Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 189: King Kong to subdue demons, 9 Toad Orbs

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Outside the Eight Immortals Island, above the sea in the distance.

As Xu Xun waved his hand, the surging treasure light suddenly made people dazzled.

Tao Qian glanced roughly and saw the fireworks in front of him, the colorful flames billowing, the scorching golden snake, the mighty blood horse, the thunder into a python, the clouds transforming into a dragon... but it was the treasures that released some strange energy from time to time, revealing that they were not extraordinary. , is actually a spiritual weapon, and if it is placed in the outside world, it is enough to make people scramble for blood and set off a **** storm.

It seems that all the juniors and juniors will be too polite. The senior brother Xu Xun just did this, and the second true master of Yan Mozhen, Wei senior brother, took the lead.

In an instant, a blood dragon was caught from the haze, and the brilliance flickered, and the blood dragon turned into a ferocious aura, in the shape of a beheading knife in the shape of an ancient beast.

"I came in a hurry, and I didn't bring any weapons that were handy. This thing should be used together."

"If you use it well, you won't be able to return it to Senior Brother."

Obviously, Senior Brother Wei wanted to make a joke.

However, his icy temperament, his voice without emotional ups and downs, really did not have such talent, and everyone could only laugh at the corners of their mouths.

Fortunately, he raised his head, and everyone followed.

The third sister with the Taoist name "Golden Crow Fairy", her surname is Lu.

Unexpectedly, it was a simple-dressed, fair-skinned female fairy, with a blushing like a natural blush on both sides of her cheeks, so cute that she couldn't help but want to pinch.

However, no one really dared to do so.

Her temperament is obviously more lively than Senior Brother Wei. She reached out and caught a golden snake from among the dozens of treasures, and its radiance turned into a crimson red, like a rope made of different kinds of gold threads.

"This treasure is called Yangjin Immortal Rope. It is made of foreign Yangjin rolled into silk threads and has many wonderful uses."

"I took a fancy to it a long time ago, but I had no choice but to ask senior brother for it. Now that I have the opportunity to let this thing fall into my hands, senior brother naturally doesn't want to go back."

The last sentence, Senior Sister Lu was obviously speaking to Senior Brother Xu Xun.

At the same time, it is also to mention all the younger brothers and sisters.

Everyone in the field is arrogant, and everyone is a person with exquisite mind, and they will understand when they hear it.

The same is true for Tao Qian. Originally, he did not intend to receive benefits, but now he secretly said:

"Senior Brother Xu Xun took the lead in attacking the Eight Immortals. In addition to giving relief to the eight teachers, he himself should have some causal benefits."

"That's why he gave benefits to the younger brothers and sisters in advance, but they all belong to the same family, and all of them are the true legends of Tianjiao.

After realizing this festival, everyone including Tao Qianqian had no scruples.

They all stared at each other, and chose the treasures that matched their own qi and eyes.

Not long after, everyone probed one after another.

For example, Brother Yuchen, whose surname is Li, took a whisk made from the essence of the five elements.

Another example is Brother Yang Jie, who took a purple-gold crown that could release the divine light that protects the body.

Also, Brother Huang Zhen, who had practiced the Dharma of the Subaru Sun, took a heart protection mirror made of ten thousand alchemists.

Tao Qian was not polite. He now had Gao Ling's eyes on him, and with just one glance, he saw what he liked.

Suddenly, he reached out and caught a ferocious golden dragon from the large cloud of smoke. With a flash of brilliance, the golden dragon turned into a stick that was not a stick, a pestle but not a pestle, and was engraved with the inscription of Lingbao and the Demon King. The scriptures, like a living creature, are a different kind of stick-type treasure that spontaneously swallows and exhales Origin Qi.

As soon as the treasure entered the palm of his hand, his mind was full of aspirations.

"King Kong Demon Cudgel!"

"The weapon was cast by the master of Lingbao, who accompanied the immortal master to subdue the devil. It has the power of Taoism and Buddhism to destroy the devil. Master Taixuan received this treasure when he visited the demon-subduing Daoist with his teacher, Fairy Mai."

"Those who cultivate both Taoism and Buddhism can exert the greatest power of this thing."

"Okay, this treasure is just right for me."

Tao Qian waved his magic wand a few times and was delighted.

When it comes to weapons, Tao Qian's favorite is the sword.

However, when it summons the Buddha and Ape to protect the Dharma, weapons such as swords are very uncomfortable to use.

Sticks and the like are the most suitable.

But the baby sticks that can be used by Buddhas and apes are very few.

I've been worried about this before, but I didn't expect this to happen now.

After Tao Qian took the magic stick, the treasure sharing was over.

Master Taixuan smiled at the group of junior brothers and sisters, waved the remaining treasures back, and at the same time signaled everyone to look at the Eight Immortals Island together.

Seeing him stretch out his hand and swipe in front of him, the ripples immediately reflected a clear scene on the Eight Immortals Island.

Tao Qian had previously speculated on Brother Xu Xun's supernatural powers, but no one else had seen it before. This is an understatement, and Tao Qian's "spiritual mirror technique" made Tao Qian feel ashamed.

It was revealed in the mirror that it was a continent that was completely alienated and polluted.

No matter the grass, trees, mountains and rivers, or anything else, they were all defiled by the eight immortal corpses.

Tao Qian thought that there were only the Eight Immortals on the island, but he could look again at this time.

In this huge island, it is like another world.

A large number of creatures exist in it, but they are not normal people, monsters, beasts, demons, etc. They are more like twisted creatures made of various pieces of meat and foreign objects. They also wander, make peace with each other, and also Or dancing in carnival, together forming a picture of purgatory on earth.

After a few more glances, everyone guessed.

These hundreds of thousands of giant creatures are actually unable to reproduce normally. The source of their blood is the eight fallen corpses.

Once the eight immortal corpses come across while wandering, there is a chance that they will mate.

Once intercourse, twisted creatures are born.

To a certain extent, the Eight Immortals Island has formed a unique, terrifying and fragile country.

The fragility is that as long as the eight immortal corpses die, the kingdom will disappear instantly.

Tao Qian and other 18 True Inheritances, who could see the secrets of the island with just a few glances, showed unbearable expressions on their faces. At this time, they all agreed with what Senior Brother Xu Xun said, and wanted to help the eight teachers to liberate.

At this moment, Senior Brother Xu Xun raised his hand and pointed the Spirit Mirror Technique, aiming at the island.

What appeared in the mirror was a giant comparable to a mountain. His clothes were ragged, his body was covered with rough fat, and he was covered with countless thick and long black hairs that looked like tentacles. His face had completely lost its original appearance. It is Fang Fang's large mouth, including the bald head, is covered with a layer of rough skin, and there are thousands of green eyeballs embedded in it.

His long black-haired arms embraced a strange treasure that looked like a pillar of heaven.

This treasure is like an iron stake that can hold the earth and reach the sky, engraved with mountains and seas, beasts and stars in the sky.

Even through the spirit mirror technique, everyone felt the horror of this treasure.

hard to imagine?

If this thing is held by a giant and smashed down, how terrifyingly destructive will it be?

When everyone was horrified, Senior Brother Xu Xun's voice came:

"This teacher was a Daoist from Shanhai, the head of the Eight Immortals. Before his death, he was a cultivator in the Realm of Elysium. He died because of a desperate struggle. After the soul dissipated, his body was poisoned by corpse poison and turned into the immortal corpse today."

"What he has in his hands is the treasure of his fame [Shan Hai Duntian Pile]."

"The corpse of Uncle Shanhai will be dealt with by me."

The voice fell, and the mirror turned again.

This time, another immortal corpse appeared.

He also has a mountain-like body without any clothes on his body. His upper body seems to be formed by the accumulation of countless giant sarcomas. It is completely integrated with the earth.

Everyone could only see a thick blood vessel, one end connected to him, the other end laying out on the ground, and plunged into the depths of the ground.

Gudu Gudu, I don't know what I'm swallowing?

His head was huge and pale, his scarlet eyes were bigger than grinding discs, and his rotting mouth was full of tongues.

When he roared, a black and secluded banana fan appeared on the top of his head for no reason.

Once again, everyone listened to Xu Xun and said:

"This is Feng Huo Zhenren. Before his death, he was also cultivated in the realm of bliss, and he became an immortal corpse after being poisoned by corpses."

"The thing on his head is also the treasure of his fame. On the one hand, he can fan out the nine secluded yin winds, and on the other hand, he can fan out the real fire of the sun, which is very powerful."

"Junior Brother Wei is a dual practitioner of Dao and Demon, and the supernatural powers he has refined are just enough to defeat Master Feng Huo, so he can deal with it."

After saying this, Senior Brother Wei nodded in agreement.

The spirit mirror turned again, and this time it reflected a female corpse.

She is slightly smaller than the previous two teachers, and there is no difference in the front. She wears colorful fairy clothes, lifelike, like a goddess.

But when the spirit mirror turned to the back, the true passers in the field all gasped.

Behind Xian Gu, blood was blurred.

Countless kinds of exotic flowers and plants with tentacles as roots, blood membranes as petals, and evil eyes as stamens bloomed behind her.

When everyone looked at her, they saw her skull split open, and a ray of brilliance flew out of it, and then turned into a small blue porcelain bottle, which swelled in the wind, and the mouth of the bottle fell. A sharp neigh representing joy, madly sucking in the rain of this day.

"This is Fairy Hundred Flowers, and before her death, she was also in the Land of Bliss."

"The thing that flew out of her head, called the [Flower God Treasure Vase], was originally a treasure with infinite magical uses, but now it is also contaminated by the origin of the corpse because of the death of its owner."

"What Junior Sister Lu cultivates is the best way to restrain her. Naturally, Junior Sister Lu will help her liberate."

Hearing this, everyone didn't know that Senior Brother Xu Xun had a plan for the distribution of tactics.

However, since he was in the lead, he also knew the details of the Eight Immortals Island best.

Including Tao Qian, there is no opinion.

Three of the eight teachers have been taken over by him, Senior Brother Wei, and Senior Sister Lu.

In this way, there will inevitably be many-to-one situations in the future.

This is also normal, although the eighteen people in the field are all true identities.

But including Tao Qian admits that the strength is different.

According to the group of big-mouthed breast-fed bird demons, Senior Brother Xu Xun, who was the first to get started and has a terrifying talent, should be the first.

Afterwards, Senior Brother Wei, Fairy Jinwu, Master Yuchen, Senior Brother Yang Jie, should be the second grade.

How many grades the sixth to seventeenth were divided into, but Tao Qian didn't have time to find out.

However, he knew that on the bright side, Tao Dazheng also had a monopoly.

Sure enough, with the subsequent rotation of the spiritual mirror, the appearance of the immortal corpses transformed by the eight teachers appeared one by one.

During the process, Senior Brother Xu Xun also completed the assignment:

"The 40,000 Swords of the Eight Immortals has a unique treasure [Wanjian Returns a Box], and his strength is actually stronger than Baihua Fairy... Yuchen and Yang Jie will jointly take over."

"The Five Dragons and Tigers of the Eight Immortals have a unique treasure [Dragon Tiger Dan Ding], which can refine treasure pills and release billions of erysipelas... Senior Brother Huang Zhen and Senior Brother Zhou Wu, who also practice the Dan Tao method, will take over."

"The Six Immortals of Xuanyu, possessing a special treasure [Taiyin Soul Drum], once it rings, it can shatter the souls of all beings within a radius of several miles, and three senior brothers who are good at capturing souls and guarding the gods take over."

"Seven Immortals of Blood Transformation, possessing a unique treasure [Blood Transformation God Sword], which can slash hundreds of thousands of people with one slash. It is the ultimate treasure for killing... Senior Sister Zheng and Senior Brother Wang, who are also good at killing, will take over."

In the end, it was naturally Tao Qian's turn, who was at the bottom of the line. Obviously, Senior Brother Xu Xun's arrangement took great care of him.

When the spirit mirror took a look, the giant thing revealed was a toad that had almost completely lost its human form.

That appearance was somewhat similar to the "Rotten Gold Toad" that Tao Qian had seen in front of Huanxifang City when he was in Nanyue, but it was many times bigger.

He crouched in a filthy swamp, his whole body rotting, and the swamp beneath him was formed by the accumulation of pus and blood in his body.

On his back, there are thousands of scarlet eyeballs arranged in a disorderly manner.

On the top of the forehead is a huge, twisted, thin face.

And a single horn that bends and spreads like a sharp blade, piercing the sky.

Every time this one-horned giant toad made a shocking sound, it would open its mouth and spit out a giant orb that was pitch-black and could emit thousands of filthy lights. The place where the pearl light shone was filthy, and it was absolutely unreasonable.

Senior Brother Xu Xun looked at Tao Qian and the Taoist man with three heads and six arms standing beside Huang Zhen.

After clicking on the giant toad, he said:

"This is the real person of Yuchan. Before his death, he was also in the realm of bliss. However, during the final battle, he suffered the most damage, even his origin was shattered a lot. Now he has turned into an immortal corpse, and he should be the weakest among the eight teachers. ."

"Of course, he can still kill the cultivators of the profound cave, and the two junior brothers should not underestimate the enemy."

"That treasure is called [Nine Toad Pearls], and it is a rare treasure from the Nine Toad Sect of the Zuodao School. There were nine of them, one of them fell into the hands of Uncle Yuchan, and the remaining eight are missing. , even if it’s just one, it’s infinitely useful, just one smash can take the life of an ordinary Dongxuan cultivator.”

"I know that Master Tao has a Buddha bird relic, which can be summoned to protect the Dharma. It should be able to resist."

"In addition, what Junior Brother Ma has cultivated is also a supernatural power to subdue demons and remove obstacles. Together, the two of you will be able to help Senior Uncle Yuchan to liberate from immortals."

After Xu Xun finished speaking here, it sounded very thorough.

Tao Qian did not expect that the surnamed Ma, who had three heads and six arms, and was covered with skeletons~www.wuxiaspot.com~, turned out to be a Taoist and Buddhist cultivator.

After the two heard it, Qi Qi agreed.

At this point, all allocations have been completed.

When everyone was about to go to the island, Xu Xun suddenly remembered something and added a few words:

"On the Eight Immortals Island, apart from the eight exotic treasures, there are naturally other treasures left behind."

"Whether it's the Eight Treasures or other things, it's up to all the junior brothers and sisters to obtain them with their strength and fate."

"Just remember, we are all true spiritual treasures, we should support each other, don't be like those ignorant cultivators, for some treasures, care about the lives of the same family."

When everyone heard this, they nodded in agreement.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Xun waved his sleeve robe, and a decree of absolute immortality surged out, followed by a mighty, dignified spirit treasure immortal light, surging over the Eight Immortals Island, covering the outer layer of the island in an instant. The demonic atmosphere smashed into pieces.

With him as the head, the fourteen true figures descended on the Eight Immortals Island.

His hearty voice also resounded throughout the big island.

"Eight teachers have suffered for many years. Today, the true inheritance of Lingbaozong, I came here to help the eight uncles and their corpses."


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