Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 521: Dao nightmare comes suddenly, Tao Qian protects the media

"You know, even if Li Wanshou and Liu Pei exist, they can't hide their good and evil nature in front of me."

"How can you be a beast in human skin?"

"Really you..."

Tao Qian had just spit out two sentences, but Fu Yupu had to struggle to argue, and was immediately sealed by Tao Qian's thoughts.

He could only kneel there, twisting like a maggot, unable to struggle to defend himself, his eyes widened with unwillingness, listening to the extremely cruel punishment and judgment that came from above.

"The Ancestral God Forbidden Law can't help you, I can."

"This world is a country without ghosts. There is a secret realm [Eighteen Hells]. Ordinary evil ghosts and evil spirits can offset their debts and have a chance to reincarnate."

"But you are such a beast, but you have to experience every level of hell, but you have no chance of reincarnation after that. I want your soul to be scattered, and you will never be born again."

When Tao Qian opened his mouth.

With a single finger, the gate of **** in the Wushi Kingdom was opened in this temple.

As his voice fell, a group of ghost generals immediately walked out of the ghost fog, first saluting Tao Qian, and then capturing Fu Yupu, who was speechless and extremely regretful, and returned to the ghost country.

In fact, with Fu Yupu's cultivation, he is not qualified to experience the complete eighteenth hell.

But after all, it was Tao Zhenren who opened the mouth, so the back door naturally opened.

Before he was taken away, Tao Qian directly cast a spell to get a copy of the memory out of his mind.

After reading it once, Tao Qian's expression changed immediately.

The mind communicates with the ancestral spirits, and with the help of its own majestic luck, plus the [Mountain, River, Society and Jitu] and the power of some ancestral gods and forbidden laws, he can perceive the seventy-two provinces. Seeing that this wasn't enough, he wanted to call Yun Rong to borrow the power of Haotian Baojian, and even peeped at the Outer Territory and even the Outer Territory Great Abyss.

After a few breaths, Tao Qian seemed to understand everything, and the doubts in his eyes disappeared.

The complexion is extremely complicated.

The first thought that lingered in my mind was still the first iron law that I received when I stepped into the world of cultivation: everything in cultivation must have a price.

"Originally, I thought that this time I forced a catastrophe on humanity, with my special soul and the prayers of all peoples that no one could stop, there should be no price to pay."

"But I don't want to, there is still."

"The original version of the [Ancestral God Forbidden Law] that has been maintained for more than two thousand years, although it was used by the alchemists and emperors to **** blood, it really has no owner to speak of, and it runs on its own. All the major factions signed contracts, so that the forbidden law not only restrains the demons, but also restrains the human race, and will not spread many cultivation methods, so naturally the other races will have a way to survive."

"Don't interfere with each other, be at peace with each other."

"And today's Ancestral God Forbidden Law, not only does it not have the contract blessings of the major factions, but it is also divided into several large pieces, which are controlled by different people."

"Si Xixin, Zhang Jinluan, Yu Yanshi, Yin Yuehua... In order to enhance their own power, they chose to promote the complete integration of the cultivation world and the mortal world, and the major factions have completely joined the world to support the left."

"The Xinxin Academy is actually built by Si Xixin, and recruits students from the seventy-two provinces. As long as the talent and qualifications pass the test, they can enter the school to study. Not only does the school have a large volume of Benming Sutra provided by the major factions, but also invited The elders of the various sects have come out to serve as teachers...a real immortal cultivation school!"

"Whether it can be practiced, whether the human race can jump, all need spiritual resources."

"Since the human race can't be used as fuelwood, it will naturally be the turn of other races, other spiritual things, and other human races that are not protected by forbidden laws."

At this moment, Tao Qian's mind resurfaced with many cruel scenes.

It is now that other races, as well as the situation of the human races of other countries, have all begun to suffer.

"So in the current situation, the human race of the seventy-two provinces is peaceful and happy, and the people of Modu are even jumping to another stratum... And the price for all of this is outward expansion and killing."

"These, it seems to be very good, dead Taoist friends do not die poor Taoist."

"But I'm afraid it won't be long before everything will be devoured!"

"My human race has ancestors, gods, but no other races? Wars are chain reactions. Once the fire is lit, everything will be swept away in an instant."

"The most important thing is that once the practice method is popularized, the number of practitioners will skyrocket. Even if the other races and the people of small foreign countries are used as fuel materials, it will not be enough."

"Not to mention that the iron law of [Price of Cultivation] is always in effect, even if someone like Fu Yupu sets foot in the transcendence realm, it won't take long for him to completely fall into the devil, unable to contain the devil in his heart, and turn to the human race. "

"He is like this alone, and the Ancestral God's Forbidden Law can obliterate him."

"Ten thousand people are like this, and the law can also be killed."

"If this is the case with 100,000 people, the forbidden law may be able to withstand it."

"The million people?"

"How about thousands of people?"

Thinking of this, Rao Shi Tao Qian has a profound knowledge of Taoism, and his heart is also horrified at this time.

Suddenly, he only felt that he had opened a magic box, and the human race might self-destruct because of this.

And all of this stems from his forcible elimination of that human doom.

Is this also the price?

Although Tao Qian calmed down again at this moment, thinking about the key points, he secretly thought about how he could have the power to destroy the human race.

But at this moment, there was still a dangerous feeling in my heart.

In my mind, it turned into a scarlet narration: [The heart and soul are changing, and I am about to fall into the first Dao demon... It is not exempt! 】

"Dao Demon!"

"Is this here?"

This unexpected change made Tao Qian also have to be nervous.

He is now in the realm of bliss and perfection. He even forcibly rushed past the most terrifying "Cai Shou" level. In addition, he is a fellow practitioner of the Three Veins. His supernatural powers are so tyrannical. His life is not much.

Not much, but still there.

Dao demon!

This thing is one of them.

If a cultivator in the Bliss and Perfection Realm wants to set foot in Taoism, in addition to breaking the catastrophe of Taoism, he must also face this major danger.

After all, this is about the Dao, even if a genius is strong, once he falls into it, he may die, and Tao Qian cannot be exempted.

Originally, I wanted to stay for a few more hours, and then look for Ancestral Spirit Haosheng to discuss it to see if there is a remedy.

But now it can't be done. Not only can he not stay in the mundane world, he can't even stay in Penglaihai and the immortal island.

Dao Demon is an inexplicable mysterious phenomenon, not only that the cultivator of the blissful realm fell into a nightmare, but at the same time the cultivator will spew out the breath of the avenue, which will completely pollute and alienate the surrounding land.

Right now, he has only one place to go: within the Xingdao Star Aperture at his home.

Without any delay, Tao Qianxian said to the four students of the Heart Washing School:

"Since we can meet each other, you are both good-natured, and you should have the opportunity to offer it."

"I hope the four of you don't forget your original intentions and don't fall into the devil."

After all, Tao Qian cast a spell to summon the three-legged golden toad, spit out some money Yuanzhu that can enhance the fortune opportunity, and the magic power of Taoism to the four people, and then waved the excited four people out of Tianmu Mountain.

Afterwards, he looked at the spirits of Tianmu Mountain, including the mountain ghosts. Some were excited, while others were uneasy. After all, many mountain spirits and monsters had scolded Tao Qian.

The time was tense, and Tao Qian had no time to take care of the others, and only followed the inspiration that he felt in his heart.

He is a real great supernatural power, whether it is a whim or a feeling of heart and soul, there is a predestined law, and the reason for coming and going can be known just by thinking, so it is good to follow the trend.

He looked at the pure and holy, primitive and simple mountain ghost, and said straight:

"You are the daughter of Tianmu Mountain. You should know that this mountain has the opportunity to achieve a paradise."

"It was fate that I met me back then, but now I almost suffered a disaster. Now that it has been completed, in a hundred years, Tianmu Mountain should be able to become a spiritual mountain blessed land."

"It's just that it's too ostentatious here, and then there will be disasters and calamities, and we must go to Penglaihai."

"The other is you. It seems that you have a relationship with my senior brother... Would you like to go to Tianmu Mountain? Do you all want to go?"

As soon as Tao Qian finished speaking, including the mountain ghosts, they all nodded happily.

How could she understand what kind of fate, she only sensed that her mother wanted to go to Penglaihai, and all the mountain spirits wanted to go even more.

Once he got the letter, Tao Qian started immediately.

After he was promoted to Bliss and Consummation, in addition to fellow practitioners from the Three Vessels, he also received the Dharma from Heavenly Venerate and obtained a great supernatural power called "Moving Mountains".

It is most suitable for use now.

That night, around Tianmu Mountain, the people of the devil capital, and the creatures in other realms, they all saw a scene that they will never forget:


Only one voice could be heard, and then a thousand zhang rays of light burst forth.

The thunder exploded, the earth dragon turned over, and the sky trembled.

The incomparably huge Tianmu Mountain was lifted up by a figure.

The majestic mountain turned into a small stone plaything in the figure's hand in an instant. It was pinched by it and jumped into a wooden boat. Seeing that the heavenly gate opened wide and the Milky Way came suddenly, wrapped in the immortal boat, it disappeared at the end of heaven and earth.

The Miaoshu Treasure Boat is a spiritual treasure, and its speed is naturally far from that of the Xingzha Demon.

In an instant, Tao Qian rushed back to Penglaihai from the magic capital carrying Tianmu Mountain.

Just after breaking through Jiu Liantong Youfeng and entering the Myriad Immortal Islands, I followed the inspiration ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to the immortal island where my senior brother Yang Jie was.

There was no time to be more polite, and he only shouted loudly:

"Senior Brother Yang Jie!"

"This mountain must be entrusted to you, a charming girl in the mountain, who has some fate with you, don't let it go."

When the words fell, the mother mountain had been thrown down by him that day.

Brother Yang Jie's Taoism has not yet reached the point where he can catch this mountain, but the island is actually owned by Yang Jie's teacher [True Monarch Xuanyuan].

The strength of this true monarch is second only to Daoist Duobao.

As soon as Tao Qian opened his mouth, he also immediately felt a sense, showing his body shape, casting spells to catch mountains, and at the same time, he laughed loudly:

"Thank you, my nephew, for protecting the media for Jie'er!"

"But I don't want the groom's nephew to go out for a trip..."

True Monarch Xuanyuan saw Tao Qian's appearance halfway through his speech.

His complexion suddenly changed greatly, and when he hurriedly took over the Heavenly Mother Mountain, he also immediately shouted:

"Nephew, don't delay!"

"Quickly go to the Xiandao Star Aperture to avoid disaster, Dao Demon is not so stubborn, and it will become a big disaster later."

ps: The third update is over, the next volume is extraterritorial, I am tired of writing those contents, just write a little introduction to smoothly enter the new story, everyone can rest assured.

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