Time flies.

When the residents of Qingguang City are about to complete the final migration.

The spies sent from Huangfeng City to investigate the changes in Wanling Mountain have returned to Huangfeng City.

In the Huangfeng City Lord's Mansion.

The slightly thin Huangfeng Taoist in yellow robe looked at the Jindan Realm cultivator who had just returned and asked:

"How is it? What happened to Wanling Mountain?"

The Jindan Realm cultivator below hesitated for a moment, and said with some uncertainty:

"It seems that the Wanling Mountain area is covered by a huge formation restriction."

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in Huangfeng Taoist's eyes.

"It seems? You, a fourth-level formation master, can't be sure whether it is a formation?"

Hearing this, the Jindan Realm cultivator said in panic:

"Please forgive me, the city lord, it's my incompetence."

In fact, it can't be blamed on him.

The formation arranged by Ye Qingxuan covers too large a range. The formation pattern and energy operation rules are all inside the formation.

At this time, the formation is in operation, blocking the outside view.

In addition, the sixth-level formation is not something that a fourth-level formation master can comprehend.

Moreover, in Xingluozhou, such areas covered by fog and strange tidal energy occasionally occur, which is not uncommon.

So he couldn't be sure whether it was a formation or a strange phenomenon of heaven and earth.

Looking at the panic of his subordinates, the Yellow Bee Taoist said indifferently:

"Okay, you go down first! Send someone to keep an eye on the area of ​​Wanling Mountain. If there is any change, notify this city lord in time."

"Yes, city lord."

With permission, the Jindan realm cultivator quickly left the city lord's mansion.

After his subordinates left, the Yellow Bee Taoist's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he subconsciously muttered:

"Wanling Mountain? I hope that group of monsters will not riot!"

As long as the monsters of Wanling Mountain don't riot, and the strong men of the Huashen realm appear.

He has the formation in the Yellow Bee City as a support, so he won't be too afraid.

At the same time.

The branch of the Treasure Pavilion in the Yellow Bee City.

Bai Xuanli had just received the information from his subordinates.

"Suspected to be covered by a formation?"

The people sent by the Treasure Pavilion were also unable to determine the specific circumstances of the changes in Wanling Mountain.

After hesitating for a moment, Bai Xuanli did not report the matter.

Reporting it without a clear investigation would only make him look incompetent, and he would inevitably be ridiculed by other branches.

"Send someone to keep an eye on Wanling Mountain. If there are other changes, tell me in time."

"Yes, Pavilion Master!"

Bai Xuanli made a choice similar to that of the Yellow Bee Taoist.

The changes in Wanling Mountain are related to the safety of the Yellow Bee City and the Treasure Pavilion Branch. Naturally, the two of them will not easily give up the investigation of Wanling Mountain.

Not only the Yellow Bee Taoist and Bai Xuanli.

Other large and small groups in the Yellow Bee City are also particularly concerned about the affairs of Wanling Mountain.

Especially the Yuanying Realm and Jindan Realm casual cultivators who temporarily settled in the Yellow Bee City.

Although there are many monsters in Wanling Mountain, it is also one of the main places where these casual cultivators obtained cultivation resources before.

Now that Wanling Mountain has seen unusual movements, it has a significant impact on these people.

So their attention to Wanling Mountain is not low at all.

Ye Qingxuan naturally sensed the investigation from Hornet City.

But the current priority is to relocate and settle the residents of Qingguang City to Dongxuan City.

So Ye Qingxuan ignored the spies outside the formation.

After nearly 60 days of relocation, the relocation of Qingguang City residents has been completely completed.

This relocation was smoother than Ye Qingxuan had imagined.

Ye Qingxuan did not need to promote it too much.

After the first batch of residents moved, they watched more and more neighbors move to Dongxuan City.

Others were also affected and took the initiative to join the relocation team.

Because they could get free buildings, courtyards and land.

Many residents were very active, fearing that they would not be allocated a good place if they went too late.

In the end, more than 80% of the residents of Qingguang City moved to Dongxuan City to live.

The remaining more than 10% of the residents were still Zhou Qingguang after asking Ye Qingxuan for instructions.

He promised great benefits and allocated some of the vacant land and houses in Qingguang City to the residents who were willing to stay.

This is how more than 10% of the residents of Qingguang City were retained.

After the relocation of residents was completed.

The empty Dongxuan City finally became popular and began to become lively.

But for a city to develop steadily, it needs not only a sufficient population but also a stable order.

So after the relocation of residents, Ye Qingxuan did not stop.

First, each of the major districts in Dongxuan City elected a district chief to be responsible for managing the corresponding secular districts in the future.

Then he began to formulate the city regulations of Dongxuan City.

The city regulations are mainly divided into two parts, one for secular residents and the other for monks entering the city.

The combination of the two is the Dongxuan Law!

For the Dongxuan Law, Ye Qingxuan himself only drafted a rough framework.

Specific details.

For some laws and regulations for secular residents, Ye Qingxuan himself proposed a part, and the rest was for the elected district chiefs to propose and improve.

Any proposed law that is agreed upon by more than 70% of the residents will be listed as the official Dongxuan law.

The Dongxuan law for cultivators was discussed by Ye Qingxuan and the four captains of the current guard team.

However, relatively speaking, the law for cultivators will be simpler.

If a cultivator violates any law that he needs to obey, the punishment he will receive will be much greater.

After all, the destructive power caused by cultivators is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

The most critical rule of Dongxuan Law is that you cannot easily attack in Dongxuan City.

As long as no one is killed, ordinary residents may be detained for a period of time according to the severity of the situation.

But if an outside cultivator attacks in Dongxuan City, the lightest punishment is to abolish his cultivation and expel him from Dongxuan City, or he may be directly killed.

Even if a cultivator in Dongxuan City attacks in Dongxuan City without a formal reason, he will be severely punished.

Those with serious circumstances will also be abolished and expelled from Dongxuan City.

In the urban area where ordinary residents live, Ye Qingxuan has even issued a clear ban, not allowing any cultivator to use any magic in the ordinary urban area.

Ordinary people have no power to fight back against cultivators.

If a cultivator wants, he can kill an ordinary person in an accident without knowing it.

Therefore, in order to protect the ordinary residents in the city, Ye Qingxuan directly set a law to prohibit cultivators from using magic in the ordinary city area.

With the array covering, ordinary cultivators using spiritual power in Dongxuan City will definitely not be hidden from Ye Qingxuan's perception.

In addition.

Dongxuan City can have certain privileges.

In the world of immortal cultivation where the strong prey on the weak, Ye Qingxuan did not think of building a city where everyone is equal.

Equality is only relative. Even Ye Qingxuan himself enjoys the various privileges brought by cultivation.

Cultivators with stronger cultivation and those who have made the most contributions to Dongxuan City should enjoy more rights in Dongxuan City.

However, except for Ye Qingxuan himself, such rights or privileges must be written on the Dongxuan Law and be supervised by the Dongxuan Law.

All the provisions of the Dongxuan Law must be obeyed, and no partiality or abuse of power is allowed.

In this way, it may be possible to mobilize the enthusiasm of the residents of Dongxuan City.

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