Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 190: Immortal corpse returns to soul, corpse disintegrates

Jue Xianhai Zhudao, no matter whether there is a ban or not, the biggest thing Tao Qian has seen so far is the Eight Immortals Island in front of him.

When the fourteen of them came to the island, it was like stepping into a new continent.

Before landing on the island, assign their opponents early.

Senior Brother Xu Xun shouted, and immediately attracted the huge Taoist who embraced the "mountains and seas to escape the sky", only to hear the terrifying roar resounding through the sky, the stench of clouds and mist rolled over, and thousands of tragic green evil lights shot from the air. Everyone saw the ground shaking, and a terrifying pillar swept over.

With such power, there is really a mountain here, and I am afraid that it will be broken by the middle.

It was obvious that Xu Xun was deliberately leading him here, and before the Heavenly Evasion Pile swept over, Xu Xun had already taken out a magic weapon.

It was a bronze bell that was always held by Qingyun and Xianguang, and Xu Xun only flicked it.


The extremely pure Lingbao Dao sound resounded throughout the Eight Immortals Island.

Including Daoist Shanhai and the other seven immortals, as well as hundreds of thousands of twisted creatures, there was a very brief stagnation.

At this moment, Xu Xun's sleeve robe waved again.

In front of him, seven radiance flashed.

Tao Qian and the others were each sent to their respective opponents.

The Eight Immortals Island is huge. If Senior Brother Xu Xun did not do this, it would not be easy for Tao Qian and other spiritual treasures to find their opponents. It is very likely that mistakes will be made in the process. Good things turn into bad things. .

"It's just a pity, but I can't see the terrifying combat power of the famous Taixuan Zhenren."

Tao Qian's mind just flashed this thought.

He and the senior brother called "Ma Yuan" had already appeared at the very end of the Eight Immortals Island.

In front of him, there was a vast, filthy swamp.

In the deepest part of the swamp, a rotting one-horned giant toad was breathing in foul breath, and the pus and blood gushing out of his body was still pouring down like a waterfall and stream. Really washed out a swamp.

As soon as the two appeared, they immediately disturbed many twisted creatures in the swamp.

Thousands of them, roaring through the filthy clouds, rushed towards the two of them.

This alienation army is dominated by a kind of "toad alien". They are obviously the direct blood of Uncle Yuchan. They are all naked, with toad heads, big belly, webbed hands and feet, and at the same time they can stretch out sharp claws. The face is extremely ferocious, and when the large mouth of the blood basin is opened, the long tongue and the finely broken fangs of the upper and lower jaws can be seen.

This group of tens of thousands of toad demons not only inherited the power of Uncle Yuchan's blood, but also gained some fighting wisdom.

Halfway through, they formed a battle formation.

They started to release bloodline supernatural powers in the air, and the two looked up, and immediately saw a large number of blisters of acid liquid, and the poisonous arrow demon mist was surging.

There were even hundreds of toad demons similar to sacrifices and witches, holding some magical treasures and foreign objects, trying to kill the two of them from the air.

Both Tao Qian and Ma Yuan frowned upon seeing this.

Especially with these movements, the one-horned giant toad in the depths of the swamp was also turning his head and looking at them.

At this moment, Ma Yuan, who had three heads and six arms, suddenly faced Tao Qian with one of his heads:

"Junior Brother Tao, these alien species were born after the corpse of Uncle Yuchan's corpse froze. He has obtained a lot of supernatural powers from Uncle, and the number of births is large. Roughly speaking, there are as many as 70,000 or 80,000."

"Although the two of us are not afraid, it is just to prevent us from being harassed by these aliens when we help Master Yuchan go. If you and I take each side, I will resist Master Yuchan first, and you will do your best to suppress these aliens. Free your hands and come back to help me."

"So, okay?"

There is nothing wrong with Ma Yuan's words, nor is there much conspiracy.

Perhaps he was consciously open-minded and did not hide it.

Tao Qian had an innate sense of ingenuity, and with just one thought, he sensed the true thoughts of this Senior Brother Ma Yuan:

"Senior Brother Tao has some means, but after all, his cultivation level is not at the Foundation Establishment Realm. If you start with me, I will be distracted to take care of one or two. Senior Brother Xu Xun probably thinks like this, so that Junior Brother Tao will come with me."

"There's no problem with taking care of it, but it's just the first thing to do is to remove the corpse from the immortal corpse, the elder brother of Yuchan. It's just right for Junior Brother Tao to remove those alien species."

"After this is done, the big deal is that I will take the nine toad beads, and the rest of the slaughtered treasures will be distributed to the junior and junior brothers. It is the best of both worlds."

The bottom of my heart is this kind of thought, but Ma Yuan's three heads are all like anger.

This is actually the supernatural power he cultivated, which is one of the orthodox Buddhist sects, the "Matou Mingwang Dharma".

Tao Qian looked at him with a high spirit, only to see a tall and tall King Ming standing beside him, his eyes wide open, his fangs exposed, and he was holding a brutal and majestic figure.

After seeing his thoughts, Tao Qian didn't feel any anger.

He only sighed in the bottom of his heart: "It's human nature."

Other than that, there were no unwanted reactions.

The reason is also very simple, Tao Qian doesn't think it matters.

Being underestimated is not a big deal, and that strange treasure called Jiuchanzhu is of no use to Tao Qian.

Since it's not a battle of the road, and Tao Qian actually wants to see how powerful Tianjiao, who won the position of the true inheritance of Lingbao by virtue of Taoism and Buddhism, is really powerful?

Therefore, Tao Qian agreed without thinking:

"Also, these toad aliens will be handed over to me. Senior brother can let go of his hands and feet as much as possible to relieve the pain of Uncle Yuchan."

"Okay, Junior Brother, look at my means."

Both of them are not sloppy people, and the conversation has just ended.

Tao Qian directly took out the Lingbao Jade Bottle, first took away the acid rain of poisonous arrows that filled the sky, and then pinched a Daoyin, shouting, "Please help me, Miaoshu Datianzun!"

Obviously, the Great Heavenly Venerate of Lingbao Miaoshu is also extremely arrogant, and this Absolute Immortal Domain can't stop him.

A large number of roots protruded from the void, as if chasing mice, and began to bind the seven or eighty thousand alien creatures.

These two actions are understated and uninspired.

It doesn't show Tao Qian's combat power at all, but it's just to clear some miscellaneous soldiers. It's normal that Tao Qian has no real mana.

Just as he was fighting with the miscellaneous soldiers, Senior Brother Ma Yuan and Uncle Yuchan had already started to fight against the immortal corpse.

"Lingbao Tianzun!"


Some nondescript Taoist names spit out from Ma Yuan's mouth.

The next moment, in this swamp of pus and blood, a new giant was revealed.

A majestic dharma image rumbles down on the daze, with three heads turned into angry horse heads, holding a skeleton staff, wearing a crown of five skeletons, a necklace with a human head hanging on its neck, and a lotus sun wheel as the seat, under which there is a flame of Prajna Buddha Burning.

Ma Yuan was quite confident before he started, but the results after he started also verified his rhetoric.

Wherever his dharma passed, whether it was a filthy swamp or a highly poisonous cloud, all of them were burnt by the Buddha's flame and then dissipated.

Tao Qian still doesn't know what Uncle Yuchan used to do during his lifetime.

After he died, he turned into a fairy corpse.

Not only was a good "Nine Toad Orb" defiled into a monster, but the magical powers released at this time were also related to monsters and evil spirits.

If it is put into the mortal world, it will be a catastrophe, and it will inevitably involve hundreds of thousands of people.

It's a pity that his opponent, Senior Brother Ma Yuan, almost completely restrained him.

The Dharma image of King Ma Tau Ming is the master of eliminating ignorance, karma, and many sufferings. It can also be exempted from all evil curses and evil methods. No matter how filthy things are burned through the flames of Prajna Buddha, they will also be turned into emptiness.

If it weren't for the Jade Chan Immortal Corpse still having an orb available, every time it spit it out, it would smash Senior Brother Ma Yuan into a staggering and somersault.

You come and go, but for a while it's deadlocked.

In Tao Qian's view, this scene in turn verified the means of Taixuan Zhenren.

"But I forgot that Senior Brother Xu Xun was born with a pure Taoist body, has a keen sense of perception, and has both yin and yang eyes, so he can see the truth at a glance."

"It's like this, so we can quickly arrange the corresponding battle formation."

"Senior Brother Ma Yuan's dharma looks to me, but it's not as good as Yanshi's dharma image of the goddess and the goddess, and it can even be said to be a little far behind."

"But the wonderful thing is that he drives the Dharma with the fundamental method of the spiritual treasure, which is actually harmonious and unobstructed, without any obstruction... This is stronger than Yanzhe, after all, Yanzhe forcibly merges the three ways of Buddha, demon and demon, and has great ambitions. But the difficulty is also extremely high, but it is not as agile as Senior Brother Ma Yuan."

While Tao Qian was cleaning up the alien toads, he still had time to watch the fun.

After seeing Senior Brother Ma Yuan's battle results, he even borrowed his high spirit vision to see the progress of the rest of the True Inheritance on Baxian Island from afar.

Seeing this, Tao Qian couldn't help showing surprise.

Something went wrong?

No, it's not.

On the contrary, the battles of the other True Inheritances were also extremely smooth.

Regardless of whether it was Senior Brother Xu Xun, Senior Brother Wei, or others, they were all pressing down on the giant immortal corpses.

The most successful one was Sister Lu, although Tao Qian was too far away to see it clearly.

But in the perception, in the area of ​​Senior Sister Lu, who was fighting with the Baihua Immortal Corpse, the evil and alienated things in the interior were almost extinct, and only the flames shot up into the sky, almost burning the sky red. In the flames, a giant three-legged The figure of the Golden Crow is looming.

It's hard to imagine any alienated and fallen creature that could survive in such a sea of ​​fire?

Did it go so well?

Tao Qian's mind suddenly gave birth to a doubt.

It's not that he doubts the strength of this generation's true disciples of Lingbaozong, but that his own high inspiration is prompting.

There is something wrong with this situation.

Something bad is about to happen?

This thought flashed, Tao Qian seemed to sense something, and turned his head suddenly to look at the deepest part of Baxian Island.

There, the one who was fighting with Xu Xun was transformed into an immortal corpse by Daoist Shanhai.

It seems that he is dying, and it seems that he has reached a certain limit because he heard the mourning of the other seven immortals.

The immortal corpse turned around abruptly, completely ignoring Xu Xun's supernatural power bombing at the rear.

I saw him holding the mountain and sea escaping the sky, striding forward like an ancient giant, stomping on the earth frantically, almost jumping, after only a dozen steps, he appeared in the very center of the Eight Immortals Island, where there is a An abyss-like fissure in the earth.


Accompanied by this roar that resounded throughout the island, the immortal corpse jumped up abruptly, holding the escaping pile and inserting it into the crack.

This accident happened too quickly, and no one was able to react when caught off guard.

Everyone only felt that the Sky Escape Pile seemed to have pierced something, and accompanied by an unprecedented explosion, an extremely cold and terrifying pale air column immediately shot up into the sky, and then it was like a frenzy and a tsunami. The corpse aura in Tao Qian's heart roaring with alarm bells, surged out from the air column.

In an instant, the entire Eight Immortals Island was completely enveloped by the spread of corpse aura.

When this pale and cold mist came, Tao Qian immediately released the body protection fairy light, and also called the Buddha bird relic, trying to resist the corpse poison with pure Buddha light.

But even so, in the sound of "chi chi chi", Tao Qian only felt that his body was getting colder, and his soul and mind began to become manic and bloodthirsty.

Strangely, he suddenly had a strange feeling.

It seems that as long as he is willing to accept the corpse poison~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he will be able to enter the metamorphosis from the foundation building realm in an instant.

Moreover, there seems to be some rustling voices in the corpse poison, and they are chanting some special Dharma door formulas.

When Tao Qian was in shock, his mind immediately burst out with the following words:

【It is being corroded by extraterritorial corpse poison...! 】

[If you take the initiative to accept the corpse poison into your body, you can greatly improve your cultivation realm, you can establish contact with gods outside the realm, and you can teach the immortal corpse to return to the soul, corpse disintegration and other secret magical powers outside the realm.]

[If you are unwilling to accept the corpse poison and cannot resist the invasion of the corpse poison, over time, you will turn into a twisted creature like a **** corpse. 】

ps: Thanks to the book friend for her reward, the head of the name of her dream, suddenly changed early, weakly asked for a monthly pass, there must be more updates today.


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