Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 522: The demon Tao Qian, boils the star hole

True Monarch Xuanyuan has extraordinary supernatural powers, so he can instantly see the abnormality of Tao Qian's body at this time.

What shocked this true monarch even more was the wisps of unseen aura that burst out from within Tao Qian's body. The void in which he was located was distorted, and the small world on that side changed color, as if a great terror was brewing.

Tao Qian knew better, after throwing over the mountain, he didn't even have time to give a gift.

He only left the sentence "disciple saves it", and immediately performed the Dafa escape technique to go to the immortal island.

Too late to say hi to anyone again!

First act on the mind to open the top of Yunhua Mountain, the bronze portal of the highest palace in Lingji Cave.

Then he turned into a streamer and crashed into the secret aperture of the star film.

Seeing Tao Qian's disappearing figure, Xuanyuan Zhenjun, who was holding [Tianmu Mountain] in one hand, with a solemn expression on his face, secretly said:

"A cultivator of bliss who has broken through the level of 'picking longevity' must breed demonic energy in his body, which is the price of intercepting the avenues of heaven and prolonging his life."

"Different monks have different types and strengths of demonic energy."

"I thought that the [Wanbao Demonic Qi] in Senior Brother's body was already the most terrifying, but I didn't want the Demonic Qi in my nephew's body to be even better. Just looking at it made me terrified. It's me who wants to be alienated and twisted, and the trauma is not light."

"What kind of Tao is it? What's the origin?"

"Although the stronger the demonic energy, it also means that the monks after entering the Tao are stronger."

"But the Daohua catastrophe brought about by such terrifying demonic energy is extremely difficult to break through."

When Zhenjun Xuanyuan was worried about Tao Qian's future doom, Tao Qian had already entered the secret passage and crashed into the secret passage guarded by the Spiritual Essence Goddess and the crystal demon clan.

His current state has reached the limit.

All kinds of strange "side effects" that Tao Qian never thought of, completely ignored his spiritual treasure and special soul, and kept emerging.

The scarlet chronicles in my mind burst out one after another:

[I'm being invaded by demonic energy, I'm fascinated, my heart and soul are dusty... Can't be exempted. 】

[It is being invaded by demonic energy, the mana is exhausted, and the Taoism is attenuated... No exemption. 】

[It is being invaded by demonic energy, the spirit and blood are filthy, the internal organs are rotten...not exempt. 】

Although he knew that it was temporary, the fact that he could not see the exemption still made Tao Qianxin stunned.

It was also too late to talk to the Empress Lingsui, Tao Qian's body staggered out of the streamer, and stumbled towards the star aperture filled with the essence of Yuan Qi.

Fortunately, the spiritual lady is an outlier, with an infinite lifespan. With her cultivation of treasures, her knowledge is naturally extraordinary.

Seeing the young master's state, he immediately exclaimed.

Showing his body shape, he didn't care about anyone else, and helped him up.

The next moment, only the sound of "chi chi" was heard, and Empress Lingsui let out a painful whimper.

Her crystal body seemed to be corroded, and the stench of black smoke billowed out.

Fortunately, only the last section of the path, Tao Qian took advantage of the last trace of clarity, and quickly pushed away the empress, and fell into the star aperture like the ocean's heart lake.

"The Guard is Here"

Full of demonic energy, Tao Qian plunged into the star aperture like a monster.

There was no abnormal sound, only the light source of light in the sky was surging, drowning its body.

Seeing this scene, the spiritual lady who was standing in the passage breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at her hands and chest. The crystal clear body was corroded into many potholes, and there was black mud flowing inside, and the stench was unbearable.

She immediately performed surgery, gouging out the filth in the sore, and her complexion became weaker.

In his eyes, he was worried about his little master.

"With the tenacity of my body, even the Master's [Wanbao Demonic Qi] is extremely difficult to hurt me."

"Little master, what kind of way are you looking for?"

"I don't know if he can stand this kind of Dao demon?"

Tao Qian was completely unaware of the external situation.

His body fell into the star aperture, and he was instantly enveloped in the infinite essence of Yuan Qi, including his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose.

In an instant, the many terrifying side effects were greatly alleviated, and the gradually disordered and dead heart and soul also felt warmth again.

When the two-layered state rushed, Tao Qian slowly fell into sleep.

Although he tried to struggle one or two, it didn't work.

It was as if hundreds of millions of "sleepy worms" had been drilled into the ear orifices. Even Tao Qian couldn't resist it, and fell asleep after a few breaths.

It seems like such a scene in the star aperture, but it can be at Tao Qian.

But it was only for a while, and then he realized that he seemed to be reborn again.

In front of him, there is a very familiar scene:

"They are all the best young people who ran against the imperial court, but they were betrayed by traitors and served by a dog official."

"My mother, did you bring the steamed buns?"

"If anyone has extra money, they can help collect their corpses afterwards."

Listening to these voices, Tao Qian realized that he was once again a prisoner bound in Caishikou, about to be beheaded, and his tongue was also cut in half.

In his mind, many memories of the original owner suddenly flooded into his mind.

After being beheaded, he recited the remnants of "The Seven Secrets of the Mysterious Corpse" and was reborn into the body of Tao Qian, who committed suicide.

But what happened next was completely different.

The newly resurrected Tao Qian was looking in the mirror, and suddenly found "self" in the mirror, with an indescribable, cold-haired wicked smile on his pale face.

The next moment, he actually got out of the Chengyou Bookstore and rushed to the neighbor Li Sanyu's house in the dark. During the process, Tao Qian felt that something was wrong and tried to stop it, but now he is just a bystander contained in his body, and he can feel Everything, the actions of this body can also be fed back in an extremely real way.

But he can't change it, can't stop it, it seems that this is all... the past?

It has happened, it is reality.

More precisely, it is true.

So what happened next made Tao Qian almost crazy and almost nauseated.

He threw himself into the yard like a corpse, killed the sleeping boss Li Sanyu, and ate the corpse from head to toe. After he was full, he raped Li Sanyu's wife and daughter. , and then ate them raw together.

Seeing that he was not enough, he sneered at another neighbor Jia Qiang's courtyard, ate him, and raped his wife and daughter.

"Dao Demon?"

"Is this the Dao Demon?"

"A merely fabricated illusion can defeat a cultivator of bliss?"

Tao sighed in anger.

At the same time, he also tried his best to use the mana in his body to cast the magical powers of the three meridians he had learned to break free from this illusion.

I checked my mind repeatedly to see if I could trigger the Zhishu, and I found the word "exemption" in the Zhishu.

However, no.

Whether it is mana or Zhishu, or those magical powers, it seems that they are all illusory.

And the "things" that he could really feel made Tao Qian almost go crazy in an instant.

What can he feel at this moment?

The flesh and blood in the throat is sweet, the belly is full, the shredded meat in the teeth, the beautiful aftertaste of the lower body...

Tao Qian wanted to quit, wanted to sit cross-legged and meditate, wanted to instigate the power of his heart and soul to forcibly break free... But all of this was in vain.

It seems that this "Tao Qian" is the real him.

Soul and flesh are one!

All this is in front of me, but the real memory of the past is reviving.

Tao Qian struggled to endure the disgusting aftertaste, but soon the second wave came.

He began to disrupt the entire Xunxian County. He seemed to use the county as a plaything. The father and son fighting on the pier were good, but he deliberately poisoned the corpse, made the father eat the mother, and then made the father and son mutilate each other... Four beasts in Shexian County In fact, four innocent county residents who accidentally caught a glimpse of his conspiracy... The three-headed real monarch, the gourd demon, the selling chestnut, and other demons are ordinary neighbors who were transformed into monsters by him to play with.

Nongyu fairy Pan Hongniang was originally a kind-hearted female cultivator of peach blossoms. She was moved by Tao Qian, who played with him, abandoned her, and deliberately lured her into a demon.

Yanshi Bodhisattva was originally a good Bodhisattva of Guanyin Temple. He was deceived by him, thinking that he was still saved, and he used his body to feed the tiger, but in the end, he was forcibly transformed into that terrifying appearance.

The world in Tao Qian's eyes is turning upside down, and his memory is in disorder.

If it's just a hallucinatory scene forcibly squeezed in, it's nothing.

But what "he" did was all true.

All the feelings, bit by bit, are very clearly fed back.

What's more deadly is that there is no mistake or omission in the reversal of all this.

Even though Tao Qian was doing evil, he tried his best to pick out his mistakes, trying to prove that the world and memory in front of him were false, but he couldn't pick out the slightest mistake.

Real and cruel memories, madly revived:

Tengshefang City, Tiefo Temple, Xunxian County... All the disputes and wars were caused by him behind the scenes.

Xiangrouji Miserable Gum and Meiling Miserable Gum were also done by him.

He also took advantage of the trust of Infant Sect Xiao Zhenren to betray him and humiliated him. After playing with him all night, the demon army turned into a rebel army, and even Bai Qinzi became an eminent monk. He wanted to save him, but he was deceived by him. Dead body.

A completely reversed world, a completely reversed memory.

At this moment, Tao Qian was completely unable to distinguish between reality and illusion.

"This is Dao Mo? Trying to tell me."

"This world is originally normal, there is no alienation, no distortion and degeneration, everything is my fault."

"I brought filth, I tainted everything."

From these thoughts, we can see that Tao Qiandao's heart is still firm.

It only made him extremely annoyed, and it was the real feedback that gradually gave birth to crazy thoughts.

He is one with this "Tao Qian" spirit and flesh, and he cannot control his actions.

Although he struggled again and again, it was useless, and he had to let Tao Qian continue.

So, he felt the pleasure of killing people, the pleasure of playing with people, the satiety of cannibalizing people, the wonderful aftertaste of the silver-haired fairies... all of these, he has experienced one by one~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His heart and soul are just a little bit. Madly asking himself:

"Even after the fact, it proves that all this is false."

"I, am I still clean?"

When Tao Qian's heart and soul was tormented by real memories and gradually became mad.

Inside the star aperture, the spiritual lady, who was standing at the passage of the secret path, was looking at Yuan Qi Wang Yang with a worried expression on her face.

The vast and deep star lake is actually boiling.

In the middle of Gudu, Gudu, wisps of black air visible to the naked eye, abruptly broke open the essence of the Origin Qi and surged up.

Not to mention the stench, the originally beautiful star aperture has signs of distortion.

"The star aperture is full?"

"How could this be?"

"Although Dao Demon has the power to distort reality and illusion, it only spreads when it is outside, causing a catastrophe."

"The function of the star aperture is to dispel and dispel these overflowing demonic energy, so that the monks who are trapped in the demon can survive in peace."

"The devilish energy in the little master's body can actually boil the star aperture. If he can't break free, isn't it..."

As if she had foreseen a bad ending, Lady Spiritual Essence was full of worry, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

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