Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 526: In order to solve the first difficulty of the nightmare, the extraterritorial toad ***

"Good battle, good sword intent."

Tao Qian stood at the entrance of the secret path, and couldn't help but praise when he saw the splendid star aperture in front of him.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the [Shocking Bell], which was a living creature by his side, automatically sounded the bell, expressing fear, surprise and happiness.

No wonder Tao Zhenren and the descendants of the dignified evil gods thought so. It must be known that each of the group of evil spirits and gods has an extraordinary origin. Compared with the monks, although the combat power is not Taoist, there are still a lot of blissful states.

If this group of monsters were thrown into the longevity world, it would be enough to cause a great chaos.

But during this time, only the sword light flickered and then all died and disappeared.

Tao Qian imagined to himself if he was surrounded and killed by this battle, would he be able to survive?

The answer clearly emerged: I'm afraid it can't, this sword intent is too fierce.

"With this ability to set up a formation, Master Wei Dao once said that if he gave Aunt Yunhua time to set up a formation, even if he joins other senior brothers, he may not be able to fight. Now it seems that it is not a lie."

"Aunt Yunhua, she is indeed in love with Senior Sister Lingji."

After sighing again, Tao Qian remembered something, and looked at the Spiritual Empress in his arms, and couldn't help but look ashamed.

This empress, Duobao deliberately stayed here to take care of Tao Qian.

But he didn't want to be so miserable by him that he only met for the first time.

The gorgeous dress has long been tattered, and the crystal body is full of wounds and gaps. The thousands of crystal lights behind the head are also dimmed. The eyes that should be full of rainbow light are tightly closed, but the three colored tear moles have turned into nothingness and paleness. It is a broken treasure crystal beauty, which is pitiful.

The heart and soul are manifested like this, and the miserable nature can be imagined.

The zhishu bursting out of his mind was warning Tao Qian that if he waited a little longer, the spirituality in the soul of the spiritual lady was likely to be severely damaged.

"The devilish energy emanating from my body does so much damage?"

"If Niangniang insists on one or two more, I will open the star aperture again, attracting the essence of the source of vitality."

While speaking, Tao Qian returned to Xingqiao with the Spiritual Essence in his arms.

The vast array reversed in an instant, from the trend of blocking to open source.

The closed star aperture opened again, and the torrent of Yuan Qi like an ocean rushed from the source sea, and the brilliance flashed again, forming a huge ring at the entrance, and began to filter the impurities in the Yuan Qi, allowing only the most quintessence. The living spring of Yuan Qi poured into this small cave.

Before long, a sea of ​​stars that was more dazzling than ever before was born.

Tao Qianjing put the empress into it, and saw the hundreds of millions of dimly lit crystal lights flickering, and a crystal mountain of spiritual marrow that stretched for thousands of miles but was shattered appeared, and at the same time slowly sank into the star aperture.

With the sound of gudu gudu, this crystal mountain began to swallow Origin Qi to repair itself.

Tao Qian looked at the scene, heaved a sigh of relief, and also clicked his tongue:

"Niangniang's body is the [Spiritual Essence Crystal Mountain], which is already considered the hardest thing inside and outside the upper realm. The sharp weapon of the gods cut her without even leaving a white mark."

"But she was scorched by the devilish energy in my body, and she looked like this."

"Although my demonic energy has leaked out too much and it was all blocked by the empress, it is enough to show how dangerous this ghost thing is."

"I'm afraid Shizun never expected it, and only thought that the empress could take care of me."

In the gulp, Tao Qian pinched his fingers to count the time.

It was too early, so he did not leave the star aperture, but sat directly beside the empress.

Calm down, he began to formally consider the many details and mysteries of this first encounter with the Dao Demon.

After experiencing it once, Tao Qianchen knew that his "dao demon" was very unusual, but he also knew that he could not avoid it.

Since it is unavoidable, then we must first understand it carefully and then think about how to deal with it.

Fortunately, although the [Innate Spiritual Induction] gifted by Senior Sister Lingji dissipated, at that moment, Tao Qian still saw many truths in the world, and the Dao was the most logical.

In addition, there is a majestic chronicle, Tao Qianxin can dig out something.

As soon as I woke up earlier, a group of evil creatures came to cast, so it was delayed.

Now, while the afterglow is still there, Tao Qian immediately enters into meditation.

About an hour later, in the sea of ​​stars that had become much shallower, Tao Qian woke up and turned around.

The doubts and fears in his eyes are still there, but they have also disappeared a lot.

"Master Yuan has already told me about the Dao Demon, and he knows that the demonic energy has the power to distort, but even if the cultivator in the blissful realm is completely out of control, the demonic energy in his body affects at most one mountain and one valley. A city, at most it’s a city.”

"Look at the maiden's appearance, if I lose control, I'm afraid the impact will be huge... The most deadly is the birth of [Demon Tao Qian] in this world, and the scourge will be even greater."

Speaking of this sentence, Tao Qian first remembered the scene of the crowd of evil creatures swaying and dancing, beating and beating to recognize their masters, and then thinking of the world in Taoism.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and he immediately wiped out the consequences of his subconscious fantasies in his mind.

"However, it's not without good news."

"The first is that this demon will not come again in a short time."

"The second is that I am not without resistance."

"If every time I suffer from a demon, I can only turn into a demon to experience the evil things that destroy my conscience and destroy the world. I'm in a daze, and I commit suicide in despair. Then I don't need to practice anymore. "

"The horror of this ghost thing lies in the 'unity of spirit and flesh'. Master Yuan said that the Taoist demons of other cultivators of bliss have never mentioned this incident. I am the only one who has it."

Thinking of this sentence, Tao Qian couldn't help but look a little ugly.

More, is anger.

He is not committing suicide now, which is why his heart is perfect and tenacious after a lot of experiences.

"Fortunately, I have glimpsed the enlightenment, and the Taoism is born from the heart and soul."

"My soul is special, so this demon is also special."

"The first time I was unprepared, I lost the first move, and the next time I encountered the devil, I should be able to have a little bit of control where I was born, and the judgment time of the alien soul will be shortened... Next time, the control will be restored. A little more, and the judgment time for the original wish of the soul will be shortened..."

"Over and over again, until I break the Dao Demon, understand my own Dao, and then break the Dao Transformation Tribulation, I can truly set foot in the Dao Transformation Realm."

"However, if you want to do it really well, you still need to do some side preparations, and you have to prepare some backhands to prevent me from getting out of control and falling into the devil."

"Hey, now that I think about it, I used to rely too much on [Different Soul Immunity], and now there is a problem with the reliance, and I was caught off guard and immediately sat on wax."

"Whether this incident is considered the price of the past exemption, paid together."

Tao Qian's last thought was very determined.

What he experienced in the world of Dao and Demons may seem insignificant to some people, but Tao Qian felt that the price was extremely heavy.

If there is a choice, he would rather give up a treasure, magical power and the like.

Unfortunately, it's done.

Tao Qian Wuxia didn't want to sigh any more, and only looked at the spiritual lady beside him.

The speed of replenishment is acceptable, but the damage is not light, and it will take several days to recover.

Although the spiritual lady regarded him as the main and called him little master.

Tao Qian, however, couldn't really take it seriously. Before leaving, he sincerely thanked him, and then said:

"Fortunately, I have the protection of the mother this time, otherwise the disaster will be big."

"My lady, please heal with peace of mind. There will be no disturbance from foreign objects, and you don't have to worry about the loss of the battle. My Aunt Yunhua is well prepared, and it will not be a problem to persist in this battle for a hundred years."

"When I finish solving the hidden dangers and important matters on my body, I will come to see the empress."

Having said all this, Tao Qian also got a response from the empress.

With a smile, the somewhat urgent Tao Qian walked out of the star aperture and left the secret realm.

There is a reason for Tao Qian to be so anxious.

Although he knew that the "Dao Demon" would not come again in a short time, the sooner he was ready, the more he felt at ease.

Without delay, Tao Qian first sought out Master Yuan for advice, and then went to the elders, uncles, and aunts in the mountain gate to seek advice on Taoism, and even went to Aunt Pansi, who had read all the classics and secret books, regardless of how to avoid suspicion. In the end, he went directly to find Aunt Mai, who had the highest cultivation base.

After walking in a circle, Tao Qian's expression did not change.

Without him, the result would have been expected.

Verification is correct!

His Dao Demon is indeed the most special.

Other blissful monks, even Aunt Mai, who fell into a magical dream and woke up, have never had such a thing as "unity of spirit and flesh", let alone releasing that kind of distortion and alienation. In the great abyss, many evil spirits and gods have taken refuge in the demonic energy.

"It's really a jackpot!"

"Although Dao Demon is dangerous, it cannot be regarded as a robbery. For other bliss monks in the world, it is a way of asking the mind, and it is to help monks find the way."

"That's why the people like Ling Wa, Kong Chan, Xiu Zhonglin, and Lian Sha Luohan that I met earlier were only afraid of the last level, which is the [Tao Hua Catastrophe], but never mentioned the reason why Lao Shi Zi Dao Demon."

"I am the only one."

"I didn't expect it!"

"My Tao Qian's good luck can be counted in the world."

"This bad luck can also be considered the number one in the world?"

Tao Qian complained and returned to his home in Lingji Cave.

Then, start preparing for the countermeasures.

"It will definitely help me solve the dangers of Dao Demon. The first one is Senior Sister Lingji's [Innate Inspiration]. It's just a gift, and it will dissipate after using it."

"If Senior Sister Lingji's deity is here, I can't say that I can still rub my cheeks. Unfortunately, her life and death are unknown now, and Aunt Yunhua is so tired that she searches all over the world."

"The rest of the elders, whether Master Yuan or aunts, have no solution, even Aunt Mai."

"Aunt Pansi is in a hurry to go to the Jingdian to check the book, so she will naturally be blocked. She will be alienated before reading the book."

"I can't, I have to turn to my real backer first."

While thinking about it, Tao Qian directly placed incense sticks in his cave, purifying his body and condensing his soul, burning incense and praying, and chanting the "Ode to the Wonderful Sutra of Lingbao Dispelling Disasters and Protecting Life" in his mouth.

in short!

He was calling for Tianzun for help.

However, after he finished chanting, he found that there was no response, and there was no fluctuation.

After thinking about it for a while, his complexion changed slightly, and he thought of a possibility.

"When I was fighting with the alchemist last time, I chanted the life-guarding sutra several times."

"For some reason, Tianzun didn't respond."

"If it doesn't, it counts as me using up this opportunity, right? It's so unlucky?"

Tao Qian groaned, feeling helpless.

The real powerhouses of Lingbao Sect, such as the sect master, a group of second-generation patriarchs, and Lingbao Tianzun... are all outside the realm.

If you want to find communication, in addition to reciting the Sutra of Protecting Your Life, you have to go to the Biyou Palace, perform rituals, and light incense.

But he Tao Qian is not qualified for the time being.

Even if the Daoist Duobao returned from resurrection, when there were no major events such as the "True Inheritance Conference" and the "Extreme Immortal Conference", he would not be able to call on the patriarchs of the gods.

Of course, if Tao Qian really disregarded his face and insisted on doing this, he would allow it for the sake of his great deeds.

But for the time being, Tao Qian couldn't bear to lose his face, and when he encountered a Taoist demon, he made a big noise to ask for help.

If there is a "Taohua catastrophe" in the future, will it have to come again?


"Apart from Tianzun, there is another **** who can ask for advice."

"And the excuse is just right."

While talking, Tao Qian had already taken out a special treasure.

That thing is round and fierce.

Toad God Wada!

Tao Qian held this thing with no hesitation on his face.

In his mind, he imagined an indescribable stalwart figure living in the depths of the abyss. Immediately, his mind moved, and he said loudly:

"God Toad is above!"

"In the past, the disciples relied on your old man a lot and owed a lot. Now I will make up for it."

Talk to here.

Tao Qian released his palm, and suddenly Nawadang took the initiative to fly up, turning into an invisible divine light, and coming to Tao Qian's smooth forehead a dozen times.

"Treading the Stars"

Good Wada, even if he is Tao Dazheng, he is already in the state of blissful perfection.

But after a dozen heavy blows, he still didn't hurt his flesh, but his head was still buzzing, and the stars were falling in front of him.

Originally, Tao Qian paid back the debt according to the "debt", and there was nothing wrong.

But Tao Qian seemed to have lost his mind and went crazy, and he thought about the imperial envoy Navadang, and continued to smash it a dozen times.

While smashing, Tao Qian said quite rogue:

"God Toad is above!"

"Disciple, you know it, and you respect your old man the most."

"But recently, the disciple has encountered a troublesome matter. Your old man is invincible. There must be a solution..."

Nawadang was originally smashed happily.

But as soon as Tao Qian opened his mouth, Toad Shen knew that he was fooled, and Wa Dang also froze.

This fellow Tao Qian is really tricky.

First repay the previous debt, and then offer more than a dozen voluntarily.

Then, ask for help.

After hearing the words, the toad **** tiledang immediately stopped in mid-air, neither smashed nor smashed.

Fortunately, compared to the gods next to him, the toad **** has a strange and special temperament, both lazy and sincere.

Soon, she seemed to figure it out.

The tiledang, which had stopped originally, suddenly turned into a dazzling light~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and smashed down even more cheerfully.

With a muffled sound, Tao Zhenren, who was majestic and majestic in the outside world, was smashed and staggered in his cave.

Suddenly, Tao Qian seemed to hear some unintelligible and mysterious laughter from the depths of the distant abyss.

At the same time, the void above Tao Qian's head cracked.

A large number of gold coins and orbs are often poured down, and at the same time, there is an extremely dazzling golden light inside.

After appearing, he flew straight into the toad **** tiledang.

next moment!


Accompanied by this strange toad sound, the Great Lingji Cave Mansion trembled.

Immediately, Tao Qian felt the sensation, and the toad **** tile in his hand immediately changed.

Originally, this tile was a great treasure.

The chronicle that was triggered now first made Tao Qian look surprised, and then there was a look of helplessness on his face.

I couldn't hold back, and I couldn't help but muttered in my heart:

"Good guy!"

"Your old man is no longer satisfied with smashing my head in the air, and is not satisfied with me doing it. Are you planning to do it yourself in the future?"

ps: This chapter is a bit long-winded, it is a setting supplement, and will not be repeated later.

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