Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 432: :Firmly and 1st line of life

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   When the bears, Zhao Daniu and James, rushed to the small valley and were discovered by the Shadow Warriors patrol from the Dark Temple, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

   Two people saw the shadow samurai running.

   All the strength disappeared instantly.

   fell softly to the ground.

   A few shadow warriors hurriedly rescued them, and finally rescued these two mud ghosts who were embarrassed.

   "Very good, I know you can come back!" Big Ivan rushed out after hearing the news, opened his arms, and hugged the bear Zhao Daniu tightly. James was a little jealous of this guy, he was treated like a hero when he came back, and he didn't even have a fart.

   There are people with the eyes of God, Thomas, Bird, Amanda and others are there.

   But after the quick gunner Duke darkened the killer.

   James no longer wants to stay with the people in the trial team. Compared with his old enemy Mao Xiong Zhao Daniu, he feels that he is more dangerous at certain times.

   At about ten o'clock in the evening, another group of people returned to the temporary assembly camp. They were Archbishop Nero and Arius from the Legion of Eden. At the end of the line, there were two Ascetic monks Virgil and Amon. At two o'clock in the night, Leonard and Hugo of the Knights Templar rushed to the small valley under the leadership of Andre. They looked very embarrassed, at least incomparable to the order of the Legion of Eden.

   In the Knights Templar, Andre's forehead was wounded and bandaged, Gerrard injured his arm, and the only brother of the light knight Pierre brothers was left. I don't know if his brother was missing or died in battle.

   Duchess Bloody Mary and her most loyal Admiral Nelson have been talking in low voices.

   Everyone thought she was a failure to leave Nelson.

Now it seems.

   This woman is terribly shrewd. Regardless of the process of exploring the treasure, she has prepared her way back early.

   "Where is Mr. Wood?" James found a shadow warrior: "Why didn't I see Mr. Wood in the camp?"

"He has been resting!" The Shadow Warrior explained: "During the day before you came back, there were a few bad battles in the temporary assembly camp. A dozen black water dragon knights repeatedly attacked. If it weren't for Mr. Wood to kill two dragon knights with a sword. , And took a flying dragon in public to disperse the rampant enemy, then this temporary camp has long been destroyed by the enemy!"

   "Ah, Mr. Wood is injured?" James was surprised.

   "No, but he is a bit overstretched and needs to rest." When the shadow warrior mentioned Lin Dong, he was very respectful.

He was one of the members who witnessed Lin Dong's great power slaughter the flying dragon knight. At that time, the enemy riding on the flying dragon was like a dark cloud over the top. When he and his companions felt desperate, Lin Dong controlled the black water flying dragon that he had robbed before. Take off and face the enemy in full view. When Lin Dong hovered in the air, he jumped onto the enemy's seat boldly and directly beheaded the opponent's dragon knight on the spot, turning the sluggish morale of the expedition team.

   The enemy does not believe in evil, and many people want to use encirclement tactics to forcefully kill this powerful young man.

did not expect.

   Arrow rain was completely blocked by the giant sword.

   The attack failed, and a head was given for nothing.

   If it were not for the force that frightened Lin Dong's thrilling audience, those flying dragon knights would never flee, and this temporary camp would have long since ceased to exist.

   Therefore, the shadow warrior who witnessed the entire battle had absolutely nothing to admire Lin Dong. What courage and courage is to jump and slash the enemy on the back of the flying dragon and take the mount? No wonder Griffin has always respected him as Lord Celestial!

   "Mr. Wood is still a human being?" Zhao Daniu, the bear bear, shook his head and sighed as he ate the soldiers' rations in his hands.

"No wonder Fox has a flying dragon as a mount. It was originally captured by Mr. Wood." James felt that he would simply stay in Dongshan in the future. It would be meaningless to investigate other organizations. If Mr. Wood's genetic secrets can be clarified, it will not take long. I will get a promotion and raise my salary, become the director of the Intelligence Bureau, become the top spot, marry Bai Fumi, and it's perfect to reach the pinnacle of life.

   James broke through the sky in his brain, thinking about when he was still a little excited.

   suddenly saw two black water dragons hovering in the sky.


   Is this an illusion?

   Why are there two flying dragons?

When the shadow warrior next to    saw his expression, he knew what he wanted to ask: "Don't be too surprised, Mr. Wood had captured one before, otherwise how could it be possible to take the flying dragon into the air and jump and cut the enemy flying dragon knight?"

   "Puff!" James listened to squirting water wildly.

   Although going to Dongshan is promising, it is also very dangerous.

   This path is not necessarily to the pinnacle of life, it is more likely to let Mr. Wood cut off his head with a single sword!

   Regardless of the Eye of God, the Legion of Eden and the Knights Templar, they were very honest when they came to the temporary camp. The remaining team members all supported Lin Dong. If you want to seize power, you should try to capture a flying dragon first? This thing is not a Chinese cabbage, let alone riding a flying dragon to charge the enemy, and then fly the enemy's head in mid-air!

   4:30 in the morning.

   Philip asked Jonathan and Remiga to find them back.

   When the leader of the Dark Temple returned, he was covered in blood and bruised, but his waist was still as strong as a gun, and he walked back to the temporary camp step by step.

   After another two hours, the shadow warrior on patrol found the last few companions who had come to support. Riding a flying dragon many times, searching the surrounding Fox and Kazama branch, found that this was the final number of people, and there was no sign of human activity for more than ten kilometers around.

"Defensive first. After we have repelled the enemy and let the enemy have some scruples, we can escape from this place." Lin Dong had a good night's sleep. After waking up, without discussing with anyone what to do, he directly gave the order to let him The remaining members of the expedition team deployed defenses on the spot. In fact, since last night, the shadow warriors and the left-behind personnel of the major forces have dug deep trenches at the beginning and end of the small valley to resist the enemy, and at the same time used mud, rocks and other objects to build up earth walls behind the trenches. Intent to seize a little bit of geographical advantage.

   "Mr. Wood, will the monsters come?" Bloody Mary asked with a frown.

   "They are here!" Fox replied for Lindong: "It is less than 40 kilometers away from here, there are tide-like monsters, no matter the north, south, east, west, they are all black and heavy, and they are approaching quickly."

   "We simply don't have enough to defend and attack!" Leonard felt that this place was simply a dead place.

   The front and back of the small valley is very narrow.

   If the monster is blocked at both ends, no one can run away.

  Moreover, the hills on both sides are not high enough, the **** outside is relatively gentle, and there is no insurmountable natural danger like cliffs, and there is no difference between staying here and dying. The most terrible thing is that there is no reinforcement to stay here, no matter how bad the situation is, then you can only rely on desperate defense. There are too many monsters, all over the mountains and plains, inexhaustible to kill, if they block the two ends, climb over the slopes, dive down from the hills, then the entire expedition team is determined to be destroyed!

   Leonard has an idea.

   He thinks that Lin Dong will not die in the end, because he has a flying dragon, and he can ride a flying dragon to escape in danger.

But there are only two flying dragons available for riding. Lin Dong will definitely give priority to Philip, Griffon, and Ivan who have a good relationship with him. He can't win a seat anyway. Instead of doing this, it's better to think of something in advance. .

"Do you want to go?" Lin Dong glanced at Leonard, then at Hugo and the others behind him: "If you want to leave, the flying dragons are in the hills. You can ride them and leave. Not only you, any Anyone who wants to leave can ride a flying dragon to leave, but I don't guarantee that you will be besieged by Van Lundin and his flying dragon knights!"

   "Leonard, you coward, get out, we must fight with Mr. Wood to the end!" Big Ivan knew to leave Lin Dong, a dead end, riding a flying dragon to escape? Be careful to let it be eaten alive for breakfast halfway through. Without the ability, would you dare to control the flying dragon?

   "Who said I want to leave?" Leonard's face was uncertain. After repeated calculations, he felt that he still stayed.

   If you say you want to escape on a flying dragon.

   Mr. Wood's attitude is not to mention for the time being, at least Thomas and Bloody Mary would not let him leave easily.

   Instead of being besieged by the Eye of God and the Gorse dynasty, letting the Eastern European League and the Teutonic Knights fall into trouble and die in desperation, it is better to stay and watch the changes.

   As for riding a flying dragon to escape?

   Don't do anything, you can give it a try when no one has time to take care of yourself in the chaos.

The deputy commander Hugo quickly relieved Leonard: "Our commander has no intention to leave. Our Templars are never the kind of cowards who abandon their companions and run away. Since the Middle Ages, we have always been pious and brave. Representatives. We only made suggestions when we knew the situation was bad. From a defensive point of view, our entire team currently lacks tools. Without tools, there is no way to create better favorable conditions... Without these, we will be even more in battle. Work harder and harder! Leaders, this is the problem before us!"

"I know there is a lack of tools, and I know there are difficulties. In fact, we not only lack tools, but we also lack food and water. As for medicine and chalk, there are fewer and fewer, and strict control is needed." Lin Dong looked around at the leaders. At a glance: "But, I said but! We now have no choice. If anyone doesn't want to become food for monsters or parasitic puppets, then do it immediately. No matter what we do, we need to be here. Add weight to the battle. The more you do it, the closer the balance of victory will be to us! On the contrary, you will only have a dead end! I am very polite here, if I personally want to kill. , Even if you take a few people, you can leave easily without even borrowing the flying dragon! Why should I stay with you? That is that I promised Philip before, as your captain, to lead you back to the ground!"

"Listen, I don't care who you used to be, whether you are a good person or a bastard, now you are going to move me immediately! Defensively, and when the monsters come, you will slaughter them as much as possible. Only in this way will you have a chance to live. !" Lin Dong waved his hand, indicating that everyone can start to act.

   Philip was stunned after listening.

   Suddenly, he turned and left silently, and walked towards the shadow warrior who was desperately digging deep trenches. In the hands of the stunned subordinates, he took the engineering shovel for digging and joined them.

   Thomas and Bird looked at each other, nodded, and walked to the other side of the small valley.

   Leonard stood alone.

I didn’t say anything for a long time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ until Fox jumped off the seat of the Blackwater Flying Dragon again and reported to Lin Dong: "The army of monsters is still twenty kilometers away. Not only are they numerous, they have also driven them away. Many beasts have formed two large tides of beasts in the east and south. As for Tepes and his men, I have not found their traces. Maybe they are still waiting for a better opportunity."

   Lin Dong waved his hand after hearing this: "Tepesh is very smart, and he may not choose us to face the shock, but it is the Van Lundin, maybe he will come to add chaos!"

   Leonard asked with a little suspicion and hope: "Mr. Wood, can we really hold this temporary camp?"

   Lin Dong smiled upon hearing the words: "Mr. Leonard, I don't know if you can do it, but I can definitely!"

   seemed to have been slapped on the face.

   Leonard's face was as black as an ink fountain.

   He turned his head and left, but after joining the work ranks, he did not slacken his efforts. Instead, he worked hard to dig the soil. He had a posture of staying behind and desperately. He just didn't know how true this attitude was.

After one hour.

   In the distance, a black monster swarmed into the small valley like a tide.

   The noisy noises in their mouths are intertwined with the sound of footsteps, so that people who stop their work by appointment will have the illusion that evil waves are overwhelming their faces! (To be continued. "This text is provided by the Breaking Dawn Update Team@ch8296929 (典典汉纸 If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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