Griffon sighed, he I still hope to find a real treasure. Even if I don’t need it, it’s okay to take a look. What power gems and wisdom fruits are those, as long as one glance is sure that the legend of Rainbow Paradise really exists, then there is no regret.

"Griffin, we can't help with this." Jonathan knew Griffin's mind, but he could only express comfort.

"Perhaps you can ask Fox and Kazamaeko." Remiga suggested.

"I'll look for it myself!" Griffon didn't dare to hit the treasure in front of the two terrifying women Fox and Kazama Keiko, it was definitely a death hunt!

"Perhaps, you should find a way to take a look at it!" Jonathan pointed to the independent spaces in the sky that are separated by energy shields and still preserve the beautiful scenery. In those special independent spaces, most of them are suspended for a long time. The sky above the island, the birds and flowers are beautiful, and there are all kinds of strange and weird creatures in some spaces. In those places, there may be treasures that the griffon wants.

The Griffin shook his head.

He had seen it a long time ago.

The lowest independent space from the ground is also a hundred meters high.

Ten meters can still think of ways, how to get the height of 100 meters? Besides, the energy shield is also a trouble. It always protects the independent space, but it will not easily let foreign objects enter. For example, just now, the Griffon threw a few stones up, but was bombed by the shield, and there was no possibility of getting in.

When Griffin was extremely depressed, suddenly a silver shadow flashed in the sky.

When he took a closer look, he found that the silver shadow grew rapidly.

It turned into a huge winged creature and threw down.

Strong wind.

The Griffin could hardly open his eyes.

The huge creature flapped its wings and slowly landed on the ground. A strong impact airflow quickly spread to the surrounding area, and smoke and dust billowed on the ground. At first, the Griffin thought it was a creature in an independent space. He flew down and attacked himself. He was hiding behind a broken wall. Suddenly he heard Lin Dong’s voice sound: "Thank you very much for your ride. This is an unforgettable journey in the sky. !"

The huge creature let out a cheerful cry, flapped its wings again and began to lift off.

Lin Dong waved to it: "Goodbye, I will visit you when I have time!"

Griffin and Jonathan probed out from behind the self-harming wall.

I found that the huge creature looks very strange, with a griffin body and a pair of huge wings on the back. The front of the head and chest is covered with silver feathers. It looks like...

"Gryphon, it's a griffin in mythology!" Jonathan was stunned when he saw it.

"Does such a creature really exist?" Mr. Griffin, who was nicknamed Griffin, was shocked. If it hadn't been for Lin Dong to fly to the ground on it, then he would not believe it. There really are creatures with griffins. Although it is called a griffin, and the family emblem also uses a griffin. But he had never seen a real griffon.

"Bigger than the legendary griffin!" Remiga found that the griffin was taking off. With a wingspan of more than ten meters, it looks like a small airplane, much larger than the legendary image.

"Master Tianshen, can you let it down and let me sit down!" Griffin felt that if he could ride the legendary Griffin, then there would be no regrets in this life. As for the treasure hunt, it is not important at all. In front of the real living griffon, any treasure becomes extremely pale. This is the object of the family's adoration for thousands of years!

"This, is this true?" Sergey Aliyev who rushed over was frightened.

"Flying dragons can have anything, why can't there be griffins?" Lin Dong was surprised. Is a silver feather griffin so surprised?

"Mr. Wood, we have seen flying dragons before, but it's the first time I have seen a griffon, especially a griffon with such a huge head and chest with silver feathers!" Fox smiled: "I think it should be the most regrettable thing. It's Griffin. I had the best chance to rectify the name, but now I missed it! Mr. Griffin, I know you must regret it now and want to commit suicide? I can provide a dagger for free!"

"Damn it. I will not commit suicide if I am strong!" Griffin said he was not a coward.

"Do you really want to be a Griffin Rider?" Fox laughed.

"..." Griffin didn't speak, and looked at Lin Dong with the eyes of a poor puppy abandoned by his owner, as if Lin Dong didn't promise that he would really commit suicide the next moment.

"Want to ride?" Lin Dong asked with a smile.

"Of course!" Don't talk about griffins. Even Fox and the others were moved.

"It's not impossible for you to ride, as long as you get their approval." Lin Dong owed a shoulder. Tan Tanshou: "It's that simple!"

"Master Tianshen, is there really no other way? I don't want to sit. As long as you call it down and let me touch it." Griffin knows that it is difficult to gain recognition. Such a huge creature wants to ride easily. On its back, there is not enough strength, that is a dream! But instead of calling down and touching this condition, maybe it will succeed.

"Well, if you can still see it on the way back!" Lin Dong completely ignored the dying Griffin in his heart. Griffin's heart was about to explode, but he couldn't urge Lin Dong to act immediately, so he could only suffer painfully. .

"Can we enter those independent spaces?" Fox is more interested in the independent spaces protected by the energy shield.

"Of course you can go in, but I don't guarantee that you can come out." As soon as Lin Dong said, Fox and the others lost their minds, and they had to be locked in an independent space for a lifetime. It would be better not to enter.

"What's the baby in there?" Griffin asked with bright eyes.

"It seems that there are many, such as real lucky spring water!" Lin Dong said lightly.

"Master Tianshen, then why don't you dress up?" Griffon was anxious for Lin Dong. Since he can enter, don't go back empty-handed!

"It seems useless to me." Lin Dong shook his head.

Jonathan listened to them.

All fell to the ground.

This, this is really the biggest blow in life.

The lucky fountain that others dream of is actually worthless in his eyes. This, this is so speechless!

Griffon jumped up, used his best ability to hug his thighs, and said cheeky: "Lord God, can you decorate us? For the sake of our loyalty, please give us a little lucky spring!"

"I really have a bottle of Lucky Spring!" Lin Dong took out a small bottle from his arms, which contained more than half a bottle of crystal clear spring water: "It is impossible for everyone to divide equally, but I can use it for outstanding performance. Reward ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Next, I have a batch of books that I need to carry out. If someone is willing to help, I will consider it."

"I'm the first to sign up." Griffin rushed to sign up.

"I am as strong as a cow by nature and I am an excellent book mover!" Don Quixote directly lightened the muscles of his arm.

"Where is the book? Just one or two hundred pounds is no problem at all!" Pansha felt that it was necessary to let his companions know why he was nicknamed the little donkey. Isn't this an explanation of the amazing carrying power?

Then they saw a pile of books that looked like a hill.

Piled on top of the ruins.


I'm leaving Guangzhou today, and the manuscript is updated at noon in advance. If it goes well tomorrow, I can come back.

In any case, Xiafei will try to ensure that it is updated!

*********(To be continued...)

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