Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 184: Spirit Stele Secret Island, Fairy Bai Yin

In the Immortal Sea Territory, Tao Qian slashed the [Tianxin Lihungui] back with a sword intent.

Seeing such an ancient treasure flying away in front of his eyes, there was no distress in Tao Qian's eyes.

Although treasures are good, they have to be used with life.

"My Uncle Wine and Meat, the time of death is just around the corner, and I still want to play tricks and tricks, but the tricks are so rough, don't say it's me, any more clever disciple of Lingbao can see him Bad intentions."

"If I were him, I shouldn't have made me vigilant beforehand, and I shouldn't have shown signs of alienation in front of me, just befriend me wholeheartedly, and find an excuse to give me that treasure at a critical moment, so that the cause and effect can be passed on smoothly. For me, I can be reincarnated and repaired."

"Of course, I'm not an ordinary Lingbao disciple after all. Even if he really did this, he would definitely not succeed."

After these few thoughts fell, Tao Qian restrained his thoughts in this area.

At this time, he had a whim-like premonition: Li Changle, a man of wine and meat, has completely died.

Tao Qian was too lazy to slander the dead.

The thoughts in his mind turned to thinking about other things. Before the two of them talked, the main focus was attracted by the "Xianyu Jue".

Thinking about it at this moment, Tao Qian's attention fell back to himself.

"What Li Changle said before his death was true except for the last paragraph."

"I just don't know the so-called tempering method where heaven and earth are furnaces, creation is work, and all things are wages. What is it?"

"If you want to come to the True Inheritance Conference, you should have the answer."

"Judging from Uncle Li Changle's life experience, the foundation building environment is very important. It should not be sloppy. It is also good to take it slowly.

When the idea was settled, Tao Qian was already holding the jade bottle full of spiritual materials and treasures, and went elsewhere to find it.

The pick-up welfare activities in the Immortal Territory are only a few days.

Tao Qian's harvest is now quite satisfactory, and he doesn't have much cravings, so he's not too eager.

But it is always a benefit. If you can pick it up, Tao Qian will not be polite.

However, his luck also seems to have its ups and downs.

For the next few hours, Tao Qian could be said to have achieved nothing.

Most of the islands encountered are forbidden.

It is rare to have one or two without restraint, but the top is so barren that it cannot be seen. The good things are obviously swept away by the visitors in front. Except for some bird droppings, there is nothing else.

The only consolation is that at least these few hours he is safe and sound.

The situation like "Uncle Wu Chao" has not yet been encountered.

At this time, Tao Qian was carefully avoiding an island in front of him that was making a lot of noise.

On the big island, the blue light condensed into a beam of light and shot straight into the sky.

The breath of Tao Qiang's astonishment filled the four directions.

"Another teacher with a serious alienation, this kind of Qi is only a little worse than Uncle Wu Chao."

"Don't provoke, don't provoke."

Tao Qian just sighed, when suddenly a very strange picture appeared in his eyes.

Although he knew that there were strange things everywhere in this Immortal Sea Territory, he still showed shock.

Seeing the big island with the blue light rushing into the sky, it suddenly became peaceful.

Then, an unfamiliar "big island" split apart inexplicably, or appeared next to it out of thin air.

With the closure of the Qingxiao Island, this strange island also drifted in the opposite direction.

Coincidentally, he met Tao Qian head-on.

Because the accident was too sudden, even if Tao Qian wanted to use the escape method to avoid it, it was too late.

So at this moment, he watched helplessly as a majestic cloud formed on the sea, covering the island in front of him.

There are almost no plant life on that island.

Yes, it's just a stone tablet.

One after another, the black and black stone tablets stood like a forest on the island.

It's not particularly prosperous, but there are a lot of them.

At a glance, it can be said to be dense.

In a trance, Tao Qian only thought that this island was simply a solemn and huge cemetery, which was extremely strange.

What's even weirder is that at the front of the island, there is a cliff that protrudes into the cloudy sea like a single horn.

On the tree, there is a fairy wrapped around.

It is a snake demon, her upper body is a human woman, wearing a loose robe, not even a apron underwear, lying lazily on this tree trunk, her beautiful figure is looming.

The lower body is a big white-scaled snake. The scales are as white as snow and crystal clear as jade.

Because of the sudden appearance of this island, this tree, and this monster, it almost hit Tao Qian head-on.

He couldn't avoid it, and in an instant, he was face to face with the white snake demon.

There are no restrictions on this island, and there is no ominous omen in Tao Qian's perception.

The most important thing is that the Absolute Immortal Order resonates.

This naturally also means that the White Snake Demon Immortal also has a Absolute Immortal Order.

"Another true disciple?"

"No, absolutely not."

"This kind of qi machine, at least a cultivator of the Dongxuan realm, is the first real master Taixuan of the true inheritance, and there is no such cultivation level."

When Tao Qian muttered in his heart, his body had already made some contact with the White Snake Fairy.

Although he tried his best to avoid it, he still touched the long white tail of the fairy lightly.

In fact, if you want to avoid the latter cultivation base, whether it is to send Tao Qian out with a tail, or to avoid it, there is no difficulty.

Maybe it was because she didn't want to, or she was too lazy.

In short, the two are rubbing against each other.

With this, it was enough for Tao Qian's mind to burst out some incomplete records.

"Records: Bai Yin... The elder of Lingbaozong, who is actually a white snake of a different species, is in charge of the island of Lingbao. There are many spiritual monuments on the island, which contain the lives of Lingbao monks who have died over the years. Qualified to erect a monument... Every time before the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, some elders who feel desperate and hopeless will call her to come and erect a monument in advance."

"As soon as the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference opened, Lingbei Island, together with Fairy Baiyin, disappeared without a trace."


This incomplete chronicle made Tao Qian's eyes light up.

The life of a cultivator in the Profound Cave Realm!

The whole island, is it?

Needless to say, Tao Qian was interested.

Is there such a big island in the Sea of ​​Immortals?

In the flash of thought, Tao Qian's figure was floating, just in front of the tree and the fairy.

Afterwards, she bowed her hands to Fairy Baiyin on the tree, and said respectfully:

"Disciple Tao Qian, who is under the tutelage of True Monarch Duobao, was ordered to come here to find some spiritual materials, and I have seen the fairy."

Tao Qian thought to himself that he was not lacking in etiquette, but who would have expected it.

Fairy Bai Yin, who was wrapped around the tree, did not even lift her head after hearing his greeting.

Still lying on his stomach lazily, Tao Qian heard a very weak and weak, but inexplicably very pleasant voice, which penetrated into his ears.


"Go back."

Two sentences, four words.

If Tao Qian had a mirror in front of him, he would surely see that his face was full of question marks.

In his perception, Fairy Bai Yin's qi state was not wrong, and there was no sign of injury.

At the same time, in this cold voice, Tao Qian did not hear any dissatisfaction in her.

What Tao Qian heard was a kind of "coldness" that treated all beings equally, a decadent sadness that didn't care about any changes in the world.

He had a hunch: Even if his master, True Monarch Duobao, came here to say hello to Fairy Baiyin, most of the answers he would get would be these four characters.

Hearing this, Tao Qian scratched his head, thinking for a long time before he came up with a slightly more accurate word from his past life to describe the fairy aunt Baiyin in front of him.


This fairy girl's temperament, movements, and voice were all lost to the extreme.

For a moment, it was even more likely to infect Tao Qian, causing him to lower his head involuntarily and leave obediently.

Fortunately, Tao Qian's interest prevailed in the end, and he looked at the stone monument on the island with enthusiasm.

After a few thoughts in his mind, Tao Qian dodged and came to Immortal Bai Yin again.

It just so happened that Xiangu Xu was tired from lying down and changed her posture slowly.

The robe was opened, and the beautiful scenery was fleeting. Tao Qian was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head, looking at his nose and heart.

After taking out the Absolute Immortal Token, he asked ignorantly:

"Aunt Xian, when the disciple came, my Aunt Yunhua once explained that with the Immortal Order, you can board any unforbidden island in this sea area."

"I don't know about the island of Xiangu, but it can be counted among them. Can the disciple go up and take a look."

Tao Qian's acting skills were decent, but as soon as he finished speaking, he met a pair of cold snake eyes.

In those eyes, a sentence clearly conveyed: you go to find the baby, don't come to me.

She could say it, but she was too lazy to say it.

After taking a look at Tao Qian, the dead trees, the island, and the entire island's spiritual monuments under her began to blur.

This island is integrated into one, and it can move like a magic weapon.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared hundreds of miles away.

It is said that after being rejected, Tao Qian should be obedient and go around looking for treasures.

But inexplicably, whether it was an omen of his own strange soul, or the whim of the supreme spiritual treasure, it was reminding him that the spirit tablet island that was going away was also a kind of opportunity for him. , is an unmissable benefit.

With these tips, Tao Qian still doesn't know what to do.

"Although I also lack magical treasures, whether in the next few days or in the future, there are many opportunities to obtain them."

"Only this island with a large number of caves is the life of a stronger elder monk, but it is the only one that is extremely rare."

"The foreign objects are so good, this kind of senior experience is really rare, especially when there are so many."

"If you miss this one, you will need the next Ten Thousand Immortals Conference."

"Since I met it, where can I let it go?"

When these thoughts flashed by, Tao Qian's figure immediately moved.

So next!

In this Immortal Sea Territory, there is a very strange scene: a special island called "Spiritual Tablet Island" is moving forward, but there is this idiot-like young Taoist behind him, unhurried and unhurried. chase.

During the process, Tao Qian also fully saw the operation of Lingbei Island.

Every time this island approaches an island covered with a big forbidden, when it leaves, there will be an extra spiritual tablet on the island.

Tao Qian thought that it should be the dictation of the alienated elders, and the stele was engraved by Fairy Bai Yin.

In fact, all the spiritual tablets were engraved by the alienated elders themselves.

"I don't know if that Uncle Wine and Meat has carved a monument for himself."

"Those elders who are desperate and hopeless, what will they engrave on the monument?"

When these thoughts flashed through Tao Qian's mind, the hour had come a day later.

During this day, Tao Qian went to many places with Lingbei Island.

During the process, he harassed Fairy Bai Yin a lot.

Of course, he tried his best to maintain sincerity and respect every time, but he was rejected again and again, but the advantage of progress was that the conversation between Fairy Baiyin and him became longer and longer.

At this time, the Spirit Tablet Island in front of him left another forbidden island, and there was indeed a new Spirit Stele on it.

According to the previous process, Spirit Tablet Island will be moved to the next forbidden island again.

But it happened unexpectedly.

A scene that happened a day ago is now being re-enacted.

Lingbei Island collided in the opposite direction, which was extremely abrupt, and once again brought Tao Qian into intimate contact with the dead tree at the one-horned cliff, and the dead tree, and Fairy Baiyin on the dead tree.

And, literally, intimacy.

Being hit by an island, Tao Qian couldn't escape at all.

He was suddenly in a trance, and when he looked again, his body fell into the hands of Immortal Bai Yin.

A pair of snow-white lotus roots pressed him on the cloud-patterned tree trunk, his soft and icy body was lying on top of Tao Qian, his upper body was slowly propped up, and his waterfall-like black hair fell down, just wrapping the upper body of the two of them together.

If an outsider sees this picture, they will surely find it very charming.

But Tao Qian, as the victim, only felt dangerous.

At this moment, Gai was enveloped in an extremely terrifying and powerful air force.

He has no doubt that if the master of this air machine wants to kill him, even if he calls out the Buddha's Dharma protector at the fastest speed, it will have no effect, and he will die in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, Tao Qian's mind is constantly bursting out of the narration, and also conveys the state of Bai Yin Xiangu who is lying on him.

Killing intent?

Not at all.

Tao Qian raised his head, and while seeing a very beautiful but expressionless face, he also met a pair of cold snake eyes.

In those eyes, there was a rare trace of emotional ups and downs, and it seemed that he was interested in Tao Qian.

Seeing this fairy slowly opening her mouth, she actually stuck out a forked red tongue and licked him.

With the cold touch, Tao Qian couldn't hold back the shocked expression on his face.

Afterwards, Fairy Baiyin spat out her longest sentence in years.

"You...it's very fun. When other true disciples come to this Immortal Sea Territory, they will desperately search for the magic weapon of the slaughter."

"I have met many disciples over the years, and none of them dare to pester me and want to land on the island, except you."

"It's just a pity, Duobao and Yunhua seem to love you very much."

"If I follow you, they will be angry, I can't fight."

In the beginning, Tao Qian was also pleasantly surprised by this cold and mourning fairy, and for the first time he spoke to himself in a long sentence.

But when he heard the key point soon, he was shocked.

What do you mean from me?

Uninformed people listened and thought what was going on.

Don't look at the ambiguous postures of the two, but Tao Qian's perception is clear.

This Immortal Baiyin's cultivation realm is very deep, and she can completely transform into a real human form.

But she didn't do this, she always maintained her temperament as a "snake".

Now the two are entangled, in fact, Tao Qian was unilaterally captured by a white snake of a different species, there is nothing charming about it.

Fortunately, Fairy Baiyin continued to spit out a long sentence, explaining the reason~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is nothing else on the island except the spiritual monument. If you don't want to double-cultivate with me, then you want to see the spiritual monument. "

"But you are too weak, you can't stand the pollution on the monument, and you can't stand the consequences of cultivating with me."

"You pestered me for a day, do you still want to ask for a gift?"

"Unfortunately, everything is in my nest, otherwise I will pull out a scale and give it to you. You can use the immortal aura to give birth to a little white snake that is similar to me, which is also useful. "

After saying these words of tiger and wolf, Tao Qian looked at Fairy Bai Yin who was holding him down.

She seemed to have forgotten that she could let go of herself, a sarcoid suddenly bulged under her ribs, two fresh snow-white arms burst out, and she was about to pull out a snake scale on her lower body.

Seeing this scene, Tao Qian was almost at a loss for words.

He vaguely understood: this Immortal Baiyin has two temperaments, one is sad and cold, but at least like a human race, and the other is completely like a snake, thinking, acting, and speaking.

Seeing that Xiangu was about to pull out the scales, Tao Qian hurriedly stopped her.

"Xian Gu, come slowly!"

"What the disciples ask for is to observe the monuments left by the teachers and ancestors."

"As for pollution, disciples have their own way."

"You must do what you can, and don't let Xian Gu be embarrassed."

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