Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 432: Offering longevity lanterns, you can live forever


After Tao Qian finished speaking, the old monk Tianshou immediately showed embarrassment.

He was enjoying himself in his own cave, but suddenly he was detained by a young monk who cast a spell and asked him to open the convenience door.

It's fine if you pay back from an acquaintance. It's really not good to be so rash when you meet for the first time.

Tianshou's eyeballs rolled and his thoughts turned.

It was obvious that he wanted to refuse, but he was also worried that the two of them would suddenly turn against each other.

At this moment, the monk suddenly smiled and said:

"I forgot to mention that although the poor monk is not a monk of the Demon Buddha Temple, he has a close relationship with your temple."

"My master is Zen Master Qingjing, and I am close friends with the three Arhats Shibi, Kongchan, and Liansha."

"Seeing that I have traveled here, Kongchan Arhat is very generous and lent me this Buddha treasure for fun."

"Fellow Daoist opened a convenient door for me. Afterwards, the poor monk will prepare a small gift. Three days later, at the Buddha's birthday ceremony, the poor monk will see the three Arhats, and he can also say a few words for you."

After uttering these words, Tao Qian signaled the old monk Tianshou to look at the Tongtian Pagoda above his head.

Dharma protectors like him, aside from other things, are most familiar with the aura of their own Supreme Buddha Treasure.

At first glance, it really is.

"If the young monk had snatched this treasure, the three Arhats would have been furious and chased him down. There is no room for him to wander around the Qiantang in a grand manner."

"I should have thought of it a long time ago. A Buddhist disciple of this level must be an ally of our temple."

With a flash of thought, the old monk slapped his head and opened his mouth suddenly.

"Sins and sins, the eyes of the old man are clouded, and he doesn't know his own family."

"If you two want to enter the mountain, it's okay, I will do it immediately."

"Don't talk about the ceremony, I don't have any face, I just hope that the Buddha can give me a good word or two in front of Sibi Arhat, the old man is very grateful."

While talking, the old monk Tianshou smiled into a bunch of wrinkles.

Sitting cross-legged just like the old Jialan before, his body lightened and automatically formed a portal of Buddha light.

Seeing that the two of them were about to enter, Tianshou did not forget to remind:

"Two fellow daoists, those scarlet-clothed monks in the mountains are all bullying and fearful. If you speak well, they will definitely deceive and act recklessly."

"After entering the mountain and revealing their identities, they will obediently offer the life-enhancing spiritual objects."


Tao Qian glanced at the door and led Yun inside.

This evil land is called Yinyin Mountain, and others thought it was going up.

In fact, it is going down.

There is a crack in the ground, which leads straight into the underworld, and actually steps on a huge peak that is inserted upside down.

Many strange and bizarre scenes were reflected in the eyes of the two of them in an instant.

There are thousands of rocks and ravines, majestic and magnificent.

The rocks and rocks I saw were all piled up with colored glaze and jasper. Among those rocky valleys, one can see magnificent and inconceivable gold and silver palaces one after another, and there are many exotic flowers and plants, ancient trees and spiritual fruits that have never been seen by the outside world, and the entire mountain is blooming.

In the middle of the mountain, there is a palace that seems to be forcibly kneaded with fat wax condensed oil and other substances. It can be called beautiful and extraordinary.

There is a plaque in front of the palace, and there are four big characters written on it: Yinyinshan Palace.

It was at this moment that he seemed to sense the arrival of a stranger.

In the mountain palace and many gold and silver palaces, there was a clatter, and about a thousand fairies dressed in scarlet monk clothes poured out.

Their appearance is very good, if they show up in the outside world, anyone will think that they are successful in cultivation.

But when it fell into Tao Qian's eyes, it looked different:

The real appearance of these fairies is not flesh and blood, but some kind of milky white "wax oil", wrapped with a rope core made of pages of Buddhist scriptures, each fairy boy's face is extremely ugly and hideous.

The two fairy boys came out first, and they also saw that Tao Qian and Yun Rong were not easy to mess with.

He bowed his hands and asked politely:

"Bodhisattvas and Bodhisattvas, where are you from? Visit my Yinyin Mountain Palace, do you have any advice?"

Tao Qian asked, but ignored it.

His gaze went straight past these ugly wax boys to the foot of the mountain.

The next moment, the pupils shrank slightly, and the killing intent immediately appeared.

I saw that the area was full of human races.

It is full of pits and valleys, with different clothes, men, women, old and young, and people from all provinces.

But without exception, they all seemed to be dead and fell into a strange state.

They knelt stiffly, with remorse and anger on their faces, and strange candles lit above their heads. These "human lamps" were responsible for lighting this strange place without sun and moon light sources.

And as the flame jumps and burns, each human lamp has different degrees of wear and tear.

Some seemed to have just arrived, and only half of their heads were burned off.

Some have been here for a long time, leaving only a few toes and a pair of empty shoes.

Wisps of milky white smoke shot out from the tops of the burning human lamps, and then rose and floated to the top of the mountain, where they condensed into a huge spring of mist.

Any living being, as long as they take a look at it, will have an unstoppable desire to covet that mist spring.

Compared with that thing, the other life-enhancing spiritual fruits and flowers in the mountain are all pale in comparison.

Tao Qian took a deep breath, ignored those wax oil boys, moved away, and came to a newly formed human lamp.

It is a half-grown female doll, about sixteen or seventeen years old.

I don't know what happened to her, half of her face is full of longing, and half of her face is panic.

Her scalp has been burnt to the ground.

As soon as Tao Qian pointed it out, his annals burst out in a moment of rage:

Valley flattery

Chronicle name: Xianshou Rendeng. 】

Zhi category: foreign body. 】

Annals: They were originally human beings, who were bewitched by the "shoulder fairy boy" born in the Yin Yin Mountain, and were kidnapped into the evil place. The foreign body formed after being processed by secret methods, once entered the mountain, their lives would die. I will donate all my lifespan and pour it into the immeasurable life spring on the top of the mountain. This thing is the same as the "Devil Buddha Evil Lotus", which is a rare Buddhist treasure in the Demon Buddha Temple. It is only found in Yinyin Mountain. It can be obtained that in the local mountain of the Demon Buddha Temple, there is also a real spring of immeasurable longevity, and the person in charge is a Buddha. 】

Note 1: There are a total of 46,000 human lamps here, all of which are dead, only the longevity element still exists. 】

Note 2: The guardian deity of Jialan, born in this evil land, was bribed by the longevity fairy boy ten days ago, and became alienated and degenerated. 】

Note 3: There are a total of 1,008 fairy boys in this evil land. Each fairy boy has a page of Buddhist scriptures in his body. It's just that at the same time, he will also become a slave of the Buddha under the command of the Buddha in the Demon Buddha Temple, and he will not be able to resist. 】

In an instant, all the details in the shadow mountain were completely understood by Tao Qian.

At the same time, those longevity fairies also showed signs of impatience and began to chatter.

"Where did the thief monk be so rude?"

"It doesn't look too easy to provoke, why don't you take some spirits and send them away."

"No, these two people seem to be let in by Tianshou Guardian, I'm afraid they have a lot of background."

"Go and get the jade pot, put some water from Wuliangshou Spring] and give them."

"How many years have you pretended?"

"Two hundred years, one hundred per person, send them away early."

Seeing the look on his lover's face, Yun Rong knew that this good brother was probably very angry.

Also moved over, opened the mouth and said:

"Do you want to do it? My sister will kill with you. It seems that they are just some wax demons who eat longevity."

"By taking advantage of people's desire to cultivate, cheat Shouyuan to eat."

"To kill is to smash the Laoshizi Yinyin Mountain together, and then go out and behead the old monk."

As soon as Yun Rong's murderous words came out, the fairy boys of Qian Shishou were all furious.

All of them had ferocious faces and black air, they pulled out the dharma sword, Jiedao, whisk and other things from their bodies, and then rushed towards Tao Qian and the two like a colony of ants.

In the middle of the journey, all kinds of chattering and extremely noisy sounds came one step ahead.

At the foot of the mountain, it is believed that more than 40,000 people here have died, and there is no way to save them.

Tao Qian's face was covered with frost, and he slowly squeezed a Buddha seal, looked directly at the ugly fairies in front of him, at this dark black mountain, and said:

"Since it is necessary to light a lamp to illuminate the light, and it is necessary to burn a candle to offer longevity, it is simply a matter of burning them all."

"This is the evil place of Buddhism, so I will burn it with the Buddha Fire Heart Lamp."

Before the words fell, Tao Qian had cast a supernatural power that had never been used before.

Buddha Fire Heart Lamp!

He is not a serious Buddhist cultivator, but only borrows the power of a hundred Buddha and bird guardians to perform it. It is said that the power should be far from comparable to the original version.

But at this time, Tao Qian burst into anger.

At the next moment, Tao Qian's whole body seemed to turn into a human lamp, but his lamp was not here to present his life, but to take it away.

The golden heart flame filled with Buddha's light surged out, and in an instant, it first ignited the lamps of all the people around, sending these poor people to rebirth and liberation first, and then those more than a thousand longevity fairy children.

They all have some supernatural powers. If they were fairy boys from Yinyin Mountain in the home of the Demon Buddha Temple, if they were killed together, Tao Qian might not be able to survive even if he was promoted to bliss or even Taoism in the future.

But right now, none of these fairies are in the limelight.

If a body made of wax touches the wrath of a true Buddha, where is life left?

Immediately, the entire evil land began to resound with the incomparably sharp wailing of the fairies.

Accompanied by these ghost sounds, the gold and silver palaces, exotic flowers and plants, glazed jasper, and snow-white palaces on the mountain... all began to melt, and finally the entire majestic and mysterious Yinyin Mountain was like a thing made of paper when it met an open fire. Burned as fly ash, clean up.

Seeing that a large area of ​​evil has turned into nothingness again, it is about to conceive again.

Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ two things exuding extraordinary aura drifted over.

The first one is a volume of Buddhist scriptures with a gold and black cover, and a few large characters are pasted on it with gold foil: The Magic Buddha's Infinite Food and Life Sutra.

The second thing is that Wuliangshou Fog Spring, dense and surging, each strand may represent several years of life, and the total may be as many as tens of thousands of years?

Seeing this scene, Tao Qian only sneered and said:

"Wrap a fishhook in honey, so you'll underestimate me."

As soon as the words fell, the finger that was still surging with anger pointed at the Buddhist scriptures, scattered the Buddha's light on the cover, and completely burned the inner pages of the book.

Immediately, he took out the Yuding again, and put the mouthful of Shouquan into the tripod.

Seeing that the vast void in front of him was really clean, Tao Qian nodded in satisfaction, and led Yun Rong to the ground.


The two had just left the house, looking back, Tianshou Jialan, who was white-haired and childlike not long ago, had a red face, and now the naked eye is beginning to age.

He vomited blood, his teeth fell out, his body was bent, his white hair fell out, and he was old.

He tried his best to keep his cloudy eyes wide open, staring at Tao Qian and the two of them.

But he is also a cunning one. He realized that a disaster had occurred in the evil land, and the entire Yinyin Mountain was destroyed by these two people, so he knew that he could not be the opponent.

Without saying a word, she turned around and was about to run away. Anyway, as long as the Mofo Temple rules Qiantang, Yinyin Mountain can conceive again.

It's a pity that he suffered a great shock to his mind, but he forgot how he was forcibly detained before.

Tao Qian just smiled, stomped his feet, and fixed him in place.

With a flick of his fingers, a Heart Lamp and Buddha Flame flew over and ignited him instantly.

At the last moment before his death, the voice of Wugou Buddha came:

"Those wax demon fairy children live by eating longevity, you old bastard, not only eating longevity, but also eating human flesh and blood."

"That being the case, let's go on the road."

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