Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 137: The prestige of the good boy, the magneto-light Xingsha

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Tao Qian, Shan Jiu, Bai Qinzi, the three of them are clearly in the belly of the Bodhisattva Yan Corpse, those poisonous water that can corrode all things, can crush the flesh and blood intestines of demon monks, those many strange things that accompany the dharma body of the goddess and the goddess, These three "invading foreign bodies" could have been minced and swallowed.

But the strange thing is that they completely ignored the three of them.

Seeing this, Tao Qian turned his head and wanted to ask Baiqin, but after this thought for a lifetime, Tao Qian immediately guessed what the shameless old monk would say.

Not wanting to give the old man a chance to pretend, Tao Qian forcibly swallowed the urge, and saw that he followed the birds through the layers of flesh and blood in the belly of Yan's corpse, and crossed the prison of flesh.

When one or two breaths passed and Tao Qian looked again, they had already appeared in the deepest part of the dharma image of Yanshi Bodhisattva.

In front, a large amount of fleshy amber was piled up, and a lot of Buddha light mixed with demonic energy burst out, illuminating this strange space like a Buddhist world.

Vaguely, you can hear many familiar Buddhist sounds and Sanskrit chants, as well as the calming sandalwood incense.

I also saw that there were many rare instruments such as Dharma snails, treasure vases, treasure rods, jewels, vajra, Dharma bells, lotuses, etc. hanging on the flesh-and-blood wall above. When the Buddha's light shone, they all made clear and squeaks. If there were not those disgusting , inlaid with the flesh and blood of evil eyes, this place is truly as holy and majestic as a bodhisattva dojo.

And in the deepest part of this Buddha-light space, there is a giant flesh-and-blood lotus throne.

Wearing a crown of a hundred treasures on his head and a corpse bodhisattva with eight precious jewels on his neck, he sits cross-legged like a true bodhisattva.

His hands are holding a magic Buddha Dharma seal, and a dull, gray mottled relic floats on the palm of his hand.

Looking at this situation, it is obvious that it should be the primordial spirit of Yan Zhe, who is trying his best to refine the relics of Bai Qinzi.

Seeing this scene, Bai Qinzi didn't show any panic on his face, and even sneered:

"There are hundreds of animal demons in this relic. Although the demon head has a monstrous nature, its origin was refined by Buddhism."

"As I entered the Dazizai Temple and practiced Buddhism for many years, I have long been a Buddha and a demon, not to mention the younger generation of Yanshi, even my senior brother can't refine this relic."

"If it weren't for this, the poor monk wouldn't have to work hard to come to Nanyue to escape the robbery."

The last sentence, Bai Qinzi said to Tao Qian.

It's a pity that now, at this point, the two sides have already torn their faces.

Tao Qian also didn't respect him as an old senior, and he didn't have a good face at all.

What the old monk Baiqin said before was directly telling Tao Qian:

I want to use your body to save the calamity, and you, the predestined person, have to bear the many costs and karma. As for him, the eminent monk who has attained the Tao, in turn, can be reborn from the calamity.

Moreover, after obtaining the hundreds of Dharma Protector Vajra, which have been purified by human and qi fortune, and have no demonic nature, they can open the "Hundred Birds Temple" outside the Dazizai Temple and become the patriarch of the Kai faction directly.

Really good calculation!

As a result, he also forged a life-and-death feud with Tao Qian.

Although the time was short, many thoughts had already flashed through Tao Qian's mind.

He was still thinking about the way to break the game, but unfortunately the gap between the two sides was too great, and Tao Qian had no clue for a while.

Bai Qinzi was obviously used to that way of speaking, even though Tao Qian didn't give him a chance.

Now that they are in the secret aperture of this beautiful corpse, the three invading figures are ignored. Bai Qinzi immediately uses this excuse to call out the "circular light mirror" on the one hand, and reflect the many movements and changes on the battlefield. , it is to control Tao Qian to walk towards Yanshi Yuanshen.

At the same time, the familiar voice said:

"Although Yanshi is said to be a three-cultivator of Buddha, Demon, and Demon, but in fact, she is not good at each of them, and she only has some skins."

"It's like that Buddhism. It's a pity that you have such a good background as the Guanyin Temple, but it's a nondescript practice."

"What the poor monk is doing now is the illusory Buddha Dharma of Xiaozizai and Wuxiang. It's really not a good practice. If the Bodhisattva friends from Guanyin Temple were here, they would be able to see through the falsehood of the poor monk in the blink of an eye."

"But this beautiful corpse that went astray, even if the donor yelled in her ear, she couldn't hear anything."

When he uttered the last sentence, Bai Qinzi didn't seem to see the embarrassed look on Tao Qian's face.

Just smiled, and then led Tao Qian to look at the round mirror.

Inside, the battle is entering the final battle:

When Tang Xianzong made that crazy "skinning" move, whether it was Ji Xianxian Qin Wuxiang or a group of righteous monks headed by Yingzong Li Shantong, all of them realized that Tang Xianzong must be casting a kind of heavenly demon. The secret method, he is about to give a dead hand in the true sense.

If it can't be stopped, Nanyue will be finished.

Therefore, no matter which side it is, they are all madly charging the Demon God Army at this moment.

The latter, in Tang Xianzong's extremely painful roar, also seemed to enter a state of madness. All the soldiers of the demon army and the recruited demon cultivators, desperately began to block the attacks from all directions, determined to fight for Tang Xianzong. to time.

After fighting to such an extent, outside Xunxian City, the earth has long since lost its original appearance.

There was flesh and blood everywhere, corpses.

The terrain has changed as a result, adding an unknown number of blood swamps, blood lakes, Roshan and so on.

Both sides knew that there would only be one winner.

The loser will be slaughtered.

Even at the cost of alienation and degeneration, the opponent must end.

Although Yan Shi is a selfish person, she is also forced to stand on Tang Xianzong's side at this moment.

Therefore, she also cooperated with several other big demons to try to keep Li Shantong from Yingzong with her goddess, the goddess of the gods, and the king, but this forced the latter.

Tao Qian finally saw the appearance of the Sect Master of the Infant Sect at this moment.

If he lives up to his name, he is a child.

He looks about eleven or twelve years old, wearing a Taoist robe and a rounded Taoist hat, his appearance is pink and jade, and there is a red mole on the center of his eyebrows, which is very cute.

But anyone who sees his eyes will not think that this is an ordinary child.

At this moment, it was being reflected by the round light technique, and that pair of dark eyes filled with extremely demonic coercion.

This kind of "abnormality" is terrifying enough for a mortal, let alone a boy at this time.

Even Tao Qian was taken aback.

He clearly never looked at Li Shantong, but only peeped through the circle of light, and still felt an extremely sharp and terrifying aura, as if it was about to tear his soul apart.

At this moment, Tao Qian finally understood why, with the magical power of Yan Zhi that crushed monks of the same rank, he still needed the assistance of several other cave monsters to fight against this child reluctantly.

At the right time, Bai Qinzi's voice resounded in his ears:

"Don't be surprised, Daoyou Li may be aware of the poor monk's round light technique, but he knew about the poor monk's plan and would not act in any way."

"Speaking of today's battlefield, Tang Xianzong, Ji Xianxian and others are not in the eyes of poor monks."

"Only fellow Daoist Li is indeed an amazing person."

"He was born with heavy pupils. He entered the Infant Sect to cultivate at a young age. It only took a few years to build a foundation successfully. It has been like this for many years."

"Don't look at how he looks like in the Profound Cave Realm now, but in fact, as long as he wishes, he can enter the Bliss Realm at any time."

"It's just that he has practiced a special technique, but he has accumulated a lot of money, and he only stayed in the bliss for a short time, and then he went straight to the Taoist realm. Li Daoyou is in the accumulation stage, and it is not good to give up his previous achievements, so he listened to the advice of the poor monk, and did not open up desperately. Kill."

"Hey, if it wasn't for the thousands of infant spirits from the Infant Sect who went outside the realm and encountered the shattering of the Ancestral God's Forbidden Law, making the Infant Sect unprecedentedly weak, the catastrophe in Nanyue really couldn't have started.

"It is also fortunate that a donor appeared, otherwise the poor monk would have to escape the calamity and transfer the causal price, and he would have to meet Li Daoyou."

"Not sure, not sure."

The old monk's words made Tao Qiang's anger rise again.

Although Bai Qinzi didn't say it clearly, Tao Qian could hear it.

He should have deceived Li Shantong, the Infant Sect, by using his side as an eminent monk, so that he can calmly carry out his grand plan to escape the calamity and open the pulse.

Bai Qinzi didn't have to deal with Li Shantong, but to turn around and bully him, it was extremely shameless.

But soon, Tao Qian's eyes narrowed, and his mood changed to a state of neither sorrow nor joy.

I don't even bother, I just don't plan to give this old guy a chance to pretend.

And when Bai Qinzi muttered that he was not sure, in the round light mirror, there was a dignified and majestic Infant Sect Sect Master with heavy pupils.

Seeing Yan Zhe and a few Dongxuan demons entangled again, a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth. First, the long sword in his hand slashed out, and suddenly there were hundreds of millions of terrifying sword beams pouring out like a real galaxy. And a few cave monsters came.

In the circular mirror, apart from the sword light, there is nothing else.

Yan Zhe and a few Dong Xuan demons have extremely large bodies, but after being cut and suppressed by these sword lights, Qi Qi was unable to move.

In the blink of an eye, everyone became like a sieve, with holes all over the body.

Tao Qian once sighed about the power of the "Xuanyin Invisible Sword Formation" given by Lin Xiaohua, but at this time, Tao Qian only felt that there were hundreds of thousands of them. Come.

And this is not over.

A majestic and childish voice came from the source of the Jianmang Galaxy.

"Yan corpse, and a few of your animals."

"This suzerain won't kill you for now, but don't even think about escaping from Nanyue for the time being."

"When this suzerain has dealt with Tang Xianzong's bastard, I will take care of you again."

When the words fell, Tao Qian saw Li Shantong suddenly reach into his arms, and took out an extremely beautiful small net that seemed to be woven from aurora, starlight, etc.

Then, without looking at it, he threw the net directly at the big monsters who felt bad and wanted to turn around and escape.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

But seeing the small net rising against the wind, in an instant, it reached a level that was enough to cover a mountain and a city.

When it fell, the area skyrocketed several times again.

In an instant, including the Yanshi Bodhisattva, several cave monsters were covered inside.

And in an instant, from tangible to intangible.

But this is not good news for the big demon.

Because the next moment, that area is actually a change of heaven and earth, as if they were instantly transferred to the polar regions.

However, he saw the aurora rays bursting out with terrifying pressure, pulling down all the big demons who had already aroused and wanting to go, and firmly suppressed them on the ground.

Then, in the loud noise of "Boom Rumble", endless deep starlight descended from the sky, and began to ravage the seemingly tyrannical body of the big demon.



Spit out from Yanshi Bodhisattva and several other mouths.

But, UU reading www. uukanshu.com They can't escape.

This scene is equivalent to putting them on the ground, being tortured, and being watched by many mortals.

But the most delighted was the old demon beside Tao Qian.

He seemed to have been waiting for the scene for a long time, and the folds on his face were about to stretch out, excitedly said:

"Fellow Daoist Li, if you are a believer."

"This treasure is called [Little South Pole Magneto-Light Xingsha Net], and it is considered a great treasure even in Infant Sect."

"Without the help of this treasure, I can completely suppress the dharma image of the goddess of the corpse, and I still don't know where to start, so that the hundreds of bird demons can absorb the essence of flesh and blood, and reproduce the majestic demeanor of the poor monk."

"Now, it's more convenient."

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