Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 527: Yuanshi Tianzun descended the decree, and Lingbao asked the heart

In the beginning, Caishikou was beheaded, Chapter 527 of the main body of the text, the Heavenly Venerate Yuanshi issued a decree, and Tao Qian, the youngest son of Lingbao, had just finished slandering, and the toad **** tile in his hand suddenly changed.

I saw a flash of golden light, and it turned into a very plump, three-legged golden toad covered in golden bumps.

With a light leap, he bumped into Tao Qianguangjie's forehead.

It is clearly a living creature, but after hitting it, it still makes a "bang" sound, accompanied by special effects such as golden light splashing and star debris falling.

After the collision, this obviously flesh-and-blood living thing Jin Chan did not change back to Wada immediately, but turned to lie on Tao Qian's shoulder.

It was also just right that his half-closed eyes met Tao Qian, who was looking sideways.

From Tao Qian's point of view, he was clearly slapped in the eye.

The atmosphere suddenly became stagnant.

Tao Qian was convinced that these eyes belonged to the Toad God.

A Taoist narration that has flowed in my mind can also be left to prove.

His name is still Wadang, the God of Toads.

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There is only one more commentary: [This thing has been attached by a "will of the toad god", and to a certain extent it is a clone of the toad god. Although it is still regarded as the treasure of the master, it has the ability of autonomy and other things that belong to the toad **** alone. of supernatural powers. 】

in short!

God Toad, came here in person.

The advantage is that it is clearly stated in the chronicle that this tiledang has self-consciousness, and because of the will of the toad god, its power has skyrocketed.

That is to say, as long as Tao Qian negotiated with "The Will of the Toad God" in advance, if the opportunity was not right, he would use the tile to pat him on the head, saying that there was no chance to interrupt the "Dao Demon".

It was after hearing about this errand that God Toad didn't care about this fellow's shameless tricks, and took the initiative to come down with a will.

Obviously, Toad God has made up his mind.

The next time Tao sneaks into the Dao Demon, she will have to take a picture when she finds an opportunity.

When he realized this, Tao Qian also interpreted the meaning of the toad god's eyes by looking at each other.

In addition to the joy, disgust, and a kind of strange intimacy that should be there, there is also a "schadenfreude" color that makes Tao Qian very puzzled.

Without waiting for him to ask each other, he heard the sound of "Peng", and in the smoke, Jin Chan turned into a mess.

Tao Qian held the tile, and did not doubt for too long.

The next moment, he knew why the Toad God had that look.

He could only hear the inexplicable wind in the back of his head, and then he seemed to have a palm, and shot "Pumper Peng" three times in a row on the back of his head.

Tao Dazhen can be considered a disaster today, still in the quiet room of his own cave.

Dumping forward, there are three staggers in a row.

This scene is really weird.

It should be noted that he Tao Qian is a fellow practitioner of the Three Veins of Bliss and Consummation, not to mention slapping the back of his head with a slap. Even if three mountains are moved to hit him, it is impossible to hit him three times in a row.

Tao Qian was stunned at first when he encountered this strange thing, but he soon realized that he was dumbfounded.

It is also fortunate that the incense eucalyptus previously set up has not been withdrawn, Tao Qian turned around and complimented himself to light incense, and then shouted injustice in his heart:

"Tianzun is above!"

"You can't be unreasonable, the old man. The disciple has already recited the Sutra of Protecting Life, but you, the old man, should not let me."

"How did I know that when I was defending against alchemists and monsters, the imprint of this scripture had dissipated. If I wanted to use it again, the disciple had to go to the Biyou Palace to burn incense with great fanfare and pray. Not a suzerain candidate."

"At this time, it's not such a big event as the Supreme Immortal Conference. If the disciples do this just to ask your elders for a lesson or two, the elders and disciples next to the sect will think it's really outrageous."

I don't know if Tianzun consciously made a mistake, or if Tao Qian's sophistry worked.

After speaking, there was no fourth slap on the back of the head.

What surprised Tao Qian even more was that Tianzun also gave pointers.

There is no reason for the blessing to the soul, and Tao Qian suddenly has a supernatural power in his mind.

After watching, Tao Qian couldn't hide the joy on his face.

[Record title: Taishang Lingbao's child asked for the divine needle. 】

【Category: Divine Ability. 】

[Notes: This is an immortal art that was born not long ago. It does not belong to Lingbao Sect alone. It is an immortal art that happened by chance when Lingbao Tianzun was talking with Taishang Laojun. The meaning of "Yu Zhizi", once the cultivation is completed, the people who are stabbed by this god's needle will have many distracting thoughts and filth in their hearts and souls washed away, torture their hearts, and return to the innocent child. 】

[Note 1: This method was first born, and apart from the two congenital gods, no living beings have perfected it yet. 】

[Note 2: Cultivating this method has almost no cost, but it will only give rise to a heart of reverence for Taishang Laojun and Lingbao Tianzun, and part of this price can be exempted. 】

[Note 3: Because of the spiritual treasures, wonderful body and special mind and soul, it is very compatible with this method, and it is possible to become the first human race to cultivate. 】

The divine communication information from the goddess of the day was mixed with Zhishu, and they emerged one by one.

Without any hesitation, Tao Qian said again to the Lord of Heaven:

"Tianzun is above!"

"Sure enough, you are the old man who loves the disciple the most. With this magical power, I think that the disciple will not be harmed by the evil spirits."

"One day, I can leave this world in person and go to the depths of the source sea to see you..."

He Tao Dazhen really got the true biography of Duobao Zhenjun.

Thick-skinned, he gave Lingbao Tianzun a flattery to Xiang Eucalyptus, and by the way, he planted a few banners for himself, saying that in the future, he would achieve Taoism and worship Tianzun's true body.

"King Kong Is Not Bad Dazhai Master"

With this performance, Xu made Tianzun satisfied again, and there was another spiritual response:

[To be bestowed with the "Ode to the Wonderful Sutra of Lingbao Eliminating Disasters and Protecting Life"... You must be sincere and sing it three times in a row before you can get a response from the Heavenly Venerate. 】

When Tao Qian looked at this Ling Yingzhi, there was no divine power in the quiet room. Obviously, Tianzun no longer looked at him, the unworthy disciple with his elbows turned out.

Despite this, Tao Qian still gave a few serious salutes before getting up.

Then, while looking at the mysterious magical power in his mind, he looked at the toad **** Wadang in his hand.

There was joy on his face, and he said:

"Although I can't find Senior Sister Lingji for the time being, but there have been gifts from Heavenly Venerate and Toad God. If you want to come to this world's most difficult Dao Demon, you may not be able to take my life."

"As long as I can cultivate this method, once the dangerous moment comes, this pure needle can stab my heart and soul by itself, helping me to cleanse my filth, and a toad **** tile will smash my head to wake me up... It should be able to break free in time."


"Is this another kind of head cantilever beam cone thorn?"

After gaining two major benefits one after another, he felt that the crisis of life and death had been solved for the most part, and Tao Qian's mood improved immediately.

He didn't leave the room, he just sat back on the jade bed, and was planning to communicate with his wife Yunrong with his heart and share some good things like this.

But at this time, Doudou from outside the palace came to report.

There are guests!

Tao Qian came out of the hall to meet, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

He looked in a hurry, and at first glance, it took a long time to come here.

Tao Qian reacted immediately, he triggered the Dao Demon to hurriedly return to the mountain, and put "Si wash his heart and study the cost transfer method", "slaughter non-human beings and a large number of foreign human beings", "may cause even greater disasters" These things are all. It was passed on to Zu Ling and asked him to investigate one or two.

After all, it is the true spirit of the human race in [Shanhe Shejitu], and it should be able to find out the reason as quickly as possible.

The reason why he couldn't move to Tao Qian's side in the blink of an eye.

Thinking about it, it is the power of the sky rail, and it can't break the mountain protection forbidden law of Lingbaozong.

After seeing Tao Qian, Zu Ling's solemn and vicissitudes face immediately showed a bright smile, first congratulating the groom, and then saying that he brought some good news.

"The news from fellow Daoists is indeed true."

"Si Xixin is a bit maddened. In order to create the [Xiancheng Demon City], he used a lot of cost-shifting methods. Not only did he slaughter all the living beings around the Demon City, but he also transferred the filth price to the Nanyang countries. A small foreign country was wiped out because of this, and millions of people died."

"And it's not just him, Zhang Jinluan also did the same, but the one he harmed was the Rakshasa country in the north. Although it was a big country with a vast territory and a large population, Zhang Jinluan also killed a lot of people."

"But you don't need to worry. When I came, I had already negotiated with the treasures in the forbidden law of the ancestors, and added some rules of 'protecting good and sentient beings'. If there are offenders, if they commit too much sin, even the human race will be executed. ."

"Another cost-shifting method has begun to give birth to a huge backlash. Si was cursed by hundreds of millions of resentments when she was cultivating, and she almost went into flames and died."

"Zhang Jinluan was on fire in the harem, and his concubines were on fire for many times. In the process, more than a dozen of his descendants were killed, so that his inner demons grew, and he almost lost his foundation and was called by the Dazhuanlun Temple to become a monk. "

"With these lessons, both of them stopped the cost transfer method."

"Also, Yu Yanshi from the South didn't know what means he used to invite the [Yuanshi Tianzun] decree."

"The general meaning of the decree is: The next years will be the most prosperous and transformative era of the world of immortality. Therefore, the born outstanding people must not fight in civil war, and must not consume themselves. Fairy Dynasty."

Hearing these news, Tao Qian couldn't help showing surprise.

These are indeed good news, at least the kind of disaster he was worried about should have been eliminated.

But what secrets seem to be hidden in it?

Inexplicably, why did Yuanshi Tianzun intervene again?

Thinking about this, Tao Qian suddenly saw that there was a look of anger on the face of the Taoist Ancestral Spirit that he had never seen before.

Although the two are not in a master-servant relationship, they are like-minded friends.

However, the [Mountains and Rivers, Sheji and Jitu] where the ancestral spirits live is nominally a treasure of Tao Qian.

Coupled with the relationship between humane and qi, Tao Qian immediately closed his eyes and counted, and moved his thoughts.

After a while, I knew why.

Opening his eyes again, Tao Qian was surprised at first, then laughed.

Seeing his expression like this, Zu Ling also knew that he had understood the reason behind it, and immediately stopped covering it up.

He smiled at a void somewhere, and then said loudly:

"If you want to be annoyed, it's legitimate, but what Yu Yanshi has done is too much. If you are fighting for the emperor, you should fight in an upright manner. How can you use such an extravagant trick."

"Though the treasures in the forbidden law are powerful, they are all bullied and afraid of hardship, and they will turn the rudder when they see the wind."

"If they don't recognize it, they don't recognize it~www.wuxiaspot.com~I recognize it."

"Fellow Daoist's marriage is over, if you want to enter the world to fight for the throne of the emperor, you can see my means..."

Seeing Zu Ling's anger, Tao Qian quickly pulled him back.


Although the identity of the ancestral spirit is also unusual, what he insinuates is a congenital god, whose status is no worse than that of his family's Lingbao Tianzun.

The reason for the anger of the ancestral spirit, he has also realized:

Yu Yanshi asked for the decree of Yuanshi Tianzun. In addition to the conclusion of the prosperous age of the immortal dynasty that was about to sprout, he also communicated behind the scenes of many treasures in the forbidden law of the ancestors, and refused him Tao Qiantao Dazheng to enter the world again to compete for the throne of the emperor.

The strange thing is that although Tao Qian has the most majestic humanistic energy in his body, the "ancestral gods and treasures" have all received the decree of the gods.

Although there is the will of Tianzun and the reasons behind the various treasures, such as the great forces in the cultivation world that support Si Xixin, Zhang Jinluan, Yin Yuehua and others.

But after Tao Qian thought about it, he realized the third reason:

"With the power of Yuanshi Tianzun, I can easily calculate the special nature of the Dao Demon in my body."

"To prevent me from re-entering the WTO, the first is to see that I, Tao Qian, have no intention of becoming a human emperor, nor have the talent and qualifications, and the second is just to eliminate the unstable factors, lest I suffer disasters, the Taoist will lose control, and the demon Tao will be released. Come out, the disaster will be really big."

As soon as he thought of this, Tao Qian suddenly had an epiphany.

In my heart, I thought again, but said to my own Lingbao Tianzun in the dark:

"Tianzun is above!"

"Dare you, the old man, specially came to give me magical powers and support me by the way?"

ps: The Chinese Valentine’s Day is still a code word, and I can’t say it without a monthly pass, brothers and sisters.

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