After the Dongxuan Law was finalized.

Ye Qingxuan ordered people to erect a giant monument in the center of the 10,800 districts of Dongxuan City.

All the Dongxuan Laws were engraved on the monument for the whole city to see.

In the Dongxuan Market in the city, Ye Qingxuan personally made four spiritual weapon-level monuments with suppression effects.

The Dongxuan Law was engraved and erected at the entrances and exits of the four teleportation squares in Dongxuan Market.

In order to effectively enforce the Dongxuan Law, Ye Qingxuan decided to set up a law enforcement brigade in the Dongxuan City Guard.

Xue Yu was temporarily appointed as the captain of the law enforcement brigade.

In order to solve the problem once and for all, Ye Qingxuan asked all the monks who were willing to join the law enforcement brigade to swear never to violate the Dongxuan Law.

As for the 10,800 secular districts, Ye Qingxuan was not going to let the monks manage them.

Letting the monks manage would only delay the monks' practice time and fail to raise their enthusiasm.

So Ye Qingxuan directly asked the district heads of each district to recruit law enforcement officers in their respective districts.

However, these law enforcement officers must sign the prohibition contract provided by Ye Qingxuan.

After signing the prohibition contract, once the ordinary law enforcement officers violate the Dongxuan law, they will suffer the backlash of the prohibition and fall directly.

With this restriction, although there are few ordinary residents willing to join the law enforcement team.

But at least it can prevent someone from using the power of law enforcers to bend the law for personal gain.

In this way, it can save Ye Qingxuan a lot of worry, so that he does not have to focus on maintaining the order of the city.

After setting the order of Dongxuan City.

Ye Qingxuan copied tens of millions of books.

These books are all common sense of cultivating immortals and the basic knowledge of the four ways of elixir, equipment, formation, and talisman.

After the books were ready, Ye Qingxuan had them distributed to 10,800 districts.

And ordered that each of these 10,800 districts should build an Dongxuan Academy to teach Dongxuan City children under the age of 12 free of charge.

When the children of Dongxuan City are twelve years old, they will be tested to see if they have spiritual root talents.

As for the spiritual stones needed for testing, Ye Qingxuan decided to purchase a batch in Xingluozhou at that time.

All the expenses needed by Dongxuan College in the future will be borne by the City Lord's Mansion of Dongxuan City.

The City Lord's Mansion of Dongxuan City is on the top of Wanling Mountain. Currently, Ye Qingxuan lives alone and has not yet recruited the major managers of the City Lord's Mansion.

The coins used by the ordinary residents of Dongxuan City are all gold and silver they brought from Qingguang City.

It is not a burden for Ye Qingxuan to bear all the expenses of Dongxuan College.

Students of Dongxuan College who do not have spiritual roots do not need to stay in school after the age of twelve.

Those with spiritual roots can continue to stay in Dongxuan College and get the support of cultivation materials supplied by Ye Qingxuan.

When they have practiced in Dongxuan College for 12 years and reach the age of 24, they will join the major departments of Dongxuan City and serve Ye Qingxuan.

For the ordinary city area.

Ye Qingxuan is not going to forcibly intervene in the market of the secular city.

He will only issue various tasks and arrange work, and in this way deliver gold, silver and money to the major cities of Dongxuan City.

In order to facilitate transactions among residents of the secular city of Dongxuan City, Ye Qingxuan plans to establish money houses in major cities to facilitate free transactions among residents in the city.

Dongxuan City is newly established, and there is still a lot of work to be done.

However, for most things, Ye Qingxuan only needs to issue orders, and someone will naturally do it.

As long as the salary of the project is sufficient, there is no shortage of participation from secular residents in the things Ye Qingxuan ordered.

The establishment of Dongxuan College was decided by Ye Qingxuan for future development.

Ye Qingxuan plans to start from Dongxuan City and slowly cultivate his own cultivators and alchemists, weapon refiners, array masters, talisman makers, etc.

Although Ye Qingxuan has enough channel suppliers in the Tianfu store in Xuantian Sect to supply him with various elixirs, magic weapons, array plates, and talismans.

But these channels are only cooperative relationships with Ye Qingxuan after all, and do not completely belong to Ye Qingxuan himself.

But the establishment of Dongxuan College and the people trained by Dongxuan College are different.

These people can be completely controlled by Ye Qingxuan and used by Ye Qingxuan.

In the future, when Ye Qingxuan's body's cultivation level is improved.

If you want to spread business all over the Dixuan Realm and expand rapidly, these reserve talents are indispensable.

Start from children and cultivate your own monks.

Although it takes a long time, it will definitely be of great benefit to Ye Qingxuan's future development.

Anyway, if Dongxuan City has more monks who are good at the four arts of cultivation in the future, Ye Qingxuan will not lose.

Calculate for a moment in your mind.

Ye Qingxuan decided that the tasks arranged in the secular city area will also be settled with contribution points.

Residents can use contribution points to exchange for gold and silver, and even exchange them for spiritual stones and other cultivation materials in Dongxuan City.

However, if you want to operate the task system, contribution point system, and exchange system of the entire city more conveniently.

Relying on human registration alone is undoubtedly too heavy.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan's eyes flashed.

He had an idea in his mind, but it would take too long to realize it.

However, no matter how long it took, this matter needed to be done.

So after the idea came up, Ye Qingxuan's original body, which was far away in the Xuantian Sect in the East Region, had already begun to study in seclusion.

It was just that the main consciousness left the body, and Ye Qingxuan's original body would be affected to some extent, and the speed of research would be a little slower.

Ye Qingxuan's main consciousness did not intend to leave the external incarnation for the time being.

This incarnation of his still has a lot to do.

Now, Dongxuan City has slowly gotten on track.

It's time to expose Dongxuan City to the eyes of all forces in Xingluozhou and declare its existence.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan's mind moved, and he immediately removed the fog covering the outside of Dongxuan City.

Then, with the help of the power of the formation, he announced:

"My Dongxuan City will be established and open to the public in ten years. An auction will be held at that time. Welcome all Taoist friends to come!"

This sentence, under the spread of the formation, immediately formed a series of sound waves, spreading to all directions of Dongxuan City.

Instantly alarmed the spies outside Dongxuan City.

Hearing Ye Qingxuan's words, these spies showed astonishment in their eyes.

"The monsters on Wanling Mountain were wiped out?"

They were puzzled, but their actions were not affected at all.

They took out the precious special sound transmission talisman and sent the news back to their respective forces as soon as possible.

At the same time, they also quickly left.

Since they already knew the cause of the change in Wanling Mountain.

There is no point for them to stay here.

As for the specific situation of Dongxuan City, it is not their concern.

Sensing the monks leaving Dongxuan City, Ye Qingxuan smiled.

The reason why he set the time for ten years.

First, to give this matter enough time to spread and attract more monks to Dongxuan City.

Second, Dongxuan City has not yet established contact with the outside world and built a teleportation array.

Ye Qingxuan plans to reserve ten years to communicate with the five neutral Yuanying-level cities in Xingluozhou.

This will also facilitate the monks in other areas of Xingluozhou to enter Dongxuan City.

Secondly, although the Dongxuan Market in Dongxuan City has been established.

However, Ye Qingxuan has not yet transmitted various cultivation materials from Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Blessed Land, and the shops in the market have not been arranged.

Moreover, Ye Qingxuan has not yet determined the detailed auction list of the auction.

So although Ye Qingxuan chose to announce the existence of Dongxuan City now.

But the official opening will take ten years to prepare.

Take advantage of these ten years to allow the events of Dongxuan City to ferment among the cultivators of Xingluo State for some time.

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