Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 434: : Spike! God descends?

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   The forces of the two formations in the small valley are almost equal, and in front are the members of the Dark Temple, the Teutonic Knights and the Eastern European League.

   Behind is the Eye of God, the Gorse Dynasty and the Knights Templar.

   plus the Legion of Eden and the Ascetic.

   Counting, the number of people behind the defense is more, and the strength is slightly stronger.

   However, there is only one Lin Dong difference between the two sides, and the result of the battle is completely two trends. On one side, morale exploded madly chasing the enemy, and everyone was brave enough to take the lead, like a tiger in the mountains; on the other side, they couldn’t resist the steadily retreating. In a blink of an eye, the earth wall defensive line collapsed, allowing countless monsters to pass by. Some powerful monsters are even more powerful. Plowing through the battlefield, rampaging through the crowd.

"Who dares to take a step back, don't blame the dagger in my hand for not recognizing people!" Bloody Mary killed more than a dozen monsters and stood on the corpse. She was full of anger with blood splashing and stared at her side murderously. Every companion of the unintentional love war.

   "There are too many monsters!" Monster Nis murmured.

   "Retiring again will be the end of the entire army. If it happens, I will kill all of you before then!" Bloody Mary fiercely raised the **** dagger in her hand.

   Her eyes are like death coming.

   Slowly swept across the faces of the monsters Nice, the great white shark Powell, and even the leaders of the various factions such as Leonard and Hugo.

Thomas hurriedly expressed support to the duchess: "We really can't retreat, otherwise we are dead! We must fight back, drive the monsters out of the trenches, and wait for Mr. Wood to lead the team back. We can win, with the power of Mr. Wood. , As long as we persist, then the final victory must belong to us! God’s Eye Judgment Team belongs to, and everyone must fight with all their strength, otherwise I, the chief judge, will implement battlefield discipline!"

   The Legion of Eden used force, plus the power of two Ascetics.

   The monster that climbed over the dirt wall disappeared almost half of the time.

  Although there was a steady stream of in front, the players whose morale had almost collapsed just now finally took a sigh of relief.


"go to hell!"

   "You ugly thing, go to hell! Damn, you dare to bite me?"

   When the leaders of each team took action to stabilize the defensive line, the soldiers finally recovered a little fighting spirit. They brandished their weapons and rushed to the enemy fiercely.

   Although the monsters cannot be repelled for the time being, the battle behind the soil wall turned into a stalemate tug-of-war between the two sides. The monsters relied on a huge number and continuously attacked the defensive team's battle formation through continuous reinforcements. On the defensive side, the leaders dare not have any more reservations. Their powerful blood energy, unless it is a very few giant monsters with extremely brutal flesh, and ordinary monsters face directly, it is a dead end.

  The soldiers followed the leader, constantly supplementing their defenses, or jointly killing the fallen beasts, preventing them from recovering and attacking again.

   Just as Leonard, they were exhausted from the fight.

   is about to be unsupported.

Kazama Keiko and Fox swooped down on the flying dragon, and the black water flying dragon ejected two long acid poisons, causing the monsters that hit to scream and scream. Some were killed on the spot, and more because of excessive fear, turned and fled, and followed behind. The same kind of people squeezed together to form a black wall of flesh. The battlefield was in chaos, and the crisis on the temporary camp was temporarily relieved.

   "Roar, oh roar!" In the back of the small valley, there were also a few monster leaders. They shouted loudly and ordered their men to continue to charge in an attempt to flood the temporary camp with their numerical superiority.

   "Kill it!" Bloody Mary found that a monster leader was at the forefront of the battlefield. It shouted loudly and raised its giant axe from time to time to urge his men to charge.

   "It's not chalky, the distance is too far, we can't rush over!" Leonard refused.

   He didn't want to rush to his death in vain.

  Don't say that you are not strong enough to kill the monster leader, even if you can kill, you will never come back when you get caught in the enemy's formation.

When Bloody Mary heard it, she immediately glared at Leonard: "You coward, as long as you kill him, the morale of the monsters will be greatly reduced. They will retreat the entire army, and this offensive will collapse invisible! Killing the leader is absolutely effective. Mr. Wood just made the best demonstration!"

Leonard still shook his head: "I am not Mr. Wood. I am not him. Don't ask me to go up and die. I am contributing my own strength. You have no right to accuse me or the Knights Templar. We kill no fewer enemies than you. I know that killing it is good for the whole army, but knowing is knowing, and whether it can be done is one thing!"

   "Cover me, I don't need you to do it, I only need a partner who can make me fight with all my strength against the enemy!" Bloody Mary retreated.

"Listen to my advice, don't die in vain! Mr. Wood has dispelled the enemies in front of him, and he will come back. We just have to leave all this to him!" Leonard still refused, he knew that the two were killed alone. The danger of entering the enemy group.

   "I'll cover you, I'm better at defense!" Hugo, the usually silent deputy commander, agreed.

   Bloody Mary and Hugo both.

  , facing the tide of monsters, all the way upstream.

  Thomas, Arius and others also desperately created opportunities for the two, including Leonard, who did not agree to go with him, struggling to kill the enemy.

   It's not that he doesn't understand that this opportunity is rare, but before his own life and the overall situation, his priority is to choose self-protection and put his life in the most important position, rather than risk killing the enemy for the group.

   Bloody Mary is a very fierce woman, regardless of her dominance or combat power, she is proud of her heroes.

   retreated under Leonard.

   She rushed forward bravely and fearlessly.

   Hugo defended her tightly with a shield, trying not to let her be harassed by monsters along the way.

   At a distance of about 20 meters, Bloody Mary's hands are red, and blood seems to drip from her skin. With the strong blessing of special blood energy, her combat effectiveness has increased to the limit of life...

  One step.

   Two steps.

   Three steps.

   Bloody Mary not only has her hands, but her whole person is like being fished from a pool of blood.

  Especially the pupils of the eyes, with terrifying blood blooms in them, it seems that there is a kind of blood power, directly spraying out from the inside.

   The monster saw her look like this, and rushed to avoid it. Even the beasts with insufficient wisdom were frightened by her aura and bowed their heads to avoid. Thomas and Bird at the back looked at each other, secretly vigilant. The gorse dynasty is indeed an old organization, not to mention the young Fox, but on the side of the Three Lions, there are top powerhouses like Bloody Mary. According to the current blood power level and power, the blood power of Bloody Mary is probably not below Thomas, and she is likely to be even better in terms of personal killing ability.

   Arius from the Legion of Eden clenched his fists.

   This woman.

   made him feel ashamed.

   Whether it is the indomitable fighting will or the blood energy of personal enlightenment, it is beyond his reach.

   As for the current Leonard, he is even more applauded. Fortunately, he didn't turn his face with this Bloody Mary, otherwise he must be the one who suffers!

"Blood rose!" Bloody Mary seemed to take a rose from her mouth and threw it to the monster leader who was looking forward to it. She threw it empty, but successfully attracted the attention of the monster leader, when she was distracted. , Bloody Mary immediately shot into the sky, flashing above its head.

   There seems to be a blood-colored rose with a diameter of more than two meters in the sky.

  Blood and light splashed.

   When the Bloody Mary landed on the ground, the monster leader covered his head and let out a terrible cry.

   Seeing the opportunity, Hugo immediately rose up into the sky, smashing the shield in his hand on the face of the monster leader with a fierce thunder, and the big sword in the other hand had already cut through the throat of the monster leader.

   The head of the monster spurts blood on the neck, and its momentum is like a waterfall.

   But it did not fall down.

   Everyone's eyes are watching it, hoping that Bloody Mary and Hugo's attack will be successful, damaging the morale of the monster in one fell swoop, and repelling the attack. However, the monster leader just shook his body and stood firmly. It released its hand, and there was a bottomless blood hole on its forehead, and white brains were slowly flowing out. This was an attack by Bloody Mary.

   On the door, his nose and teeth made the shield beating a mess.

   The neck is even more bloody.

   This is the damage caused by Hugo.

   "Roar, oh roar!" The wounded monster leader raised a large axe and roared to the sky, declaring its invincibility with extremely brutal vitality and unimaginable fleshy body!

   "Impossible, the brain is out, how can it be still alive?" Science mad Parsons was almost helpless to sit down.

   "Fortunately!" Leonard secretly rejoiced.

   "Howl Howl!" After an arrogant roar from the injured monster leader, he hooked Bloody Mary and Hugo to two hooks, beckoning them to go up again.

   "Get back right away, I'll take you!" Thomas couldn't do anything, and rushed up with Bird to take care of him. If the team breaks Bloody Mary and Hugo, then the whole line of defense is really finished. Bloody Mary is the spiritual pillar of the Gorse dynasty, and Hugo is a strong offensive and defensive man. From a certain point of view, he is actually not inferior to the leader Leonard, but he is used to being a deputy.

   "Oh roar!" The monster leader swung his axe, chasing Bloody Mary and Hugo. The monsters under him were cheering and shouting in unison, surging toward the temporary camp.

   When everyone thought it was over.


   Suddenly a huge black shadow passed over everyone's head.

   Then, in the roar of a black water dragon, a man holding a huge sword, like a **** descending, cut the leader of the undead monster in half with a single sword...

   The whole audience was silent for an instant.

   "A silly big guy, tugging! Chong, everyone rush to me to kill all these monster scum!" Lin Dong raised the **** innocent epee and pointed forward.

   On the other side of the small valley, the cheers of the mountains and plains rang, and then spread to the nearly collapsed position. Even Arius and Leonard jumped up with excitement. Thomas and Bird shook their heads and smiled bitterly. They are indeed the gods whom Griffins are willing to follow. This kind of force is really as terrible as a god! Before the Eye of God has understood the genetic medicine research, it seems that he can't easily become an enemy of this young man, otherwise, the ending will be like a monster leader who thinks that the world is invincible, and he will instantly kill the front!

   Bird has a better understanding of Eastern culture, and as a Huaxiatong, he sees it more deeply.

He pointed to Lin Dong who was slaughtering his sword and whispered: "Thomas, you see, his sword is not that long, but it can kill monsters one meter away from the tip of the sword, and it is invincible. Do you know what it is? No, it’s not the wind pressure, nor the tearing caused by a momentary vacuum! That’s a super combat skill that will only appear in the legend, Sword Qi! Yes, it is Sword Qi! In the Chinese martial arts, this incredible legend has existed. I’ve always thought that what’s non-existent is ridiculous. I’ve never understood until now that it does exist, and it’s right in front of my eyes! This young man has mastered the peak-level combat skills of the Chinese warrior, the Qi of the Eastern warrior, The tip of his sword became an extension of the arm. As long as he has a sword in his hand, whether it is a huge and heavy sword like a door or an ordinary iron sword, it can kill people invisible!"

"I don’t know whether this distance can be increased by one meter of sword energy beyond the tip of the sword, but just one meter of sword energy is scary enough! This invisible but laser-like cutting power is incredible, Eastern Warrior The combat skills we master are not under the blood energy we have tempered for thousands of years." Thomas nodded solemnly: "After returning, Mr. Muko must focus on infiltration and raise the danger level to'SS', if possible, at any cost. , Get rid of him. And Mary, this is also a dangerous woman, raise her level to'A+', she must be removed if there is a chance, and she must not be allowed to take over the voice of the gorse dynasty."

   While fighting, the two talked in a low voice.

The Red Archbishop Nero, who has been calm and calm on the Legion of Eden, is also whispering to John the Silver Spoon Wise after seeing the merciless slaughter of Lin Dong Wuyi's heavy sword swinging. When he speaks, he is intentionally or unintentionally. Glancing at Thomas and Bird here.

  Gryphons, covered in blood, rushed back from the other end, shouting hoarsely, and rushed to the monster army that was crushed under Lin Dongjian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and were infected by them.

   The elites of the gorse dynasty and the Eye of God quickly joined the counterattack.

   In the sky, riding on the back of the flying dragon, the tired Fox and Kazama Keiko looked at each other and smiled as they crossed and passed. With such a big victory, the expedition team should be able to return safely. However, all the victories are because of him... Without him, Mr. Wood, who is really as powerful as a god, what is the eye of God, what is the gorse dynasty? The Knights Templar has long since become the womb of the monster army.

   Although they don't understand why he wants to do this, they don't want to know the answer for the time being.

right now.

   They just want to enjoy the sweet fruits of victory with the happiest hearts.

   After half an hour, the exhausted expedition team came back, and everyone dug up a lot of blood cores as trophies. After a difficult reversal, they discovered how hard-won victory was. Of course, even the most dissatisfied people are infinitely grateful to Lin Dong, not to mention it on the surface, but many people worship this powerful man enthusiastically.

   Although they are of different races, they have different factions.

   But all this does not hinder personal worship.

When Lin Dong returned to the camp, the fanatical shouts of the soldiers could converge into a river, and finally turned into a billowing torrent, spreading to the entire wilderness... (to be continued. "This text is written by the Breaking Dawn Update Team@ch8296929 (典典汉纸) Provided" If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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