Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 430: : Shut up, you crow's mouth!

   Two soldiers of the Guards, skillfully and tacitly control the flying dragon riding underneath.

   swooped towards Lin Dong, Griffin and the others in turns.

   Even though I felt like I had eaten Lin Dong and the others, these two guys still hovered in the air very carefully, spitting out acid with the flying dragon's dive. When the Griffins and their group were scattered and could no longer get together, they jokingly lowered their height, about forty to fifty meters high, opened their bows and arrows, aimed at the Griffins and them, and called them one by one.

   "Shoot in the thigh, don't shoot to death, we are going to capture them alive!" One of them called out to his companions, hoping to catch Lin Dong and them alive as much as possible.

   "Okay, no problem!" The other soldier felt that the battle was easier than he thought.

   swish swish swish swish...

   A total of less than ten arrows were fired.

   The people below have fallen to the ground.

   Regardless of men and women, almost all of them hit their knees with arrows, lying on the ground holding their thighs and rolling all over the floor, wailing.

  , with one exception, the soldiers of the two guards saw a young man with a sword on his back. They were very agile. They fired four arrows in a row, all let him dodge, and none of them hit. It seems that this young man is the strongest in the team, at least the strongest in agility, and the most flexible in posture.

   "I'll go down and catch him with my own hands, and you will cover me!" The soldier with the warrior badge on his chest hummed heavily. He was most upset that the enemy was jumping around in front of him like a monkey.

   "Be careful, this kid seems to be good at epee!" his companion reminded him.

   "Within five moves, I can squeeze his head and dig out his brain and heart." The soldier wearing the warrior badge has enough self-confidence. In the guard team, except for Captain Van Lundin, he is not convinced. If it weren't for the time to join the team too late, the qualifications are too low, with his skill and strength, the position of deputy captain would never escape. Now to personally deal with an opponent who can only jump around like a monkey, five moves have been given too much, if you don't want to be conservative, you can say two moves, or one shot! Besides, he has his companions and two black water dragons to help out, and a small mouse, so why worry?

   A soldier wearing a warrior badge.

   first landed the flying dragon on the ground, and then jumped down from above.

   He put away the bow and arrow, slowly from his waist, drew out his best machete.

   The scimitar is like the moon.

   points to Lin Dong in front of him.

   Lin Dong stopped, standing with his hands down, without the intention of using the heavy sword behind him.

  The soldier holding a scimitar stared sharply at Lin Dong, striding closer, he was waiting for an opportunity, as long as the opponent stretched out his hand and drew his sword, his scimitar would cut the enemy’s throat...

   "You only have one chance!" The soldier holding a machete grinned, and his pace was getting faster and faster.

   Lin Dong moved.

   His hand rose quickly, as if he wanted to draw his sword to meet the enemy.

   The soldier holding a machete exudes fierce murderous intent: "Hey, right now, you are dead!"

Faster than lightning, the soldier instantly accelerated and rushed in front of Lin Dong. The machete in his hand traversed the short space in a thousandth of a second, turning into a crescent moon and silver light, and it was coldly attached to Lin Dong's carotid artery. Above. The killing skill of the scimitar invading and cutting is one of the skills that City Master Ozzie must master, but there are not many that can truly achieve this level of proficiency.

   "Dead!" A frenzy mixed with cruelty and pleasure emerged in the soldier's pupils. What he liked most in his life was seeing the moment when the enemy's neck was bloodied to the sky.

   The blood in the neck rose to the sky!

   But what makes the soldiers feel strange.

   It is not the young man with indifferent expression in front of him who splashed blood, but himself!

what happened?


   The soldier reached out his hand and touched his neck, and found that his blood was like a hot underground fountain, spurting crazily from the side of his neck... His machete was clearly the enemy's neck. How could he be injured? What happened just now?

   "Roar!" The black water flying dragon carrying the soldier saw that his master was severely injured, and immediately opened a terrifying mouth full of fangs in anger, and furiously ate Lin Dong. On the other side, the soldier's shocked companion also reacted and immediately raised the bow and arrow in his hand and aimed at Lin Dong. The moment he was able to open the bow, the enemy's afterimage was especially present in his pupils, but the enemy's blow came from behind.

   Lin Dong didn't know when, the back of the flying dragon flashed.

   With a kick, he kicked the soldier with a bow and arrow off the back of the flying dragon.

   The soldier didn't have time to react, and the whole person performed a standard dog gnawing mud, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

   The black water flying dragon that had missed the attack before, missed a bit, turned his head, and opened a terrifying mouth full of fangs to Lin Dong for the second time. It's a pity that Lin Dong didn't give it a second chance. His body soared into the sky, and the Wuyou epee flicked lightly in the void, seemingly an understatement, but the neck of the flying dragon that was close to two meters split into two, a huge and unmatched flying dragon. The head, with half of his neck, banged to the ground. On the other side of the body, it was not completely dead, and it was swaying half of the incision to complete the severed neck, spraying black blood all over the sky, and its tragic end was exactly the same as that of its owner.

   The remaining black water dragon was terrified to the extreme.

  呱呱 barked.

   It opened its wings and wanted to escape, but as soon as it raised its head, it found that Lin Dong had been standing behind him for some time. The blade of the Wushou epee was dripping with blood of the same kind, and it was frightened and pissed.

   This black water flying dragon barely hesitated for half a second, and immediately expressed surrender to Lin Dong.

   In addition to sticking its head to the ground, it also dangled its raised wings.

   If it weren't for Lin Dong to stand behind.

   It even wants to turn its body over and expose its belly completely...

   Lin Dong didn't want to kill it. If it hadn't been for the flying dragon to find his own death, he wouldn't have swung his sword to kill this very useful flying mount. Although it is impossible to bring it back to the surface world, it works well in Purgatory. At least it will be more efficient when looking for Philip and the others. So, Lin Dong calmly sat down on the rider seat cushion on the back of the black water flying dragon.

  The soldier wearing the warrior badge is not dead yet. He covered the wound on his neck with a chalky hand, and wielded a scimitar with a chalky hand, trying to get out of the encirclement.


   Jonathan, who pretended to be hit by an arrow to lure the enemy to the ground, they would never give him this opportunity.

"You cunning monkeys! If you are warriors, you will fight with me one-on-one!" As soon as the words of the soldier wearing the warrior badge fell, Fox had flashed behind him, waiting for the machete in the soldier's hand to slash backwards. Kazama had already been killed in front of him, her dagger relentlessly stroked the carotid artery on the other side of the soldier's neck, which was still intact.

   Fox dodges the scimitar that slows down significantly.

   A dagger directly pierced into the soldier's kidney.


   took a kick.

   blasted the soldiers who were still alive ten meters away.

   Jonathan and Remiga were waiting there. The two one after another, punched the soldier's heart with heavy fists, directly blasting the weakened and slowed heart into fragments.

   "Stupid!" Fox saw that Jonathan stopped, and immediately strode forward, picked up the scimitar, and cut off the soldier's head directly. When she lifted the soldier's head, the neck section where the head was cut off, there were countless granular shoots sticking out, with the intention of connecting the head that no longer existed. Fox motioned to Jonathan and the others to take a closer look: "Vampires are not that easy to die, you still use human experience, sooner or later you will suffer a lot!"

   In contrast.

   The ordinary soldier besieged by Griffin, Don Quixote, Pansa, and Sergey Aliyev is much easier to deal with.

  The ordinary soldier who was kicked off by Lin Dong to the flying dragon, although he was also a vampire, he did not have the strength of a companion at all.

   He was violently beaten by the Griffins, his breastbone was broken, and his breath was too much but less breath.

   is dying without having to cut off his head.

   Griffin thought it pretended to be dead at first.

   continued to beat and beat.

   It wasn't until Kazama reached out to stop him that he realized that this guy was not the elite knight who was as tough as a strong life just now, and couldn't help but sweat profusely: "This guy is also a vampire? Isn't this too weak?"

   "Weak? You try one by one!" Kazama Keiko rolled his eyes.

  If you go heads-up, the Griffins can certainly win.

   But I guess I have to pay the price of bruises.

   If it weren't for Lin Dong to kick, make him fall and be dizzy, and then let everyone beat him up, it would not be easy to take it easily. Especially for the elite wearing the Warriors badge, Griffin wants to beat him one-on-one. It is estimated to be a number of five to five. As for Don Quixote and Pansa, one-on-one is very dangerous. Maybe he will win against him if he is not careful. .

   "This badge is not bad!" Griffon wanted to put it in his pocket as a souvenir, but Kazama glared at him and had to take it out reluctantly.

   "It doesn't seem to be the same as the badge of the perverted City Lord Ozie." Kazama Keiko looked at Fox for a while, and was undecided, then threw the badge to Lin Dong on Feilong's back.

"It's a bit similar, but not the same. The two look very similar at first glance, but the patterns in the badge are essentially different. It seems that some people want to use the name of City Lord Özi to do things. Not to mention this badge, the Black Water Flying Dragon is just one. The best disguise. Who is the person who is doing things under the guise of the name of the Lord of Ozzi? Is it the captain of the guard Van Lundin or Tepesh? What role do these two play behind? Temporarily insufficient information, unable to be accurate Judgment, but what I want to say is that the struggle in purgatory is no worse than the surface world!" Lin Dong smiled and accepted this fake'Warrior Badge' for later use.

   The wounded flying dragon over there.

   After a break.

   flapped his wings again and took off, returning to the sky.

   It was so frightened that it had just escaped and recovered a small life. It didn't dare to take a look here, and quickly fled.

Griffon saw that Lin Dong didn’t mean to leave it, and he didn’t bother to pass it, so he directly dissected the black water dragon that Lin Dong had killed, digging for blood cores, and at the same time teamed up to peel off the skin, hoping to get it before Lin Dong’s patience was exhausted. Good this flying dragon skin.

  God, this is the wyvern skin of my dreams!

  If you use it to make a leather jacket...no, let alone a leather coat, just a pair of leather shoes, even a pair of leather gloves, it will be enough to brag about half a lifetime back!

   "You really killed a flying dragon with a single sword!" Fox still finds it a little weird until now.

   "The incision is perfect! It's divided into two, it's impeccable!" What Kazama wanted to know most was how Lin Dong judged the position of Feilong's cervical spine, and went down with one sword to cut the gap between the joints just right? The ancient times said that Pao Ding Jie Niu, I am afraid that is nothing more than that! If this is a cow, that's fine, but this is a flying dragon that Lin Dong has never seen before!

   "Actually, it has nothing to do with those." Lin Dong smiled slightly.

   "What does it have to do with?" Everyone looked at him curiously, waiting for the final answer.

"As long as the sword is big and heavy, and you have enough strength to swing it." Lin Dong's answer made everyone completely speechless. It was a straightforward method, but unfortunately, even if everyone knew the answer. , To no avail.

   half an hour later.

   The **** dragon skin was peeled off.

   A huge blood core like a fight was obtained, and the corpses of the two soldiers also entered the belly of the other black water dragon.

  The only problem right now is how to ride the flying dragon on the road...The flying dragon has a good load-bearing power, and everyone can squeeze it up and can bear it. However, no matter how large the Blackwater Flying Dragon is, the position of its back cannot be used.

   There is no doubt that Lin Dong is sitting, and there is no objection to the two ladies crowding around.

   But how to arrange the next position?

"I don't want to sit on the shoulders of this stupid man, otherwise it is certain to fall halfway!" Griffon wanted to sit on his own, but he failed to guess the boxing and enjoyed the experience of sitting on the shoulders. This he scared him. Pee. Grasping the skin of the flying dragon, there is no guarantee that it will fall. Now sitting on the shoulders of a stupid man, the fate of falling from a high altitude is simply the destined result!

   "Griffin, I don't want to carry you yet! Do you think you are very light?" Don Quixote mumbled.

   "None of us said anything, okay!" Pansa and Sergey Ariyev were also arranged for the same arrangement. What is more dangerous than the Griffin is that they are still behind.

"Help, help, UU reading www.uukanshu.com I don't want to die young..." The griffon was forcibly framed by Jonathan and Remiga. As he dragged the dragon back, he kept sending out a killing pig Screams.

   "Shut up, or I will throw you down now!" Fox was angry and annoyed her. She would really kick him off and let him run below.

   "Can you give me a rope?" Griffin wanted a safety rope.

"You want to put it around your neck?" Jonathan joked with Griffon happily. In fact, the encounter between him and Remiga was not very good. Although there is a rope, they have to stand and stand. Flying dragon was on his back, and he was still standing on one leg. What's more terrible is that where they stood, a large bundle of **** dragon skin was tied.

   If it were not for this large bundle of flying dragon skins, then all the predicaments would no longer exist, but how could the Griffins abandon this flying dragon skin!

   The overloaded Heishui Feilong approached for more than two hundred meters, slapped his wings with all his strength, and flew up obliquely.

   Seeing its laborious appearance.

   Even Lin Dong is not optimistic that it can reach its destination smoothly.

   "God bless, don't crash!" Griffin suddenly remembered that he was a believer in the Lord, and quickly prayed.

   "Shut up, you crow's mouth!" The man on the back of the flying dragon immediately angrily attacked Mr. Griffin, who spoke good or bad words.

(To be continued [this text is provided by the Breaking Dawn Update Team@茗芗梦荟]. If you like this work, you are welcome to read it on the Chinese website and vote for it. Your support is my biggest motivation !)

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