Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 138: Beautiful corpse skin, 3 disasters vitality

"Longevity Strange, Beheaded at Caishikou at the beginning ( Find the latest chapter!

Li Shantong, the Sect Master of the Infant Sect, who looks like a child in appearance but has amazing magical powers, has a sword technique and an exotic treasure. After the Yan corpse and a few Dongxuan demons are put in place, the most excited is Tao Qian. Buddha Light Phantom.

This shadow is formed by the entanglement of the Buddha-nature of the birds and the demonic thoughts. Sometimes it seems to be a great monk, and sometimes it is an old demon.

Seeing all the symptoms, Tao Qian frowned.

At this time, the corpse Bodhisattva, who was being ravaged by magneto-light and Xingsha on the earth, was also stimulated at this time as the evil head of the Buddha, Demon, Demon, and Three Cultivation Demons.

He started waving those many arms, hitting the "Little South Pole Magneto Light Xingsha Net" with hundreds of instruments, and the golden peacock behind him shot out millions of evil eyes. Yibao banged against each other.

The earth trembled wildly.

Seeing that Yan Shi had a chance of getting out of trouble, the old monk Bai Qin suddenly sneered.

I saw that he completely ignored the many forbidden methods and walked to the primordial spirit of Yanshi Bodhisattva who was refining the relic, and his tone was full of regret:

"I came out of Guanyin Temple, but I can't even practice the Guanyin method."

"It's no wonder that senior brother said that the difficulty of transforming you is even lower than that of other cave monsters."

After saying that, the old monk suddenly picked up a Buddha seal that Tao Qian had never seen before, and then slammed it against the eyebrows of Yanshi Yuanshen.

Immediately, the pure Buddha light visible to the naked eye burst out.

Wherever he passed, whether it was flesh and blood, magical instruments, foreign objects, or anything else, it seemed to be frozen.

In a trance, Tao Qian heard a Sanskrit voice echoing in the Buddha's light again: "All appearances are false."

It was in these various Sanskrit sounds that the Yanshi Bodhisattva, who was struggling frantically in the outside world, calmed down.

She no longer struggled and resisted, no longer screamed, but sat cross-legged on the lotus seat with a calm expression, her eyebrows lowered, her hands were holding the Buddha's seal, and she began to chanting a certain profound Buddhist scripture in a low voice. After realizing the Dao, the Buddha-nature exuded even made the Infant Sect's Precious Treasure slow down its attack on her.

Tao Qian looked in front of him again, and Yanshi's primordial spirit, which was refining the relic, was frozen into a golden Buddha statue.

This scene is simply horrifying.

After all, Yan Zhe is also an invincible powerful cultivator in the Profound Cave Realm. How could he be successfully plotted against Bai Qinzi so easily?

The latter also saw the doubts in Tao Qian's eyes, and while controlling Tao Qian to walk forward, he reached out to pick up the mottled relic, while explaining:

"Don't be misunderstood, it's not the poor monk's magic power, this is a clever trick."

"Yanshi Daoist is too greedy, and has to spend Yuanshen refining my relic, so as to lead the wolf into the room."

"The poor monk did not practice any supernatural powers of killing, but before he left, he learned this [Basic Avalokitesvara's Root Seal] from the Taoist friends of Guanyin Temple. The primordial spirit is completely settled, if she can wake up in time, there may be a lot of gains."

"It's just a pity, she looks down on the Guanyin method, and if she has to practice the magic Buddha secret method, she is afraid that she won't wake up."

Tao Qian was under control and took the relic from the corpse of the transformed Buddha statue.

After listening to Bai Qin's words, it is easy to understand.

To put it so bells and whistles, in fact, the old demon Baiqin learned the secret method of the back door against Yanshi Bodhisattva from Guanyin Temple, and it was a sneak attack, so Yanshi couldn't even resist, and was directly forced to enter the meditation completely.

Tao Qian touched the bird relic with both hands, and a throbbing and throbbing sensation immediately appeared in his mind.

Then, a large amount of complicated and confusing chronicle information burst out.

It's just that Tao Qian's strange soul couldn't be completely sorted out for a while because of the high rank of the relic.

Until the next moment, the old demon Baiqin raised his hand and said:

"This relic is the result of a poor monk's lifetime of practice. Although there are shortcomings, it has actually opened up a new path."

"Now I want to use the body of the benefactor to escape the calamity and transform, but the poor monk wants to thank the benefactor."

When the voice fell, the relic actually jumped up on its own and got into Tao Qian's mouth.

The relic was just driven by the "original owner" and entered Tao Qian's belly.

In an instant, whether it was his body or his mind, it seemed as if it had completely exploded.

When Tao Qian let out an extremely painful wailing, he also saw the somewhat familiar and shocking scene again.

It's just that I've seen it on Bai Qinzi before, but now, it's his own body.

Right now!

Tao Qian, where there is still a trace of Lingbao's appearance as a true disciple.

Incomparably majestic and terrifying demonic energy gushed out of his body, and inside, one after another, a bird demon jumped out.

Compared with the original in front of Tiefo Mountain, these bird demons seem to be unable to transform into those perverted demon bodies that can move mountains and reclaim the sea because they have no mana support.

But even so, they roared frantically and got out.

Then he revealed a pair of scarlet eyes, staring directly at Yanshi Bodhisattva, the "Dharma Bodhisattva of the Heavenly Demon, the Buddha Mother, and the King Ming" that he had worked so hard to cultivate.

In the huge body, those hideous and disgusting flesh and blood, in the eyes of these beasts, are simply the most delicious meals in the world.

"Go, let's all eat."

"How can you be born if you are not full?"

"It's just that the lower beard is lighter, don't gnaw on the skin of the Yanshi Daoist friend, and the guys outside will find it strange."

With Bai Qinzi's disgusting words, he heard the sound.

Tao Qian watched with his own eyes as the beasts jumped out one after another, and then began to frantically devour everything he could see.

Yes, everything.

The body of Yan Corpse is made up of the flesh and blood composed of a large number of demons, evil cultivators and ordinary soldiers, and then tempered by the three secret methods of Buddhism, demons and demons.

It can be described as terrifying and amazing.

Just who could have thought?

Such a monster body, in the eyes of Bai Qinzi, has become the best medicine for feeding these hundreds of chicken demons.

Tao Qian was fixed in place, digesting the relic, suppressing the crazy demonic nature, and at the same time watching those bird demons begin to wreak havoc.

A pig demon, drooling with saliva and red eyes, directly slammed into the intestinal wall of the corpse's belly, opened its **** mouth, and devoured everything, whether it was dirty or delicious, this pig demon is not taboo salty or bland. , as long as it enters its belly, it immediately becomes its nourishment.

Seeing another ape demon, recklessly rushed to the spine of Yan's corpse, and directly broke the hard spine and disassembled it, as if an old glutton was willing to eat a big stick bone, knocking on the bone and sucking the marrow, and feasting.

Goodbye, a elephant and demon poked its nose into the turbid Styx, and with the neigh, the poisonous water that was enough to corrode all things was swallowed up by it.

There was also a Poison Demon, which made a soul-splitting neigh, and flew directly to the skull above. Looking at its brutal eyes, it was obviously staring at Yan Zhe's brain.

In addition to these, Tao Qian even saw the snake devil entangle the heart, the crocodile devil swallow the liver, the cow devil eat the lungs, the sheep devil hold the gallbladder...

Tao Qian never thought that he would witness this appalling scene happen.

And, in a sense, that's exactly what he did.

"That mighty one who once ravaged the mountains and easily crushed Xiao Zhenren and many other corpses of the same generation, she did not hesitate to betray the Guanyin Temple and colluded with Tang Xianzong, and she finally made the dharma of King Ming, the goddess of the goddess and the Buddha. One point was devoured by these hundreds of bird demons."

"Yanshi Bodhisattva is also a genius in the sky, and it is possible to obtain the Tao and become a Buddha as an ancestor."

"It's a pity that she was defeated too thoroughly when she met a more ruthless old demon."

Tao Qian looked at this shocking picture, and watched the corpse gradually empty, leaving only the body with a layer of skin.

In his mind, thoughts surged.

But at the same time, Tao Qian himself kept roaring in pain, enduring the erosion of extreme demonic nature.

During the process, Tao Qian began to have all kinds of desires and impulses. He wanted to get rid of this fragile body, he wanted to eat human flesh, drink human blood, he wanted to be close to women, he wanted to break the precepts, and he thoughtlessly followed all the precepts in this world. The last time he committed the crime, he wanted to wreak havoc on the earth and destroy everything... In front of him, Bai Qinzi was watching with interest.

Tao Qian's body was not only twisted, but his face was hideous, and his eyes were completely lost.

Instead, it's scarlet, it's desire.

Looking at Tao Qian like this, Bai Qinzi seemed to see himself back then.

Until the next moment, Tao Qian suddenly shivered one after another.

The blood in his eyes faded, and Tao Qian regained his clarity.

At the same time, the long-delayed secret narratives in my mind were sorted out:

[Record title: Hundred Bird Relics. 】

【Category: Foreign body. 】

[Note: This is the relic left by the old man of the hundred birds. The people used the Buddha Dharma to refine the birds and demons, and then from the demons to the Buddha, they turned to the Buddha Dharma. It was only because they committed great sins in the past, so they gave birth to boundless obsessions, which made the The true spirit of oneself is invaded by demonic thoughts, thus entering the state of Buddha and demon one. There are hundreds of animal demons inside the relic. Although they have not eaten flesh and blood for many years to cultivate, they are fed by hundreds of birds day and night with Buddha nature and Buddhist thoughts. Get it right away. 】

[Note 1: Since the source of hundreds of animal demons is the people of Nanyue, if you want to be purified, you must also have the humanistic luck of Nanyue, and it must be the luck of the fate after the catastrophe. 】

[Note 2: The deity of Bai Qinzi has been reincarnated in a sitting form, and this relic does not have any soul or true spirit imprinted in it. It is just a phantom of Buddha light left by Bai Qinzi, which is pulled and controlled by the same source of magic. 】

[Note 3: Anyone who devours this relic can temporarily gain the fighting power of a hundred old demons, and can make those hundred demons possessed to kill them, but they only need to pay the price of body, mind, and soul being transformed into demons, etc. It will soon merge with the bird demon and turn into a new old bird demon, wreaking havoc on the world. 】

[Note 4: You can be exempted from the price of demon alienation! In just a hundred days, every day the body will have an additional feature of a bird demon... This price can also be eliminated by the grinding of immortal aura, and it can be gradually exempted by the supreme spiritual treasure. 】

Tao Qian woke up and saw the fourth note.

In the bottom of my heart, I couldn't help but complain immediately: No wonder it was deduced by Bai Qinzi as a destined person.

If you really want to calculate it, the person in Nanyue who is suitable as the "host" of the bird relic is indeed Tao Dazhen.

But soon, Tao Qian's eyes suddenly fell on the second comment.

In the bottom of my heart, some kind of inspiration came out uncontrollably.


Although Tao Qian is still puzzled, it is inexplicable, whether his intuition or Lingbao Wulei's whim, all seem to lock in this comment.

The vitality of the three disasters is here.

Just when Tao was concentrating on the power transfer, thinking frantically.

Seeing that Tao Qian suppressed his demonic nature so easily, and did not transform into a new old demon, the old monk in front of him showed a look of stunned expression.

Then, he smiled happily and said:


"If it was the monk next to him, even if it was Dongxuan, or even in the realm of bliss, it would be impossible to suppress the demonic nature of the birds in the relic so easily."

"Donor, it took only three or two breaths to do it, how mysterious is the body of the Supreme Spirit Treasure without leakage?"

"However, it can be seen that the poor monk has not made the wrong choice, and the donor is my fate."

"This time, the poor monk can return from the calamity, and there must be a great reward."

These few words made Tao Qian immediately cast a contemptuous look at him.

After that, Tao Qian's face showed impeccable anger, and while those bird demons were still eating Yan's corpse, he asked directly:

"Master, after you borrowed my body to solve the disaster of the Southern Guangdong war, how will you return from the calamity?"

"After all, you have made it clear that the real birds have long since died."

"You are just a phantom of Buddha's light, even if the final result is as you deduced, just a phantom, how to pick the fruit of victory?"

It seems to feel that the boat is done, and the victory is in hand.

Hearing Tao Qian's direct question about Mi Xin, the old monk thought for a while, but he really didn't hide it.

I saw this old thing, pointed to the circular mirror, the battlefield that was about to be ravaged by terrifying demonic energy, and said directly:

"Forget it, it's good to teach the donor to understand the robbery."

"In the poor monk's deduction, after more than a dozen breaths, Tang Xianzong will invite the source of the demon **** to defeat the righteous path including Li Daoyou, and this world will be completely transformed into a demon kingdom."

"It's just that at a critical moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Baiqin Old Demon was born again. With this [Heavenly Demon Transformation Blood God Needle], he killed Tang Xianzong, killed all the demons in the light field, and saved the people of Nanyue from water and fire."

"But that old devil's face won't belong to a poor monk, but... the face of a donor!"

"After the completion of the event, the fate of humanity will surge, and the hundreds of birds and demons in the relic will be cleaned up, and at the same time, the phantom of the poor monk, which is transformed by obsession and demonic thoughts, will be washed away."

"After there is no trace, this Buddha bird relic will automatically go to the territory of Tuo County."

"There is the reincarnation of a poor monk, the relics are in the body, and the cultivation base is completely restored, just opening the line of 'Hundred Birds Temple'."

"With such an answer, is the donor still satisfied?"

ps: Nearly 4,000 words, and there is a second update, it will be late. If you can't wait, you can go to bed and watch it tomorrow.

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