Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 418: Defeated Immortal Dharma Body, King of Assassination

Gusu City, which has alternated between ancient and modern, and has a rather strange style, has added an unimaginable splendor today.

Tongtian Buddha!

Although Qiantang Province has become an earthly Buddhist country, it is the first time that such a stalwart and amazing Buddhist country has appeared.

Even in the capital of the Buddhist kingdom [Qiantang City], there has never been one.

"Such magical powers have never been seen before, and the master is worthy of being an eminent monk and true Buddha who has the ability to suppress the gods and monks of Zizai Temple."

"It's such a great Buddha to the sky, only seeing this thing will know that the past is wasted."

"If the poor monk can enter to practice, he will not be living in vain."

"My Buddha is merciful and saves all sentient beings."

Zhou Xiangrui, a monk and official who knew the inside story, felt even more depressed after listening to the praises of the heads of the wealthy families.

Fortunately, Taoist Master also knew that he would leave when he saw it.

"I also ask City Lord Zhou, please forgive me."

"The poor monk was under the command of his teacher, so he took advantage of the treasure land of Gusu City to see if he could accept more disciples."

"Millions of people here can try it, and your sons and nephews and servants are among them."

"If you can enter the Buddha, you can be a teacher."

After saying this, Tao Qian stopped talking to them.

But with a wave of their sleeves, the four of them turned into a ray of Buddha light and entered the Buddhist pagoda in the middle of the Tongtian Buddha.

The masters and Zhou Xiangrui had their own thoughts and left one after another.

The people of the whole city have gradually put the Demon Buddha Temple behind them, and they only continue to chant the Buddha's name. Although no one can enter the Buddha City for the time being, they can still play happily.

And the matter of the "Tongtian Buddha" and "South China Sea Buddhist Cultivator Accepting Disciples" is spreading wildly to Gusu City and even the entire Qiantang Province.

When the Gao family members in Steaming Buddha City heard the relevant rumors, they all showed their disbelief.

In their eyes, Master Wugou is a meticulous work, a spy.

Just a few times the longevity dynasty, seventy-two provinces.

Can there be a detailed work, is this the way? 1

Tao Qian doesn't care about the turmoil in the outside world, there is a more important matter now.

The four entered the Tongtian Buddha, which was transformed by the Great Chaodu Bodhisattva, and immediately split into two. Yun Rong took away Zhen Ci'en and went to autobiography.

She didn't lie, she did intend to accept Zhen Ci'en, but it was not a Nanhai Shenni, but she planned to turn to Yuhuan Mountain.

Tao Qian met Zheng Yin alone.

The two fell into the stupa at the same time, and neither of them looked at the solemn scene cast by the surrounding machinery, but looked at the opposite side.

He Tao Dazhen did not know how many young geniuses he had seen in the past, with outstanding talents and outstanding talents such as Senior Brother Xu Xun, or Zhong Ziyang, who was pitiful and compassionate, who was full of passion and blood, and who would not let people know. Feel amazing?

Tao Qian thought to himself: There shouldn't be many people he couldn't see through.

But this "Zheng Yin" in front of him is indeed very special.

The foreign minister is born arrogant, but has the heart to save the world on the inside?

He was born to be a noble and noble family, but he was willing to walk with ordinary people and do something for this corrupt world?

That's all, what really made Tao Qian curious: "This son has no cultivation, what can he do? How to do it?"

All doubts and thoughts were just born, and soon the mind began to burst out:

[Record name: Zheng Yin. 】

【Category: Human Race. 】

[Notes: This person is from Gusu City, Qiantang Province, the young master of the Zheng family of a prominent local family. He was originally a prostitute who was indulging in love affairs and mingled with maids and maids. But one day, this person hit a chance and unexpectedly fell asleep in his sleep. During the time, he broke into a "sky track" left by the forbidden law of the ancestors. With the power of the sky track, this person traveled all over the seventy-two provinces in his dreams, and even fell into hundreds of mortal bodies with his heart and soul, and experienced a variety of lives. Most of them are roadside beggars, exiled starving people, brothel women, run-down rangers, etc., because of their transformation in their hearts and minds, they are determined to change the corrupt world. 】

[Note 1: Because of the mutation after his mortal body was connected to the heavenly track, he has obtained the "Dead Immortal Dharma Body", which is one of the rarest Dao bodies in the world. As a price, Zheng Yin can no longer practice any kind of practice in the world Even if he took the "Tai Shang Daozang" and "Lingbao Daozang", he still couldn't cultivate a single method. 】

[Note 2: The Dharma Body of Losing Immortals is a different type of Dao body that is completely aimed at practitioners. Using Dharma Body as a medium, Zheng Yin can curse and kill almost all cultivating beings, Taoism, Buddha, demon, demon, alien, god... all of them cannot be cursed to kill. . 】

[Note 3: This dharma body can grow until Zheng Yin is completely integrated with that "heaven track", at which time Zheng Yin can curse the existence of the Dao Transformation Realm. 】

[Note 4: This Dharma itself can only be used alone, but Zheng Yin took a different approach and used the secret method of entering a dream to develop Fa slaves. Those Fa slaves obtained his magic power. Although they were weakened a lot, they also had similar magical powers and could form a defeated immortal with him. Curse and kill the great formation, and the power can skyrocket again. 】

[Note 5: Due to his dream experience, Zheng Yin only chooses the low-level human race with aspirations as legal slaves. He does not rob people's minds, does not restrict people's freedom, and treats each other as brothers and sisters. So far, Zheng Yin has a total of 200 legal slaves. Eighty people, scattered throughout Qiantang Province. 】

[Note 6: Although Zheng Yin does not have a large army, he has the guidance of the sky, and he can perceive the impact on Qiantang Province and the quality of life. Therefore, he adopts the method of "assassination" to maintain the surface order of Qiantang Province. Reduce human suffering. 】

[Note 7: Up to now, Zheng Yin and his followers, Fanu, have assassinated thousands of people, many of whom are strong in the Mysterious Realm... His next target is Cheng Luohan, the head of the Buddhist kingdom in Qiantang Province. 】1

When this article, extremely detailed, but also extremely shocking Zhishu flows.

Rao is Tao Qian, who thinks that he has a lot of knowledge, and even has dealt with foreign mixed races such as Ying Qingdi.

While watching, I sighed in my heart:

Gu Yan

"I also borrowed the power of the sky rail, but I didn't expect that someone could directly merge with a sky rail."

"Although I can't cultivate any book, the power of this defeated immortal dharma body is too terrifying."

"There is no reason, the cause of death is unknown, and thousands of people were killed by the Life and Life Curse."

"Good guy, it's enough to be named [Assassination of the True Monarch]."

When Tao Qian looked at these chronicles, Zheng Yin was also looking at Tao Qian, but of course he couldn't see anything.

It just feels strange, this monk is both righteous and evil, which is confusing.

But soon, he realized that the monk's complexion suddenly changed slightly, and then looked at him with a mixture of "amazing" and "unbelievable" eyes.

Zheng Yin, who has assassinated thousands of people, is naturally impossible to be a young child.

With this look, he immediately came to a judgment:

"Oops, exposed?"

"I heard that Buddhism has a rare method, called [Destiny Pass], which can know the past karma of sentient beings, and know the reason for the present or future retribution."

"This monk can even convince Master Shenxiu of Zizai Temple. Could it be that he can really cultivate this magical power and then see my past."

"This monk is mixed up with the demon monk, and seeing my secret, he should be killed."

"It's just that I don't know why, but I can't perceive any details of it."

"It doesn't matter, first hit this person hard, and then negotiate."

When Zheng Yin met Tao Qian and the others for the first time, he couldn't think of a foolproof plan, so he had to start first.

I saw that he closed his eyes first, and then opened them again.

In an instant, there was a proud and arrogant family member. Although his appearance had not changed, his temperament seemed to have changed.

Become vicissitudes, become tough.

Anyone looking at him will feel that this is an old man who has experienced world events, still loves the world, and has some kind of ambition.

Years change means nothing to him.

"It's a good change. The original Ying Qing Emperor also had a similar temperament, but compared to this person, he seemed very immature and exaggerated."

Tao dived into his heart and just finished his admiration.

The catastrophe that he could not imagine, the signs of alienation, suddenly came.

Zheng Yin!

He just glanced at Tao Qian.

Tao Qian's body trembled, and he actually felt fatigued. After that, he felt that the essence and blood in his body was depleted, and he began to move towards the spirits scattered, the bones thin and the marrow filthy.

In his mind, Zhishu gave birth to:

"I am being cursed by the [Bad Immortal Dharma Body]. This is the 'Honorable Curse'. The curser Zheng Yin used this technique to curse Zhu Youyang, a local warlord in Qiantang, who was Cheng Luohan's wife and brother. In order to find out the cause of death, he even invited Moved the lotus in the Demon Buddha Temple to kill the Arhat, but still found nothing."

"Zheng Yin hasn't exhausted the power of the spell. Ordinary cultivators will have to go back to their souls when they are cursed. At most, those who are hit by the spell will be severely injured... Because of the wonderful body of the spiritual treasure and the luck of humanity, all of them can be exempted!"

Read this information.

Tao Qian's face froze involuntarily, and a trace of dissatisfaction appeared in his eyes.

When you cast a spell, cast a spell, why don't you use another person, but use this lascivious curse?

Now that he has started, Tao Qian is too lazy to play dumb riddles, and no one can peep here.

So the next moment, an unexpected change happened to Zheng Yin.

The thief in front of him was bald, and he suddenly said:

"Brother Zheng, come slowly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are so **** good, it's time for the stroke to be made by the fat monk Luohan."

"Send it to me, but it's a waste."

While speaking, Tao Qian first flashed a divine light in his body, eliminating all traces of alienation.

Then, he saw an incomparably majestic, humanistic destiny that was many times bigger than what Zheng Yin possessed and had seen, and instantly pushed back all the magic power he cast.

So, it's not over yet.

While Zheng Yin was stunned, Tao Qian changed his body and revealed his true self.

At the same time, with a wave of his sleeve robe, Yu Ding and Gu Shengui, two ancestral treasures, jumped out.

In order to increase the recognition degree, Tao Dazhen took out the toad **** tiledang and nine toad beads that had not been used for a long time.

In this pagoda, there is an additional Lingbao Daozi surrounded by various treasures, the divine light is surging, and the luck is accompanied.

Zheng Yin was stunned on the spot.

Seeing that Tao Dazheng, he cupped his hands at him, and asked with a smile:

"Brother Zheng!"

"You have used the sky rail to sleepwalk so many times, have you ever heard my name and recognized who I am?"

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