Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 185: Magic Eye Masato, Kyoubo 3 Methods


"Don't you want my snake scales?"

On the black withered tree, the fairy who was about to pull out the scales heard Tao Qian's words, turned her head back, and a look of doubt appeared on her indifferent face.

The two fresh lotus roots just born under the ribs seemed to have nowhere to put them, so they simply pressed them on Tao Qian's abdomen.

This time, the posture of the two of them is just a little more charming.

It's just that Tao Qian couldn't stand it, not only because Fairy Bai Yin was hypothermic, but also because the power gap between the two was too great.

Being hugged and held by the other party, Tao Qian felt like a fragile porcelain doll. A little carelessness could cause Tao Qian's sternum to collapse, which was painful.

He couldn't call the Buddha Ape to protect his body, so he had to cough a few times and replied softly:

"Xiangu is my teacher. The disciple has asked the teacher to ask him. He should have come with a gift. How can he ask Xiangu to pull the scales for me?"

"Although it's just a snake scale, it must be a treasure from Xian Gu's original appearance, not to mention that Xian Gu may suffer some pain, which the disciple can't bear."

"Xiangu only needs to allow the disciples to observe the spiritual monument, and if she wishes, she will inform the disciples of the location of the Dharma path. When you leave this area, the disciples will visit and listen to the teachings."

"It's a coincidence that the disciple has just cultivated some immortal root spirits recently, and has produced a lot of immortal peaches, which can be sent to the immortal aunt to taste..."

Tao Qian was speaking, and suddenly Immortal Bai Yin leaned towards his neck and ear.

The next moment, the red tongue came out, accompanied by a "hissing" sound, as if licking him a few times.

This action reminded Tao Qian of the real snake species again.

It seems that he is collecting his pheromone?

As soon as Tao Qian thought of this, he saw Xiangu raised her head again, and her expression changed a little in the snake eyes that were in front of her.

That always expressionless face, even miraculously evoked a radian.

It seems, are you laughing?

Although a bit blunt, Tao Qian had to admit it.

This fairy is so beautiful.

Unlike Xie Lingji's beauty, which is cherished by heaven and earth, Fairy Baiyin is like a snake goddess living at the end of heaven and earth.

Sadly, that smile soon faded away.

Then she opened her mouth, as if she could understand Tao Qian's thoughts, and said softly:

"Very weird and interesting person, you like me, but you don't want to double cultivation with me."

"You have a desire in your heart, but you restrained it."

"Some are fun, some are boring."

"If you want to see these spiritual monuments, you can read them, but you only have two days. If you don't have time to leave the island, you have to go back to the secret realm with me. It's boring there, and you may pester me then. I’m going to do double cultivation, but when I go back there, I prefer to sleep.”

"If you can't stand the pollution, alienation and degenerate, I will eat you."

"If Duobao and Yunhua blame me, I will go to the teacher to judge."

After a lot of information and very sincere words from the tiger and wolf, the fairy finally straightened up.

But Tao Qian felt the cold touch deeper, and his body was rolled up by Xian Gu's snow satin-like lower body, and slowly pulled away from the trunk.

Then the snow-white and cold snake tail was very gentle, and Tao Qian placed Tao Qian's body on the island, in front of the first spiritual monument.

Until now, Tao Qiannao melon seeds were still buzzing.

In his heart, he was still digesting the words of Fairy Bai Yin.


It turned out that when he licked him, he was really collecting pheromones, and it was extremely accurate.

Tao Qian's feelings towards Fairy Bai Yin were indeed like that.

He admired the beauty of this alien fairy very much, but he did double cultivation for the first time when they first met. Tao Dazhen couldn't do this, so he had to cultivate feelings first.

The next few words of warning, Xiangu said was an understatement.

But Tao Qian saw a great danger.

"This island will return to a secret realm in two days, and it will be closed. If I don't have time to leave then, I won't be able to leave again."

"If I become alienated and degenerate when I look at the spiritual monument, I will be eaten by Fairy Baiyin."

"This eating is obviously in the literal sense, serious eating."

After thinking about it a few times, Tao Qian didn't respond much.

He wanted to see the many spiritual monuments on this island because of omens and whims, and then he thought of the risks.

For now, it seems to be acceptable for the time being.

"Let's take a look at these spiritual monuments, what is so rare that I have such an omen?"

In his thoughts, Tao Qian's eyes also officially fell on the first spiritual monument.


The pitch-black spiritual monument that should have been engraved with words was as smooth as a mirror, without a single word.

Just as Tao Qian frowned and looked back and wanted to ask a question, a cold voice from Immortal Bai Yin suddenly came from his ear:

"Holding the decree of absolute immortals can make the stele reveal information such as the master's name, title, cultivation base and supernatural power."

"With the palm of your hand, you can read the life of the master of the spiritual monument, and it will also be polluted by it."

"Try to choose some with low cultivation base, don't touch it above Dong Xuan."

"If you feel that you can't bear it, and your body shows signs of alienation, you can cut off your arm immediately to save your life."

"I'm not hungry today, I don't really want to eat you."

After Xian Gu finished speaking, she ignored Tao Qian, her soft body lay down again, and soon she breathed out a long breath among the foggy and dry trees, and she fell asleep directly after a while.

Tao Qian muttered silently, "I don't want to enter your belly, Xian Gu," before turning his head.

The Immortal Immortal Order automatically jumped out and swayed on the spiritual tablet in front of him.

Sure enough, as a dim light surged, lines of fonts appeared.

At the same time, there was a vivid figure, as if the main lord was in front of him.

This figure is an impressive man, with armor on the lower body, strong muscles on the upper body, a ferocious face, two more eyeballs on his forehead, a red hair floating in his hand, and an ancient halberd in his hand. A kind of existence such as the great ghosts and gods that feed on evil spirits.

On the side of this light and shadow, the text jumped out:

"Hong Sheng, the elder of Lingbaozong, the real person named Shimei, cultivated in the profound cave."

"When I was young, I woke up and returned to my ancestors, and gave birth to two spiritual eyes. One can see through evil and ghosts, and one can shoot out the magic light, and the alien blood can eat ghosts and ghosts to increase cultivation."

"So strong!"

Involuntarily, Tao Qian sighed in his heart.

At the same time, I once again felt the specialness of Lingbaozong, which is truly a kind of teaching.

In these days of entry, the human race monks have seen some, and the elder monks who have obtained the Tao have seen more.

According to Lin Xiaohua, such as Aunt Spider and Aunt Baiyin were born aliens, and in other sects, at most, they were mixed with Dangdang such as guardian beasts.

The alien bloodline that awakened the day after tomorrow is slightly better, but it is also limited.

Only in Lingbaozong, there is no discrimination.

It's no wonder that it was possible to create such a grand scene of "Wan Xianlai Dynasty".

After sighing in his heart, Tao Qian did not reach out to touch the monument of Uncle Hong Sheng.

Not only did he follow the omen of inspiration, and then he went to the island with a cheeky face, Tao Qian also followed the inspiration and omen when he planned to choose the spiritual monument.

Thinking like this, Tao Qian stepped directly into the forest of monuments following the inspiration, looked left and right, and suddenly remembered a detail.

Because of the "innate sense of ingenuity" that Senior Sister Xie Lingji left on him, Tao Qian's spiritual vision has always been maintained at a high position. Previously, he was able to see the blood and flesh changes of Sister Bai Yao, but just now, he couldn't see the half-human, half-human, half-human fairy. There is nothing wrong with the body of the snake, let alone any signs of alienation and degeneration.

Either the fairy aunt's cultivation was too high and she covered it up.

Either she is special, and there is indeed no alienation or degeneration at all.

Tao Qian, tends to be the latter.

In the tumult of distracting thoughts, Tao Qian suddenly stood in front of a spiritual monument, and Jue Xian Ling swayed forward, and suddenly saw the light, shadow and text jumping out.

First look at the lifelike light and shadow, it is not humanoid.

It is a monster-like body, with layers of muscles all over its body, its limbs have been transformed into indestructible claws, a head of messy hair has been transformed into hard scaly tentacles, and there are hard bone armor on the chest and abdomen, with gaps. The center is filled with hundreds of scarlet evil eyes.

He was surrounded by various ominous blood lights, and there seemed to be **** in the ten directions behind him, and a large number of twisted resentful souls were roaring and roaring.

Anyone who sees it will think that this is a demon that slaughtered all living beings.

Not a monk, nor a human race.

In the case of the first real person who eats charm, Tao Qian thought that the "posthumous portraits" preserved on the stele should be uncontaminated.

But now, that's not the case.

On the side of the demon figure, the text appeared:

"Wan Mo, the elder of Lingbaozong, the real person with the name Demon Eye, the realm of Dongxuan Great Perfection."

"This is a human race, with extraordinary talent and aptitude. He is known as a natural slayer. He is unparalleled in combat power of the same rank, and it is easy to kill opponents across the same rank. He has been praised by the Lingbao Sect Master. If the Dao Foundation is damaged, I will definitely step into the realm of robbery in the future, which is a pity."

"In order to make up for his own shortcomings, Wanmo had to cultivate both Taoism and Demons. Afterwards, due to excessive killings, he became deeply into the devil, and there is no hope for the future."

In these words, Tao Qian instantly captured the key.


In order to win his trust, Li Changle, the uncle of wine and meat, also sincerely suggested Tao Qian.

The foundation building is very important, don't be greedy and make the Dao foundation lack, and also deliberately leak the plans of Duobao Zhenjun and Yunhua Xiangu.

Tao Qian is also really curious, how important is Daoji?

Originally, he wanted to go to find the master after leaving the Immortal Immortal Sea Area, or ask a question from Immortal Yunhua.

I just didn't expect that it seems that I can peep at the answer first on this Spirit Tablet Island.

And, more vivid.

Tao Qian thought for a while, first took out the Lingbao Jade Vase and held it in the palm of his hand, and then chanted the Buddha bird relic to hang on top of his head.

With these two layers of insurance, Tao Qian is still not very at ease.

Fortunately, his real reliance is actually himself.

"It really can't be exempted, then cut off an arm."

"At that time, I will call Bai Yin again, auntie, and it will be very funny."

Tao Qian joked that he was not too big or not, and then he no longer hesitated.

The palm of the hand suddenly sticks out and touches the surface of the spiritual tablet lightly.

At that moment, Tao Qian only felt that the spiritual monument in front of him was empty.

The "Uncle Wanmo", who was originally just a phantom, suddenly let out a very real roar, and then rushed towards him.


The roar sounded, and something like a remnant of a soul penetrated into Tao Qian's mind.

At the same time that a large number of incomparably real scenes exploded, Tao Qian's mind also gave birth to a chronicle.

Tao Qian simply ignored the previous one and only read the last comment.

When the word "exempted" appeared, Tao Qian, who was very familiar with it, shuddered violently.

Then, Tao Qian began to realize another person's life.

To be more precise, it is the life experience of Uncle Wanmo, who is called Demon Eyes.

With just a start, Tao Qian understood why Bai Yin had reminded him that he would go to the secret realm with her if he didn't leave the island in two days.

Tao Qian naively thought that two days would be enough for him to see most of the spiritual monuments here.

Now it seems that one tablet is not enough?

If a young cultivator lived only twenty or thirty years, Tao Qian reckoned that it would not last long.

But here, there is no such person.

Every spiritual monument owner is at least above the Dongxuan Realm, which means that they have all lived for a long time, ranging from a hundred years to hundreds of thousands of years.

Just like this Uncle Wanmo, he is only two hundred years old.

What Tao Qian is reading at this time is the first half of his life that was always up and down. Although it is very exciting, Tao Qian can't bear the temper to read these now.

Fortunately, Tao Qian soon discovered that he could actually speed up.

Although this behavior will aggravate alienation pollution.

But obviously, Tao Qian, who was shivering, didn't care about this.

"In a way, am I watching a movie?"

Muttering again, Tao Qian rudely started to accelerate.

Even so, it took several hours before Tao Qian woke up.

The palm of his hand was separated from the spiritual monument, his breathing was short, and his eyes were filled with unconcealed surprise and happiness.

For several hours, Tao Qian, as a bystander, watched the ups and downs of a peerless genius.

Even though Tao Qian is a little confident in himself, just imagine that Martial Uncle Ruo Wanmo is his opponent, even if he is of the same rank, can he win?

The answer was uncertain, but Tao Qian didn't have much confidence.

"This Uncle Wanmo is not only born with the seeds of Taoism, but even more terrifying is his talent for killing."

"It seems that if any supernatural powers of the killing type are in his hands, no matter how difficult it is to practice, he can practice them very quickly, and every one of them is very good."

"His practice is basically killing all the way up."

"If it was him who suffered the disaster in Nanyue, I am afraid that starting from Xiangrouji, he would kill and kill.

"The weird thing is that he wins every time. Except for the final battle of the Ten Thousand Immortals, he should lose."

"The reason is that when he built the foundation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he only intended to kill, resulting in failure to complete and serious damage, and this was a complete defeat."

"However, this uncle has the same temperament. Even when he carved the monument, he never regretted it. He only said that Lingbao's three methods of tempering the foundation of Taoism are too weak. Murder, use oneself to kill, kill him, the world will be repeated, and everything will be dark."

With these thoughts, Tao Qian's mind also came up with the answers to the previous doubts.

The internal and external tempering methods used by Lingbao Sect to break the foundation and enter the transcendence realm are divided into three grades, or three methods.

The lower grades are refined with various foreign objects!

The middle grade is refined with the vision of the celestial sign!

The top grade is refined with all things in the world!

"Master Wanmo said that it is too difficult to go to space."

"Even in the Lingbao sect where the arrogance gathers, there are very few extraordinary elders and disciples who use the method of high-grade to temper the foundation of Taoism."

"In the end, fewer are successful."

"Even my master, True Monarch Duobao, as well as Xiangu Yunhua and others, were all promoted to transcendence by the method of the middle grade."

"Li Changle deliberately leaked that my master seems to be planning to let me use the [high-grade tempering method] to degenerate?"

Tao Qian's mind swelled up again.

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