Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 429: : Really lucky!

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   Timothy left.

   Lin Dong took Griffin and them onto the passage in the other direction.

   There is no explanation, but Jonathan and Remiga are happy. They know that Mr. Wood is going to take them to meet Philip. As long as Philip and the companions of the Dark Temple can hold on, then there is hope.

   At this time, Philip didn't know that Lin Dong was coming.

   He was struggling to support him with bruises all over his body.

   The powerful and numerous monsters almost swallowed the entire expedition team.

   The most desperate thing is that some mercenaries who have been completely seized by parasitic monsters have been transformed from companions into enemies. No one knows who the next poor worm will be seized by a monster, but all mercenaries who have drunk the lucky fountain or received the blessing of the ancient tree of wisdom before have this kind of suspicion. As a qualified leader, Philip could not abandon them lightly. Moreover, the big bosses such as Leonard, who also drank Lucky Springs parasitized by monsters, would never agree to this ‘one size fits all’ abandonment until the last moment.

"Quit and surrender!" The mercenary who was controlled by the monster stood in the group of monsters, and loudly persuaded Philip and others in the encirclement to surrender: "You have no possibility of escape. If you continue to resist, we can only tear it apart. The result of crushing and then swallowing them all into the stomach."

"Join us, we manage the body together, with both wisdom and demon blood, we are the perfect body. In the future, we will be the devil who is above all things and in the absolute ruling class. We have immortal lives, human beings All weaknesses no longer exist in us. We still have inexhaustible resources. The entire purgatory is our hunting ground. In this world, we demon are unrestrained and unscrupulous. Are these not our dreams? What are you doing? Power and enjoyment, a brand new life and a perfect body, what are you waiting for?" A completely enchanted mercenary captain eloquently persuaded him.

   "Look at your ugly bodies, I think I already understand what a perfect body is." Bloody Mary replied with a sneer.

   "Master, do you think so too?" A demonized member of the Knights Templar urged Leonard to come down.

   "Jack, do you want me and Hugo to be yours?" Leonard snorted.

"You are willing to come over, and you are still my leader." The demonized member offered excellent conditions: "Large group leader, you will become the leader of the demon, and you will be promoted higher in the future, becoming a general or even a marshal. It is possible even to be promoted to the final demon king, come here, human beings are too weak to support our path to the strong!"

   "Fallen dregs, don't dream, we will never be your slug-like monsters!" Arian, the standard bearer of the Legion of Eden, roared loudly.

   "Arius, don't laugh at us in a hurry, in the end you will all be like us. It's only a matter of time." The demonized mercenary sneered loudly.

   "No, I would rather die and return to the embrace of the Lord than fall." Arius shook his head firmly.

"It's impossible to return to the Lord's embrace by dying here, hahahaha! Naive Ali Uchi, where do you think this is? This is purgatory, a world of monsters, a world without light at all! Besides, the glory of the Lord is early It disappeared. What are your Legion of Eden doing with the old antiques of the Middle Ages? Do you think you can return to the era of theocratic rule of the world?" The demonized mercenaries laughed wildly, their mockery resonated with the monsters. Countless monsters jumped up and down, making all kinds of horrible and weird sounds, and finally merged into a noisy river of noise.

  Tepesh has been silent.


   He and his strangers and humanoids have been exerting great fighting power.

   Without their all-out efforts, the expedition team would have been swallowed by the tide of monsters long ago, and there would be no human flesh residue left.

   Philip discussed with the leaders such as Thomas and Bloody Mary in a low voice, and then went to find Tepesh. I hope this strong man with rich life experience in purgatory can give everyone a better opinion as a reference.

   When Tepesh spoke, he sincerely apologized.

"I'm very sorry, everyone, I admit that I am greedy. The Rainbow Paradise and the gap in time are right in front of me. There are also ancient trees of wisdom, lucky fountains and various legendary items that are transformed by monsters. I am deeply puzzled. But I think Say, my friends, all of this is not what I want to see. I and my men have also paid the price for greed. Now, in addition to fighting hard to get more time for everyone and almost impossible reinforcements, I I can’t do more for everyone.” Tepes said he was ashamed.

   "Tepesh, I want to know if there is any way to get rid of monster parasites." Leonard is most concerned about this issue.

   To be honest.

If it weren’t for Tepesh himself to be parasitized by monsters, and all humanoids and aliens were recruited, then Leonard would be the first to suspect that it was Tepeshgan, but the facts in front of him did not seem to be what he had guessed. such.

  Tepesh was also parasitized, and under the tide of monsters, he was the most active, fighting hard and trying his best to maintain the safety of the expedition team.

   If he hides evil intentions, it is impossible to do this.

   Of course, there is no need for such a **** fight.

Regarding the issue of monster parasitism, Tepeche was silent for a while before whispering: "Monster parasitism is very common in purgatory. When we fight with monsters outside, we often encounter monsters attacking and parasitizing. Monsters After parasitism, there are generally several situations. One is that if you don't care about it, the monster will automatically be absorbed by the human body. Especially for the strong, it is not easy for the monster to parasitize."

   As soon as Tepeshi said, Leonard and other leaders immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

  In the eyes of Leonard and the others, they are the strong ones. If the strong are not afraid of parasitism, then finally there is no need to worry about the devil's parasitic bomb.

   "Anything else besides automatic absorption?" asked John the Silver Spoon Wise.

"There is a situation where there is insufficient absorption, but rejection occurs in the body, and the monster is slowly forced out of the body." Tepesh explained again. Leonard and the others were relieved when they heard it. No matter how bad they are, they can reject it, see. Your future destiny will not be that terrible monsters invade your body, and people with the least boss level don't have to worry about monsters parasitizing.

   "If neither of the two situations, for example, a weaker ordinary soldier is parasitized, what should he do?" Arius asked again.

"It's possible to merge with monsters and produce some changes in appearance or physical fitness. There are good aspects, but maybe there are also bad aspects. I can't say for sure. It varies from person to person. Generally speaking, the thinking is more positive. Soldiers who are relatively tough-willed are not easy to fall. The power of monsters to invade is actually very weak, but they know the weakness of human character, like to do what they like, take advantage of it, and let the soldiers accept their assimilation without resistance. I The assimilation refers to the assimilation of human beings by monsters, rather than the fusion of monsters by humans. The difference between the two is that the former is that the mind of the monster governs the body, and the latter is the human will. After being assimilated by the monster, such as the soldiers who shout to us, it is no longer possible. Reversal, but the group we insist on fighting does not matter, at least there will be no danger for the time being." Tepesh explained in detail the various situations of monster parasitism.

   "If the battle is over, do you have a way to disarm the parasites?" Philip wanted to know this most.

"Ah, the'Devil's Cry Frozen Spring' can be lifted, but the place where the Devil's Cry Frozen Spring I know is too far away from here, and it may not be possible to reach it after three months..." Even shook his head, he was helpless for the time being.

   The siege of monsters.

   has been continuous, the huge number of monsters is not afraid to consume at all.

   What’s even more frightening is that if monsters are not killed on the spot, even if they are severely wounded and dying, as long as there is a certain period of time to recover, their bodies will be able to recover. This greatly increased the difficulty of the expedition team’s survival. Fortunately, Tepes and his men were very powerful, especially Tepes himself. Under the threat of death, the explosion shocked Leonard, Thomas and others. Strong force.

   If he hadn't been fighting on the front line, then the entire expedition team would have been wiped out.

   The servants began to be frightened by the force of Tepesh.

   later turned to worship.

   Every time, when Tepesh defeated the monster and returned in blood, they would join the humanoids and cheer for this powerful man.

"I'm not really strong!" Tepesh is very humble: "In Purgatory, there are more powerful beings than me, but let's not feel discouraged, because all the strong have risen step by step from the grassroots. Yes. In the world of purgatory, no one is born a noble and powerful existence, even the city lord, even the son of the lord, before they are minors, they will let their fathers be thrown into the wilderness until the moment of survival. , Will be recognized by my parents. Human beings are not the most powerful life, but human beings have the most potential. As long as we work hard, we have unlimited potential. The blood power that I master is only the basic skills in the initial stage. There is a higher blood energy secret technique on the board, don't mention me, it is City Lord Ozzie, the blood energy he masters is not the peak power!"

   Bloody Mary frowned as she listened to Zepesh's speech.

   She lowered her voice and said to Philip: "This guy seems to have an unwilling mind to be lonely. I now suspect that all of this is controlled by him."

   Philip was stunned: "You think so? Why do you think that Tepesh can control monsters?"

   Bloody Mary snorted softly: "This is my instinct as a woman!"

  Philip is very sweaty.

   A woman’s intuition can’t be used here, right?

However, Philip also thinks that Tepes is a bit weird. He has such a powerful power. If he kills alone, there is no reason to stay and die with everyone. Besides, Tepes doesn’t look like that. People who can dedicate everything for the sake of friends and loyalty.

"This guy wants to dig our people!" Bloody Mary vaguely thought: "He has a big heart, and he wants more than a small city in Purgatory, he wants more or bigger things. . Moreover, he also wants to borrow our human resources to achieve his dream. This guy, I suspect that he did everything before, including monster parasitism and phantom deception!"

   "I disagree, Tepesh doesn't have the ability to deceive phantoms. If he has this ability, he doesn't need to fight so hard to win the hearts of the soldiers." Philip shook his head.

   "Anyway, this guy is uneasy and kind." Bloody Mary reminded Philip: "At that time, we will join forces to kill."

   "Let's talk about it then!" Philip was also mentally prepared.

   Compared to these shadow warriors who have been parasitized by monsters, Jonathan and Remiga who follow Lin Dong, and those elites who stayed before the time gap are the objects that Philip values ​​more. If it can be restored, Philip will of course try his best to restore it. If it cannot be done, then he is also psychologically prepared. As for whether or not to join forces with the dangerous woman Bloody Mary, Philip depends on the situation, and he won't do that unless he has a last resort.

   The battle has been for a long time.

   When the monster almost flooded the expedition team, the roar of flying dragon rang from the sky.

   A group of huge flying dragons flew through the sky, took a look at it, took out a bone whistle from his arms, and blew it frantically.

   The sharp whistle caught the attention of the flying dragons, they swooped down angrily, and both the monsters and the human team launched an angry attack.

   The monsters on the ground seem to have a natural fear of flying dragons, including those demonized mercenaries who have just turned into demons. They are no exception. Seeing flying dragons dive down, they immediately screamed in fright and ran everywhere. Only a small number of powerful monsters can dare to fight head-on.

"Chong, while the flying dragons are raging, let's seize the time to break through!" Cepesh yelled, his double swords were forced by the flying dragons and monsters to cut a **** road: "Follow me, as long as we leave here, we will There is a silver lining!"

   "Come on!" Most of the members of the expedition team were deterred by the chaotic situation and followed closely behind the strong man in Tepesh.

   "Damn it..." Leonard's face was blue.

   "Go!" Hugo pulled him desperately.

   "But our people let the fellow Tepesh take away!" Leonard was still hesitating.

"Head, the first thing we have to do is to survive, otherwise everything is empty talk." Hugo looked at Leonard with extra seriousness, watching his partner, Leonard suppressed his anger, and he shouted loudly. , In the opposite direction of Tepes, roared like a thunder to rush towards the chaotic monster. Hugo and Andre, the heavy armored knight, followed closely.

   "Let's go too!" Thomas nodded with Bird, leading the shadow witch Amanda and several elite subordinates to quickly follow.

   Then came the Legion of Eden and the Ascetic.

   Bloody Mary sneered at Philip not far away: "Are you still hesitating?"

   Philip looked at the group of shadow warriors who had been chasing Zepesh out of the encirclement and almost disappeared, and sighed slightly. He wanted to persuade them to stay, but he did not have the ability to shelter everyone. For the choices of these subordinates, Philip was very sad, but finally chose to bless.

If the diving of the flying dragons and the chaos caused are enough to exacerbate the survival crisis of the expedition team~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then after hearing the news, they will come, riding on the blackwater flying dragon, the captain of the city lord guard Van Lundin and his flying dragon knights. , It was the beginning of despair for the expedition team... God knows how they entered the gap in time, Philip couldn't imagine whether Heinz and Hartman who stayed behind could survive!

  The only thing he hopes is that Big Ivan will make the best judgment based on the situation and let the people who stay behind flee for their lives.

Only in this way.

   is it possible to escape a few lucky ones!

"Kill, the flying dragons refused to tame them. They killed them all. They were willing to tame them. All the monsters were slaughtered. You set out some people to chase the little mice. Before you kill them, you have to ask about Tepesh. The whereabouts of the field mouse, I don't want to chase behind his **** anymore." Van Lundin, the captain of the guard, was riding on the black water dragon, giving orders without expression.

   About half an hour later, two Guardsmen riding on the Blackwater Flying Dragon, chasing a wounded flying dragon, passed by Lin Dong and their heads.

   The wounded dragon fell as hard as he could.

The two Guardsmen in the sky spotted Lin Dong and his party almost at the same time: "Aha, there are a few little mice here. I'm so lucky. If we catch these little mice, our bounty will at least double. !"

"Fortunately!" Griffin sighed in the same way: "Not only did a wounded flying dragon fall from the sky, but also two bigger ones for free!" Provided" If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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