Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 530: All the guests have a background, Fang Cun Yuan wants to find an opponent

However, it was said that in Wuyang City, the "Tao Zhenren's marriage news" brought by the ship from the Immortal Palace and Lingbao Immortal Envoy was boiling.

Millions of city residents envy the good fortune of Li and Jia. This is a real deal.

Li Sanyu and Jia Qiang also knew this. They had known that Tao Scholar back then was now an incredible True Monarch Immortal.

Although it is old, it does not intend to climb the relationship.

I just didn't expect that Tao Qian still remembered them, so he specially invited people to invite them.

The two of them originally thought that they would go, go alone, and see Tao Scholar again, but the fairy envoy with a fairy body like a crystal gem also explained that her master had instructed her to let two friends bring her. For the family members, firstly, the etiquette is comprehensive, and secondly, there are some predestined dharmas for the two families.

After hearing this, the two called their families together and boarded the upstairs boat.

The palace boat, called "Dengxianfang", is a great fairy treasure, and it hangs the flag of Lingbaozong. It travels from south to north, passing through many provinces, passing through many cities, cities and counties, and seeing a large number of cultivation forces. No one dared to disturb them, all of them were gifts.

In just a few hours, both families experienced a fairy perspective.

Crossing the vast sea, passing through the Nine Prisons and the wind, and soon entered the Penglai Sea.

When Tao Qian came here, he once saw the scene of "a good time in the sea of ​​Penglai, ten thousand immortals come to visit the palace", but this time, the scene in this fairyland is even more amazing and grand than when the spirit treasures and ten thousand immortals came to the dynasty.

Both families were lying on the bow, looking at the surrounding scenery.

The Penglai Sea has its own atmosphere in the secret realm of Xianjia, and now it is even more abundant with auspicious clouds and rainbows.

Just like going to a market, it is very lively, the only difference is that in the clouds and rays of light, there are gods, immortals, demons, Buddhas, demons, ghosts... and other powerful creatures that are rarely seen in the world.

These ordinary commoners have become rare.

From time to time, curious gods, or Dao Xiu Buddhist disciples went to see them, and after knowing that the two families were old friends of Tao Qian, they all treated them politely.

Not long after, Dengxianfang arrived at Taoqian Dojo [Dengxian Island].

This island used to have a rare view of the fairy family, and now it is even more amazing.

Just look at the immortal island as the core, the whole world has changed into another dress, the sky is full of flowers and candles in the sky, accompanied by the aurora soaring into the sky, the boundless Caixia, thousands of phoenixes and birds, thousands of different animals congratulate each other, and more. A seemingly endless golden embankment stretched from the immortal mountain on the island to the left and right sides, connecting an unknown number of immortal island dojos.

The embankment was paved with golden light, but there were many fairies and musicians sitting on it.

As soon as it enters the ear, it is like falling into a fairyland.

Li Sanyu and Jia Qiang, their relatives, could not help but immerse themselves on the spot.

The rest of the immortals, Buddhists, and alien creatures are slightly better, but they are also amazed. Because this fairy tune is famous, and it can be said that it can purify the body and soul, which can be said to be wonderful.

The Crystal Clan Immortal Envoy called Zhong Jiao'er by his side opened his mouth and introduced:

"This song is called "The Song of Neon Clothes and Feather Clothes". It is the sound of Dayuan. It was written by Yuhuan Mountain Master himself, and he sent these fairy musicians to play it. The effect is extraordinary."

"No matter what kind of creature, being able to hear this song is all due to fate and beneficial."

After that, I boarded the immortal boat and settled on the island.

When the two families got off the boat, they were immediately stunned by the sight in front of them.

Thousands of miles of red makeup, dazzling clouds, the entire immortal island seems to be full of wedding banquets, but it is not a square and round table banquet like in the mundane world.

Rather, they are unique, and none are the same.

There is a banquet in the Yunya Hai Pavilion, and most of them are Taoist monks who are immortal and Taoist. They are staggering and singing.

There is a banquet at the bottom of Longze Lake, and most of the guests are aquatic animals and dragon beasts.

There is a feast in the splendid peach forest. This feast is the most popular. Now who does not know that Tao Zhen has planted a large forest of longevity peach trees, which can prolong life. Therefore, there are gods, demons, Buddhists and Taoists in the forest. Some of them are thick-skinned. He would beg the peach fairies who appeared in the forest to give some fruit to taste.

If there is a banquet, it is placed in the ancient Nuo cave, which is full of ghost monks and strange things.

Banquets were held in these places, as were the two immortal mountains of Flame and Curling on the island, which were all very lively and beaming.

Li Sanyu and Jia Qiang, after seeing so many scenes, thought to tell the envoy that they could just drop them at random, so as not to collide with some distinguished guests.

Zhong Jiao'er heard the words, but smiled, and immediately used a crisp fairy voice:

"It can't be done!"

"The little master has instructed that he has friendship with you and is a good friend. He must sit at the main banquet."

After that, he called out a few more maidens and led the two families to the Lingji Cave Mansion in Yunhua Mountain.

On the way, the two families saw the scenery of Xiange Qionglou, Zhugong Beique and so on. After taking their seats at the wedding banquet in the Hall of Spirituality, the highest palace, they were immediately surprised by the other guests in the hall.

They are all ordinary people, and it is said that no matter what they look at, they cannot see the appearance of high-level monks.

But when he came, Zhong Jiao'er drank a glass of [Longevity Wine] for the two families on the Xianxianfang. This wine is brewed from the immortal peach. Drinking it can prolong life and gain some extraordinary powers. The forbidden law is enough to allow the two families to see the appearance of the rest of the guests.

Although they are only urban residents of the southern Guangdong province, their knowledge is not very broad.

Thanks to the blessings of Shen'er School and Tingdi School, ordinary people in the seventy-two provinces can now know who are the big figures in the cultivation world.

At this moment, the two families exclaimed in surprise.


They found that most of the great people from the ordinary world and the cultivation world were gathered here.

And after they sat down at the banquet, they also quickly understood what the predestined law Tao Qian specially explained?

Li Sanyu's family has a young daughter named [Li Yinghua], who unexpectedly fell into the eyes of Shi Yingqiong, the first true contemporary of the Shaoqing School.

This female sword fairy who once held a sword across dozens of provinces and slashed countless demons and cultivators, saw at a glance that although Li Yinghua was a mortal girl, she actually had a sword bone and a supreme sword heart. The first-class Jianxiu Miaozi is just right for her Shaoqing faction.

Shi Yingqiong's chivalrous reputation is well known in the world, and she is admired even by people in the devil's way. In addition, she is also a good friend recognized by Tao Qian. How could the Li family refuse to follow her to practice such good things?

Immediately, the apprenticeship was set.

At the other end of Jia Qiang's family, there was a similar encounter. His eldest daughter [Jia Xiuyue] was spotted by an elder Tao Qian at the banquet, "Aunt Yutu".

Tao Qian would call Fairy Jade Rabbit "Auntie", her origins are naturally unusual, and the Taiyin vein is similar to Yuhuan Mountain, detached from things, not involved in struggle, and only wants longevity and happiness.

She opened her mouth to accept the apprentice, and the Jia family readily agreed.

Both families had such a fortune, and they believed at the same time that Tao Qian was behind it.

Although the envoy called Zhong Jiao'er explained before he left, "The fate of the world is hidden and obvious, it's just a matter of waiting for the opportunity, and this little master's wedding means that the opportunity has come, and the fate is Destiny, luck is luck, it's not the little master who did it deliberately."

Hearing the explanation, Li Sanyu and Jia Qiang still wanted to thank Scholar Tao.

However, there were a lot of big people who wanted to see Tao Qian at this banquet.

For example, behind a row of jade tables not far from the left, there are two figures talking, one of them is a master of true cultivation, and the other is a golden ape in a cassock.

The cassock has seven treasures shining brightly, even mortals can see that it is a rare Buddhist treasure in the world, but now it is worn by the golden ape nondescript, and it looks wild and untamable, eating, drinking, picking and choosing. Not to mention, he kept clamoring to find the groom, Tao Zhenren, to fight.

This golden ape is also of great origin. He is a disciple of Fangcunshan, and he is called Sun Xiaosheng.

The Taoist beside him was his senior brother Chen Xiyi, who couldn't help laughing when he heard the words:

"Little sage, don't talk too much, you may have a fight with Taoist Taoist friend Tao in New Moon Province."

"Now that fellow Daoist has set foot in the realm of bliss and perfection, not to mention you alone, even if you and my apprentice brothers go together, it will not be able to touch a finger of fellow Daoist."

When Sun Xiaosheng heard this, he subconsciously wanted to refute.

But he quickly remembered what he had seen before, when Tao Qian was hostile to the alchemists and emperors, Sun Xiaosheng also took a real look at the new moon province. With his pair of golden eyes that could see thousands of secrets, he naturally also glimpsed the process of Tao Qian's skyrocketing strength. made it clear.

It is very clear that the two sides are no longer on the same level, and they are indeed unable to fight.

However, his Sun Xiaosheng is good at looking for fun, and he is not discouraged by this setback. He has a pair of eyes that can shine with golden threads and rainbows. Fight opponents.

After a while, he found one, dragged Chen Xiyi and asked:

"Senior brother and brother, the daoist in yellow robes over there, who is fighting and singing, has a clear soul and a righteous mind, and what is his name?Next Page!Current Page 1/Total 2 Pages

Church? "

Chen Xiyi knew the temperament and arrogance of his junior and junior brothers, and when he thought about the arrangement of his master, he couldn't help but laugh, and simply introduced it to Sun Xiaosheng.

"That is Daoist friend Xu Xun, the real person of Taixuan. He has a pure and subtle Taoist body. He has cultivated the eyes of yin and yang. He learned from the maid fairy, and he has practiced the universe in his sleeves... Although you have some supernatural powers, you are afraid of this fellow Daoist. It is to suffer a big loss, and it will be taken into the sleeves of others in an instant, and there will be no escape."

"Senior brother nonsense, although this Taoist looks powerful, how can he defeat my Sun Xiaosheng?"

Sun Xiaosheng said so, but he was born with a different species and had a wonderful sense. After a little thought, he knew that what his senior brother said was correct.

But instead of being discouraged, he became even more excited to include Xu Xun as a candidate.

This golden ape is extremely proud.

Apart from Xu Xun at the banquet, there were obviously Yang Jie, Senior Brother Wei, Senior Sister Lu, etc. Tianjiao. Although he was a little moved when he saw it, he still skipped it in the end.

After a while, he stared at another person and asked Chen Xiyi:

"The Taoist who was playing with Lei Jing and Lei Python on the edge of the cliff, with a human head and a dragon body and a blazing white body, was born in such a strange shape, and even occupied a feast table by himself, looking at the amazing Taoism, but what kind of fame? I It seems that I can't beat it now, but I must remember the name and name, and when I set foot on the bliss, I will be able to win."

When Chen Xiyi heard the words, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, and said angrily:

"You can pick, and jump straight from your peers to find your seniors."

"That one is the Lord of Lei Ze [True Monarch Thunderbolt]."

"Behind Lei Ze ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ stands a group of gods of the Thunder Department, and their feet are not much worse than our Fangcunshan."

"True Monarch Thunderbolt is one of the most talented people in the world. It is rumored that his temperament is eccentric. He has been in the cultivation world several times, but only a few people can see it. Senior Duobao True Monarch of Lingbao Sect is one of them. Going to the banquet is also because of the predestined relationship of Senior Duobao."

"You go to find him to fight, and in the blink of an eye, you will be chopped into a ball of coke, and the master can't save you."

Sun Xiaosheng jumped with joy when he heard the words, and repeatedly said with joy: "Good senior, good true monarch, write it down, I will go to find it in the future when I reach bliss."

Not long after he finished speaking, he found another person and asked:

"Senior brother, what about that old man who is so black that his teeth are as black as charcoal? With the power of my golden eyes, when I look at him, I feel a tingling pain, and it seems that I will go blind if I look at him for a while longer?"

Chen Xiyi went to take a look, and immediately gasped:

"If you look at it more, you are going to be blind. That one is a senior from the side door [Pharmacist Xianweng], who is a real powerhouse of Taoism, Buddhism and Demons. It is rumored that he is best at the ancient poisonous way. If you provoke him, Just looking at you can give you a serious poison, and Xu Yi is the end of the seven orifices spraying red, falling to the ground and dying."

"The pharmacist Xianweng is both righteous and evil. He doesn't look down on the twelve sects of Taoism and Buddhist temples, nor does he like all the sects of the devil's way. He only has an old relationship with Senior Duobao. If he wants to come here, he also looks at his senior's face, so he is willing to come here. Banquet and congratulations."

Hearing this, Sun Xiaosheng already had the trick.

He thought to himself: Except for a few cultivators of the same generation, including senior brothers, I am not enough to fight, or the names of these seniors are louder, wouldn’t it be fun if I fight them one by one?

The idea is settled!

The monkey head was jubilant, grabbed Chen Xiyi and pointed to it one by one in the dark.

I just hope that my senior brother will introduce the powerful strongman and ruthless man for him, so that he can follow the chart and fight happily in the future.

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