Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 525: Shocking the gods, the suzerain is fierce

At this time, the scene in the star aperture is more than a suspicion of the spiritual lady.

Even Tao Qian himself was the same, surrounded by alienated and twisted monsters and monsters, as well as the children of the evil gods, performing sacrificial rituals, offering sacrifices, and wanting to recognize him as the master.

Where is the fairy flavor in this scene?

Anyone who sees it, is the work of the gods.

"My dear, a ray of magic in my body can attract these ghosts."

"If I indulge directly, will I be able to join the ranks of the demon gods on the spot?"

When these two thoughts were born, Tao Qian had completely broken free from the atmosphere of the Dao and Demon world.

After all, the innate inspiration of Senior Sister Lingji, and her own foreign soul immunity, were not wasted in vain.

"Looking at that demon, there is a lot of fog."

"But to make me die, it is nothing more than disturbing my mind first, causing me to fall into horror, unable to distinguish between reality and illusion, and eventually become weak and weak, like a bird with a bow, and it will self-destruct when terror comes."

"I'm Tao Qian, it's just that my luck is better, other places are really ordinary, what virtue can it be, can pollute the world and destroy the world?"

"I want to put such a filthy burden in my body and soul and destroy my Dao heart, but I can't."

Tao Qian's heart and soul were all gone in an instant.

Without delay, he looked at the ghosts in front of him again, each of which was strangely shaped, and looked at Zhishu with a good history.

They took the initiative to break into the star aperture and smeared this good-looking spiritual aperture into filth.

But to a certain extent, it is also a small opportunity.

"Sooner or later, I will go to the outside world to experience, these evil demon gods can open my eyes first."

"I take the initiative to send it to the door, it can be slaughtered one or two."

Tao Qian looked at the evil spirits that were swaying and dancing around him, while thinking about how to deal with it.

Those two options seem like a headache.

To accept, you have to feed these evil animals, otherwise there is a chance of being backlashed, but the "food" these evil animals need are almost all human flesh and soul, and all of them are very picky.

If you don't accept it, they will come back soon, and the team will be even bigger.

Because he was thinking about more important things, Tao Qian quickly thought about it and thought of a solution:

"If these evil spirits and strange creatures, the children of the evil gods come to surround and kill me together, it will be more troublesome."

"Since they are all fascinated by demonic energy and feel like throwing at me, and they are actively pouring into the star aperture that I am in charge of, it is naturally much simpler."

"Choose a few that can be used, and kill the rest."

The thoughts of strong evil spirits surfaced in Tao Qian's mind.

In the face of spirit creatures, such as those from Tianmu Mountain, Tao Qian used to treat them equally.

In front of these, that Taozhishu is all expressing a meaning: nothing can be killed.

After the idea was settled, he first smiled, and then released the breath to appease these evil spirits.

In their perception, it is clear that the master is going to agree.

But he didn't want to, Tao Qian was picking and choosing to see if any of the twenty-two Heretic God descendants could be used.

"The Great Yuanyuan Sea is extremely dangerous."

"Each of the alchemists and emperors is [pseudo-Daoist], but they still dare not enter it, and none of these ghosts are Taoist, but they can all dangle in the source sea, and they think more about waiting for opportunities to eat people, obviously they are all dependable."

"Just like this 'red boy', he relies on a demon and exotic treasure that he picked up from nowhere, the red desire demon pocket, the fire spear, the red flame magic wheel... tsk tsk, they are all good treasures, they belong to me ."

"There is also this 'Rabbit Immortal'. Although it is frail, its rabbit fur is unusual. It is not easy to swim across the source sea. If it is peeled off, it must be a top-quality spiritual material from outside the realm."

"Or this 'copper-mouthed monk', huh, he is obviously an evil spirit with no humanity, but he has extraordinary power after cultivating the secret book of Buddhist scriptures outside the territory. Remnants of flesh and blood', practitioners of Chinese magic have to hand it over obediently."

Through the narration, Tao Qian appeases and chooses.

Not long after, he actually chose a useful one from these evil spirits.

It looked like it was a "giant eye" condensed from scorching sulphur gas, jet blackness, and hot molten iron. It was as big as a grinding disc and exuded an extremely disgusting aura.

This evil monster is called [You Shen].

It is also a descendant of the evil god, but that evil **** is quite special, and is hated by almost all the powerful beings in the great abyss.

Regardless of whether it is good or evil, good or bad, this **** exists.

The offspring he gave birth to are naturally hated by gods and ghosts.


In addition to being able to swim across the source sea without hindrance, the wandering **** has only one kind of supernatural power, and that is to make a noise called "stunning sound".

Wherever the sound waves reach, even some powerful evil gods are unwilling to stay, and will choose to turn around and leave.

The weaker ones are directly driven away.

Of course, the reason why Tao Qian left it is that the food he needs is not flesh and blood, and he can only listen to the sounds of Taoism, Buddhism, and magic.

This is the easiest. After Tao Qian sang the "Lingbao Avenue Song", the "Wandering God" suddenly felt comfortable and trembled.

At this moment, Tao Qianyi pointed to the past, and in the flash of aura, its filthy body suddenly shrank and changed.

It turned into an ancient and mottled bronze bell with Tao's concentration.

"From today onwards, you will be called [Stunning Bell]. In the future, if I call the treasure boat to go out of the realm, I can hang you on the bow of the boat and drive away all the filthy spirits that want to approach."

The voice fell.

Tao Qianjing brought up the spirit bell that he made with his own hands, embraced the spirit marrow lady in his arms, and walked towards the passage of the dense path.

The rest of the monsters behind him were supposed to keep up, but were ordered by Tao Qian to stay where they were.

Reluctantly, he threw the "sacrifice" over first.

Tao Qian could see clearly that it was mostly human flesh and soul.

Before the forbidden law was broken, the longevity world often collided with the outside world, which would brew mysterious phenomena that had no solution.

After the ban was broken, such incidents exploded.

There are countless ordinary people and monks who have died so wrongly.

Now, with the sound of "Peng Peng Peng", these sacrifices are thrown towards Tao Qian.

Tao Qian suppressed his anger and stepped into the secret path for an instant.


The voice fell, and a big change occurred in the star aperture.

Accompanied by a loud clatter, the Yuan Qi, which is like a vast ocean, began to ebb.

In a blink of an eye, it leaked back clean.

Then an extremely huge small cave was revealed, and on the distant walls of the cave, there were flickering fierce lights.

Although the evil spirits are fascinated by the "magic energy", they have no problem in perceiving the danger.

In an instant, they all knew what was going on: they were all stranded in this small hole, and a dangerous aura that could destroy them was brewing.

And the next moment, an accident that made them angry happened.


The master they were longing for, there was an aura of rejection.

Not only that, but the owner even sounded the "Wandering God" that made them extremely disgusted.

clang clang!

These heirs of evil spirits, although they don't understand what "send the clock" means.

But they can all sense the insult contained in the bells.

The savage and tyrannical nature was all stimulated, and they all roared and whispered, and then rushed to the passage of the secret path, trying to "retain" their master.

Unfortunately, how is it still useful at this time?

If he was on the sidelines, Tao Qian would probably have the mood to trap them in the star aperture, seeing them as targets for tempering supernatural powers.

One by one, slowly beheading.

But now, Tao Qian just wanted to quickly clean up the filth attracted by the demonic energy, so he activated his ultimate move without hesitation.

Climbing to the Xiandao Star Aperture was originally prepared by Fairy Yunhua for her most beloved disciple, Xie Lingji.

The formation arranged in the interior is also called the first evil formation of Lingbao Sect. In order to add some power, Fairy Yunhua even sacrificed her face to find the sect master~www.wuxiaspot.com~ borrowed four supreme kills from him. Sword intent.

Long ago, Yuan Gong once sighed with Tao Qian:

"There are too many sects in the practice world that are good at swordsmanship. The Taoist Association and the Secret Demon Sect are good at it, even the Buddhist sect. The Shaoqing faction ranks among the twelve sects of the Taoist sect with the supernatural power of kendo."

"But when it comes to killing first, it's still your Lingbao Sect."

"Or, it's your Spirit Treasure Sect Master."

"It has four supreme immortal swords, and if you add a picture, it can form the [Zhu Xianjian Array]."

"It is rumored that the Lingbao Sect Master once relied on this battle to kill at least a dozen robbery immortals and evil gods in the melee of the source sea gods and demons. His fierce reputation is three-point more terrifying than that of the Supreme Taoist Master."

Earlier, Tao Qian was exaggerating when he was Yuan Shi.

But at this moment, when the fierce light in the star aperture lit up, and four shocking sword shadows appeared, Tao Qian's mind bursting out of the chronicle verified all this.

It was like the sound of a torrent blasting. In the small cave of the star aperture, the heaven and the earth suddenly turned upside down. Hundreds of millions of invisible and intangible things seemed to be pure sword lights condensed by killing and killing evil spirits.

struggle? Scream?

None of these responses.

Tao Qian only felt a flash of sword light in front of his eyes, and when he looked again, it was empty of filth, and the spirit came again.

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