Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 431: : Escape group of 2

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  The soldiers of the Eastern European Union ran away with Tepes.

Mao Xiong, Zhao Daniu, couldn’t stop him. In fact, he wanted to go together in his heart, but when he thought about the guy who is false and loyal, ordinary soldiers may have nothing to do with him, but he is one. The leader, to follow up is to die in vain.

   In order to escape, the bear Zhao Daniel had to choose to follow the Legion of Eden.

   Still dangerous.

   can easily become a stepping stone for fugitive partners.

   However, Zhao Daniu, the bear who flees alone, has a second choice now?

   There is also Mr. James who claims to be a stock broker who has the same fate as the bear Zhao Daniu.

   James was injured, and his skill was far behind the few elites left by the Eye of God. He ran slower and slower. Later, he couldn't keep up with Thomas and Bird. The quick gunner Duke waited impatiently for him several times, and saw that James seemed to have no hope of escape. In order to prevent being captured and leaking his own secrets, Duke quietly took out a dagger and prepared to get rid of it. This cumbersome.

   Fortunately, the black water dragon knight chased after him.

   In chaos.

   James escaped by chance.

   After rushing out of the kilometer and escaping the battlefield, James and the bear Zhao Daniu coincidentally discovered that the person who was escaping next to them turned out to be the enemy.

   "Unexpectedly, James would end up in the hands of a KGB!" James sighed.

   "Haha, I can't think of it!" The bear Zhao Daniu smiled sinisterly.

   "You must be very proud." James didn't run away at all, anyway, it was a death.

"Yes, my heart is full of joy, especially when I see your unlucky look, I feel that the mold is missing from my body, and a light of God's gift is shining!" The bear Zhao Daniu believes that this is because he is pious and often prays to heaven. Reward.

   "Let's do it!" James was already discouraged. He had known that he would fight more monsters before, at least he would die with the dignity of a human warrior.

   "Who said I was going to kill you?" Zhao Daniu, the bear, laughed.

   "What? You, won't you kill me?" James was stunned.

   "I have no interest in James, you rubbish." Zhao Daniu, the bearded bear, waved his hand coolly.

   "Why?" James was very puzzled. If the positions of the two sides are exchanged and replaced by himself, and immediately kill the other without blinking, why is this bear so abnormal today? Could it be parasitized by a monster and become a brain-dead? What is the advantage of leaving the enemy, James can't figure it out. Isn't this leaving a timed bomb?

"I think I need a live target that can be thrown away at any time to attract the attention of the enemy." Mao Xiong Zhao Daniu shrugged: "If an enemy catches up, they will be attracted to you, and I can have no psychological burden. It's a good escape."

   "Hey, do you think I can't run?" James sneered, who would obediently make you a humanoid attractor.

"It's okay, as long as I can beat you!" Mao Xiong Zhao Daniu looked at the wound on James' waist and then at James' right calf bitten by a monster. He didn't think that such a James could still run. Live yourself. Of course, looking at the enemy's bad luck, struggling painfully all the way, and finally dying tragically, is also a pleasing thing to watch.

"You **** Cheka!" James yelled, but he was also relieved. Although the bear Zhao Daniu is very sinister, it is better than killing himself with a single knife. At least he is not dead yet, and Little hope of survival.

   "Shut up Yankee, it's you, you are not as kind as I am!" The bear Zhao Daniu felt that he was as great as a saint.

   Two old enemies who have been fighting for more than ten years.

   scolded each other, and ran forward at the same time.

   In the case of a weak body, even if it is an enemy, they must temporarily join forces.

   I don’t know how long I have been running. Both Zhao Daniu and James felt exhausted.

   The two of them deliberately find a place to hide, but dozens of kilometers around are flat Gobi, and there is no place to hide. Fearing that the monster would catch up, the two of them had to drag their tired legs and move forward step by step. There was no water source in the Gobi, and the escape duo who had lost their backpacks long ago searched all over their bodies, but they couldn't find anything that could be used to sustain their lives.

   "It's over!" James felt that his throat was smoking, no longer drinking water, sooner or later he would die of thirst in this Gobi, no need for monsters to hunt down.

   "If it weren't for you, I should be able to save a little bit of saliva." The bear Zhao Daniu spread his grievances on James.

   "Who has been babbling me for hours?" James became angry when he heard it.

   "Hey, you scolded me first!" Zhao Daniu, the bearded bear, was plausible.

   "I didn't!" James immediately denied.

"This is the main reason why I scold you. You Yankee simply ignores the truth... You are not scolding me, are you complimenting me? Are you complimenting me all the way along the way, buddy? If there is a glass of water to moisturize now Down your throat, I guess you can continue to curse for three hours!" Zhao Daniu, the bearded bear, doesn't think the opponent's curse is worse than his own.

   "Don't talk about a glass of water now, even if I have a sip of water, I can exchange it with my full wealth!" James was already unable to spray.

   "I have a great idea!" Zhao Daniu, the bearded bear, suddenly thought of a way.

   "What?" James didn't think the other party would have a good way.

   "Urine." Mao Xiong Zhao Daniel really has a way.

   "Even if there is urine, there is nothing to wear!" James was very frustrated.

   "Stupid, we have two people!" Zhao Daniu, the bearded bear, felt that this was not a problem at all.

   "You mean... God, this is too terrible!" James reacted quickly and immediately realized what kind of cooperation is needed to complete the survival plan proposed by the bear Zhao Daniu.

   "If you want to die, then refuse." The bear Zhao Daniu stared at James' neck: "I have another way, that is, I cut your neck and drink up your blood!"

   "I will definitely fight to the end!" James clenched his dagger tightly in horror: "You may be able to kill me, but you must pay the price!"

   "So I let you choose the first survival plan!" The bear Zhao Daniu reluctantly looked away from James' neck.

   "Okay!" James felt that compared to survival, nothing else was a problem.

ten minutes later.

   Both of them covered their mouths in pain.

   However, this is only the beginning. In the next few hours, they carried out similar survival actions many times, until there were no resources.

   I don’t know how long it took, and two enemies who had been completely unable to walk lay on the ground together.

   Even within reach.

   But the bear Zhao Daniu was too lazy to swing a dagger to sever James's trachea. Anyway, it was all dead, so let this guy die a bit more painful. As for James, he found himself beginning to have pre-death hallucinations. Just like the little match girl, he saw many things, sweet and delicious spring water and mellow wine, refreshing milk ice cream and steaming Blue Mountain coffee...

   "A turbulent beauty, lying in a huge bathtub floating with rose petals, her upper body is covered with sweet cream!" James felt that this was simply a dream paradise.

   "You want to drink her bath water, don't you?" Zhao Daniu, the bear, smiled strangely.

   "I will divide you in half." James is very generous.

   "Thanks, but the type of beauty is very important. It must be hairy, watery, big, big hole, and by the way, blonde and blue-eyed!" Mao Xiong Zhao Daniu's requirements are very high, and ordinary beauties simply don't like it.

   "It's not a beauty pageant again!" James was unable to complain after hearing this.

   "You don't understand, the most basic standard for our beauties over there is this." The bear Zhao Daniu sneered.

"Hold a grass!" James suddenly woke up. He was a man with more than a few girls, and beautiful women. He really had the right to play with this. He suddenly became jealous ten thousand times: "You big white bear man is really the happiness of Tema. There are no men like you in the world. They drink all day, and go home to beat their wives when they are drunk. Although our side is called the beacon of free people, the light can cover the whole world, but men who dare to commit domestic violence will wait for divorce. ! As for wives to support men with money, this kind of thing is even more impossible..."

   "Isn't it better to get a younger one for a divorce? Don't all the rich men over there play like this?" The bear Zhao Daniu was surprised.

   "You didn't see how much they scored for their wives after their divorce!" James snorted badly.

   "Forget it, even survival is a problem now. I don't bother to take care of those things!" Mao Xiong Zhao Daniu refused to discuss women's issues anymore. Without enough food and drink, now he really has no desire to think about women.

"I will close my eyes again and see if there are any other beautiful illusions." James felt that his imagination was still quite rich, and combined with the illusion, the picture was wonderful, but before he closed his eyes, he found that there was something on the horizon. A black spot approached quickly, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Am I going to die? Now you can see the hallucinations by opening your eyes!"

   "Oh? Really? What did you see?" the bear Zhao Daniu asked lazily.

   "Flying dragon, a flying dragon..." James noticed that the black spots were getting bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a giant flying dragon with a wingspan of more than ten meters.

   "James, you idiot, that's not an illusion, that's a real flying dragon!" The bear Zhao Daniu jumped up in fright and urged: "Get up, we will be eaten if we don't run!"

   "I can't run anymore!" James struggled a bit and found that it was very hard to sit up.


   has long lost strength!

  Mao Xiong Zhao Daniu looked at James, gritted his teeth, he did not run away, but silently drew out the dagger from his waist.

   James was shocked: "You won't run?"

"I don't have the strength anymore, but I can't just die in vain. I have to stab it with a dagger before being eaten by it. If you don't do it, I won't be stunned!" The bear Zhao Daniu is a ruthless person, and he is determined to die. A fight, at least to make the enemy who is chasing pay a little price.

   "Help me stabbing!" James made a request.

"What a stupid man, who would take action for his enemy? I'm not that great yet, you have the ability to do it yourself!" The bear Zhao Daniu couldn't help rolling his eyes. His own capital can't be guaranteed, you think Lao Tzu is the Mr. Wood who can kill monsters with one sword! However, if you can stab two daggers in a row, it doesn't matter if you give up, so that you can laugh at this incompetent James when you are a companion in hell.

   Flying dragon descends.

   A knight in a cloak leapt lightly from above.

   Mao Xiong Zhao Daniu burst out all his strength, shouting, launching a final charge at the enemy.

   Next second.

   He made the flying dragon knight in the cloak kick up to fourteen or five meters away.

   James, who was struggling to get up from the ground, jumped up, and also brandished his dagger to charge the enemy. Even if he died, he was unwilling to show weakness in front of his old enemy.

   But he was also kicked flying by the opponent.

   fell to the side of the bear Zhao Daniu in an embarrassing manner.

Just when the two of them thought they were dead, they were desperate, and they were about to commit suicide by raising a dagger, they suddenly heard the cape knight roaring furiously: "Are you two idiots? You attacked me? Fortunately, I took the initiative to ask. , Borrowed the flying dragon from Mr. Wood to look for you bastards!"

   "Is it Fox?" The bears Zhao Daniu and James were stunned. The cape turned over, showing the face of Fox.

"Because of your stupidity, I decided to give you a punishment. You run and follow!" Fox returned to the back of the dragon in irritation, and the bears, Zhao Daniu and James, crawled and desperately begged for mercy: "We are out of strength, you let us go up too. Well, it is impossible for us to keep up. Isn't it okay for us to apologize to you? I really didn't recognize you just now!"

   "Don't want to sit in the same seat with me, and die if you can't keep up with you!" Fox became angry, regardless of whether they were alive or dead.

   "Then give us some water!" Zhao Daniu, the bearded bear, retreated to be second.

   "There are food, and give us some." James shouted loudly, "Are there any medicines? I'm injured and need a bandage!"

"I'll get you a nanny later!" Fox snorted heavily, and she threw down two bottles of water and a pack of individual rations: "The assembly location is in the southeast~www.wuxiaspot.com~ 50 kilometers away from here. In a small valley on the left and right, Mr. Wood and Big Ivan are all left behind. I have to go to Philip and them. Go slowly!"

   "God, fifty kilometers!" James suspected that he would not be able to walk five kilometers.

   "Mr. Wood said, he only waited for one day." Fox drove the black water dragon into the air: "Good luck to you!"

   Blackwater Flying Dragon took off, carrying Fox and whistling away.

   Mao Xiong Zhao Daniu and James poured half a bottle of water happily, and when they got better, they devoured the individual rations that they had previously found to be extremely unpalatable. Now they feel that their vitality has finally recovered. Fifty kilometers is a bit far, but at least there is hope of survival, isn't it? If it was someone else gathering their companions, Zhao Daniu and James would still hesitate, but Mr. Wood was sitting in the camp, that didn't need to be considered.

   The two hurriedly followed the direction where Fox had left.

   James was a bit painful when he was running fast. After all, he was injured and has not healed: "Fifty kilometers is too far. Fortunately, one day!"

Mao Xiong Zhao Daniu is very calm: "I have absolutely no problem! By the way, when you arrive at the camp, no one is allowed to mention everything that happened before. If you let me know that you leaked the secret, then you Yankee will die. Up!"

   "I definitely won't say, but you are a big white bear, I doubt it!" James retorted without showing any weakness. (To be continued [this text is provided by the Breaking Dawn Update Team@茗芗梦荟]. If you like this work, you are welcome to read it on the Chinese website and vote for it. Your support is my biggest motivation !)

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