Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 435: :withdraw!

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   "We should go!" Lin Dong said, everyone looked at him in amazement.

   Didn’t you say you want to stick to it?

   Why is going to leave suddenly?

  Although the army of monsters surrounding the small valley has retreated, the number has not decreased much!

Lin Dong raised his right hand to press down and signaled everyone to be quiet: "I asked everyone to hold a posture to confuse the enemy. You should know how many enemies we need to face. The only thing that is beneficial to us at the moment is that there are many enemies. But they are not monolithic. There are many exchanges of interests between them. They are also on guard against each other. If we disperse and escape, then it is just what they want. They can rely on the location of Purgatory and take various measures to defeat our entire team. Drop."

   "We are in a group now and are determined to fight to the death. Instead, they will hesitate one by one because of problems such as self-protection and the distribution of benefits, right?" How smart is Bloody Mary?

"The issue of profit distribution can be negotiated. As long as they have enough time to discuss, we will sooner or later become lambs slaughtered under their knife. After all, this purgatory is their territory. Mr. Wood, what do you mean? , We pretend to stick to them to confuse them, waiting for them to discuss the distribution of benefits privately, during this vacuum period, we just take the opportunity to break through?" Philip thought further.

   "What are you waiting for?" Leonard wanted to leave long ago. He didn't want to stay in this **** purgatory for a moment.

   "Let's be a pioneer!" Griffon was full of pride, and after two waves of counterattacks, he already looked down on the army of monsters in his heart. Of course, this was based on following the situation of Lord Celestial.

"Wait." Arius suddenly objected: "We want to go, I am afraid it is not easy, because Duke has defected, no one saw him just now, it is obvious that this traitor has left, going to meet Van Lentin and the others. Duke knows Our details, and we also know our retreat route. If Duke is not removed, we think it would be a little difficult to return to the surface world safely!"

   "I'm sorry about Duke, but I think it's because of the critical situation that we need to leave faster." Thomas's opinion was contrary.

"It is true. If Van Lundin got the news from Duke, we would be more passive. And now it is not a question of whether or not to kill Duke. Even if Duke is in the army of monsters, in front of us, we will be more passive. It's hard to get things done." Hugo also agreed with Thomas.

   "Can the archbishop give us some enlightenment?" Bird looked at the cardinal Nero.

   "The glory of the Lord will always shine on our heads!" Well, Nero said nothing.

"I don't think Duke is the biggest problem right now!" Fox snorted and snorted. "What I really worry about is whether there are traitors in our team lying in ambush. If there are any inner ghosts, we should cooperate with Duke. , Then our road of return needs to be paved with blood! To be honest, I have long suspected that there is an inner ghost in the team, otherwise, Tepesh will not appear in such a timely manner, and there are all kinds of things that happened after entering Purgatory. For example, Van Lundin attacked the camp, forcing us to enter the secret underground tunnel, and then encounter a time gap, and then enter the Rainbow Paradise, including the previous monster parasitism. If there is no behind-the-scenes manipulation, how could it become like this?"

   she said.

   Everyone thinks this is true.

  Since entering Purgatory, there have been various emergencies, forcing everyone to be unable to think and can only keep moving forward.

   However, the question of the inner ghost is very sensitive. Among the remaining companions, who else is the inner ghost? There is no lettering on the inner ghost's forehead, which is really hard to say!

   If you guess randomly.

   Then the expedition team may need to face a fragmented situation.

   Because the monster army finally got together, any suspicion of Mars could destroy the entire group.

   "Mr. Wood?" Philip looked at Lin Dong. It is indeed not the best idea to check the inner ghost at this time, but if the inner ghost is not cleared, everyone's return will be dangerous. It is really a dilemma.

"Don't worry, everyone." Lin Dong smiled: "Actually, I let Duke away deliberately. At that time, he wanted to escape. If I chase him hard, it would not be impossible to kill him. I let him go because I wanted to borrow his information. To mislead the enemy. I will not say whether there are undercover lurking among us. If there is, it doesn’t matter. We just use this to deceive the enemy. Just like we stick to the camp, the tactical initiative is actually in our hands. However, in order to prevent potential undercover agents from successfully leaking secrets, we still need to be vigilant and try not to leave traces other than misleading us."

   "Okay!" The **** griffon fan clapped desperately.

   There is a clever way like Lord Tenjin.

   Just do it yourself.

   Then don't be too comfortable in this battle.

   The members of all forces listened, and the hearts that were tightly suspended in the sky fell instantly.

   No one wants to be suspected of being an inner ghost by his companions and then cleared out of the team. Since Mr. Wood does not want to pursue it, and there is a way to mislead the enemy with this, it would be great. As for returning to the surface world, you can check what you should do. Anyway, you are not. The clearer will be clear, as long as you are not here to be abandoned by the team!

   "Before we leave, let's leave some riddles for the enemy, let them guess, or they will have a very boring life!" Lin Dong motioned to Griffin and the others to come and help with the arrangement.

   About twenty minutes.

   The team members who had adjusted their physical strength put large bags on their backs, and followed closely behind Lin Dong and the leader Yigan.

   Lin Dong has no epee pointed by him, and the monsters along the way flee without expectation of the wind. The leaders such as Philip and Bloody Mary carefully cut the back to prevent anyone from being injured and left behind. Of course, more importantly, they are monitoring the team members, searching for inner ghosts, and preventing lurkers from secretly leaving clues. In the sky, Fox and Kazama Keiko controlled the flying dragon, flying one after another around the retreating team.

   The monster army is like being split by a clipper in the sea.

   Except leaving a corpse.

   They never left anything.

   Five hours later.

   Temporary camp.

   The elegant man who is not as handsome as a human came to the small valley first.

After checking the various arrangements left by Lin Dong, he looked solemn and pondered for a long time, and finally made a decision that shocked the army of hundreds of vampires behind him: "We will not participate in this mess. This young man is very mysterious. We shouldn’t rush against him until we find out his details. Purgatory is a huge world, and we don’t have enough power to completely annex it, so let’s develop it in a low-key manner! And this young man, Maybe there is a chance to see you again, I have a hunch!"

   The handsome man took his army of vampires into the air, as if he had never appeared before.

   Two more hours passed.

   Van Lundin came with his Flying Dragon Guards. On the ground, in addition to the previous army of monsters, there were also a group of monsters riding on the backs of monsters, the number was no less than five hundred.

   After inspecting the temporary camp, Van Lundin and the two demon leaders discussed in a low voice.

   Finally, they retreated to Lin Dong.

   rushed to catch up.

   Waiting for Van Lundin to leave, Tepesh appeared with aliens and humanoid guards.

   Quick Gunner Duke has appeared beside him at this time, standing behind Tepesh with a full face.

"Hey, what a bunch of idiots!" Tepesh looked at the direction where Van Lundin and the demon were leaving, mocking disdainfully: "Betraying City Lord Özie is enough for life and death, and I want to use us. I don't have that great ability. , Don’t have such big ambitions, otherwise, if you can’t eat the meat, you will choke your throat! With a dozen black-water flying dragons and hundreds of demons, you want to stand on your own in purgatory? What a joke!"

   "What are we going to do next? Let's catch up and watch them kill each other, and then find the best time to harvest the results?" Quick Gunner Duke asked.

"Of course not, that young man named Mu Mu is very dangerous. For hundreds of years, I have never tried to feel such a sense of crisis in my heart. We shouldn't get close to him, at least not now. Duke, don't worry. , We have so much time that we need enough patience to do big things. Let Van Lentin test this time. We have enough advantages and don’t need to take risks. By the way, Duke, you return to the surface world as soon as possible, don’t Tell me about power, I can give you powerful power at any time, but the reason why I don’t give it to you is because once you gain the power of purgatory, you can’t return to the surface world freely. This is what I regret most, if I was able to hold on for a little longer back then, and now I don’t have to work so hard to recruit new people.” Tepesh patted Duke on the shoulder: “After I go back, you just have to drink my blood and you will immediately become a strong person. Even your original boss, Thomas, can't be your opponent. But Duke, what I ask you to do, you must keep in mind, don't lose your eyes on the surface world."

   "Yes, I will never let you down." Duke listened to his face with joy, and hurriedly bowed his head to express his stance.

"In the surface world, you are not the only one." Tepesh smiled: "I think proper competition is more conducive to the development of your career. Duke, I urge you again, you must do your best when you work, as long as that, In order to get stronger strength and immortal life."

   "I am immortal..." Duke was so excited that his hands trembled: "I will definitely get it!"

   "Then work hard!" Tepes patted Duke **** the shoulder.

   "Yes, I will work hard!" Duke suddenly remembered something: "Will he be in danger if he is still in the team?"

"He is more cautious than you. Don't worry, he will not be exposed easily. After you return to the surface world, you can change your identity, contact him secretly without anyone knowing, and hand over the reward that belongs to him. He. You and him are both newcomers that I am particularly optimistic about. Work hard! This is dangerous, let's not stay too much, go!" Tepesh waved, the whole team moved quickly, and disappeared without a trace for a while.

   Lin Dong at this time.

   just came out from the gap of time.

   However, stomping on the ground, it is no longer the secret underground passage of the chaotic stone forest, but a vast sand dune.

   Philip and other leaders looked dumbfounded after they came out of the time gap. The time gap has moved, and I don’t know the way in this strange place! How to do?

   Lin Dong grabbed a handful of sand and sniffed.

Command Fox to drive the black water flying dragon that just squeezed out of the time gap into the air: "Fox, look here! We are not too far away from the stone forest, there is the same breath and energy radiation here, UU reading www.uukanshu.com we did not deviate too far from the original path. Everyone rested on the spot for five minutes. After five minutes, we continued to march quickly and get rid of the chasing soldiers who were catching up from behind!"

   "Will there be an ambush ahead?" Philip was a little worried about this issue. If he marches quickly and does not save a little energy, if he encounters an ambush, the consequences will be disastrous.

"The gap in time and space is constantly moving, and we temporarily voluntarily retreat. The possibility of the enemy being in ambush is very low." Lin Dong thought for a while: "The enemy has noticed that we have given up our hold and the possibility of speeding up the chase is extremely high. We are now We have to race against time. If we can cross the broken bridge safely, then we have a great chance of returning to the surface world. On the contrary, we might have a great loss!"

   "No need to rest, let's go!" Leonard is absolutely unwilling to be overtaken by the enemy at this juncture.

"Go!" The team members who just wanted to take a breath, heard that the broken bridge was safe and secure, and quickly got up, regardless of fatigue, immediately picked up the backpack and ran in the direction designated by Lin Dong, one by one, trying their best to follow. Everyone is afraid of falling behind in the death race.

   Two hours after they left.

   A tide of monsters surged out of the time gap. Although the time gap had moved several kilometers, Van Lundin easily found the messy footprints of the expedition team left on the sand dunes.

   "Chasing!" Van Lundin rode the black water dragon, urging his men to speed up to catch up. (To be continued [this text is provided by the Breaking Dawn Update Team@茗芗梦荟]. If you like this work, you are welcome to read it on the Chinese website and vote for it. Your support is my biggest motivation !)

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