Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 531: Duobao's close friend is very immortal, and the old man under the moon drops Yuhu

Dengxiandao, Lingji Cave House.

At the lively wedding banquet, Xianyin Kagura never stopped.

And the one and one ape from Fangcunshan was quite self-willed, and was still answering.

Sun Xiaosheng: "The female bodhisattva who is leading a group of brutal nuns and reciting the "Book of Sending Sons" righteously, looks at the qi machine is quite terrifying, more tyrannical than the master, what is the origin?"

Chen Xiyi: "Have you ever heard that there is a Buddhist monk in the South China Sea, who is called "Bao Xian Shenni", also known as Bao Xian Bodhisattva, who is the master of the hidden Buddha's secret realm in the South China Sea. Demon clan, but the master is also very high in Taoism, and he and Baoxian Bodhisattva should be in the same place. I had never heard that Bodhisattva and Lingbaozong had an old relationship before, but Qiantang knew afterwards that Bodhisattva and Duobao were a Buddhist avatar. He is a close friend, and he came here to congratulate Tao Zhenren, the only disciple of his close friend, for his marriage."

Sun Xiaosheng: "The other cliff over there leads a group of grotesque creatures, and there are twelve green-haired Taoists surrounded by Cishan. Be good, that Cishan looks terrifying and powerful. I have the ability to carry mountains. I'm afraid I won't be able to carry one of them."

Chen Xiyi: "You do have self-knowledge, this senior is the [North Pole Yuanci Divine Lord], who lives in the extreme north, is both the local lord and the **** who commands the power of Yuanci, even if you enter the realm of bliss in the future, It is impossible to be the opponent of this senior at all, the god-monarch has a somewhat withdrawn temperament, and there are very few cultivators who have his approval, and Duobao Zhenjun is one of them."

Sun Xiaosheng: "Senior brother and brother, look at that female fairy, it's so strange. Although she has a good appearance, she has hair that is disheveled and ragged clothes. Her energy is sometimes strong and sometimes weak. The maid, what is even more strange is the number of her fate, the Yintang is blackened, the dark clouds are covering, the blood is covered with light, and there are many dooms... tsk tsk, so desperate, still alive?"

Chen Xiyi: "Shh! You monkey head, don't pull me when you're looking for disaster, that senior is called [Fate and Misfortune Fairy], and he cultivates the way of luck and disaster, not an ordinary person who can be compared with others. , you don't think that you have some magical means to be able to fight with this fairy, she just thinks of you and you will be doomed, and inexplicably may die."

"It is rumored that Immortal Destiny has a special path, so she has neither relatives, friends, nor companions in this world. She only travels in and out of the realm from time to time. Even the seniors in the Taoist realm are unable to find the traces of the immortal."

"It now seems that this rumor is also wrong, and Immortal Fate and True Monarch Duobao should also be close friends."

"This is also reasonable. If there is anyone in the world who can stand the counterattack of Xian Gu's life, it must be a senior Duobao who is good at performing celestial arts."

When it comes to this fateful fairy, Chen Xiyi is obviously the most nervous.

For fear that his younger brother, who is not afraid of the sky and earth, would really provoke her, he quickly made the stakes clear.

Although Sun Xiaosheng is wild and hard to tame, he is not stupid.

Just listening to it, you can tell that this "fateful aunt" cannot be listed as an opponent.

If there is a conflict, he may not have the opportunity to fight with others, and he will be cursed to death by this fairy before the action.

Of course, just because he didn't dare to provoke it didn't mean that the monkey didn't dare to slander.

The ape brain looked left and right, looked at this one, looked at that one, blinked and blinked, and said in the bottom of his heart:

"The teachers on the mountain previously said that the 'Taobao Daoist' was greedy for treasures, had a bad temperament, and had few relatives and friends in the world of practice."

"It seems that right now, it's not right."

"It's not that this person has no relatives and friends, but that he can be close friends with them. They are all very people."

"These are all Taoists, Bodhisattvas, aunts and gods, none of them are easy to provoke."

"Fantastic, wonderful, that's what makes it interesting."

"I used to worry that no one in this world would be able to fight with me after a hundred years. Now it seems that there are still a lot of them."

Just when this alien golden ape was secretly bragging about the atmosphere, there was a sudden commotion on the already lively Dengxian Island.

The melodious and joyful Xianyin now goes upstairs again.

Everyone saw that the highest palace in Lingji Cave Mansion suddenly opened, and a group of people walked out in a mighty manner.

At the forefront, was Tao Qian, the groom's official, who was much-anticipated.

At this time, he had put on his wedding dress, and he appeared for a moment, and entered the mighty motorcade together with the family.

At that moment, it was enough for many guests with a high level of cultivation to clearly see Tao Qian's happy clothes.

Not to mention that at this moment, because of his appearance, the entire Dengxian Island was full of fairy visions of colorful peach blossoms and stars.

Among the guests, someone immediately sighed: "I heard that Fairy Yunhua specially sent a letter, and invited [Fairy Weaver] from outside the realm to weave wedding dresses for Tao Zhenren and the bride. I just glanced at it, and it was true. "

As soon as this person finished speaking, everyone in the banquet listened to the more melodious fairy sound, and then turned to look at the team that had already set off to pick up the relatives.

Rare chariots and rare treasures are in front of them. In front of them are more than 100 fairy children of the crystal family who have transformed into human beings. They are surrounded by countless fairy birds and beasts. A group of true disciples of Lingbao, including Xu Xun, served as the prime minister...

The most eye-catching thing was the huge palace-like carriage at the front.

Divine light surged, and joy filled the sky.

In the huge Penglai Sea, no one can't help but look at this thing.

Among the guests, an elder from Tiangong Building immediately exclaimed eagerly:

"The whole body of this object is made of brass from the first mountain outside the territory. It is equipped with a sun bell and a lunar moon plate. It is engraved with more than 12,000 kinds of forbidden methods. Spotting the red lacquer, it looks like it should have been ground into the marriage-related ruby ​​from Tianxi Star... These techniques must be the work of the second-generation patriarch of the Lingbao Sect [Gongyang Laozu]."

"The patriarch from outside the realm personally cast the wedding car and sent it here. Tao Zhenren's status in the Lingbao sect is really extraordinary."

The people from Tiangong Tower were amazed, and the chariot at the front of the welcoming team was indeed cast and delivered by the Gongyang ancestor outside the territory.

Its power and effectiveness are extraordinary.

Thousands of miles away, just wait and see.

I saw the mighty team set off. After leaving the Penglai Sea, it immediately turned into a vast red cloud and went to Yuhuan Mountain.

Along the way, every piece of the sky was dyed a bright red color. Not only was the sky full of joy, but more and more happy sweets made of various spirits continued to fall to the ground.

Those who are destined to pick up, whether it is a human race or an intelligent creature nearby, can get a lot of benefits.

Good days and auspicious days, nothing more than this.

Not long after, as Xianyin Kagura approached, the peach blossoms were colorful, and a tapestry was spread to Yuhuan Mountain, and a huge red cloud of joy floated along with it.

Coming to Yuhuan Mountain again, Tao Qian happily got off the chariot wearing his favorite clothes. At first glance, he saw that Yuhuan Mountain had completely changed its color, just like when he was on the immortal island, he was dressed up very happily.

However, as soon as he came, he felt a little bad from the reactions of Senior Brother Xu and Senior Sister Lu at this time.

Sure enough, this time.

It was not the first time that he was greeted by the bare-chested primordial mountain spirits, or the passionate banshee fairy, the unrestrained elf goddess, and so on.

They were also there, but they were all smiling and looking at him everywhere on the mountain, looking like they were watching the fun.

And ahead, blocking the road and blocking the door, were a group of figures that shocked Tao Qian.

There were nineteen men, women and children of all ages.

Most are the main body, and a few are clone projections at a glance.

Everyone looked at Tao Qian with curiosity and appreciation.

Tao Qian only sensed it for a moment, and the result of the feedback made him even more inconceivable. These nineteen people who came from their bodies were all in the realm of bliss.

And those who came as clones, even Tao Qian couldn't perceive them clearly.

With such a result, looking at the eyes they looked at him and the hint from Yun Rong earlier, Tao Qian immediately understood:

"The good lady said earlier that my grandma felt that his Lingbao sect was too powerful, and was afraid that Yuhuan Mountain would be compared, so he specially invited relatives and friends from outside the region to come."

"Obviously, these are the things in front of you."

In his thoughts, Tao Qian's gaze involuntarily fell on the two people at the front.

I saw a female fairy in a black dress. She had a graceful body and her hair was draped to her ankles. Her face was pretty, and her skin was as white as porcelain. She seemed to have some kind of strange charm. It seemed that a rustling whisper could be heard in the fog, or some kind of incantation secret text.

After listening for a while, I felt that my soul would be frozen.

If you see the existence of such appearances in the side, I am afraid that subconsciously, you will think that this is a magic cultivator.

Since it is in Yuhuan Mountain, it is obviously another name.

The other one went to the other extreme.

But it is a short and fat old man, white and chubby, with a bright smile, a childish face with crane hair, a red silk in one hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and a cane in the other, with a strange book hanging in front of him, surrounded by a faint red. The fog was red and smoke, and there were all kinds of happy sounds. Next page! Current 1 page/Total 2 pages

However, listening to it for a long time seems to have side effects. It is necessary to indulge in the love of men and women, and there is nothing to tolerate.

Even though Tao Qian is blissful and complete now, in his perception, the two elders who were both projected as clones had a terrifying aura.

It reminded him of Senior Suichaozi for the first time, even stronger?

When this thought was born, Tao Qian was startled.

It must be known that Suichaozi is already in the Taoist realm, stronger than him, isn't it a greater Taoist background, and even a robbery?

Tao Qian was astonished in his heart, but he didn't stop his outward manners. Just as he was about to come forward to greet him, a familiar voice came.

But it was the elder sister Xingxian Yunyan who I saw last time. She still clings to the apricot blossom covered with sweet rain, and shouted with a smile:

"Good sister-in-law, come and meet with all the relatives and elders."

"We Yuhuanshan have settled in the longevity world, and it is quite inconvenient to communicate with the parents of Dayuan's hometown. If Yunrong is not going to marry you this time, I am afraid that they will not be invited."

"Especially Aunt Meng and Grandpa Yue!"

"Their real bodies are too powerful to enter this world, so they can only come to congratulate them with their clones."

As soon as Yun Yan said these words, it was not only Tao Qian.

Even Senior Brother Xu, Senior Brother Wei, Senior Sister Lu, and other True Inheritances all fell into horror.

That "Aunt Meng", Xu knows not many origins.

But the word "Yue Lao" is known to everyone.

Grandma Taizhen's handwriting is so big?

Actually invited an extraterritorial god?

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