Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 428: :precious to have!

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   put the book on his back.

The Griffins staggered one by one, and according to the weight on their backs, they had gained a lot, but it was a pity that the books belonged to Lin Dong, and the patterns and words in them were no one knew. Even if Lin Dongbai gave them, they could only I can see blindly.

  Wait for Griffins to carry books on their backs, Lin Dong also left the team, let everyone walk and wait for him for about half an hour.

   Wait for Lin Dong to appear.

   The whole world of Rainbow Paradise ruins began to tremble.

   As if some kind of hidden mechanism was opened, the heaven and the earth felt shaky.

   "Let's run quickly!" Griffin frightened and suggested: "The tremor is getting more and more violent. Let's not let the traps be sealed here!"

   "It's okay, it's just that the small formation in Rainbow Paradise is opened, and it doesn't affect our departure." After Lin Dong came back, he comforted everyone softly: "Besides, only by turning on this small formation can the connected secret kingdom be truly opened."

Although    said that, the group of people still let the violent tremor affect their mood, and everyone rushed forward.

   Timothy led the way silently.

   Seven turns and eight turns.

   leads everyone to a new secret path.

   The monsters in the secret passage are chasing around, and there are as many as tides. If it weren't for Timothy to use force to open the way, then the power of the Griffins alone might not be able to pass without damage. As for Lin Dong, he famously called training, and he was carrying the inexhaustible epee on his back. He did not help at all, and kept blowing a light whistle to watch the griffon and their hurried battle.

   "These monsters are disgusting!" After the Griffin rushed over, he found that he had become a blood man, and his body was also covered with enemy blood.

   "Fortunately, you still have a mouth that is not dead!" Jonathan thought that he couldn't make it through several times, but he didn't expect that the Griffin, which was hurt more than himself, could make it through. Jonathan looked at Remiga, who just gasped and had no energy to talk to him, secretly rejoicing. Fortunately, his partner was Remiga. It would be impossible to switch to another one. I am afraid that it would be impossible to watch and help each other and give up each other's support.

"You take a break, fifteen minutes, I'll see if there are any hidden treasures around." Lin Dong whistled, "There is a bird falling into the water" and left, completely ignoring his tired half-dead companion and the constant cruising in the sky. Look for the black water flying dragon group that the agency intends to attack.

   "Senior Timothy, you, are you really a human?" Griffin felt that this old guy was a monster walking upright on two legs.

   The monster on the road.

   Nearly half were killed by Timothy while passing by.

   This way, under the situation of Lin Dong's sleeves, if there is no Timothy leading the team, then Griffins would not be able to kill here.

Regarding Griffin’s amazement, Timothy’s face showed a wry smile: “Compared to you who have just practiced, I may be considered stronger! But for you, if you enlarge the scope a little bit, I will Nothing. I am not actually a strong person. On the contrary, I am just a bigger ant in front of a truly powerful person."

   Timothy certainly didn't dare to tell what he saw, especially the secrets of Lin Dong.

   is buried in the bottom of my heart.

   Even if Lin Dong left temporarily, he did not reveal a word to Griffin and the others.

   Timothy said this, of course it caused a great uproar among the Griffins. Is it so powerful that Timothy is just an ant? So what is the real powerhouse? It sounds incredible!

   "Whether you are strong or weak is not something we can comment on, but if I can reach your level, no, even if it is half of yours, I will be satisfied in my life." Griffon said enviously. On the road, the monsters encountered, no matter how strong or weak, can only be killed in a flash in the hands of Timothy. How can Griffins not envy their hearts? If it weren't for Timothy to treat Lin Dong with a respectful attitude, then he would still suspect that Timothy was stronger than the Lord of Heaven he knew!

"Griffin, if you work hard, the future is definitely not under me." Timothy could not say clearly, but he knew that with the relationship between Griffon and Lin Dong, as long as they don’t engage in evil in the future and follow loyally, then the future will be achieved by himself. The above is affirmative.

   "How is it possible!" Griffon didn't believe it at all.

   "Senior Timothy, you are too humble!" Jonathan did not believe them either.

   In their eyes, Timothy was like an insurmountable mountain. Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up at them, they felt that they were extremely small.

Timothy couldn’t say it clearly, so he had to cough lightly as a hint: “You feel my strength. It’s because your strength is closer to me, that’s why you have such a sense of gap. The real strength is that you are completely unpredictable. It's incalculable. You can't see the gap at all. Even if he is in front of you, you don't know anything and you won't feel like seeing me."

   Fox and Kazama Keiko looked at each other after listening, and there was a flash of wisdom in their eyes.

  Gryphon and Jonathan are not fools either.

   Aftertaste again and again.

I understand Timothy’s hint a little bit, especially the faces of Don Quixote and Pansa, who only realized it at the end, with overjoyed smiles, and said with gratitude: "Understood, we I understand, thank you Senior Timothy!"

"Don't thank me, the encounter with you can be described as a kind of fate." Timothy laughed: "Although you and I are not from the same world, we are both humans. In practice, we use all the techniques. It's blood energy. Because of the relationship between time, special skills and certain secrets, I have a deeper grasp than you, but you have to catch up, in fact, it is only a matter of a few words. For you with amazing potential and unlimited future, I I’m happy to share my personal experience with you. I don’t know if these things are suitable for you, but there may be no harm in listening."

   "Thank you very much, Senior Timothy, we are very grateful for your generosity, but we don't know how to repay this kindness." Fox was afraid that Timothy would make a request that everyone could not fulfill.

   For example, in front of Lin Dong, speaking for Timothy.

   Fox definitely didn't want to lose the impression in Lin Dong's heart, even if it was important to improve her strength, but she felt that maintaining the impression was more important.

   Not only her, but Griffin and Jonathan also have the same view.

Timothy waved his hand: "Everyone, I understand your scruples. In fact, I am the one who fears the most. If not for acquiescence, how could I dare to teach you my personal experience indiscriminately? Don't worry, just do it now. When it’s a heart-to-heart conversation, afterwards, you can choose to forget everything, or you can choose to try to imitate and learn. All freedom is in your hands. Compared with the profound secrets of spiritual practice, the blood energy skills I have mastered are actually one This kind of rough semi-finished product, of course, compared to Baroque and other vampires, the so-called invincible blood energy they master is more crude. As for you, if you are not polite, all you have is the fur, and you have not formally explored the blood energy. Core secret!"

   threw the half-dead Baroque on the ground.

   Then a drop of blood was condensed at will.

  Drops the forehead and brows of Baroque, the vampire who changed his appearance before.

  The baroque, which is not chalky, is like a dried sponge that has absorbed enough water. The body injury quickly recovered, and the scummed face was repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye...

   If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, the Griffins would not believe that a drop of blood could reach this level.

   Emperor Moss waited for Baroque to recover almost, then punched Baroque again, punched Baroque to the ground, drew his hand, and instantly drew a churning ball of blood from within the seven orifices of Baroque. After the blood is condensed into a ball, the blood can be used to forcibly refine it, and finally it will be refined into a drop of bright, dazzling and faintly golden blood, returning to the body.

"Blood energy, as the name suggests, is to store the blood of the body full of energy, and then to perfectly manipulate it under one's own will. If it reaches the point of perfect manipulation, then the human body will be difficult to age. The original short life span will also Continuously stretch, before the blood energy in the body is completely consumed, it will hardly age and die naturally like ordinary people.” Timothy took advantage of Lin Dong’s time to leave, and quickly explained to everyone: “Of course, I said. It’s almost, not completely without aging. You can tell from the way I look. I lived for more than a thousand years. If I add the seal, it may be longer. It seems to be much longer than the life span of ordinary people, but I said This is not the point, but my body, supported by the powerful blood energy, is still very old, and has not kept youth forever."

   "City Lord Ozzie can become very young!" Fox asked in a puzzled manner: "Is it because of the different physique between humans and vampires?"

"No." Timothy shook his head: "The body aging is the same, and what he showed you, the Lord Ozzi, is not the real body. His original face must be old, just like me, he can't escape. The fate of aging. Both vampires and humans have not escaped the fate of aging and death. Only the legendary **** can maintain a perfect body forever and be in a state of youth. I think that is a higher realm, higher More perfect blood can be mastered, and it is also something I have always dreamed of!"

   "I don't dare to think about the realm of the gods. It's the limit of my dream to live for a thousand years." Griffin is very self-knowledge.

   "Let's pull it down, you can live for two hundred years and it is the greatest evil in the world!" Don Quixote and Pansa, their two damaging friends laughed.

"If you continue to move forward, you will gradually reach the realm you want. Maybe one day, among you, someone will surpass me, but it may not necessarily be." Timothy sighed slightly: "Sometimes, I envy you. You are still young, have potential, and have unlimited possibilities in the future. And I, it is a foregone conclusion, even if there are changes, it will not be very big."

   Before Lin Dong came back, he told everyone carefully about the blood energy secrets he had practiced over the years.

   and extremely precious personal insights.

At last.

   Emperor Moss took out a small silver bottle.

I made a small opening in my palm with my fingernail, and manipulated the blood energy to condense nearly golden blood, dripping into the small silver bottle, and then handing it to Fox: "As a senior, this is my parting gift. Each of you can share a drop or two. It depends on your potential. If you have a high potential, you can absorb more. Don't force it if your potential is insufficient. Of course, before that, you have to purify it first, otherwise, you will Being impacted by my blood energy, this kind of influence may explode on the spot, or maybe lose your mind and become a monster!"

   "Are you going to leave?" Griffon suddenly felt unwilling to give up.

   Timothy won't go back to the surface world with everyone?

   Didn't he want to always follow Lord Tenjin? How to leave

   Fox's brain turned fast, he had vaguely guessed a few points in his heart, took the small silver bottle, and took the lead to bow to Timothy.

Timothy laughed and talked about the Baroque that is not in the form of a chalk: "We are not people in the same world. I cannot go to your world. Even if I want to return to my own world, it is impossible~www.wuxiaspot.com ~This is the price I paid after gaining powerful power in Purgatory. You should use this as a lesson! Power, sometimes you don’t need to rely on external force to obtain it, because the human body itself is a treasure house, it has enough potential to make people go Uplifting. A person wants to become stronger, as long as he has perseverance, understanding, and puts in enough sweat, then he is destined not to be ordinary!"

"Maybe we will meet again one day, I am looking forward to your future!" Timothy glanced at Griffin, Jonathan and others with envy: "There are so many friends on the road of cultivation, which is very lucky. Of course, the more fortunate thing is that you have other things that are more cherished... Goodbye, lucky young people, as a senior, I give you one final piece of advice, cherish possession!"

   "Treasure what you have?" Fox muttered to herself, she nodded her head as if she was enlightened, and finally gave a deep salute to Timothy who was going away as a farewell.

   When everyone watched Timothy disappear.

   Lin Dong is back.

   As if he never knew that Timothy had ever existed, he kicked the griffon's ass: "What are you still doing? We should go home!"


  I came back from Guangzhou. Although it was tiring to be busy, things went smoothly and I was in a great mood.

   The update remains the same, so don’t worry!

*********(To be continued. "This text is provided by the breaking dawn update team@我爱小哪t" If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for a recommendation, a monthly pass, and your support is My biggest motivation.)

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